Internet Providers are going to get mad and will start overcharging internet because you decided to go with Stadia!
Internet Providers are going to get mad and will start overcharging internet because you decided to go with Stadia!
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stadia cucks will defend this
1 TB is my cap.
That said I barely play games anymore so ech.
Just stop being poor. losers.
>data cap
is this the 90s or what?
streaming is a cancer. Don't donate to anyone who the fuck melted all of your brains to make you donate to people playing a video game?
epic shills are now stadia shills i see
Stop defending crap
>having internet caps in 2019
stop giving so much of a shit about irrelevant things.
Not an issue unless you live in a third world country with data caps.
Input lag is the real problem
Just buy more bytes you cheap fucks
Well you've got a good point, peace out
Their target audience is normie who play only like 30 mins each day anyway.
Isn't it just a video stream + sent inputs? Shouldn't be that much different from 4k normieflix.
the bandwidth part is the worst. There's no reason to tie up your internet so bad when you can play the same games on hardware anyways
What happened to all the epic shilling, though, i don't think Epic have been up to anything particularly scummy this week?
I'm sure E3 will be a goldmine of rage though.
This is the console aimed at poors who are chasing after the 4K carrot on a stick. If you really weren't poor you would just buy a gaming PC and play it in 4K instead of adding another useless service that hogs your bandwidth
Welcome to america's regional monopolies.
google drones will tell you to "get a life" if you play more than 10 hours per month
>data cap
literally what 3rd-world country do you even live in
Jokes on you pal my merinet takes years to get to a terabyte of data
Do ISPs still offer plans with data caps?
buy everyone a data cap then mr moneybags
>US of all places still has data caps
>Google does this
What were they thinking?
Canada has been in a stranglehold from the IP oligarchy for a long time. Unlimited plans aren't everywhere and they can be super expensive
I can't help chuckle at niggers that still have Comcast. There is no reason not to switch to verizon.
Gigabit fiber Down AND up
Cheaper than scamcast
even in my 3rd world shithole data caps aren't a thing since like early 2000s
whoa google being longnoses whoda thunk
Based retard. Go get those streamer fags
Finally, a legit excuse
Google is based in the US, they already know how shit the infrastructure is here. Hell, they can't even put Google Fiber in certain locations because of Time Warner and Comcast having local governments in their pockets. There are still ISP's where 15Mbs is still the highest tier. There are cities within Time Warner and Comcast where the data caps are below 1TB, despite what their ads would procalaim.
And if mobile is your only or best option, you're fucked, even if you play at lower resolutions.
Verizon is far from being everywhere
They have no excuse for being flyovers though
In the US they do
Some people in western Massachusetts still up dial the poor fuckers
third world countries only have data caps for their phones, home internet is always no limit
comcast has a 1tb
twc and wow has none from what ive seen
>being american
lol sucks to be you
Comcast has a 1TB cap unless you get a business line or pay $50 more a month for unlimited. Data caps are fucked up but this is what happens when there isn't any competition in various regions.
>stadia cucks
They exists?
Yeah, Comcast is literally my only option. Shit sucks yo
>Data cap
Is this an American only thing? No one here would do business with something so retarded. Go to a provider that gives you unlimited, for you know, it won´t cost them anything extra.
I remember when a small town decided to tell Big Cable to fuck off my laying their own cable, and the company threw a bitch fit and whined to the state how it was unfair competition.
>ISPs already hate Netflix for 'hogging' the tubes
>Stadia is even more demanding on the network and can't fallback to buffering to compensate
I'm guessing this is going to give ISP's an excuse to sell you "gamer" plans now.
>Thinking this is the effect of it, and not the plan the whole time
Big corporations banding together to make everyone rich?! Absurd!
lets ask tim sweeney to pay for it, I heard that he is giving money away because he is such a philanthropist.
The consumer is a little bitch boy in North America. Companies work together to fix prices and keep data caps around, it's literally an oligopoly
That's completely insane. Even if someone played for only two hours a day, which I think's the upper limit on what's reasonable, that's 1 TB a month. Verizon's my ISP. I just took a look at their biggest data plan which they call "Above Unlimited", not to be confused with plebeian gutter trash like "Beyond Unlimited" or "Go Unlimited". This plan's $60/month. Okay. Now it says that it has "unlimited 4G data up to 75GB", and says that anything more than that will be throttled in times of congestion. In other words, not 4G speeds when that's what's absolutely needed to play any kinda game online. So, not unlimited. And this is currently the best plan Verizon has to offer. This means that even if I was lucky enough to be able to stream high-res games with a lot of fast-paced action with almost no latency or any hiccups, I'd still only be able to play that way for four and a half hours a month. Anything more than that and it'd be impossible to play.
I find this similar to when NEC put out a handheld called the "NEC Turbo Express". It was essentially a handheld with the same power as a fuckin Genesis/SNES. In 1990. Yeah, as you can imagine, that didn't come cheap. $250 launch price, so after inflation and sales tax you're talkin $500. Also it needed 6 AA batteries and it's battery life was still only three hours at the most. Let's say Richie Rich goes out a lot on trips where this is what he uses to not have to pay attention to rich people shit he don't care about. Three times a week. His parents buy 48-packs of Energizer AA batteries. Maybe battery prices have fallen relative to now compared to back then, but an inflation calculator suggests in '90 that big battery pack would have been $7.50. that means the kid can swap new batteries in his handheld six times before he needs more batteries, so that's every two weeks. $7.50 x 26 packs should last him a year, which totals to $195 (~$390 today). $400 a year on batteries. That's what Stadia's gonna be. Yuck.
welcome to the future.
a dog can not bow to two masters.
unless they breed a 2-headed dog.
It's time for gamers to rise up. This shit is ridiculous.
>data cap
>in fucking 2019
What the actual fuck.
Won´t a new company that offers unlimited for a good price make big bucks?
mfw the only ones fucked by this are Americans
I never really understood the concept of bandwidth. What does it mean to "use up 1TB of data" when it comes to networking? Isn't it just 1s and 0s being communicated over a cable? Why does it cost companies more to send more packets of data in a given amount of time? Is it extra payload on electricity bills or something?
> that's 1 TB a month
purely for gaming.
most people dont use their internet just for games, and then play conservatively for only 2 hours a day.
>34mbit 4k video
Better than I expected. May not even have obvious compression artifacts.
I didnt have a data cap 10 years ago. I do now. Comcast is the largest ISP in the US and they have a data cap.
Oh didnt you know? It was to "combat piracy" by throttling speeds. The fact that you get charged for going over is just a small thank you to the companies to stop people from downloading linkin park songs for their AMV's. Apologize to your providers right now!
>Internet Providers are going to get GLAD and will start overcharging internet because you decided to go with Stadia!
>just pay more to the big corporations bro
You sound like a delusional /pol/tard
Google can just blackmail them
I take it that you've never edited a game video. Lots of detail and movement on the screen = bigger filesize. Shows usually get blurred because the way they are filmed. A lot of it tends to be just talking bits. Games on the other hand has all individual grass swaying in the wind. Each of those starts eating up space.
>above unlimited
>still has a limit
Same with Cox. A few years ago I would occasionally get passive aggressive letters telling me that I use 80% more data that the average customer. Once Cox added data caps the only other choice I had was century link. And then Century Link started the same data cap bullshit. Shit fucking sucks.
That didn't help them with getting fiber laid down.
There's always a datacap because ISP's are fucking jews and will throttle your internet connection when you use too much even if its not supposed to happen
No because they would just get cockblocked. It's the same reason that laissez faire doesn't work in a real world situation. It's more profitable to eliminate and stifle competition than to beat them.
Its an endless cycle of backdoor deals to ensure that nothing can change and the monopolies stay in place.
Laying down fiber is the blackmail
Google tried that. They got shut down and was barred from laying down their cables by existing companies.
Why is it 4K?
What about 1080 or will the force you to go into the more expensive option to milk you wallet dry like a dominatrix on Friday night
I use 3tb every month and it's never happened before. My mobile carrier does throttle after 100gb even though I have "unlimited".
>He doesn't have freedom data caps.
The absolute state of communist Europoors
>thinking anyone actually cares about google
Google can easily get bullied into the ground by other companies, from legacy media to service providers because they lack the backbone to actually do anything to stick to their guns and stand up.
I don't know about you guys but I'm really looking forward to this fucking thing floping hard and creating massive shitstorms in the internet provider and gaming industries. Unless they actually know what they're doing and it's just a step forward in them implementing themselves as internet providers with packages like ''unlimited transfer for Stadia'' and shit
I got Comcast and it was better than ATT. It works fine but it has those outages but one hasn’t happened for me since last September
My country is pretty cucked but at least our internet is unlimited.
Fuck, I can't imagine having a cap. Must be awful.
it literally caused 38k for seizure medicine for children in america
the nation is beyond cucked apparently to charge a reasonable amount is socialism
>that's 1 TB a month. Verizon's my ISP. I just took a look at their biggest data plan which they call "Above Unlimited", not to be confused with plebeian gutter trash like "Beyond Unlimited" or "Go Unlimited". This plan's $60/month. Okay. Now it says that it has "unlimited 4G data up to 75GB", and says that anything more than that will be throttled in times of congestion. In other words, not 4G speeds when that's what's absolutely needed to play any kinda game online. So, not unlimited. And this is currently the best plan Verizon has to offer.
Are you retarded? Why would you use mobile data for this? If you for whatever super retarded reason dont have non mobile internet then this clearly isn't for for you and isnt possible for you. You're basically like a dial up fag complaining that it's too hard to stream hd movies.
By the way I have verizon, their data cap is 77TB per month, and even then it's not really a "cap", they'll just ask you what the fuck you could possible be doing at that point.
1080p streaming is free. 4K is optional paid.
>Data cap
Why do ameritards do this?
1TB in 65 hours would mean the stream would be less than 30fps...
I'm not looking forward to suits at publishers taking a look at game streaming services, scanning past all the negatives and then seeing "Makes it harder to pirate", and then immediately forcing all new games to be only available on streaming services.
>Hello fellow anons. I do not know what a bitrate or video compression is.
Yeah that's just it, ain't it? So that guy watchin his stupid Game of Thrones or whatever other junk Netflix has on is gonna be devastated and sad that he wasted his data and now he can't play four hours of Overwatch 2.
I'll say that I'm unfamiliar with anything relatin to data and bandwidth, and if our ISPs or telecom companies are under any kinda stress from havin to take on all these people usin all these devices and usin all this data. Is there a legitimate concern about not havin enough bandwidth or space? People do a hell of a lot more on their phones than they did twenty years ago. Or is it artificial and just a scheme for telecom companies to make a shit ton of money? Or is it somewhere inbetween?
I didn't mean to be disingenuous with how I framed Stadia from a mobile standpoint. I brought it up cause more and more people like doin shit on their phones, Fortnite brought in almost half a billion from mobile users. I'm interested in that 77TB cap, what plan allows for that?
Nobody cares about that. Vast majority of game sales are on consoles where you can't pirate.
but why would you ever use Stadia if you weren't poor?
You're gonna have to turn the bit rate down pretty fucking low cinsidering it is well over 1TB even at 30fps. Absolutely zero hope of 60fps.
It's convenient. You can play on the go and don't have to wait for updates or installs.
>spectrum can't have data caps for 5 more years
This entire game streaming gimmick is trying to instill a paradigm shift where one isn't needed or wanted.
It's like introducing rectally inserted listening devices when earbuds/headphones do the job quite effectively.
Hardware has been the backbone of gaming for decades and will continue to be. EVERYTIME I read that PS4 & Xbox One we're the "last consoles" before the debut of this generation I thought "bullshit"; and now we have PS5 & whatever Microsoft is going to name it's next Shitbox...
why would you use Netflix if you weren't poor, just buy all the blurays/boxsets
American ISPs are the biggest jews in existance
>We're like a utility, give us all the protections and resources afforded to utilities
>No we're not a utility, you're not allowed to regulate us like one
Publishers spend money on DRM that gets defeated in less than a week, they'll absolutely consider this
4k video streaming already required around 25Mbit/s.
1TB in 65 hours is 35Mbit/s. How is it anything new?
I can't really be mad at google when data caps shouldn't even exist in this country anymore. But the ISPs here are run by criminals.
You should probably leave this place in that case.
>he thinks the internet is running out of megabytes
sure, its not like theres some kind of financial incentive for service providers to restrict and limit the internet for a small fee or anything.
I also want to know this. Is there a cost increase to the company when you use more data?
Who the fuck has 65 hours of heavy PC gaming a month?
I can put in 10-12 hours a week max. If I pull off a 15 hour weekend, you can bet I'm not doing it twice in a row.
God bless having fiber. I do feel for the people that have no choice but to use Comcast or Cox though. You're all fucked.
>mental midgets screeching over muh bitrate, muh cap and muh lag
Cloud gaming is the ULTIMATE meme, but it's not because of the above-- it's because companies are directly taking control of your games. It's already bad enough I have to use Steam for some games, but over the cloud? Get fucked. Imagine paying for a game and being able to have it yanked away at any time with NO recourse. Imagine paying full price for a singleplayer game and then it effectively not existing anymore the moment your connection to the Goldberg Server Farm falters. Cloud exclusives would be effectively immune to piracy as well which is why devs are going to leap onto it so fucking hard. They're going to ease in at first and then throw their weight around HARD with popular franchises being cloud-only. The same thing happened with Epic exclusives, and if Stadia impresses publishers at all it'll happen with it too.
>cars have always been gas fueled and they will forever be
See how stupid you sound?
>turn the bit rate down
Stop playing at things you do not understand, user. An amount of data in an amount of time is given. That means a singular average bitrate. The tradeoff, as I alluded to, is between framerate and the extent of compression artifacts.
so for reference, using 1TB = 1024GB
that's ~15.75GB/hr
or ~263MB/min
which is ~4.38MB/sec
so if you've ever watched your transfer rate while downloading a game, this should give you an idea where you stand
of course, that doesn't account for input lag, throttling, dropped packets, etc.
I also have cox, and the data cap hit right after we dropped their cable and went to online streaming for TV.
I worry about hitting our cap every month with just two adults streaming a bit. Game streaming is totally out the window with the data cap in place.
Yeah so what the fuck you replying to my post that said exactly that complaining about but muh bitrate? Fuck you faggot.
No one cares about that realistically no one will be yanking your games away you gaga have been trying to push this fear mongering shit for years
You need like a 12 Gbps Internet connection to stream 4K@60FPS
There's no real negative tradeoff with going with alternate fuel sources for cars anything near equivalent to what there is with game streaming.
>live on a island
>ISPs will constantly try to one-up each other in unlimited internet and speed
>will often try to bump your speed for free just to keep you as a loyal customer
Still won’t buy Stadia trash
I also said video compression, you oblivious, illiterate ignoramus. By all means, please continue replying and further demonstrating your mental deficiencies.
Americans have Fios though
I have 100 mb down/up without any cap whatsoever and I live in a relatively small city of fucking Brazil and I'm about to upgrade to a 200mb up/down plan for the exact same price I'm paying (It's 99.90 BRL which as of today translates to 25.75 USD).
How is it even fucking possible to live in the USA and have anything worse? Surely some of you are just exagerating, right?
Fios is only in like 9 states, and only certain parts of those states.
We don't have actual market competition for ISPs. It's an oligopoly and they are abusing it like crazy.
What's your plan and how much do you pay for it? This is hilarious lol.
What fucking meds are you taking? I'm not a child but I take 8 pills a day for epilepsy and I'm not paying anything close to that.
It's not fear mongering, it's happening in real time and we're watching it. Remember the initial SimCity fiasco? Neither does anybody else that complained about it, and that's the way publishers and companies like it. Look at Rage 2: always online, no multiplayer components. It's following the games-as-a-service model as a fully single player game. There are not large-nosed executives twirling their payots and chuckling with glee at the thought of maliciously yanking games away at their leisure, it is much simpler: they want more control over the games you play. Xbox tried it and got so much pushback that Sony effectively won an entire generation because people recoiled from Microsoft's hilariously belly-flopped launch. That was years ago, and every time they try it people care a little less. Cloud games are another notch in the bedpost for those who don't actually care about the product they're giving consumers and would do ANYTHING to squeeze a dollar out of them. They are squatting down over your gaping mouth with a slimy turd about to drop in, and you are excitedly thanking them for the pleasure.
some cities in the United States have fios
some places don't even have broadband
and there are still roughly 2 million customers who pay for AOL as their method of connecting to the internet
$70 a month and I'm supposed to get 100Mbps down but I'm lucky to pull 70, and often pull sub 40.
>mfw 600mb/s down without any datacap
feels good to not be murrican
>Cox added data caps the only other choice I had was century link. And then Century Link started the same data cap bullshit. Shit fucking sucks.
Oof I've had centurylink for 10 years, no data cap. Comcast has faster speeds here but fuck Comcast and their datacap, throttling bullshit.
Flyovers don't
Im pretty sure fios doesn't even hold a majority market share in any non flyover area either
People get the run around because corporations sit at the fuck the goyim table and enforce their comical oligarchy on everyone.
I pay 69/month for 600/30 and I'm lucky as fuck because I live in Texas and Grande are not turbo jews.
>reee latency
>reee data caps
>reee muh resolution
Nobody gives a fuck about the fact that this is in fact yet another step away from consumers owning their products and will result in the permanent death of the industry if it takes off.
>data cap
Land of freedom everyone
I live in a third world shithole and we dont have data caps
Literally nobody but certain cities in some northeastern states have it.
Why? Most of the threads here are about pushing a political agenda.
That's weak, I pay $60 for 20mbps in oklahoma.
Fuck off my man.
I literally live in a third world country and I have no data cap. How it is possible?
I used to live in the US for about 4 years in Florida, Georgia and in South Carolina. Your ISP options are either extremely limited or monopolized. The worst time I’ve ever had was in SC where you either had concast or a shitty local service that had shitty speeds, but no caps. However, the local service will sometimes kill your connection and you have to complain for about an hour to get it reinstated. This would happen at least once a month. On the other hand, concast would not pull your internet for notjing, but you have data caps and extremely slow speeds unless you paid for an arm and a leg. Granted, this was on Hilton Head Island, where richfags go on vacation, but my point still stands.
ISPs in the US are predators only working for themselves and americans are retarded for playing their game.
Let's not forget the low price of ~$35/month it costs.
What really sucks is my only alternative is at&t with like barely broadband qualifying speed.
hurr durr free market my ass.
You have an internet cap. There's no such thing as unlimited data with any internet provider.
Flyovers and rural retards don't lmao
what the fuck is a data cap? Are there internet providers that only let you download X number of GB before they close the tap? what is this fucking 2000 again LMAO
USA niggers think we latinos have data cap, it seems only them have data caps
>data caps
post your face when you're not a data capped amerimutt
i run right up to the data cap every single month. Google can kiss my fucking ass if they think I'll use their service while being butt fucked by my ISP for fucking data. I hope Stadia crashes and burns.
>I've had centurylink for 10 years, no data cap.
I wonder if it varies from state to state. Once I hit 1TB, they sent me a letter saying my service could be cut off. They cited some bullshit about their excessive use policy.
Something the oligopolies set up to fight people leaving their cable services.
It's a punishment for cord cutting. After you hit the cap, they charge you per the amount of data they use beyond it.
Is/will there be an option to play in 1080p downsampled from 4K? Actual 4K is still largely a meme imo, it's just the lack of AA in modern engines that makes a noticeable difference in image quality.
We should have all left a long time ago user, and yet here we are
Inb4 mandatory caps on all internet cuz google,had to ruin gaming
>there are still roughly 2 million customers who pay for AOL as their method of connecting to the internet
It's funny to think I get better internet here in semi-rural brazil than in major USA states. Just in my city alone I can choose between:
And I'm fairly sure I'm forgetting a few other options.
I recall when my ISP first tried to tell me I had a data cap. I'm like, "WTF it says right here on my account name '"unlimited internet'".
They're like, "no, that's unlimited connection time. You get to be connected to the internet 24/7"
The cost to the company is that they have to invest in their infrastructure to be able provide adequate bandwidth to all their customers. Now some ISPs don't have the best infrastructure to do this and so their strategy becomes throttling / limiting how much their service is used. Their preferred customer is one who pays big money for big bandwidth but only does light internet browsing. That way their network capacity is never stretched and their customers always have quick access to whatever content they want.
>streaming service uses data
Whoa, how the fuck was I supposed to know?!
I'm on a data cap and my ISP did the same shit. I'm on 200gb a fucking month and 90% of their userbase probably are old folks who use their overpriced connection from this ISP for basic e-mail and youtube. All I'd have to do is download a single modern game and I'd use more bandwidth in two hours than they do all month.
America is supposed to be first world right..........
>Now some ISPs don't have the best infrastructure to do this and so their strategy becomes throttling / limiting how much their service is used.
The reality of course being that the big ISPs are actually just rolling data caps out to punish cord cutters.
My nigger
>this is in fact yet another step away from consumers owning their products
This is what I fear the most to be honest. As long as there still be a way to own a game, I wouldn't seethe so much. But even Microsoft and Sony is going streaming after the next gen. I just hope they don't forget about physical or at least digital copies. Having to be online 24/7 is a pain in the ass.
>In the US they do some people in western Massachusetts still up dial the poor fuckers
And they will keep having this until some magical super Satellite internet comes around. The US is bigger than the entire continent of europe but most of the population lives in metropolitan areas ain't nobody going to give a fuck about building infrastructure to more distant lower population areas. The return on effort just isn't there.
>ain't nobody going to give a fuck about building infrastructure to more distant lower population areas.
The sad thing is that the US government gave some ISPs money to build that infrastructure and the ISPs just pocketed it and never got called to task for it.
What is the appeal (if any) of stadia?
Asking for a friend.
We have third-world tier internet because ISPs have a monopoly that allows them to get away with doing the bare minimum because there isn't any other competition to threaten them.
>twc and wow has none from what ive seen
TWC/Specrtrum is indeed unlimited, at least in NC. They tried to change it a few years back and caught hell for it from customers.
>Get sick? Hope your insurance doesn't have a 10000 dollar deductible lmao
>Want good internet? Huehue I throttle U
>Want positive reform of any kind? lobbied.
If I didn't live in Texas I would be livid constantly, this country is fucking terrible sometimes. Texas and a handful of other states are mostly great.
>data caps
do americans really
Anyone who chooses to play with extra latency is a giga scrub
Aka only zoomers will use it
Maybe FANGS overlords will spare you in the future
>The sad thing is that the US government gave some ISPs money to build that infrastructure and the ISPs just pocketed it and never got called to task for it.
>When the corporations cuck the supreme power of the land
We have the ability to pirate videos on stream, will there be a way to pirate a game via a stream? We are still downloading data are we not? Wouldn't there be a way to also read what and how the input is being laid out and physics and whatnot?
What does that mean.
Asking for a friend again.
The difference is that years of research and watching the effects of gas has shown us that there are enomrous health and environmental issues with using gas as a fuel source as such it is desired that we one day find a way to move past it. And that information is a consensus that was brought from researchers from across the globe over decades.
But with stuff like Stadia, that's just Google telling you what the future is and isn't based entirely on what they want you to buy. It's them going "Trust us, WE know what's best for you. Don't question it"
So how does this work, global warming is also making the earth run out of megabytes?
>first world
Oh right, I didn't think of that. Unless consoles focusing on cloud gaming actually offers their own ISP network to resolve data usage, this could actually fuck people relying on smartphone and comcast internet.
And this shit right here is why stream only gaming is not the future. Maybe if we had infrastructure that was worth a shit, and also a way to eliminate the latency problem.
When will the government step in and take over internet delivery?
No need to do complicated game installs, just click and play. Not to worry about nude mods and such, you don't want those
>us government
>the supreme power of anything other than poor people
Specific ISPs (or an ISP?) who enjoy near monopoly have recently begun enforcing data caps in America. America is still among the least affected by the practice and implying otherwise only indicates
>rent free
>supreme power of the land
>supreme power
The corps are your new masters.
It sucks big dick, but we really can't do anything about it and It's going to get worse.
I can guarantee you ISP's will sell you this type of service to make Stadia work.
>complicated installs
Please tell me you're taking the piss, I am literally autistic.
I had that same problem and they warned me I had to cut back my usage. I asked to what, and they said I had no cap and it was unlimited, but I was using too much.
A few weeks later they kicked me off for using too much unlimited internet.
>Having a cap is common in America
Boy, you guys really are cúcked over there, huh? Unlimited usage is the norm over here in Europe.
Ok retard
Yes, he's taking the piss.
>make a thread about data caps
>this isn't the case in the civilised world
>act like people are obsessed
l m a o
>is this the 90s or what?
>There's no such thing as unlimited data with any internet provider.
Absolutely fucking false here in my third world shithole called Argentina, none of the ISP's here have an internet or data cap. The only things with an internet cap here are cellphone services.
Fagbook Analzone Netspic Goolag Applel
>Supreme power of the land
Just fyi that is a common description for the US constitution the one that grants the government all it's power. Said description can be found in the constitution itself.
Cope muttoid
Good point. A lot of ISP also provide the TV cable service and more younger people simply have no need for this service these days. Those companies are losing huge revenues and so they turn to jewing their broadband customers with data caps to make up their losses.
That's about how long it takes to complete AC: Odyssey actually. So a 50gig install without the added network latency, ability to have nicer visuals if you have a more powerful machine than the Stadia hardware server vs. 1TB of data to stream and all those cons I detailed throughout the 65 hours it'll take you to complete it.
>ISP comes in with it claiming it'll make prices cheaper as it offloads the costs to the people using too much data
>Price for same amount of download speed and data cap goes up 30 bucks the next month
>He thinks third world shitholes have data caps.
"""Land of the Free""" one the other hand...
Jokes on you.
3rd world countries doesn't have data caps.
Instead we have shitty download speed, even if we have a cap we could never reach it, not even torrenting 24/7 per month.
>Google's service gets cucked by lack of net neutrality
>tries to lobby for NN again
>pulls out contrived scenarios about censorship
>meanwhile they're actively maxing out censorship on their own platforms
I live in russian and have 100mbs internet with no caps for 10 dollars a month
I probably deserved to be (you)'d for this but why do data caps exist? Does providing unlimited internet access to a house really cost the ISP more? Is it just the ISP squeezing extra bucks out where ever they can because otherwise they wouldn't be making any money past the subscription on an otherwise unlimited product?
I'm not going to go with stadia so that's ok. What did Google hire all the epic shills or something?
this is the only reason why
>I'm not going to go with stadia
Why not?
Are Americans really limited to how much internet they can use?? lmao
It's video dude, not games, you aren't streaming each cloud, leaf or patch of grass + your character individually, you are just receiving a video signal, do you believe a movie with a battle between two armies takes more data than a stand up nigger just because there's more people? It doesn't.
Wait, but Trump shils told us that nothing would change with our internet and that everything would remain the same. Were they lying?
Based oracle. Calling it too
>he doesnt understand logistics
poor people pirate, googles target audience here is the kind of people who play mobile games
I have shit ass Xfinity, my internet is constantly losing connection and is unstable. Even playing mmos is difficult. They send out service guy and he says nothing is wrong with it and then I have to pay them 70 bucks for the visit lol. I know I cant play stadia.
>implying any government would be able or wanting to do anything about it
go whine somewhere else
>when your state doesn't allow that data cap bullshit
Eat shit corporations.
>this thing is going to devour the upload available for so many people
>this will cause issues for so many people who don’t own a stadia and just live in the same neighborhood as some fag who does
My god this is the worst end.
stop making fun of us
In France I have access to high speed internet and unlimited data for 26€/months.
I can't stop laughing at amerimutts.
>genuine discussion about how bad this is for consumers quickly flooded with AMERICA BAD
the jew acknowledges no borders but his own
wasn't google supposed to be bringing their fiber shit to the whole country
In Brazil some providers don't enforce any kind of data cap, but I once got a call from my ISP because I downloaded 12 TB of stuff in a month. They asked me if I was running a website or something, and I just said it was torrents. Then they told me to limit it to 6 TB per month, and I did.
I downloaded the whole PS3, PS2 and PS1 collections, btw.
do yourself a favour and never visit /int/
>Marketed to let poorfags
>Poorfags can't afford unlimited data
>Anyone with a decent salary can just buy a console for less
>Anyone with a good salary can afford a decent PC
Who is this designed for?
Go dilate, commie tranny
It's above first world actually if you're at the top, but a thirdworld shithole in infrastructure and lags behind in pretty much every other aspect that every other first world country has and in some examples even third world ones.
>for consumers
american consumers*
it's something to laugh at for the rest of the world
>Talking about shitty american ISP's equates to AMERICA BAD
Link me up
ok cuck
I live in burgerland. We literally have worse internet than pajeets. Pajeets put their feces in the streets.
Towns were rejecting it due to the deals they had with the already in place ISPs in the town, but then they only tried it in these small ass towns so who the fuck knows what the excuse for everywhere else was
You also have unrestricted access to north africa. The grass is always greener.
apple users
>tfw used a cheap budget phone on virgin mobile and used a app to tether from it and still get decent speeds back when I was a complete poorfag
>due to a bug in their system or whatever, I wouldn't ever be throttled, even if I hit 1TB of data usage
>got away with it for like 3 years before they shut down the service for the older models of phones, including mine
it was great while it lasted
And still there's more niggers and crimes in the land of the fat.
I imagine it'll be some real futurist type scenario that will be the only way deep rural areas get the kind of broadband infrastructure on par with urban areas. Perhaps intelligent machines that can quickly and cheaply dig up, install the lines and repair.
Then stop being such a fucking shitshow of a country. Seriously.
"Land of the Free" my ass. You don't give a shit about what your founding fathers thought, or rather only when it happens to fit what you want to do anyway.
And it's really not (only) Trump. It was already a disaster with Obama, Bush and Clinton.
Corporate cuck
Ill take ghetto niggers over towelniggers.
stop being a bunch of pussies and attack us then
nothing's going to change as things are
Is this Google's way at getting back at the ISPs that cockblocked Google fiber in major cities
Apple is a cancer. They're why mobile gaming is such a problem nowadays.
Why don't they make it so the assests are just downloaded onto the device by default and then stream the gameplay?
>have verizon
>no cap
>50TB up/down a month easily
>never been bothered about the mass piracy
>never been bother about hosting services from my house
what america do you datalets live in?
And this right here is why Silicon Valley fear-mongered everyone into a panic against Nut Neutrality.
Thank you Blumf for gutting Net Neutrality.
If you live in a state where there's a decent amount of metropolitan/tech areas, the internet will usually be pretty good. States that haven't really invested in that or don't have a lot of tech areas get kind of fucked.
We don't need to.
You have been doing nothing but attacking yourself for the last 30 years.
The end of the Soviet Union was the start of the late-Western decadence.
The more moving things there are on the video the more data it takes. When 1/4th of the screen is static for 10 seconds, you don't need to get the data to update that part of the screen for 10 seconds
There's 50+ of them, some people just get fucked
Well yes but i meant for someone else to attack us, that worked last time
>not in my state
why do they do this?
No please, don't tell him what to do, I sincerely enjoy watching amerimutts pay thousands of dollars for schools, medicine, hospital fees and other basic things. I also love seeing them struggle in a rigged game of the worst version of capitalism ever seen where megacorporations can control everything in their life. It's the perfect form of entertainment.
>buy my own modem/router
>return their shitty modem
>still get charged with renting fees
Fuck Comcast
Go dilate
But America, only you have data caps.
>Google managed to combine the worst aspects of OnLive and the OUYA in a single service
Stadia is the new era of digital shit. I don't like it but this is what gammerzz wanted.
Which state?
Yeah, if they actually get a ton of users its just a massive waste of bandwidth.
Thankfully this is going to flop and die from input delay.
I don't like streaming movies or TV shows. I don't care if the quality is good. I prefer to own my own copy so I can watch it whenever I want without relying on internet connection
Yeah, right, sure. If this shit takes off gets adopted by the normalfags, when ISPs without datacap see how much bandwidth it consumes while congesting their pipes, you can be sure they will generously offer you to buy an option for 10 bucks/month for Stadia use on top of your existing plan. QoS does exists, and they will do it.
Only newfags play video games
Anyone know Xfinity's data cap?
911 "worked" for you?
If it wasn't so sad, the result would be the best type of daily comedy soap.
"Yeah, he has nuclear WMDs. We can tell from the pixels. Believe us."
I'm very fortunate to not be involved on any side of this mess, but even then it's difficult to laugh about it.
I've always streamed tv shows and movies since I was a kid with on-demand so I don't mind, I always been the type to stream or pirate shit and buy it if I really like it, but I will never stream some things like games.
I upload like 60 kb/s and download like 1.1mb/s and I'm canadian. Costs me $80 a month, but no caps.
Boomer, the coffin is nice and warm.
The ironing in this post.
Imagine living in a third world poorfag country when you odnt have a 1gbps connection without data cap for 300$ a year
>Murrica is a third world country
>streamed tv shows and movies since I was a kid with on-demand
It's a little frightening, that you are probably old enough to not be underageb&.
Wow at pricing.
100mbs in russia is $10 a month (no data cap)
>all of these eurotards still seething about the the US existing
I'm 20 so yes
Have 150mbps internet with Comcast and have to pay 120 USD for 3 TVs, mid-range cable plan and home phone connection.
I have Comcast with no cap :)
You never encoded anything, did you? Encoding a movie with the best quality/size ratio takes a long time. A VERY long time. Basically, for a movie, Netflix and shit have literally infinite time to encode, thus achieving the best results for most possible compact file. Then once they have the file, they upload it to their servers, and people can download (stream) it. Shit is passive. With Stadia, Google won't have the luxury of infinite time to encode. Ever wondered why an actual live stream of an event always looks like shit? That's because when doing it live, they don't have the luxury of infinite encoding time, shit is done on the fly with the shitiest encoding settings possible, ones that won't allow for a small file with the best possible quality. Either it's low size and looks like shit, either it looks okay but is basically a RAW video when it comes to size.
Nigger what? I live in America and I've never heard of data caps outside of cell phones.
Oh I completely forgot about 911 lol.
I was thinking about pearl harbor.
So long as I can enjoy insects biting on mens cocks, I dont mind paying more for internet. Just don't start policing my degeneracy or else I'll move into the fucking wilds.
Only one man can save us from the ISPs.
>posts worrying about streaming-only hell world
>also making fun of USA's terrible internet infrastructure
Make up your minds, retards
America's horrible internet is gonna save us from streaming hell, be thankful eurocucks. Based comcast
Doesn't comcast have a cap?
I've heard of it for internet packages and such, but I think it depends on the provider and where you live in America, but I have no idea how to figure it out.
America is going to get better at internet in a decade.
different user but I work in medicine and some prescriptions are just ridiculous and sometimes insurance won't cover shit even if there isn't a generic alternative. Doctors have to work around that shit sometimes.
Depends on the area. I'm close enough to their headquarters in PA I guess so we don't have caps here.
I live in a third world shithole and not even here we have data caps.
And you complain about 100Gb patch
What happens when Americans go over their data cap and break their arm in the same week? Bankruptcy?
>America is going to get better at internet in a century.
Go see some retards pre-ordering the "founder's edtion" on Stadia's twitter
I live 20 minutes from the Comcast HQ in Phila. so I hope I don't have data caps.
You realize the majority of console sales are digital no, right? Normie franchises like COD have been majority digital since 2017. Nobody wants to go to a store to buy a game or manually change discs.
>Montana has the worst broadband coverage among US states at 69.2%.
>Montana also has the worst average Internet speed among US states: 20.3 Mbps.
>New Jersey has the highest broadband coverage at 99%.
>New Jersey also has the highest average Internet speed, clocking in at 52 Mbps.
>The average Internet speed across all US states in the past 12 months was 35.36 Mbps. All state averages were within 17 Mbps of the national average.
mfw average US speed can play Stadia's most demanding package. tfw live in shit city but have gigabit option for $90. US is fucked by jews & being too big but in the past 5 years we've made some good gains.
they will realize they can't play their downloaded game offline because, you know, YOU CAN'T EVEN DOWNLOAD BECAUSE THIS IS STREAMING
I didn't expect to find a clever comment in capital letters.
Fuck cloud faggots and their imaginary purchases.
>insects biting on mens cocks
Where can I see this? I'm sickened yet curious and aroused.
America's ISPs are complete shit
Because you live in a glorified slave colony.
That's even better for normals because you don't have to wait for it to download or update.
At least were not pozzed by mudslimes
in california, texas, florida, and a few other states, verizon was bought out by frontier. this was maybe 2-3 years ago
You gotta realize that "being online all the time" has been engraved as "bad" in their heads with the Kinect debacle. They'll pick up and take one thing that sounds "cool" and "smart" and will run with it.
The government exists to serve corporations and corporations exist to serve the ruling class.
Got relatives in Lousiana heard Cox is trash
But verizon is still available in FL
That was 6 years ago, back when xbox 360 never even offered digital games at launch. Nobody cares about that anymore
yes you are lmao
b-b-but google fiber will save us!
nvm fios isn't in florida anymore
there's a limit to devices? what?
>ISP added a data cap last year
google fiber barely expands anymore
It's trying to recommend a package based on how many devices are used in you household
thats because you live in a country with no population density
Between game streaming and video streaming, normies are going to clog up all the bandwidth and drive up internet prices.
When will the world appreciate us heroes who keep internet congestion down by downloading once and storing everything on disk?
>tfw nj
It's cheaper in areas with very high population destiny like South Korea.
No need to upgrade/maintain your PC. Probably cheaper in the long run too.
You disgusting freak
just look up mosquitoes biting cock and heavyr
Data caps on anything that isnt mobile is shit tier ISP like comcast, and thats a US thing.
Chinese are not people
This can't be good the environment.
Don't worry, literally no one will ever use Stadia. It's bait for boomer investors.
Neither are americans, so they deserve each other.
Stop using your parents money then loser.
>Internet is gonna tank even harder between 3-6 pm now
fucking great, thanks google.
I assume he's trying to train the dog not to knock over the trash can.
The third worlder said as he scraped the gunk off his toes for dinner
is this pizza?
>You also have unrestricted access to north africa.
Gerfag here.
how are datacaps legal?
i dont even understand why there are mobile datacaps. i pay like 30 bucks a month for 100mb/s which includes a phone line for my home and IP TV that is separate from my bandwidth entirely.
i also can use whichever router/modem i wanna use and dont have to use the one my isp provides if its a shit one.
how in the name of fuck are datacaps even a thing when it comes to broadband internet?
someone explain to me why american and canada are getting shafted like that. as far as i know kangaroo land, the land of the free and mooseland are the only ones getting fucked when it comes to the internet like that.
Because people will stream and torrent shit 24/7 without a cap.
ISP either has to expand network read: you are paying more or throttle users.
>Data caps
are you suggesting that people here come to talk about games instead of observing unfettered mental illness?
Eventually the network becomes overloaded and service quality suffers.
When people use their bandwidth irresponsibly read: constantly streaming hd/4k video then everyone on the same network suffers during peak load.
Caps are to discourage misuse, like streaming content that nobody's watching.
This would sound ridiculous if they weren't talking about 4k streaming.
If any of you pay attention to your data usage and you watch a good amount of youtube or twitch, you know that even 1080p shit ain't light.
You aren't funny.
Because ISPs would rather decrease congestion than improve infrastructure.
Even though the government paid them a fuckton of money to improve their infrastructure and they never did it.
Because the ISPs would rather use that money to bribe politicians than improve infrastructure.
ISPs and corporations in general are in bed with the government. Doesn't matter if it's Republican or Democrat, American politicians love licking corporate cock.
You mean the gunk you ate for dinner at McMutts? No thanks, I hunt boar.
Poortugal here, About a decade ago ISPs had no data caps, but overusing the service would result in throtling because they had this thing called the "Reasonable use policy"
They they got fucked in the ass by courts and the courts decided that "if your service says unlimited data, then it must be fucking unlimited data with no strings attached"
And thus, for several years, we have had no data caps and no reasonable use policies.
i don't have a data cap so who gives a shit
>give all isps, which are often monopolies, the ability to overcharge customers for going over data caps
>getting back at isps
I would be hurt by that if I were joking
is there nothing you guys can do about that?
one of our isps actually wanted to instigate datacaps but before they could even implement them, the government and the german court came down on them hard because of some anti-trust bullshit.
some of our cities actually built their own infrastructure and loan them out to isps in exchange for incredibly cheap prices for their citizens.
if you live in Canada and have a data cap you are a massive idiot and you deserve that cap
if only it was that simple, where i live you can throw thousands at the ISP and beg for proper connection and still not get it lol, google is retarded
Why are ISPs building infrastructure? If anything, it would benefit them in the long run. Throttling seems like a short term solution
*Why are ISPs not building infrastructure?
The answer will be to play nothing but dwarf fortress and Elona forever. What a glorious future.
>spending money when you have pretty much a monopoly and services will somewhat adapt to however much bandwidth you bother to provide
>even in government pajeets ruin the internet
You’re the reason why people want to abolish Capitalism
>implying that's a bad thing
You know, I have heard from people complaining about their bandwidth tanking during the evening since the early 00s.
That was absolutely never the case for me, though.
What the fuck is America doing wrong? How is your Internet infrastructure so fucking garbage? You have motherfucking Google, so that should not happen.
Because communism is just so fucking viable
Businesses don't think long term. They want short term gains and when they start to see things going downhill they all jump ship.
move out of the third world retard and only fags like you will actually be streaming in 4k either way. casuals will prob just stick to 1080p
i live in america and dont have a data cap.
>your only choices are being raped by corporations or by the state directly
What if there's more than just the two extremes?
>move out of the first world retard
When did Canadian internet get good?
More user
There isn't
Girls going bottomless in the summer is good for the environment. It allows us to use less AC.
Almost all first world nations are mixed economies.
A blend of capitalism and socialism.
America leans heavier on capitalism than the rest of the nations that have things like national healthcare systems.
Yet if anyone suggests that we make America a bit more socialist like those other nations they are accused of being a communist.
It's moronic and totally not videogames.
If we made America socialist, the CIA would have to sabotage us. Can't be helped, it's the rules.
What would happen would be a digital crash
>self hating seething burgers
World Economy buckled when Orange man won a presidency. He wasn’t even in office and his impact effected the world. Either the US is the current supreme power or Trump is.
damn, that's' a little higher then mine.
75 america bucks for 1 gig fiber not a bad deal who needs tv anyway.
>american: america good
>american: america bad
remember when google promised not to be evil but then started censoring the entire internet
>user remembers
fuck google
Not the same user, but I feel like moderate positions are only the result of 2 extremes clashing.
Everyone who labels themselves as moderate end up getting destroyed by someone with a more extreme point of view.
My only option around me is $90 for 1tb a month and whats funny is I had to pay $10 more to get the cap raise to that "unlimited" 1tb limit.
America is already socialist. We have social security, medicare, food stamps, housing programs, government services like fire, police, public works, mail, etc.
As I said, it's a blend. Even the right wing doesn't want pure capitalism. The correct question is what is the ideal ratio of ideologies? Which things should be public and which are best kept private?
>whiter than you muhammad
The biggest storage that is available is 112TB
I did some math and you can only play Stadia for only 303 days with the largest storage that is available to buy, maybe you should stop retarded, losers
American btw, I don't give a fuck if someone cant watch Ellen or whatever because I'm "dirtying the lines with too much traffic"
>Which things should be public and which are best kept private?
It also doesn't have to be 100% public or private. Chattanooga has an amazing public ISP but it still has competition.
you have very basic and incredibly capitalist forms of social safety nets. just about every country in the developed world shits on your social security, medicare, food stamps and housing programs. It's nothing to be excessively proud of.
Google will use this to swoop in and establish a monopoly
That's what I was saying. America could be improved by leaning heavier on socialism but every time someone tries they're branded a communist by morons who don't seem to know what Europe is.
Google Fiber is pretty much dead now AFAIK. It isn't likely to shut down, but I live in a city with it, and they no longer expand it.
I've had 8mb, now they cut my speed to 4mb, I don't have any other alternative for internet.
Don't you just love pseudo-monopolies?
im guessing googles customers will have better performance with stadia, and any other streaming services that google releases in the future, giving incentive to switch isp.
could be an interesting problem going forward
The other ISPs bribed themselves some legislation to prevent google fiber from expanding without permission from those same ISPs.
Our government is fucking ridiculous.
There are other providers just not on my street, 700 metres from my home people have 150mb for same money as my 4mb
Imagine living in a third world country where you only have
Have you thought about getting a very long ethernet cable?
The DRM in rage 2 was just denuvo and taken off.
Imagine living in a shithole country where data caps exist.
you mean all those countries that don't pay for their own defense?
Can't wait. All the poorfags will be filtered out. :)
Great, but there's a million games-as-a-service titles out there, and it's only going to get worse. At least with games-as-a-service, you could make a server emulator with the real client. With cloud-based streaming games, you'd have to actually remake the full game from scratch if it goes down.
>tfw unlimited gigabit fiber optic internet
so what theyre saying is they have a useless product and are only building the foundation for something that might be good 20 years down the line
>live in a 3rd world country in fucking north africa of all places
>have no data cap
>"1st world country" has data caps
LMAOing at your lives, burgers.
Maybe if you gave more shekels to your greatest allies they would jew you a bit less?
It's going to be filled with kids whose parents wouldnt buy them consoles
oh fuck off retard, your military budget is massively over inflated for no good reason than to feed a military industrial complex
what good is military power when you can't even take proper care of your own citizens
>don't have data cap atm
>moving to place where the only "decent" ISPs have data caps this winter
welp, looks like I'm not getting a stadia
>a google product works best when you own google fibe
A tricky trick indeed.
now that net neutrality is dead google can easily cut deals with isps to have their bandwidth prioritized and not count for usage
>implying what you get on speedtest is your actual real-world speed
even with google pumping the server right up your ass your ISP will throttle that speed regularly during peak. the get sustained, reliable speeds you basically have to pay for double or even business accounts.
>get home from mcjob
>turn on the google cuck box
>can only play in 480p with addional lag because grandma is watching netflix
What's the point of taking care of people who won't be able to maintain even our current level of social services in the future?
can't fight it
too many idiots are OK with it.
its like trying to weed out all the sand at the beach because a few people hate dark sand grains
>How is your Internet infrastructure so fucking garbage?
Because the country is huge. It's the 3rd largest country on the planet, only beaten by Canada and Russia.
I believe the 2018 assessment was done via google's actual bandwidth readings to get a proper representation of bandwidth in practice.
Prior assessments used speedtest websites which can be gamed by ISPs. Good luck gaming youtube bandwidth 24/7 though.
Friendly reminder that even with a gigabit connection speed you'd still experience input lag with Stadia. There's no getting around the time it takes for your inputs to be sent from your computer to the data center running the game. The amount of lag would depend on your proximity to the data center. So unless it's across the street from you, Stadia will always suck.
Also remember that you can't trust any demo videos they put out because they can control the setup. They could run the game on a server in the same room as them and pretend like input lag doesn't exist.
>120 bucks a year just to get access to select games on rotation, not the whole library
that's $240 every two years. considering mid-range cards that can more than beat stadia's highest most cost around that and come out every 2-3 years, you could keep yourself in mid-range or even a bit higher indefinitely for just the sub cost of stadia.
>having a data cap
What a pointless waste of resources why would anything close to that ever happen
>no data limit
>not even rich and paying at a discounted rate
It's not even just input lag.
If the goal is to get everyone playing games via streaming services and you're downloading a TB of data over a week, think about the impact of everyone all accessing the same network/server infrastructure at the same time, as well as for other things like Netflix streaming.
If you're assuming you just pirate everything instead, it's obvious any service is a bad deal.
A PC that can play 4k/60fps costs $1200 literally a decade worth of Stadia Pro. Most people will go for 1080p anyways.
Yes goy install our 5G for microscopic pixels.We're so close to perfect clarity.
keep licking that oligarch boot good goy
You don't necessarily need to "take car" of them but make sure they remain docile by providing the bare necessities.
Better hope they find that miracle tech before austerity commences.
fuck your averages and fuck you, we've made fuck all for gains and a massive portion of our population are routinely fucked but it's ok because "hey at least I have a decent connection"
Everyone should keep in mind that Stadia's opening prices are purposefully low. They'd probably be operating at a loss at first.
It's an unproven technology so they have to undercharge to get early adopters.
They want to lure people into using the service before they crank up the prices to where they actually want them.
but why would u ever use stadia unless its dirt fucking cheap, and only play turn based games on it
>live in fucking Asia
>high-speed fiber optic broadband with no data cap
>government working on country-wide wi-fi that should be ready in a few years, it's already in it's beta stage
>meanwhile my relatives in Canada and the US can't watch a youtube video without hitting a data cap
>government working on country-wide wi-fi that should be ready in a few years, it's already in it's beta stage
That sort of thing already was tried and failed in the US. A large part of it is how huge the US is.
So what happened to all the anti-net neutrality shills?
The problem we face user is that a sizable portion of our citizens actively defend these mega corporations even to their detriment. All in the name of the free market. There's nothing free about this market, the entire system is rigged to make the richest richer and the poor even more poor. This is some twisted malformed version of capitalism that has this countries balls in a vice grip. It doesn't help that most of our generation can't even be bothered to vote, and I'm not talking national elections, I just mean local. We can't change anything because most people don't understand that there is a major problem with this country to begin with. This data cap and crap infrastructure are the tip of the iceberg. Our decline goes much deeper on all levels. The citizens have failed themselves and their children.
lmao look at this delusional burger.
>ISPs are making a minimum markup of 2000% per gigabyte
This is such a jew scheme...
I live in NJ and my download speed is 1mbps with a 50gb a month cap. This is the best plan available because we only have 1 ISP in our area and they know they can get away with it. My internet is always down and they constantly threaten me with extra fees from downloading too much, plus they monitor everything I do. They threaten me every time I torrent something and tried telling me that it's illegal to have a torrent client installed.
Chile is also implementing something similar. It won't be on the whole country but most of the major cities.
They left once net neutrality got killed and the checks stopped coming.
holy shit dude.
>data caps
>not realizing that your data is inherently capped by the information entropy of the universe
use a vpn. there's literally nothing they can do.
Poor people shouldn't be playing video games to begin with.
Is streaming anything even a good thing in the first place?
>1mbps with a 50gb a month cap
That's insane. Even here in bumfuck county Florida I get 50mbps with no cap.
Nice pasta tranny.
Streaming porn is pretty nice.
I have unlimited gigabit for $90/m in rural Kentucky and I will never touch this shit because fuck Google and fuck further removing my control over things I pay for.
I actually have unlimited data with Spectrum but it isn't the fastest.
Like the concept, I mean. Most streaming sites probably wouldn't exist if people weren't up their own ass about piracy. Such massive data flows never needed to exist in the first place.
>tfw i don't even know what a data cap is
A good chunk of America between California and DC don't even have broadband available. Our internet is pretty fucking shit because of the monopolies and geographical size.
>tfw 5 miles away there's broadband
>stuck using satellite internet.
>600 ping on SWTOR
>150gb data cap
Stuck playing single player games for the foreseeable future. I guess it's not too bad but...that cap tho.
The US gov has offered to build internet services in those pockets. They get blocked by small government advocates and ISPs every time. I know one instance occurred in TN.
>in TN
Lemme guess, the shithole I now live in, Dover, blocked actual decent internet for it's citizens?
>until some magical super Satellite internet comes around
Starlink might be what we need to get ISPs to do something to improve.
>Stadia literally developed in Canada (Waterloo)
>no canadians will ever be able to use it due to datacap
what the FUCK
I'm genuinely confused. 1Gbps internet isn't a standard in most developed countries yet?
Good grief.
Not him but I know some people in america do have to ration their life saving meds because of how crazy the prices are. And then there was the whole epi-pen scandal. I think the new scam now is companies making a shit load off diabetes meds that the gov has patents to.
Well, you should know that pharmaceutical companies only do it because they love you. They're just trying to save your life and you're so ungrateful you won't give them all your money and then some.
Come see our roads. Couple years and we'll be giving India a run for its money.
amercians use all of that spare freedom they have lying around fucking themselves in the ass
As is our right.
If your network can't handle the amount of users you sign up for it, you should probably stop signing people up.
OH wait.
It makes sense that it's cheaper. If people play games 2 hours per day, then a high end graphics card could support 12 people playing if they all played at different times. Of course, you'll actually have spikes in usage at different times of day that are similar to general internet usage.
>implying gaming can stream in 4k when it's 2019 and most cable channels still haven't figured out 1080p
yeah nah, 4k is a meme still, game streaming is an even bigger meme
I'm from Paraguay, and there's no data caps here, unless its for mobile.
Why stop signing people up when we can lock them into contracts instead (not like they have a choice)?
>watching something
>it's coming in choppy
>want to pause it to let it buffer for a bit
>can't because that's not how the internet works anymore
You literally couldn't pay me to play games with +100ms input lag
>video loaded for a bit
>back up to an earlier bit that's already loaded so you can watch forward without it being choppy
>it starts reloading from the new place you jumped to anyway
thats actually shit rates compared to burgerland
i live in the south where we are stuck with a single provider and even then they provide me with 150mbs for 60 USD
>give us your money to prove you aren’t poor
I wonder who could be behind this post
>not having unlimited internet
>Not getting regular freedom fucks
Stay mad
absolutely based, Verizon and Comcast completely BTFOing Google
No but seriously, I just love how we've gotten to the point where it's just one arm of hypercapitalism battling another arm of hypercapitalism and the government sits around with its thumb up its ass.
>and the government sits around with its thumb up its ass
Well, it's what they're being paid to do.
Isn't the free market just beautiful?
If only there was some sort of, like, prioritized lane where me and like a bunch of other people could get for specialized access to hosted servers or whatever, too bad obummer's net neutrality passed and I need to pay my $15monthly Disney store tax to maintain access to my exclusive Destiny content that I raid with my wife's son while she's out partying in Detroit
Net neutrality was because hollywood and government were so anti-pirate we had to use the much more data consuming streaming. All these people laughing about no data caps should never have wanted or needed to consume that much data in the first place.
>actually shilling for ISPs
Good goy
It's a combination of barely functional infrastructure and the most greedy ISPs in the world.