What are you waiting for Yea Forums? get in!
What are you waiting for Yea Forums? get in!
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Not my cup of tea normally, but Icewind Dale held my attention for a good 30 hours, never finished it though.
I own physically copies of all these games plus they are selling the beam dog hack jobs, fuck that
thanks but no thanks
the games are great if you're used to older style rpgs, but I think Yea Forums might be a bit young for it now. not a knock on Yea Forums, but the gameplay/pathfinding didn't age well when gaming has mostly moved on and improved on these sorts of things.
the sheer number of quests and content is still fucking great, in any case
I really want to but my paypals fucked so I cant buy any of them.
What's wrong
Yea Forums said I shouldn't buy for xbox
Does gog sell steam keys?
The only one i still have the physical copy of is the CE of Baldurs Gate 2
I don't like playing with DnD rulesets, they just confused me. Have fun, though!
>from this pile of games i only finished icewind dale II
feels badm, but crpgs ain't for my small brain
they value meme politics more than games
How are the games affected? The original BG is available
Beamdog is guilty of several crimes
can you guys please tell me whats wrong with this editions of the game?
should I just pirate the original ones?
Baldurs Gate II Enhanced Edition or Baldurs Gate II Complete?
Beamdog is a guilty of a number of different crimes. Here are the major ones.
1. The Enhanced Editions are essentially a collection of free mods that had existed for nearly twenty years. Beamdog gathered them all up, slapped "Enhanced Edition" on it and resold it as a new product. There's very very little in the Enhanced Editions that wasn't already out there, and most of it is stuff you don't want (like obnoxious character outlines).
2. The games didn't sell so well and the originals were still far outselling them, even twenty years after their release, so Beamdog had EVERY digital distributor stop selling the originals and ONLY sell the Enhanced Edition. If you want to buy a digital copy of the originals now, they're "bundled" into the Enhanced Edition. Now these scumbags can claim sales from people just wanting to buy the originals as their own.
3. The infamous 600+ bugs on launch. The game is still riddled with bugs (as even a perfunctory glance over their forums show) but the fact that it took nearly two years for them to get a game that had been working fine for 20 years to reach playability after launch is telling of their wild incompetence.
4. This is where we get to the ones that really piss people off. Beamdog couldn't just remaster the game, they had to fuck with the content too. New dialogue for existing NPCs like Jaheira, Viconia, Safana, Kivan, et cetera was written in to make the characters more progressive and leftist friendly. Beamdog shills will argue that "adding content isn't changing content XDDD" but it is when the new content changes the core personalities of the existing characters. This is in addition to adding a slew of their own LGBT (hitherto there were none in Baldur's Gate) NPCs, all flooded with OP attributes and magic items to encourage people to play them despite their cancer.
5. Siege of motherfucking Dragonspear.
100% off on The pirate bay
>yfw you already own several copies of every Black Isle games and bought once more all the beamdog editions and it's the best way to play them
The EE is fine user, beamdog added some “progressive” dialogue and autism never changes. Any change would be met with man-child like rage.
No. And that's a good thing.
There it is. Fuck Beamniggers.
I'm waiting for the PS4 release, i want the platinum on each games
(already done them all)
>crpg on a console
>caring about achievements/trophies
Just a reminder that if you get the Enhanced Editions on GOG you can claim the original versions.
just pirate it, why would you give money to a company that pulled out the original versions just to sell their shitty "enhanced" editions
Fair point.
>Enhanced Editions
Anyone got a Mega of the originals.
i bought planescape off steam not knowing how crappy beamdog was and i shit you not the game doesnt load. was like 2.99 so i didnt bother refunding
>How are the games affected?
Refer to , he knows what he's talking about.
Oh, the guys that thought they could rewrite the baldur's gate script to fit their personal politics. How are they still in business?
GOG bundles the originals with these "remasters".
steam version of planescape is pozzed too? I was close to buying it once. I thought only baldurs gate had the sjw shit
And give the faggot devs the satisfaction of an "Enhanced" sale? No thank you.
So glad BG3 is in Larian's hands