

Attached: pf enhanced.jpg (1920x1080, 883K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I still can't figure out good party with decent face character and tiefling.

don't tell me what to do

I was just thinking about buying this the other day because it has an alchemist class. Are they any good in this game? That might be the selling point for me.


Attached: pf tiefling waifu2.png (1280x800, 583K)

Yep, pretty much all of the subclasses are OP

I did dearest user in fact just finished it like 20 minutes ago, boy am i seething.
>Buggy as fuck, had to cheat just progress with quests because objective never appeared.
>Got cheated out of romance because i was nice to antogonist.
>Kingdom management without mods is tedious.
Overall solid as liquid diarrhea but enjoyable. How's dlc campaign?

Is there a way to turn off all the time limit stuff? I know it's not even that strict but I hate that shit.

can I marry and impregnate my waifu now?

Can you romance best girl Linzee and corrupt her with your Lawful Evil cock? If not then what's the point?

What class has damage that scale with CHA? Besides Sorcerer, I guess? Or is that DnD?

Do i get this or DoS2

I miss good old downloads.
Anyone has a link for EE?

Pathfinder is D&D 3.5
There's Paladin, who gets a bunch of stuff tied to CHA

No thank you.

To date, no one has ever finished a playthrough of kingmaker, but many people have finished dos2 and loved it.

If your waifu is one of the tiefling whores, then yes.

WOW kingsmaker is THAT good?

How dare you?
I finished one and that was back in November.

Attached: pf necrotopia.jpg (1920x1080, 236K)

The tieflings are just too fucking ugly, the horn-nose is horrible. Neeshka looked cuter, and she pretty much looked like a quadroon

I finished mine too.
The fuck you on about.
Married the twing tieflings and ganked every boss.

You can only impregnate the tiefling?

Is that just kingdom fluff, or can you actually play them? And are they good?

Well, there is no summon limit so you can unironically summon 100+ skeletons at once.
That is kindom fluff, at one point you can choose to recruit undead workers.

>base building
go home and make sure your mom doesn't take too many of her prescription pills


Do the kingdom stats ever matter besides keeping up with DC checks? As in, does anything happen at all besides losing/not losing?

It is finally time to play this game.

>the Chaotic Good one is the one who wants to be impregnated
>still have a threesome with her Lawful Evil sister
This is the perfect outcome

Damn, only paladin? Welp, I guess if I have to.

I saw that they just added a roguelike component. is it fun?

It's more complicated than that. Sorceror, for example, doesn't "do damage that scales with CHA", rather their spells per day are based on CHA, like wizard'd are based on INT.
For Paladins, you get things like adding CHA bonus to savings throws. D&D 3.5 had an ability that has Paladins/Clerics add their CHA bonus to all damage rolls.
And so goes on, 3.5/Pathfinder is one of the most finicky systems out there, so an exaustive list is hard to do, and complicated to explain.

This a good deal?

Attached: 1534511928917.jpg (642x418, 40K)


>still no gog torrent on rutracker

i'd try it but i don't want to manage a fucking city

You can set the Kingdom stuff to "auto" and never have to touch it.

Just get the codex version

Haven't played in a minute. What's enhanced about it?

Can you Yuri with Tieflings?

Ah, I understand. Didn't realize it wasn't cut and dry. I'll do my own research then.


A lot of shit, actually.
Coup de Grace is in for starters.
Tons of new weapons from types that were forgotten before like exotics.
Throne room teleport to world map
first and last chapters tuning
sanic speed movement outside of combat
mercs can become kingdom advisors
tons of other kingdom qol changes

Why only make one a happy mother? I want both of them to bear my children.

Once mods and portraits are fixed I will.

Yay! And sounds good. Guess I'll start a new game up.

It's still shit

Is shield bashing still a meme for paladins?

Never pay more than $8 for a video game

They are problem solvers.
>Massacre trolls
>Get rid of bug swarms
>Get fucking huge with infusions
>Guaranteed damage that gets past pretty much every resistance but the elemental ones and you have several other bombs for these
>Can use mass party buff spells like Haste, Delay Poison or that barrier that cucks the will'o'wisps
Alchemist is one of the easiest classes to roll with in this game.

Attached: potiontoss.jpg (800x640, 287K)

Why can't I find their romance on youtube? I thought this game garnered a lot of interest, but apparently not enough for someone to upload the relevant parts.

whens it release?

Where can I find some decent portraits for this game?

Earlier today

Alchemists are one of the best classes in the game.

/pfkmg/ has some links. You could also try /tg/'s archive, they oftentimes have good art threads.

same shit

i am kind of new to this dnd powerbuilding stuff and its kind of stressful to be honest

managing the main character is enough of a headache for me
will my party members turn out okay if i just turn on the auto thing that selects skills/stats for them, or is absolutely random/retarded and prone to giving them an assortment of useless skills and stats?

Waiting for the console release.

How many adult themes does this have? Is it only romance or is there more to it?

Well, there's massacring monster baby scum on sight for LG points.

Attached: pf valerie.jpg (1000x760, 159K)

>Throne room teleport to world map

>tfw doting on your cute devil spawn daughters

Attached: 1559836531071.jpg (700x615, 49K)

is it better, equal or worse than dos2?

There's also teleporting between settlements, though through in game mechanics.

Character building is better
Combat is worse

Guys, I really don't want to start over again. Clearing the map for both Act 1 & 2 while managing the kingdom became such a tedious chore the first time around. I'm not sure if I can do it again and have the willpower to finish the rest.

I'm going to roll a paladin/inquisitor just to purge this demon scum from the face of the earth.

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But if you purge them, who are you going to romance? Valerie?

>a holy man of god(s)
>not chaste

I hope you realize purging them means killing the only women who will ever love you.

Literally the virgin demon slayer

The love and reverence of my god is all I need, heathen.

What's different in EE?

And the purest with most power and faith.
True Holy Warriors should only fuck in the blessed after life, all virginal celestial maidens, of course.

>Not rolling a female character
>Not hooking up with the purest cinammon roll from outer space

Attached: shiggy.jpg (680x680, 170K)

Ideal race for my druid?
I wanna be cool and edgy.

Attached: 1529327889582.webm (720x1280, 2.93M)

You can now impregnate your waifu and raise children like it's harvest moon.

Attached: (511x446, 65K)

Wow, okay Britain is officially off of my bucket list.

user, while your virgin demon slayer is being a beta bitch, the chad tiefling arcane trickster had just fucked each and every celestial maiden and your god.

Auto is fine.
Just do not go above normal difficulty

Edgiest race is Tiefling, who also has zero druid synergy.
Edgiest race with synergy for druid is making an evil elf, or aasimar if you want pure retarded edge

>arcane trickster dies
>gets his soul devoured by a literal god of death and rape
>Holy Virgin gets to go to an eternal orgasm and become a top tier Celestial summon for other cleric bros in the afterlife
Yah, nah Satan I'm going LG.

Attached: 1549934985282.jpg (159x317, 8K)

Normal is honestly too easy. It's best to pick the custom options and choosing between normal and challenging difficulty stuff.

Challenging with enemy stats toned down to normal is best difficulty for first time.

Only elves are into nature in pathfinder?

You eventually can recruit artisans that scale with kingdom ranks and give you magic items but last time I played it was super buggy.

>Normal is honestly too easy
I thought so as well, but I see so many people whining about 'GOBLINS WITH 20+AC. FUCKING KOBOLD ALCHEMISTS, WOLVES TRIP ME ALL THE TIME' on normal, that made realize most players should probably start on easy

Druids are usually elves or humans.

Does ee include the previous dlc's?

That's probably because the entire Act 1 is filled with gotcha encounters. Who the hell thought it was a great idea to put in a wererat with absurd amount of AC and a mid-level weapon in Act 1?

Aside from it being optional, the cave is surrounded by traps that have+8 the DC everything else in the area does.
Nobody forces you to go through there.
Though managing to find and disarm the bell alarm at level 4 and starting the fight without them being in stealth was a crowning achievement in my playthrough

I don't understand how people found that in Act 1 on their first playthrough, there is zero reason to go in that direction and you're on a time limit.

Sell me on Sylvan Sorcerer.

I just started as a Slayer gonna go stab things with a long sword but I never know what feats to take. Anyone got any suggestions?

Do we get the infinite dungeon yet or is that still "Soon"

Oh thats kind of lame..

did they reduce AC numbers or am I still going to find wolves with 40AC despite them being supposed to have 12-14AC?

well, they nerfed pretty much all of that now.
Even the spider swarm is now in an optional area.

That said the wererats were fucking optional in the first place. You have to get trough a tron of high dc traps, the place is filled with dead bodies, it's clearly meant to be done later.

It's out now.

what did they enhance?

Power attack and who cares what else you're good.

power attack
cleaving finish
put outflank on every single melee guy on your party
put Combat Reflexes+Seize the Moment on every melee attacker too

Its out on gog at least.

I was complaining less about the encounter itself and using it more as an example of the gotcha moments in Act 1. Like a certain skull monster when you camp, some things really shouldn't have been there in Act 1. People assume it should be beatable since it's available, which leads to a lot of aggravation.

What happened to all of my custom portraits that I made? Was that intentional or a bug?

My wife Valerie IS cute! She IS cute! (She is! She is!)

Attached: Valerie.jpg (702x700, 123K)

>People assume it should be beatable since it's available
they're fucking retards
>let me rest on this place where a bunch of people died

> some things really shouldn't have been there in Act 1
Disagree. Having every single encounter perfectly scaled to your level just because it's first chapter is shit world design.

She is impure and a ho

She HAS had sex BUT me too! She IS the cutest! Give me Valerie!

Attached: Pretty Valerie.jpg (719x720, 239K)

Is it good though? be honest

Attached: 1327196691363.gif (256x229, 1.01M)

>ugh stop hitting on me silly boys
>*gets face fucked up*
>God why is no one hitting on me anymore *starts freaking out*
I liked her story.


*Full body
*With background

Attached: whb1-.jpg (1300x1733, 681K)

Attached: 1554368893762.jpg (1920x2688, 2.99M)

he looks gay

Attached: M_Elf_24_h.jpg (512x800, 97K)

Post druid portraits please!

Just go custom difficulty. Change it until it's within reasonable number relative to your party's stats.

Attached: altair_by_rogner5th_d6pq341(Photo)(auto_scale)(Level1)(x2.000000).jpg (3158x4000, 2.77M)

imagine being a stupid faggot who likes disgusting roastie f*males

Attached: M_Elf_15_h.jpg (256x400, 42K)

Aren’t the tieflings dlc? Why are they in the intro?


Weeb here. I regret nothing.

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Attached: luca-xu-g-edit.jpg (2342x3519, 2.5M)


Just a BTW, is also an anime character but I still found one that sort of matched the artstyle

speaking of portraits, was the obligatory touhou portrait pack made already?


You ARE a GOOD user!

adds a class, a race, and two waifus
100% worth it
and if you disagree, just pirate, it's on gog bro


Attached: jeongseok-lee-1.jpg (3840x2647, 1.93M)

Seems like a bug, shit's deleting all my custom portraits whenever I go to select one because it's remaking the 0001 folder and removing everything else.


how do i make a necromancer?

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It's hard to find cool looking portraits for faceless dudes.

Attached: 8d28ff50762448fa04c721177669be2d.jpg (1200x1552, 208K)

Of course it's cropped, it has an ugly fucking w*man in it

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Attached: this ending works i guess.jpg (1920x1080, 468K)

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Shame.. he's so perfect

>update deleted all my portraits
what the fuck

you don't

Attached: ainz_ooal_gown_by_horocca-dbhqe01.png (612x850, 970K)

I heard it's on sale but I don't see it. What the effing S you guys.

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patch tomorrow

Why? I've been reading Solo Levelling, I want to play as that guy

Attached: solo-leveling-30809.jpg (350x473, 65K)

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I’m at the stretch of kingdom management after pacifying Pitax. Is it worth restarting for me?

Well fuck. How long until they fix it then? Because I don't want to recreate them only to find it all deleted again.

Attached: Fulllength.png (692x1024, 1.32M)

Any torrents for the enhanced edition out yet?

Attached: Fulllength.png (692x1024, 1.09M)

play sorcerer, grab arcane bloodline (improved DCs are super important for necro spells, the actual undead bloodline is kinda meh)
grab the feats spell focus necromancy, greater spell focus necromancy, spell focus conjuration, greater summons (or whatever it's called)
wait till level 6
grab "animate dead"
you're now a necromancer, harry

Attached: Fulllength.png (692x1024, 996K)

Attached: Fulllength.png (692x1024, 1.25M)

>Get metamagic
>Get animate dead
>put animate dead in every slot
>use metamagic to put animate dead in every other slot
>get to the vodrekai's tomb
>die because every single fucking thing has cleave

do my summons last long enough for battles?

My other option was just rolling with a bear portrait

Attached: Druid.jpg (696x865, 248K)

Attached: Fulllength.png (692x1024, 801K)

how do they fuck up something completely random with every fucking patch

thats where i got stuck at in my last playthrough on normal difficulty

Attached: 20goodmen.png (692x1024, 839K)

is this male or female?


By level 6 yes.
If you want to be a summoner from level 1, grab spell specialization and put on summon monster spells.
(or play monster tactician, they get longer lasting summons that are always up to date)

>human portraits

Attached: 1556710084122.jpg (225x225, 13K)

Attached: Small.png (185x242, 88K)

Attached: Fulllength.png (692x1024, 1M)

can you be a mechanic?

>monster tactician

are they casters or what? I saw someone's playthrough and they were melee fighting with that class

time to make a full spurdo party

Attached: 123123123123123.png (240x210, 7K)

Monster tactician is easy mode. Pick that if you want an easier challenge or if you're going for a harder difficulty.

>not playing human
Are you a non-white irl too?

they can be melee or ranged, and they get 3/4 cleric casting. Pick animal domain and at level 4 you also get an animal companion so you go full wall of pets.

They are more of a buff up and melee/bow and arrow things to death.
Inquisitors are pretty great.

Attached: val aint so bad.jpg (1920x1080, 195K)

>impregnate only one

Attached: Taco-Girl.jpg (1024x683, 65K)

cool beans, i'll try out both until level 5
see which one i prefer

Is the game good? I'm considering buying it.
Sell me on it.

the enhanced patch is out already?

vodka fueled coding is like that some time you know

>Having two identical animal companions in the party could break one of them. Resolution: fixed; from now on, the confused beast hears a soothing voice saying "Don't freak out, dude, he looks nothing like you!".

Oh Owlcat, you so random.




On the steam forums they said there will be a hotfix tomorrow

did you like baldurs gate?
do you like autistic character building?
Do you like having the possibility of a threesome with tiefling twins?
if you answered yes to any of these questions, patfhinder may be the game for you. Give it a try see if you like it.

>They released Enhanced Edition the same day BG3 is announced
I don’t know if that’s lucky or unlucky

Post elf and spellcaster portraits you plebs

Its a free update

I played a bit of Baldur's Gate but honestly it burned out quite fast for me. The only other cRPGs I played are Fallout and Planescape: Torment, and I liked them a lot.

Btw, is Enchanced Edition v2.0? I guess I'll pirate it before on ggn.

Elfs get the rope

Attached: Fulllength.png (693x1024, 1009K)

That's a pretty hot pic, is it official art?

Post builds!

Seriously. I don't know what the fuck to make.

Did they add party AI or do I still need to micromanage every member of my party in real time with pause if I want them to do more than auto attack?

No, I just found it in an album of portraits.

In my first playtrough I played a simple Cleric with a single level of Aldori Defender Fighter for the proficiencies.
Tough motherfocker.

I got a cheat menu, because so much of the game is tedious

Druid IS good!

kineticist, high dex and con, 14 cha, get high persuasion
grab 1 level of thug
start with fire
grab point blank shot, precise shot
grab extra fire feats dazzling display and related
later get earth
grab extra erath feats trip and related
grab bowling infusion

now every time you hit somebody with your ray, they fall down, and if you kill anybody, you unleash a dazzling bullshit thing that makes enemies shaken or just straigh up run
once you get wall infusion and cloud infusion it becomes fucking ridiculous

also you get to literally make the floor be lava eventually.

>watching the game slowly delete your cusom portraits one by one
what the fuck kind of bug causes this
it's fucking baffling

What difficulty do most people play on? I heard it was wonky on release and I'm not sure what changed.

I played Vivisector my first playthrough. I ended up swapping to rogue then going into duelist because I had no idea how to make vivisector work

sorcerer tank, stack ac and you can do what you want

You weren't here for the first thread of the day...!
I'm taking Valerie away from you until you atone for!!!

Attached: pf regongar3.png (1280x1352, 880K)

What’s a good main character class? Preferably high persuasion/charisma and not a sorcerer

I play ON Challenging! (I do! I do!)

Attached: Shy Valerie.jpg (1000x707, 150K)

I liked this one a lot for my Druid. I'll dump some more, they're mainly caster or druid themed.

Attached: thezmar_by_gerryarthur-dbxfovh_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale_tta_1.png (800x1066, 885K)

I thought that was already in, though I didn't manage it yet. I read you need a mage tower in the capital, then Arcane lv 5, then you can build teleport circles in the villages

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user I do NOT have vacation! You have your OWN Valerie!

Attached: Long Valerie.png (702x700, 610K)

Challenging with enemy stats toned down to Normal is the true "Normal" difficulty.

I would like pathfinder kingmaker way more if it was actually turnbased. Its so fucking hectic to manage a full party against many enemies with how clunky the pseudo turnbased system is.

I played on harder than normal but easier than challenging on release.
Heard they made the game easier since then, so I might just go for challenging this time around.

You can have a pretty hight persuasion score with any class that's proficient in it as long s you don't dump cha.
That being said, Paladin.

>I'll dump some more, they're mainly caster or druid themed.
Thank you!

Attached: 1401778961397.jpg (849x1200, 503K)

You CAN play Scaled Fist Monk OR Bard user!

Attached: a1574f53681e6340e4b5a679c06b6658_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale_tta_1.png (720x1280, 977K)

Paladin, Monk, Bard

I wouldn't since fights would take thousands of ages.

Attached: aWNa6RspDwM.jpg (1417x1062, 545K)

Is it possible to play this shit on anything but Easy if you're not min maxing or a master at the pathfinder ruleset?
I play RPG's for the story

Real men KNOW when to say NO to Feyniggers.
Suffer them not. Wipe them out.

Attached: Culling.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

but thats the nature of pathfinder combat, who cares, it would be more strategic and more fun.

Divinity did turn based combat fine.

>bring Valerie and Regongar to Varn
>literally this plays out
Kingmaker memes have some fucking layers to them

What enhanced about it?

Sometimes I feel that I'm the only one who enjoys him despite his edginess.

Do you get extra xp if you go solo/reduced party?

Attached: elnino-.jpg (1920x3254, 690K)

Thanks for the advice, but forgot to mention I’m planning on being Evil so no Paladin

Thinking about doing a pure Wizard build. Someone talk me out of it.

I like him IF he AND Octavia stay AWAY from my butt!

Only if you are retarded and don't know much of the game's mechanics/rules or the glory of buffing and prebuffing + cc
It's pretty much a super patch/expansion.

Evil Scaled Fist Monk!

Attached: frog_king_by_reznovkg-dbbvvv3.jpg (1024x1140, 161K)

You only lose but a single caster level while gaining far more power as Arcane Trickster, UNLESS you want to go sorc, then pure Sylvan Sorcerer is pretty good for full scaling animal companion and less delayed casting as sorcs who go AT would gain spells 2 levels later instead of just 1 if wizard.

Use haste. If you aren't there yet, use the consumables you can, the difficulty level drops when you get further into your builds

I have NOT passed Old Sycamore BUT Grease IS good! Have you TRIED Grease user!

Feyspeaker Druid is charisma oriented.

Valerie's duel took me over 10 minutes no joke

>haven't played PKM in ages because of the bugs
>start up Steam, 18.3GB update
Whew boy.

Attached: lukasz-jaskolski-grim-elder.jpg (1000x1578, 368K)

It's only 7gb on GoG.

Attached: Tip.jpg (600x750, 27K)

Someone give me retard proof guide for twins romance ending. I somehow fucked up and got only kanerah while kalikke stayed at 80/100

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I haven't played the game since November so I'm sure it's more than just the enhanced edition update.

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I want to play a Druid now.

It looks like the nosehorn is glued on and you can just pull it out

A lot of people including myself don't like DivOS because of how fucking long battles take.

Reminder only wizard and alchemist chads get dragon form

Attached: 1559512563449.png (695x900, 942K)

This game looked good until I saw it had that city-building/management crap. Shit was gay in PoE1 as well. I just want to be a nobody in a massive world not some chosen one douche who owns a city.

Attached: 1553999421842.png (446x435, 70K)

It IS good! I have my DOG Valdog!

Attached: Valanon Valerie Valdog 1.jpg (1920x1080, 490K)

And sorcerers and Eldritch Scion too.
Also, alchemists can buff others with dragonkind. Fucking radical.

Join us, brother. Become one with nature and bring it's wrath upon your enemies and those of the natural order.

Attached: xZz2HS3.jpg (1024x1737, 367K)

Holy fuck user I wanted that pic ever for a long time.
I even requested someone do it in one of the threads, I wonder if that helped.

more games need dark druidism, its a fucking amazing aesthetic

Got any good ones without masks?

Do you HAVE to kill fey! Can you FRIEND or WIFE fey!

Attached: fdadedd60cd885847e38aa5799e9cd7e.jpg (564x866, 41K)

You already have real life for that pleb.

I'm gonna as soon as it's finished installing.

do i need to buy something for this or do I just have it with the game?

lol give up now, just gets harder

Didn't the first D:OS game had less than 10% people finishing it by seeing the steam achievement. Remember seeing it being low in some RPGCodex post.

no gnome fucking, no purchase/pirate/look at

Attached: 1556252683564.png (596x644, 565K)

pirated this a while back but didnt get the chance to play it yet.
i guess its good that i didnt then with this being out now.

>want to make a fighter dual wielding dueling blades
>it's shit
>do it anyways because its flavorful
>no dm to know the rule of cool make it work anyways
Feels bad man.

It's a trumped-up patch

-4 IS big!

Unfortunately a lot of druid art either involves masks or the old man druid trope. I'm posting everything I have and consider pretty good.

You can do either, that's why there's subclasses like Defender of the True World and Feyspeaker.

Attached: g4lan9yvrwmz.jpg (1039x1200, 634K)

Thank YOU user! I am Defender of the True World BUT I will FRIEND fey! I will NOT wife fey I HAVE Valerie!


Attached: haron-seehagen-dwarf-4.jpg (1920x2970, 720K)

Is lawful evil a bad way to experience the game? I feel like the choices dont ever cater to me. Especially the kingdom stuff.

>yuri the tiefling twins
>throne room teleport

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Somebody give me an objective ranking of the romance options in this game so I can just pick one

Valerie IS the best!

Attached: Biggest Valerie.jpg (1280x1895, 276K)

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>throne room teleport
>out of combat speed increase mod idea integrated
>merc advisors so i can stop having fags running the show

I loved DivOS2 for its combat but its story and setti g was retarded
>cannibal giraffe elves

Sebille IS a CUTE giraffe!

Attached: Sebille.jpg (1125x1600, 341K)

I have never bothered to beat divinity OS 1 or 2, both start out fantastic and become insufferably awful toward the midpoint.

used goods

Attached: 797f0ec0ab28592ad5d2ecb219eb4dd7.jpg (736x933, 167K)

What do you feel they cater to?

Used for my Paladin

Attached: Fulllength.png (692x1024, 793K)

half elves look like THAT?

I am used goods too!

I'll quit hogging the thread and leave you with this nice ambiguous caster portrait so I can go play some vidya.

Attached: mountain_forest_by_jakewbullock-d740bsq.jpg (1024x1663, 281K)

How do I monk?

I love the elves because they were the most alien

If you're not homo you have three options:
Valerie (straight)
Tiefling Sister Girl(s) (bi)
Half-elf slave slut (bi)

Valerie is incredibly dull and lifeless.
The sisters are kind of cute I guess.
Elf slut is a slut.

You get the same score picking either of them.

Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user!

One of the few rpgs that did elves well, humans with long ears are boring.

Anyone got a good Sword-mage portrait? Thinking about going Magus/Sword Saint for my EE playthrough

Attached: file.png (600x1161, 1.04M)

Lawful Evil is fine with a dash of Lawful Neutral and Neutral Evil. Just don't take the obvious LMAO Execute them!!! options if you're unsure of who's important and not. There's also that one dwarf smith where the LE option is subtly telling him to fuck off, which you don't want because artisans are free gear and money. There's an LE wizard in the Varnhold DLC who's a decent baseline for what LE should actually be as opposed to some of the crazy weird dialogue options you get in game.

Though Lawful Anything is almost worth it just for the bulletin boards alone honestly

You're forgetting best waifu.

Attached: Nyrissa_nymph.png (692x1024, 831K)

where can you see their progression rating?

and how do you get amiri to use her sword again. i got her dumb blade reforged but she still insists on punching things with her fist.

She IS cute! Her voice IS mommy!

where torrent enhanced edition

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Convince me not to do neutral playthrough this time now that the bug for saving both of your best bros is fixed.

Attached: cold brew.jpg (889x657, 160K)

I run mostly lawful neutral and I occasionally bounce to lawful good, lawful evil, and neutral evil. But it's never enough to offset that I'm just lawful neutral


Lawful Good
Neutral Evil
Chaotic Good

What's new?

Why does this game divide so many people? I see people calling it trash and others loving it to death. Planning on buying. How is it, really?

Is there a mod that fixes her portrait and makes her more attractive?

>Why does this game divide so many people?

It's yuropoor slavjank

It IS a good game! I am Backer! I have NOT played much BUT it IS good!

It's Pathfinder, but in a videogame. People who come in expecting divinity or even Pillars are turned off, people who expected DND 3.5 open source are content. I find the combat god awful and just cheat so I can leave everything to auto attack to death just so i don't have to bother with it

OH NO NO NO *breathes in* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *wheezes*

Attached: Capture.png (341x308, 185K)

It was bad on release but now it's not

It's like BG2.

>larger scope
>has choices that impact the game
>has kingdom management, and has auto kingdom management
>threesome with tieflings

>loading times, even after updates
>companions are overall meh
>kingdom management can be annoying
>threesome with half elf and orc up yo ass

he's right

>>threesome with half elf and orc up yo ass

Didn't this have a lot of sjw pandering? I somewhat recall articles of this and decided not to purchase.

This is the one game scratched the itch left by Neverwinter Nights 2.
I love it to death.

All dialogue with the half orc are about their relationship, and they both offer to fuck you. That is their character development in its entirety.


It's a fucking good game that had a devastatingly rough start due to its extreme bugginess, but the devs have been chugging on fixing major issues and adding really good QoL changes and such. Enough time has passed that I would suggest giving it a go, as the updates have been steady and the devs respond pretty well to the playerbase. Pirate it first maybe if you're not sure, but I love this game. It's fucking a long ass game, and just has CONTENT everywhere and its got lots of character.

Attached: house wolf.jpg (640x640, 103K)

tons of homosex and strong females that don't need no man
and literal cuckshit

>>loading times, even after updates
Just get an SSD retard

I don't really understand D&D. Never cared enough to be a fan. I just play games for what they are and never expect anything from the combat regardless of whatever rules are being used. I'll have to give it a try.

It's pro-cuck leftist propaganda.

Attached: 1537966437786.jpg (1048x270, 99K)

Nothing like PoE

I'm running it on an 5400rpm notebook SSHD and the load times are fine.

You do NOT need to JOIN Regongar! I tell him AND Octavia to stay AWAY from my butt! You CAN avoid it!

Attached: Big Valerie.jpg (688x1000, 167K)

So I guess I should roll female, then?

>oh noes don't let the developers optimize their game! for the love of god, it's your fault it has loading times!

You go out of your way to find stuff to get offended at, kinda like the SJW's. Ironic...

Don't listen to them, it's such an exaggeration of two throwaway lines.

What a weird way to compensate the slow as fuck rotation


If you ARE female you CAN romance Tristian! He IS cute!

Attached: Tristian.jpg (639x1022, 116K)

If you listen to Octavia, she's not really into her orc fuckbuddy all that much anymore, since he treats her like an object.


I was using this one, though maybe it doesn't look outwardly magicy enough.

Attached: flik e0c271e92fbcc13f4a7763f306ff8050.jpg (500x797, 47K)

RPing a lesbian.

no gender has no effect unless you want to romance best boy tristian

anons please i dont wanna fuck it up again

no you don't just download the update

Also it makes experimenting on trolls and killing troll children an evil choice when in actuality it should be an objectively good act.

Attached: Rock_Troll_Children.jpg (1920x1080, 219K)

You don't?

"he treats her like an object"

thats just her missing the point of being possessive of your significant other. Being each other's love. Whats fucking weird is that she is that paranoid about it considering their history together.

I think you CAN romance Octavia AND the tiefling twins AND the secret romance user!

Attached: Octavia.jpg (806x501, 49K)

Torturing an evil creature is still evil, but killing them shouldn't be.

what secret romance?

Bag of tricks doesn't work, but Cheat Menu does work on EE.

So get on planning your slayer builds my dudes!

Attached: CheatMenu.jpg (1920x1080, 507K)

Why do you type like that?

Did they increase the armor variety? Things seemed too sparse on launch.

What’s a good and simple Vivisectionist build with high persuasion?

you can woo the main antagonist but its FUCKING HARD

I will never understand this frame of mind.

Listen to mommy Jamandi IN the introduction! She has EMPHASIS on words! She says If I can PLEASE ANSWER the question!

Attached: Mommy Jamandi.png (692x1024, 568K)

Calling you crazy, and some tyranny crazy isn't centrism . It's just shitting on people who should be shit on.

>playing as a female just to be a lesbian

everyone look at this faggot and laugh

Not when it is for research purposes which is what they do it for.

You don't.

>game isn't even out for a year
>"enhanced" edition is already out

What did slavniggers mean by this?

Reminder to pirate before buying
download from rarbg or 1337x

This release is standalone and includes all content and
DLC from our previous releases and updates.

Attached: Greenpill 024.jpg (912x1024, 194K)

I think there might be a Kalikke camp convo that you can miss and I've heard that you want to straddle a neutral line between them in their companion quests. Basically everytime you say remotely anything to Kalikke rar/zip your save file up, view it in the archive, and view whatever her romance value is called in player.json or whatever it's called to see if it's gone up

Don't worry I'm probably going to fuck it up too

This guy knows what's up. I want her to be my personal fucksock.

>Playing a female
>but want the man dick

no user, you are the one who fantasizes about sucking cocks.

Combat really wasn't that fun and too prominent. Has it changed with the enhanced edition?

Is it EE?

Deadfire is still better

Because Trolls are not always evil, just usually evil. Troll children would be able to grow up good, therefore they are innocent.

wait, this game has mods?

wait so you can't actually raise them?


Attached: Greenpill 008.png (285x406, 100K)

Is the cuck orc still the only male romance option?


Motherfockers even managed to add new classes and feats.

Deadfire wife DOES leave you IN the ending! It IS bad!

Attached: Xoti.jpg (210x330, 59K)

EE is a free update to the base game, and it is included in the DLC.

I played the regular version up till you go to war with the kingdom to the west. Then the game became unwinnable. Fuck this game and all its stupid bugs. but most of all fuck that retard giant that kept terrorizing my lands and fuck the game for not letting me immediately kill him

If you're a faggot yeah if not you have Tristian

Did they add a fast walking button like in Pillars of Eternity already?

Attached: __sonia_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_pae_ac40935_m41__sample-8839d2a19671b27cdff399f3d99873d3.jpg (850x815, 154K)

You CAN run faster now OUT of combat!

Game is just unsatisfying as a tabletop conversion. The encounters are built for optimization with hilariously overbuffed stats; "Normal" has enemies running around with significantly inflated stats over the tabletop game, and the mechanics behind those don't help either.

Basically the game is designed to be played on Easy or lower if you play the game as an actual RPG. If you're a min-max enthusiast using a mod to respec the poorly-statted companion characters, then you'll be fine on Normal+. Normal is also doable with strong-but-not-full-cheese builds if you enjoy save scumming fights repeatedly.

Goblins shouldn't have 21 AC. Skeletons shouldn't have +12 to damage. I've played a LOT of D&D 3.5, and a fair bit of Pathfinder. Now, someone people think it's great that the game can be made harder. I would agree with them. But breaking the system's core math by inflating enemy stats beyond the curve isn't the solution for Normal difficulty. I know I can take Monk and/or Paladin dips on my melee characters to boost their defenses to outrageous levels, but I should be able to play logical straight-class characters on Normal without having the provided companion Barbarian get one-shot by a skeleton who mysteriously does d12+12 damage per attack.

The description of "The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game" isn't wrong, but what has been done here isn't an evolution but a degeneration into a powergamer's death march through absurdly inflated stats and a real lack of imagination on encounter design.

Is any of this true?

no theres tristian and valerie

Yeah, thats what I meant. Outside combat, for exploration and such. Also how are load times?

Raise what? The romance values??? Yes, but Kalikke has fewer opportunities so you want to keep tabs on that shit whenever a conversation comes around, which you can do by .rar-ing your save file and viewing it. You can probably try editing her value in the save itself to match Kanerah's if you're desperate enough but who knows how the game would respond to it

Why do you ALWAYS emphasize words occasionally like THIS, it's REALLY goofy!

does this game have a warlock class?

No, the monsters have absurd stats because you have 6 party members being controlled by one person and they're designed in the tabletop for a 4 man party messing around.

You can! Load times ARE faster BUT I am patient user I do NOT know IF they ARE acceptable FOR user!

yes theres tons of class for literally anything but they have 0 impact on the dialogue or story

That was written by a butthurt martialfag

Was any romance shit expanded in EE?

Attached: left handed people.jpg (750x678, 75K)

he cute!

Attached: pf vordakai feels.png (787x952, 611K)

It does NOT have a Warlock class BUT the Wildcards DLC adds Kineticist! It DOES have UNLIMITED blasts!

Nah id rather play icewind dale

But does this game have cool amour sets and kino weapons because if it does

I may pirate it

Attached: repent.jpg (256x256, 18K)

>Naga shape is lvl 18
why I just wanna be a snake will I even get to that point in a normal playthrough

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abyssal or infernal sorcerers or evil clerics are pretty much warlocks

So in my first playthrough a year ago I always rushed the main objective as fast as possible, but thought maybe I was "wasting days" I could use for development by not pushing the time limit as much as I could. Am I correct in thinking this? Should I try and cut it as close as possible in my next playthrough?

The weapon properties later on manage to embarass even ToB weapons.
Like a fucking greataxe with 19-20 crits and +10 on hit

yes, you hit 20 on default play now near the end, possibly earlier with all dlcs and the roguelike dungeon.

yes but youll be at the very end and probably wont get to use it much

>not pirating the gog version
though they probably haven't got EE yet

Yes but can i look like pick related?

Attached: Fulllength.png (692x1024, 1.04M)

If you let major threats linger your kingdom starts to fall apart. The game tells you to get off your ass and do plot, do the fucking plot. CH1 is the only one you can and should faff around in since going fast only gets you a dueling sword

is it that good? you get dragon so much earlier and its stupid strong

>BoT isn't updated yet

your over exaggerating man. Games difficulty is non existent by like level 6. You basically one shot or cc everything. It becomes only hard at the very end when they throw ghosts and those save or die elves.

There is no male slut armor.
Mage "armor" is mostly robes
Regardless there's no mid riff armor for men

i actually agree with you. the game is not especially fun combat wise. people always take about original sin or poe or original sin or pathfinder. original sin had enjoyable combat focused gameplay, where i didn't dread fighting enemies.

kingmaker, for me, has its fun in the role playing and the character building but the combat is really really imbalanced. and i dont mean that to say 'oh this game is impossible' i mean, the game's difficulty curve is incredibly sporadic and according to the dev commentary, they had no fucking idea at all what was hard for the players or not.

the fact the devs have no idea what fun combat is, is reinforced by the fact they give you TWO cleric npcs, something i have never seen any crpg do.

also the majority of the difficulty in the combat just comes from enemies have ridiculous ac's at the hardest difficulty level. which isn't really fun or creative.

also most gimmick builds youre railroaded into playing to counter the ac bullshit take like 5-6 levels to start to manifest.

so its like, you know the first shitty dungeon of games like fallout 2, or baldurs gate 2, or whatever? the entire first quarter of this fucking game feels like that, and its a bummer, because every time i think of playing it again, i think of that fucking dumbass tree level and what a cock suck it is and the idea of sinking 10 hours to overcome it just drains my will.

Looks like a mortal kombat character

Armor styles in these games only do so much
It's why you use portraits in the first place

>TWO cleric npcs
thought that's to cover for different alignments

>respec already in EE
>faster speed already in EE
>teleport already in EE
What else do you even need

Send help lads.
Finished playthrough like 3 months ago with LE warrior and had a blast. Now I'm trying to run good aligned character but paladin would be too similar to last time I feel. On the other hand I can't imagine going good wizard and denying yourself all the cool magic experiments shit.

don't mix up codependency with interdependence, brother one is healthy and the other is not

Honestly Visual Adjustments mod is more important for me right now.

the games difficulty is completely random on hardest difficulty. the boss fights are almost all pushovers. but the normal encounters were sometimes basically impossible without rogues or spell casters, like the whole cyclopes zombie dungeon is fucking ridiculous, i think its almost impossible to beat that level 'as intended' with a regular party. you literally have to gimmick and borderline cheat to clear it by doing dumb shit like solo kiting cyclopses with ekun or something. also you cant rest so cant really abuse wizards either there.

Do the opposite - chaotic good.

I'm afraid you are just bad, user.
Combat is Kingmaker is braindead easy besides first chapter, or even earlier with custom characters
It's also great fun due to many number of spells/class abilities/builds/no care for muh balance

NG Druid Chad of Erastil

Attached: pf barb.jpg (1388x1731, 292K)

I already decided to do good, I just can't decide on class since melees like paladin I feel would be too similar to previous warrior and mage doesn't feel like fun while restricting yourself.

Have they fixed the gamebreaking bugs and artificial difficulty found in the launch version? Thinking of giving this a spin

it is but the difference between them is not significant enough to excuse not making tristan a fucking druid when you meet him at a DRUID SHRINE, where hes praising the ANIMAL GOD

so fucking lame, because honestly i dont know anyone that uses the other cleric over tristan, when the other cleric doesnt even have the selective positive/negative healing shit

treefucker never ever

good suggestion tho

it like legitimately isn't brain dead easy though. try to win the fight against that skull fucker in the campsite on hardest difficulty without a min maxed character. try to beat the game at all on hardest difficulty without a min maxed character. its not easy at all.

Just go with kinetic

Isn't there a visual mod that lets you fully customize your character's clothing? He could just use the monk's starting outfit.

>on the hardest difficulty
it's literally called Unfair
I don't think anyone bases their experience based on what you fight in fucking Unfair

It doesn't work with EE

Kalikke is not a slut! Unlike her sister.

Hopefully mods will start getting updates soon. I'm waiting for custom portraits to be fixed anyway.

well i fucking do. maybe thats why im confused people are saying this game is so fucking easy because when i played it the enemies in the cyclopse dungeon fucking one hit every single person in my party and to beat the game i had to kite like 90 percent of the encounters with aoe slowing spells, or there was no physical possible way to kill owl bears that one shot killed any summon and three shot stalwart defender valerie

GOG can't compete with scene releases.

druids do not have dieties baseline in pathfinder. Erastil may be tied to animals but he is still a diety and thus has clerics.

You can also hide helmets and backpacks with EE.

>Trying to decide on a character
>Been fucking around with builds and trying them out for the first few fights in the intro
>Finally decide on a neutral evil tiefling inquisitor that uses a scythe
>Start progressing
>3rd party member is a Neutral Evil undead Inquisitor using a scythe

You can't change your class outfit and overrides tho.

I know that feeling.

So wait, can you actually have a kid with the tieflings?

That's why it's always a good idea to look up RPG party members before hand, to avoid overlap.

I try to go into games relatively blind nowadays.


Doesn't matter how, I'd just like a daughteru.

The companion romances do NOT give children ONLY the secret romance user!

Steam says the reviews are mixed. Why is that do you think?


Who can it be done with? And how do you trigger it?

Attached: real life rpg.jpg (720x720, 75K)

It CAN be done WITH the secret romance user! There are MANY steps!

1. It was very buggy at release
2. It contains a semblance of depth and difficulty which is enough to make zoom zooms cry since they need to understand a rule system and builds/mechanics to actually succeed. Prebuffing is lost to them.
3. The harder difficulties require min maxing and very high cheesy knowledge of the mechanics, but poor zoom zoom cant stand not being able to play on hardest right out of the bat

>Next time you do that... thing with your tail, warn me first.
W-w-what did she do?

Attached: 1524293792624.jpg (480x542, 42K)

Are you excited for Greedfall and potential heathen pagan waifus, Valerie user?
I hope to see you in the threads about it! which I shall make as I also did most Kingmaker threads on Yea Forums and also BG and also the ATOM one atm

Attached: GreedFall_02.jpg (1920x1080, 762K)

same here.
also is the game finally better optimazied ?

What classes should be avoided at higher difficulties?

> Spiders
Janky 6/10 game incoming.

make account on pinterst you idiot.
you will drown in them

I am thank YOU user! Give me colonial wife! Give me pagan wife!

They have been getting better with every game, to be fair.
They started as wannabe biowarelite with small budget but are making better and better games as opposed to bioware who just falls harder and harder until rock bottom, assuming you are one of the ones who still think this hasn't happened yet, that is.

How's Bound by Flame?

I'd say it's average. It has a cool setting and premise but you can see the low budget hurt them again as the game feels pretty short, with you only taking out like 1 of the 8 big bads mentioned or something.
There's a Morrigan clone waifu you can romance.
Technomancer is bretty good, though, which is their latest game besides Greedfall.

Sybil IS a good wife!

Attached: Sybil.jpg (600x306, 116K)

Amelia IS a good wife!

Attached: Amelia.jpg (1280x720, 816K)

You mean the Fae woman? I was working on that romance in my old playthrough before I stopped. If I go for it again, is there a recommended alignment for it?

What a shame.

>loading screens take hours
>single gay romance is a doormat retarded cuck orc that loves a roastie
>"we don't have enough resources for more gay shit, here have 3 new straight romances"
>illusion of choice everywhere
>plot almost as weak as PoE
>that weak as fuck empire management
It's literally bioware tier garbage, why the fuck did Yea Forums praised the game so much?

Attached: midnighter jesus.jpg (338x304, 49K)

>and fuck the game for not letting me immediately kill him
They WHAT? Why the fuck so much of the game seems to be specifically designed to piss off the player?

That IS right user! You CAN be ANY alignment BUT Neutral Good AND Chaotic Good ARE easiest! She is the ONLY romance that gives YOU babies user! (She is! She is!)

Which classes are good if you don’t plan to multi? Preferably a melee class

>enhanced edition
>no linzi romance
think I'll pass


t. Oct*id

Can you fug tristan yet?

The joke doesn't work for months already. They patched it a month after release.

I appreciate the help speech impediment user. I wish to have cute daughters and sons. Also Neutral Good will allow me to save Jhod and Kesten now that the exploit is fixed. Right? Or do I have to be a harder neutral?

get fucked faggot lol

If I had the original do I also have the enhanced edition?

You ARE welcome user you ARE a GOOD user! I do NOT know BUT I think you DO need to BE some Neutral!

Only if a pure woman.

Can I burn down Pitax yet?

Wild Hunt bf when

Attached: pf wild hunt.jpg (640x900, 38K)

>single fucking available gay romance is this fucking nigger
Nigga u will never be able to truly appreciate how mad I'm.
It's not possessiveness for fuck's sake, it's valuing your body enough to not whore it out to just anyone, AND giving a specific person the gift of exclusive access to it.

Attached: 1424257895181.jpg (600x884, 52K)

I have another question. How do I save Tristian and also get enough hidden romance points? Do I NEED to have the extended dialogue with her, or will Tristian be a fucking deadzo if I have the conversation with her?

I do NOT know user I have NOT played the game I backed game HIGH tier FOR Valerie! I did back game ONLY for Valerie! There ARE guides AND other anons! You CAN try /pfkmg/ ON /vg/ user!

Regongon is CUTE!

Attached: pf regongar6.png (1171x912, 2.19M)

No clothing still gives you a basic clothing depending on the class you picked. So no. You'd have to mod the models themselves.

He's also a retarded doormat with no sense of morals.

Is the explorer edition on gog a good birthday gift?
Be honest.

>go to clear up some shit past the kamelands
>it's a dead end with one area
>decide to go past the womb and finish up silverlake
>varn guard: can't let you do that, baron
So many days lost to the wind

At least finished up some artisan shit (and got the bandit encounter on Gudrin bridge) so it wasn't a total waste

>game was unplayable for months after the release
You're not helping your case.

Agreed. At least you aren't playing the dullest RPG of all time. Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.

>a-at least the writing was good though


The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.

Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.

Attached: 1536155212687 (1).jpg (750x1000, 159K)

Never, they are too busy making more used up whores for the straight guys.
lolno you can mod a gay option with him

Valerie IS a good birthday gift! Romance Valerie!

Attached: Ergot Valerie.png (2000x2198, 1.69M)

>for months
Not really fampai, for both. Don't talk about things you never experienced. You just sound stupid.

Any whacky build guides I could try for the named party members this time around?

Stop fanboying several people had gamebreaking bugs on several different quests. Your type is the exact reason why companies like bioware turn to shit, endlessly defending garbage and letting them get away with it.

Logan Thackmaster, muh boi

Your logic is broken, please visit a therapist.

Yes, but you could still finish it.
I played since release and only recall it being legit unfinishable in the case of a Pitax bug that used to happen and block story progression , even if a ton of quests and shit were broken and buggy.

Greedfall has potential for good bfs.
This hunk at the center is your bodyguard.
Spiders has done homoshit before with Technogaymancer. Most likely going to have a romanceable male pagan native too.

Attached: greedfall bf.png (1920x1080, 2.49M)

And Pitax is an end-game content, the first 4-5 acts were totally fine.

The Greedfall girls ARE cute too!

Is this based on any Pathfinder campaign or is it an original plot? Am I gonna be spending ten years wasting time in Korvosa like a chunk of the actual Pathfinder games I've played if I buy this?

Not an argument. Fanboys defend companies when they do stupid bullshit, like releasing a mess of a buggy game that many people couldn't even finish after several patches. Were not for said defense forces, companies wouldn't be able to do such bullshit, and the bigger the fanboy base, the faster and harder the fall, that was the case with bethesda, bioware, blizzard and that will be the case with any other company. You do your favorite series more harm than good by being such a dipshit.
There were bugs in several other mainline quests as well. Hell just yesterday I learned that on that a patch broke the obtention of a few items in the rival quest.

Also honestly, the romance debacle leaves such a sour taste in the mouth, right after saying they didn't have the resources to make another gay one, they released both yet another female ri for the main quest and another one for the side story. They could have LITERALLY just changed how the options for Tristan worked and no one would have complained.

I'll play it only if I'm not penalized for not building everything around flanking and OP as fucki summons. Did they balance casters and none rogue playstyle melee, you know, into actually being playable without being a masochist?

>loading screens

Attached: 1549952639712.jpg (600x791, 212K)

How much am I missing if I set kingdom management to auto? I just want to go around with my merry band of murderers.

you'll be missing the wonderful opportunity that is to stare at 40 secs loading screens every few minutes

Honestly couldn't believe the soft spoken, smooth, feminine-featured twink wasn't the gay romance to begin with.

Attached: 1541654742499.png (767x400, 432K)

He IS cute AND he IS a GOOD friend!

Don't make me even more mad user, you have no fucking clue no fucking idea just how pissed this game makes me, it's like everything was made so particularly and so deviously and purposefully to piss you off. From that scene in the beginning where the game PRETENDS you have a choice to kill the purple midget, to the fucking romance options and the loading times. I'm so fucking mad.

Do NOT be so mad user! Have a PIC of a REAL Valerie! She IS the best! (She is! She is!)

Attached: 1537981560048[1].jpg (1280x688, 357K)

That's good for you but it doesn't change the problems I have with the game.

What! She IS cute OTHER Valerie user! She IS cute! (She is! She is!)