User makes a long well researched post about the declining state of vidya

>user makes a long well researched post about the declining state of vidya
>hit him with a "have sex"
>close thread

Attached: 1481312144666.jpg (251x242, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>user starts a shitty bait post
>sage the post, ignore the thread and close the tab

Attached: 1520207398458.png (600x580, 360K)

Reminder that this meme is stolen from Yea Forums and it's incomplete.
Take a Shower
Hit The Weights
Get a Clue
Gain Height
Have Sex, Yea Forums

have sex

Attached: puppet.jpg (512x512, 13K)

>user makes a long post about the decline of video games
>Rather than talking about microtransactions, mobile games, gambling mechanics, China etc it's all about women, gays and blacks

I just got a warning for making these kinds of posts.

Shittiest unfunny forced meme in 10 years and it's somehow infected the entire chan

dumb frognigger

haha :)

Ok I had sex, now what?

should've had sex instead

Attached: have sex.jpg (995x933, 506K)

don't pretend like they aren't all symptoms of the same disease

Im starting to think its jannies that are posting have sex in threads

>is dumb

>anons are having a genuine pleasant discussion about a 10 year old game
>hit them with a "OLD GAME BAD NEW GAME GOOD" complete with a onions wojak
>close thread and dab

Attached: C_Data_Users_Dylan_AppData_Local_Microsoft_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_4Chan_Pepe_Laughing11 (258x544, 130K)

Is it just me, or does Yea Forums these days have way more posts that are literally just a single word, like "Cringe" or "Seething"? I know that Yea Forums's been flooded with shitposting for years, but I still feel like things are getting worse.

Again. It was funnier in Yea Forums's context.
Fuck Yea Forums for stealing shit and watering it down like usual.

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>Gain Height
Delete this

>someone makes well thought out response to your shitpost
>you don't read it and instead close the thread to shitpost more

Attached: 865451325.jpg (400x386, 52K)

heh. you're name is dylan

I got banned for posting a single comment in the "how do you comeback from someone telling you to have sex" for an entire day and a half. The mods here are fucking moron trannies and I'm going to ban evade and shitpost wether they want me to or not.

*ahem* FUCK trannies and FUCK jannies. Have sex fags.


gonna have to seething this post

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>I lost the argument, but I'll pretend like acting like a faggot means I win!

>user is still triggered by “cope”

Attached: 29076A27-5F89-4725-AD45-DA13719B417E.jpg (600x600, 28K)

>Been on Yea Forums since the early 2010s
>Feel like all the "EPIC SHITPOSTING AND TROLLING" stuff on Yea Forums is just boring at this point
>Still keep lurking this board out of habit


>get told have sex
>post proof of had sex
>get banned
Has anyone else been JUST’d this hard by a jannie before?

The lack of alternative imageboards doesn't help.

Is there a point to it all anymore?

Attached: 1559520541251.jpg (720x900, 89K)

Your finger wasnt even in her ass, virgin.

Not in that photo. I went full atm on that hairy butthole

>tfw 5'10"
>tfw have a gf who loves me for who I am
Day of the fan soon

Attached: 61545228_494978347709093_4150151292391228020_n.jpg (320x320, 21K)

have sex

Attached: 156965876654.png (600x580, 397K)

With you


Attached: 845FB5EB-9D72-4D50-B67B-5398D49AE54B.jpg (230x320, 24K)

>2011 + 8
>caring about sex
I shiggy diggy doo my dude

Attached: 1484702712986.webm (1280x720, 416K)

You're the reason jackboots will be marching down the streets in 10 years.

I think another big reason why I'm still here is because I've been on Yea Forums for years now, I've gotten myself too attached to this board. I do feel like Yea Forums has changed significantly since I first started coming here, though.

>I got banned for posting a single comment in the "how do you comeback from someone telling you to have sex"
me too
then just after that, another blatant shitpost thread with the two femboys webm was up, I replied like 4 times to that and nothing happened
some fucked bias going on

>take time and make well thought out post
>1 reply
>make low effort FOTM buzzword shitpost
>9 replies
Huh, I wonder why people do this

Go outside

I miss the times when people were creative with shitposting and thread derailing and didn't just keep posting one, overused meme and think of themselves as shitposting geniuses. Fucking zoomers
>obligatory inb4 have sex

Attached: 1556370495544.jpg (1280x720, 44K)

>pretend to be a leftist
>post inflammatory rightist /pol/ infographs
>entire thread is derailed
>spills over into multiple other threads


Attached: 1558982917330.png (398x376, 193K)

jannies regularly bait people to ban. how long have you been here?

dont have sex

>can't get (you)s with well thought out post
that means no one can get a rebuttle in. no one is going to reply "you're right" in Yea Forums

>take time to make a finely crafted high effort shitpost
>0 replies
>post wojak
>1 reply, telling me to have sex

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based. fuck jannie trannies

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what kind of faggot spelling is that

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