Left or right?

Left or right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Left because I'm not into necrophilia


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Why not both?

Left because she looks more like those greasy chicks back at school who would sit at the back of the class drawing anime who were gross as fuck but you desperately wanted to titty fuck anyway

Left. Seriously, look at those fucking tifa’s.


What this discerning individual stated.

came to post this

wtf is wrong with their hands??

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Tifa wears gloves.

Aeris has the booty tho

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Tits > Ass

This nigga knows whats up

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My nigga.

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there's a theft joke in here somewhere

Left because I'm male

Does it matter who I use in ny party for FF7?

>left's personality and body
>with green eyes and wearing rights dress
Someone draw it.

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not really, some have higher dmg output with limits then others. Other then that there isnt too much difference

You can make any character do anything. The only bad characters are Cait Sith and Vincent because their limits suck, but if you're not going the secret bosses then it doesn't matter at all

Left in right.

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Is that where all the materia is stored?


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I don't do corpses.

Respectable, but you better not get too attached to your Materia

The one on the right is a Lady of the night so hard pass for me, besides Tifa stuck by cloud during the worst so she's wife material.

I think i would start with left then right then both at the same time

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Damn. That's pretty good cosplay.

Cait Sith can be a pretty good mage early on at least, with him getting weapons with multiple slots the earliest and having a decent HP pool to take all the HP% penalties.
Vincent is the one I can never find a use for

Tifa has both tho

left. I can't deny that I love tits.

is this the netflix version?

Tifa has no ass.

You've definitely got that reversed, if you want character loyal doujins.

She doesn't. Check the crater or fleeing from Shinra HQ FMVs again

Used to be left but after Aerith's new design they're pretty even

Tifa's new design will restore the balance in a few days.

Tifa has no ass

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Really not looking forward to the flood of shitposting that's gonna come from that.

you don't need ass for lovey-dovey missionary
doggy is a prostitute position

Left for body. Right for actually having a personality.

A horny Yea Forums, is a productive Yea Forums.

As opposed to the 20 years of shitposting we've had?


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left, I don't want to get an std from the prostitute on the right

She isn't a prostitute. She sells flowers.

Both (for Black Men)

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you wouldn't

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Right. She's cool and fun.

Wonder how many men she's sold her "flower" to.

Childhood is loving Tifa and her massive Tits
Adulthood is wanting to taste the freshly ripened fruit that is Yuffie
Godhood is realising that Jessie was the best


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selling flowers is slang for prostitution

>those fucking lips
I want to kiss her so badly.

Does mug glitch count? Also he's a natural deathblow carrier with his 255% weapons

Left has a fun body, right is a fun woman.

No it isn't. You fucking pervert.

Yuffie is best overall
Tifa is waifu material tho

finally someone said it.

Vincent is really good, you just are never able to use his limit break

Neither. Also not Yuffie to Hell with that brat.

Left for body, right for head and personality.

I heard that they were gonna have a scene where tifa aerith and yuffie were gonna get lubed up and have an oil wrestling match before engaging in explicit lesbian sex, but they didn't have the technology to do it back in 97. Are they gonna do this in the remake? I hope so

The devs really wanted us to pick Tifa huh?

Now I'm curious, who do you like in the franchise then? The trio from VII covers pretty well all major interests.

I'd say his 2nd and 4th ones are pretty good. 3rd only becomes good if you have a shit ton of damage, turning it into a janky 5x cut

In the original game, you never could tell what her breast size was (or any other features). She's basically just a dress and hair. This is the major reason the remake is a bad idea. People developed their own idealized version of what all the characters looked like in their heads. And now the remake is going to overwrite that. Not to mention the new translation, voice acting, episodic release, Aeirth and so on.

Tifa because she awakened my attraction to women as a young boy.

Thanks Tifa

couldn't agree more

what the fuck are they holding hands? Delete this degenerate filth immediately

>user doesn't like yuri

If you paid attention, you would have known the answer

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user there come's a time and a place where vanilla and yuri will team up to purge the world of filth, and nobody is gonna like it at first, but it will happen and it will be for the better

Marry Tifa, Fuck Yuffie, Kill Aeris

No one in FF7. The major female characters are either self-centered, annoying, too clutsy considering their job (plus I'll never trust the Turks no matter how much they've been whitewashed over the years), easily pushed around, taken (and dead), annoying children, or actually inhuman.

plus her

I want to cum deep inside Tifa while kissing her, holding hands and while she locks her legs around me. Does that answer your question?

Left obviously
Right sucks and I literally didnt care when she got rekt by Sephy

Left or right?

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>and I literally didnt care when she got rekt by Sephy
Yeah, the games shit translation hurt Aeris the most.

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Aeris' death is going to be fucking rough in the remake


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Not unless they actually develop Aeris this time. Her death had no impact in the original game because she just runs off in the middle of the night and sits there waiting to die.

until the end of time

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Time to answer the important questions like which one has the smelliest farts?

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based and wutaipilled

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To be fair, none of the girls in VII were well-developed. Aerith dies before she can get much and Tifa's 'development' revolves entirely around Cloud, to a point that it's more his than her's. Yuffie actually has the most but it's still not much.


I don't like how their face looks almost exactly the same between the 2 pictures

An affront to the sexiness of Yuffie.

>average breasts

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ff7 is so damn easy you can use whoever you want


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Phenomenal taste

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Yuffie is the hipster faggot choice.

>Aerith dies before she can get much
But there was still more than enough time to develop her. Other RPG series like Sukoden or Dragon Quest can give a character an entire arc and develop their personality in less than an hour. But you had 5+ hours with Aeris and she doesn't do much at all.

The FF team just sucks at developing characters in general.

>and Tifa's 'development' revolves entirely around Cloud, to a point that it's more his than her's.
Eh, she still gets more development than that. I'd say she's one of the more developed girls in any FF game. And development coming from interacting with other characters is how development should work. This is why Celes works so well in FFVI.

>Yuffie actually has the most but it's still not much.
How do you come to that conclusion? Her development is just stealing your materia and a few jokes in other scenes like her getting airsick. Her biggest development is basically just forcing you to explore the city of Wutai to find her. She's a game trigger more than a character.

That's going to be her official name in the remake. And said with full voice acting hundreds of times. Please be excited.

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Aside from story and dialogue, nah

Aeris has always had bigger hips in the official art desu

I can't believe Theatrhythm is fucking dead

I want to be left and marry right

No it’s definitely the hipster faggot choice

Why do people act like this is something only Tifa would do?

Or that the skimpy dressed titty monster is a “good girl” while reaching wrt everyone else?

It’s weird

Unless they reduce her boobs


For Aerith I'm just going based on total time. In truth they may have just decided not to bother since they planned on killing her off.

I don't know how you could possibly consider Tifa that developed. She is pretty much static, particularly since her most prominent trait is that she fancies the pants off of Cloud. Difference with her and Celes is that Celes actually changes as a person. Tifa doesn't really. She just reveals everything she knew and basically comes out with how attached she is to Cloud.

And Yuffie's big wutai sidequest is her development. As I said it's not much but she does grow a bit more as a character compared to Tifa and Aeris.

It’s actually not... Tifa is the one with the skimpy clothing anyway

Tifafags are so invested in a waifu war they can’t enjoy the game now lol

In a word, bias. That and Tifa is the classic "nice caring girl that loves you" type.

Aerith has way more personality and development than Tifa, who exists only to be Cloud’s girl, brainlet

Aside from learning about her powers and deciding to put herself on the line to save the world? Yea they did nothing with her at all

Tifa really does get no development aside from pining for Cloud. Sorry.

>aeris pretends to be pure but is probably actually a literal whore
>everyone thinks tifa is a slut because of her clothes but is probably not
Not a hard choice.

That I get. It’s the fact people lust over her tits and skimpy dress but will concoct wild fan theories about how Rinoa fucked Seifer and all his friends in the same breath

It's not though. They keep porting it to new systems. And they're making yet another one right now (rumor is it's Kingdom Hearts).

What's fucking annoying is we didn't get the Dragon Quest game in the west.

How can aeris be a whore if the men in ber life keep getting cockblocked by villains?

Probably the only pure FF girl

You newfags need to stop using words you literally don't know the meaning of.

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the answer is clear

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God, I had such a crush on her.

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>tfw she's flatter than yuffie

>I don't know how you could possibly consider Tifa that developed.
A character doesn't have to completely change to be developed. The development of Tifa is that we the audience see what her true personality is over the course of her interacting with many characters. Not just Cloud, but most of the cast.

And if you're going to claim this means she doesn't get developed, realize this is exactly the same situation as Cloud. He's putting up a front and we gradually see what his real personality is over the course of the game. Cloud doesn't have a huge shift in personality either. He just chips away at the front he had made for himself.

Celes does change a lot more as a person. But again, that's not the only measurement of character development. For example, Locke, the one she plays off the most, doesn't change in personality.

>Aside from learning about her powers and deciding to put herself on the line to save the world?
She didn't decide to save the world. It's right in her final speech. She runs off because she "feels something" but fully admits she doesn't know what it is or how to react to it. Then she gets killed. It's only after she's dead that she understands what she is and her goal, which she executes in the final scene of the game.

Aeris didn't understand her mission, what the Ancients were or even what Holy was before she died. Hopefully the remake will completely redo this whole scene (and everything before it) to have a better impact. But I doubt they will.

>ywn make a messie jessie out of her

Locke does change though. That's why I said 'change as a person' rather than 'personality change'. He develops in that he has a huge hang-up over his old waifu, which he has to move on from.

The only way that sorta happens with Tifa is that she stops hiding the truth from Cloud...except that it mainly happens because it was forced to. And that is more about Cloud than her of course. So really the most you can say is that she decides to be more honest in her feelings with Cloud. Which again, is more about Cloud.

Which one has better pubes?

She says “I’m the only one who can do something about this” or something like that.

Funny how for Tifa it “does not have to be complete” for it to be development but for Aeris she needs to have full awareness of what she is doing.

Just ad hoc crap as usual. Moronic.

Tifa just reveals her feelings for Cloud, no change at all. Aeris begins to learn more and knows enough to be the ine that actually saves the world. Hit because it arbitrarily does not match full awareness it suddenly “does not count”

This guy just has ever so convenient standards for what character development is and is not. For Tida they’re lenient, for Aeris they’re strict. Not worth engaging imo

my dick says right but my brain says left

All of Sector Seven crushed on her, kid.

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You’re a bad octopus!

No need to be so depressed about it.


stop it

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I’m just playing along. I find the fact people use Tifa’s oneitis to project some kind of waifish fantasy onto her weird desu

Literally whom?


He's just being FLAT out honest.

Tifa is more likely to give you AIDS tho.

>He develops in that he has a huge hang-up over his old waifu, which he has to move on from.
But he had that before the game started. We, the audience, just learn about it through development. Which is the same way Tifa is handled.

>The only way that sorta happens with Tifa is that she stops hiding the truth from Cloud...except that it mainly happens because it was forced to.
...I don't get your argument. Because when it comes to motivations and "change" it's the same exact situation for Locke. His big change is admitting to Celes that he's pining over another girl who looks like her. And he's forced into revealing this because Celes discovers the secret room, not because Locke himself admits it.

The only difference you seem to keep repeating is that Tifa's development means less because it's connected to Cloud. Which again, would make Locke's development less, since it's connected to Celes...

And as I already said, development is strengthened when it is tied to interaction with another character. So your complaints that Tifa's development comes through Cloud is even more baffling.

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that just makes me imagine jessie being sector 7 slums' bicycle
even the women and children!

Sister of Tifus

>basically interacting with a character and revealing things that are novel to the audience is character development
>knowing you can stop the bad guy and going to do it on your own accord knowing the risks is not

This is silly. You are silly. SILLY!

A man of culture

>Funny how for Tifa it “does not have to be complete” for it to be development
I never said that. I said a character doesn't need to completely change to be developed. I think you and the other guy are confusing development as personal growth or change. When it's actually more to do with how we, the audience, learn about the character. That's what development is. Our perception of Tifa or Locke or anyone else changes when being presented with new information.

>but for Aeris she needs to have full awareness of what she is doing.
She doesn't need to. But to have an impact in the situation they were trying to present, she needs to have some kind of awareness.

They could have done the situation very differently and she wouldn't need to know anything. They had been setting that up all through Disk 1. But they make this big deal right at the end that she's starting to hear the planet and knows she has some purpose. But, since she doesn't know what that purpose is, it's stupid for her to just run off, away from the group who's been protecting and helping her, to follow some vague feeling she doesn't understand. Do you get how that's just fucking dumb itself? Not even related to what happens to her later on.

It's the same kind of bad writing as Squall suddenly being obsessed with Rinoa at the start of Disk 3, where the whole game before, all his actions show he hates her. Squall liking Rinoa isn't a problem, but the fact that there's no foreshadowing development leading up to it. They just flip a switch and he's obsessed with her. Just like in FFVII, Aeris shows no signs of anything, then the team goes to sleep for the night and suddenly she has visions and runs off. No development or foreshadowing.

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I was just pointing out that Tifa was more or less forced to reveal the truth to Cloud. What happens with Locke didn't really hinge on Celes so much. She was part of it but wasn't the crux of it. I also feel like Locke actually did develop more, while Tifa barely at all, since Locke fundamentally changes in some way while Tifa doesn't as much. Certainly not enough to be called one of the best developed girls in the franchise.

>knowing you can stop the bad guy and going to do it on your own accord
She doesn't know she can.

>and going to do it on your own accord knowing the risks is not
She doesn't even know where she's going or why. I already addressed this above. Can you even read?

Well, let's put it another way. Tifa gets 10x more dialogue and actions in her story than Celes does. Granted, more time and actions doesn't mean the person is well developed (see Yuna). But in my opinion, the stuff Tifa does does show development. You're welcome to see it differently though.

It's always so entertaining to see petty waifufag discussions.
You are all brain dead idiots

>he says
>while posting on 4chins


Attached: she keep suckin.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

Right all day every day, has the personality and the bootay

Buff Tifa!

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Stay mad.

Left. I would bang her everyday all day except on sundays when I would take a break to pray to the titty gods and goddesses for blessing me.

You are saying ridiculous things to dress up what you personally like s an objective opinion.

Also i replayed that part with aeris because I had a file there. She says she”s “the only one who can stop Sephiroth” which makes her maybe not knowing exactly what she is doing immaterial. She knows she must act, and does, knowong the consequences. Character development. And that’s not counting some minor stuff with team members in disc 1 or what she does in the lifestream or in supplemental material.

This is way more change and development than Tifa. You just happen to prefer certain aspects of Tifa’s arc, which is fine, but is just a preference and nothing more.

Now begone, silly, and meet they doom!

She literally says she can, but knowong she has a chance or not is not the point. The point is her taking initiative. The fact I even have to point this out is depressing.


>she needs to have some kind of awareness to have an impact

Objectively untrue for one, you’re just asserting it in a totally ad hoc way.

And she does, you yourself even said she’s somewhat aware unless you want to move the goalposts

Right back at ya, kiddo.

Bros i’m nervous as fuck for squares E3, I feel like they’re going to fuck up tifas tits because of nu-sony.

There’s also the part at the gold saucer haunted house. Aeris is about to share something but decides against it, based on context it was something she learned about the Cetra and herself. We do not know what it is but to hinge the argent about her character development on the idea “she does not know enough” is silly. For one it is about her actions based on what she does know, for another she does seem to know she can do something meaningful.

This is far more than Tifa has, who that other user pointed out, is actually just part of Cloud’s character development rather than having her own

Left because I like tifa's face, personality, and fashion sense more
Also her huge fucking titties like god damn user


Another interesting tidbit is that after communing with the Temple, Aeris knows how the Black Materia works. She’s clearly learning things from her connection to the planet.

Doubtful. Square is the one making the game, Sony can't do anything other than maybe demand a change in the clothes, and I doubt they'd try with a company like Square who could just as easily say "Well then, we'll go with Microsoft who won't ask us to compromise our artistic vision"

both are nice girls and you really can't go wrong here, but personally i'd pick left
thieving whore

Says a lot when the thieving whore is best girl

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thanks man you gave me some hope, also forgot about this semon demon they gave us back in DQXI

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she looks like she orgasms heavily when her navel is teased

Since Aeris is the better healer and spellcaster and since Tifa has a great body...

Marry Aeris
Fuck Tifa
Kill Yuffie

In fact, I wouldn't need to marry or fuck Aeris or Tifa. I just need to kill Yuffie since she was fucking useless and did nothing but steal my materia and then disorganized it.

Also, Shinra did nothing wrong in conquering Yuffie's people.

Left because I am a straight

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I think Martina/Jade is hotter than Tifa.

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I agree. Sexier personality too.

It’s all but said by Aeris that she thinks Cloud is too compromised and mindfucked to help her. It’s a bit of a stretch but awkward writing does not make something no longer character development.

jessie = yuffie = elena > tifa > scarlet > marlene > aeris

>Also i replayed that part with aeris because I had a file there. She says she”s “the only one who can stop Sephiroth”
Based on a feeling. And she doesn't know how to do it. So instead of asking her friends if they have ideas, or continuing to travel with them until they stumble onto Sephiroth (since that's literally their goal and they've already run into him before) or trying to learn of some spell or skill that will help her, she just runs off by herself into some ruins and gets killed. This is 100% plot convenience.

Just admit it, dude. It's bad writing. The fact that has to create a theory based on something that isn't clear shows how bad it is. FFVII fans have been doing this for two decades, creating theories and context for things the game didn't explain fully. Hopefully the remake will rectify this. But as it stands, the game doesn't say she understood what she was doing. It leaves it purposefully vague. And more than that, Cloud fricken says he doesn't understand why she did it, even after talking to her in a dream about it. It's as if the writers themselves just threw up their hands and said "who cares, just kill her."

>It’s all but said
Funny how you can justify anything if you cite things that aren't fully explained.

"It's all but said that Sephiroth is gay for Cloud. I mean, it's all there! Just look at his actions and the things he chooses not to say!"

This desu.


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You never played the game. Aerith has no personality and her character was never developed. She was a super special plot device who runs on ahead to do whatever the fuck she wanted without telling anybody anything important. That's all she did for the entirety of her existence in the party.

>based on a feeling
No, you are incorrect about basic detail.

For one, Aeris’ visions and senses are accurate so it’s more than a feeling to you or me.

For another she says she is being guided to the city by “a feeling”. The feeling is just telling her where to go.
Before talking about this she states with certainty she can do something to protect the planet. In the Temple, her communing with spirits told her how Black Materia worked since she knew it needed spiritual power.

It’s clear she knew she could do something from this process.

Moreover, you know who else thinks she can interfere? Sephiroth. He says she has to be stopped.

>admit it dude it’s bad writing
Which does not make it not character development. And so is Tifa not telling Cloud the truth in Kalm.

Aeris and Tifa give the same excuse for their actions: they think Cloud will have a breakdown.

It’s also not a theory whennshe says “only a Cetra like me can do it”. She clearly knows she can do something and acts upon it.

You’re dressing up the fact you subjectively like Tifa’s halfway arc more than Aeris’ arc

>has booty tho
>posts pic where you can't see it

She says only a cetra like her can stop sephiroth. And sephiroth says she cant be allowed to interfere.

She has more personality than the generic childhood friend love interest that is Tifa.

It’s Tifa who is like that actually. Her role in the story is to be the obligatory girl friend.

Aeris was nice and sweet but also a mischevous city girl who was not afraid to bend the rules and assert herself. And this is all just how she is characterized at the Wall Market.

Later she has angst over being the last Cetra.
Detects Cloud is hiding who he is.
And at the end puts herself on the line for the planet.

This from a character who has far less screentime than many others

You’re dumb. Tediously dumb.

The game clearly puts in lines which suggest she’s more than ignorat of what she is doing. You guys are just demanding it be more explicit bexause you want to win this argument. Like everything so far it’s all just ad hoc crap

Had a stroke but you get it. It’s all convenient goal post moving.

>Aeris says he can stop sephiroth because she’s a cetra
>”but she does not mention Holy! So she basically knows nothing!”

>The feeling is just telling her where to go.
And she has no idea what's there. Or what to do there.

>Before talking about this she states with certainty she can do something to protect the planet.
But runs off before understanding what it is. Even if there wasn't a supernatural element to it, this would be stupid.

>In the Temple, her communing with spirits told her how Black Materia worked since she knew it needed spiritual power.
But how does that help her? She wasn't going to use Black Materia to do anything. Plus, she ran off and Cloud still has it!

>It’s clear she knew she could do something from this process.
Which is why I listed all those options she had, Staying with the team, researching more about the ancients, trying to find some magic or skill. Instead, she just runs off, alone, without a plan or basic understanding of what she's doing.

It was just a weak, ambiguous excuse they came up with to get her alone. Since they decided to kill her.

>Moreover, you know who else thinks she can interfere? Sephiroth. He says she has to be stopped.
Aeris could interfere. I've never argued against this. I'm arguing the scenes leading up to her death were poorly executed. And I hope the remake improves them. More foreshadowing and explination before she leaves. And hopefully change her leaving so she doesn't just run off alone. Sephiroth can still appear and kill her while she's tagging along with Cloud and Co in the ruins. Have it so Aeris "senses" Sephiroth is in the ruins, and the whole team goes in together. Then she gets ambushed and killed. It leads to the same ending, but now it's less silly.

It's also very silly in the original game that she runs off since she dies right when Cloud gets there. You spend an hour or two wandering around the ruins and then she dies right next to you. Might as well have just had her part of the party for those two hours...

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>has a feeling she can stop Sephiroth
>doesn't know how to do it, but rushing off without a plan has the same impact. It's the thought that counts!
That's how stupid you sound.

Me in the middle.

>gets cucked by a whore
Hey at least it rhymed.

>It's also very silly in the original game that she runs off since she dies right when Cloud gets there. You spend an hour or two wandering around the ruins and then she dies right next to you. Might as well have just had her part of the party for those two hours...
No, you see, they had to set up that dramatic Hollywood shot of her sitting in a gazebo praying. And Sephy falling down like an angel.

>had no idea what is there
And? Again, her senses never actually lead her astray. So what’s the diff? You have never explained how this means she did not develop as a character.

She also knows she’s going to the City and what sne is going to do there. She’s taking a risk because she does not know exactly what will go down, that’s what makes it.. dramatic.. and heroic.

I took screenshots of key lines from the scene. Just going to repeat them backto you so you know how silly the idea she was clueless is.

Cloud: “I don’t know what happened to me” (referring to him giving Seph the Black Materia and losing his shit afterward)

Aeris: “then why don’t you really worry about it? And let me handle Sephiroth.”

Aeris: “So you don’t have a breakdown, okay?”

Aeris: “That’s why I’m going to protect it. Only a survivor of the Cetra, like me, can do it.”

Aeris: “The secret is up ahead. At least it should be. ...I feel it.”

“Then, I’ll be going now. I’ll come back when it’s all over.”

Sephiroth: “Hmm... so she’s going to interfere.”

“We must stop that girl soon.”

Not every line obviously but the ones relevant to this discussion, hence I bothered to get screenshots.

I legitimately do not get the idea she’s clueless about what she is doing here. Even Sephiroth, who knows more, sees her as a threat.

I dont think you even know what you're arguing. You initially argued Aeris did not have development, now you’re arguing you think the writing done to set this up is bad as if that changes anything.

The writing to get Tifa and Cloud in Sephiroth’s illusion is also contrived.

You’re talking about a being with heightened spiritual senses. And... it’s still character development even if you find the fantasy aspects silly.

You do not even know what is being argued

It’s also silly for Tifa to tag along for the illusion in the whirlwind maze when she did nothing to prepare Cloud for what was to come.

Aeris and Tifa both give the same excuse for this “you’ll have a meltdown”.

And the argument is other whether there is character development. Not over whether the plot ever reaches at any point.


her tifa is cuter

She fucks White guys.

Brown hair and green eyes will always be the master race.

Oh sure let this bitch steal all your shit z And never FREAKING APOLOGISE FOR IT

Did Aerith’s plan work or not? Oh it did? Then she knew what she was doing clearly. Another user pointed out she’s a quasi-supernatural being, so her “feelings” are not like ours. She’s being told things by the planet itself.

You are going to give your flower to Marlene right?

Can't you just switch it to Japanese and hear Aerisu?
XV had like 4 different dubs.

Women cost money and it's not like you can't get more materia.

Tifa. But I also like Iris, but her game is crap.

Attached: Breedable.jpg (1920x1080, 1.25M)

From what I remember Aeris' goal was to activate Holy to repel Meteor. Holy activates, but it isn't enough to stop Meteor so she "convinces" the lifestream to intervene as well and that is enough to keep Meteor from destroying Midgar.

Wide hips usually correlate to a larger butt.

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Preferably left, but I'm okay with both.

Based punchlover.

She looked cute in the remake trailer. Hope to see more art of her coming out.


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I know, I just found the above argument to be dumb. She clearly knows she’s doing something, she acts on this feeling, and it works meaning she did objectively know what she was doing. Plus the fact she’s a planet-speaking mystic means she has leeway with regard to how she knows this stuff.
Can’t even have a story where things aren’t totally spelled out to the player right away if we followed the logic presented above.


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Pray the camera is good in the remaster

what a little slut

I really hope this is the last shot of the trailer.

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Do you even have to ask?

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I wonder what Yuffie's comments would have been.

Attached: FINAL FANTASY VII_20190526074742.jpg (3840x2160, 440K)

She’d laugh and spill the beans when Corneo is inspecting Cloud

>No moddable, SDT-esque flash game of THAT Tifa video
How the hell is this not a thing yet?

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Can someone tell me why most cosplay girls have tattoos all over their bodies? Can we have any pure skinned cosplay girls for once?

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women think tattoos make you cool

>tattoos are a manly thing
>women don't realize that having it makes them uglier

Feminism wins again

Think tattoos are a personality


why do you niggers REEEEE about fucking tattoos so much? they're fucking cosplay sluts, it's not like you're gonna settle down and raise a family with any of them jesus fucking christ

Attached: 1453777216606.jpg (120x160, 6K)

that too


Tattoos are touching more women than ever before. I was at the fucking bank and one of the sitting bankers, not the ones that do stuff up at the counter, had fucking tattoos spanning from her wrist into her long sleeve blouse. They're fucking their beauty with this shit and think it's cool and hip.

>No Aerith version of that video

>no exposed tits version either

sad world

Personally for me the shirt staying on makes it 10x better

t. Sephiroth

>3d women

Attached: 61f62ce3e4f85632b235a3a4d79b629f.jpg (699x1080, 321K)

I fapped enough to the shirt. I need it off

Looks like she fucks white boys

Well thanks user you just made me realize another reason to kill myself

It is a trashy thing to do. And I am allowed to have opinions on girls making money off their looks


Not so fast rat face.

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Why shouldn't I mock stupid people?

I remember when SVP was just starting to gain traction this was the first video I tried it with. That video in 60fps gave me big cums

People who have hard ons for this little cunt are basically cucks.

Scarlet and Tifa have a secret homoerotic relationship based on mental abuse and really kinky sex

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Or they just like tummies, you might be projecting a bit

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you mean pedos

One thing that always gets me. Tifa is Martial artist. Yet she sticks to slaps with Scarlet? Bitch punches shit so hard it explodes as her final limit. She could have knocked Scarlet clean the fuck out. Or thrown her off the side of the cannon.

>her senses never actually lead her astray.
Except at the church, and her home, and Hojo's lab, and the scene in question...

>She also knows she’s going to the City and what sne is going to do there. She’s taking a risk because she does not know exactly what will go down,
You literally just contradicted yourself. Good job. She doesn't know what's going to happen when she gets there. And there's no indication she had any plan. And we see what ultimately happens.

>I legitimately do not get the idea she’s clueless about what she is doing here.
And I don't know how many more times I need to explain it to you. She literally says she "feels" that there's a secret up ahead. But she doesn't know what it is or what she can do. It's ambiguous symbolism for her Holy power, which she already has.

But the writers had to get her in a situation where she could be killed. And they came up with this. A common trope in JRPGs and anime where the character "feels" something and runs off, usually to their death.

It's just an excuse to set up a cinematic death scene. There isn't a solid explanation for it in the plot and she shows no signs of understanding it. And all I was arguing before is the remake could improve it.

>Even Sephiroth, who knows more, sees her as a threat.
We've already gone over this. I never argued against this. Sephiroth sees her as a threat for good reason. But SHE doesn't know what it is. So she's running off to face someone without any plan or understanding. And dies a meaningless death as a result.

no need to be so toasty roasty

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Left. I never got the appeal of Aerith, honestly.

But Yuffie is GOAT.

How so? She's like 15/16 isn't she? There's a different term for that.

Yeah, Straight.

Stop using words you don't know, negroid.

It's okay to be ashamed of your shit taste, retards.

that didn't take long

Attached: hah.png (500x706, 359K)

>I was just pretending
Whatever, newfag

Attached: Aerith compares.png (1000x1000, 631K)

shut the fuck up aeris you have small titties and you die

Not him but answer me this. DoesnMt the fact she has supernatural senses and the fact her plan did work mean she did know what she was doing even if some details eluded her? (Which we don’t even know one way or another btw)
It’s very obvious the reveal of Holy in disc 2 is meant to show you she had a plan. The whole build up to it is Cloud and friends thinking “Aeris had a plan and we don’t know what it is now.”
So this whole debate seems stupid.

You finding the writing bad does not mean it’s not character development. Nobody cares about your particular jrpg bugbears. As you point out, all jrpgs take leaps like this and 7 is no exception (nor is this even the best example of it).

Also Bugenhagen says Holy requires a “soul carrying Holy to reach the planet” so maybe she had to die for it to work anyway. That would cut through what you find weird about it.

Wait thats Nomura and it seems dissidia themed, when did he draw this?

>a slut or a prostitute
Gee with options like those how can I possibly pick?

settle down, kidfucker

Attached: loli enthusiasts.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

how is tifa a slut?

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Keep projecting, newfag.

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...so you’re back. I said she does not know “exactly” what will happen. Which means she does not know every detail of what will go down but she clearly has a plan, obviously inferred from her statements about how she can stop Sephiroth.

You’re just conveniently demanding everything be spoonfed to you by the narrative.

You can say it is bad writing if you want. It’s still character development and this argument began with the silly assertion that Aeris was “not well developed” so you “did not care about her death” to which I an another user pointed out applies to tifa and I specifically said was not true of Aeris anyway.

You just happen to prefer the way Tifa’s was set up. Cool. That’s just a preference though. There’s nothing objecive behind that statement though and you’re trying to disguise that fact imho

None of these scenes were her being guided by her senses. She’s clearly not always in communication with the planet since she makes a point of communicating when she is talking to the planet. Just stop. You’re reaching.


I think if Aeris is inferred to be a prostitute then it’s fair game to call Tifa a slut

>DoesnMt the fact she has supernatural senses and the fact her plan did work mean she did know what she was doing even if some details eluded her?
No. Because

>(Which we don’t even know one way or another btw)
If the audience isn't shown or told, then as you said, we don't know.

But more than that, in her dialogue in the dream, she says she doesn't know what the secret is or what is going to happen. Maybe the remake will add to this and clear it up. Though I doubt it, if they want to keep the final scene the way it was in the original game.

>You finding the writing bad does not mean it’s not character development.
I haven't been talking about character development. As I've said in EVERY post, I'm talking about how the development up to and in this scene (NOT character development but foreshadowing and content in the scene) is left ambiguous. And could have been handled better.

>As you point out, all jrpgs take leaps like this and 7 is no exception
I never said that. And a lot of RPGs handle things better than this. There's JRPGs where nothing is left ambiguous or requires fan theories to explain it. Final Fantasy just does it a lot, because their fanbase thinks it makes things "deep." Much like the Game of Thones fanbase.

>"no u"

Please user. She dresses like that, at a bar. She's got a side hustle is all I'm sayin.

W-what video

We are shown she had a plan in disc 2. So we do know. And those statements he posted show she clearly had something in mind so this is not a case of the audience “not knowing” but a case of the audience “not being told every last detail because it is not necessary and would be less dramatic”

Her dialogue does not say that. It says she trusts what she is being told via her supernatural senses even though she does not rationally know for sure.

>I’m not talking about development!

This whole debate was about character development bro. Your opponent kept repeating this so you should have just quit if you did not have a dog in the fight.

The fact is is left ambiguous as you say is intentional. So you only learn about the plan in disc 2 and to make the dream sequence more surreal and dramatic. It’s standard fictional artifice.

If you want to say “it could be done better” go ahead, but that’s easy to say. I found it perfectly serviceable

Well let's see.
We have the girl with the biggest ass.
The girl who is Japanese and thus eats a very fish heavy diet.
Or the girl who lives in a filthy slum.

You're missing out

Attached: 1530076789014.jpg (1024x576, 90K)

It's an intentional subversion of expectations. The sexy brawler is actually shy and cute, and the maiden healer is actually a sassy streetwise hooker

Because some aspects of their personalities are subversions does not make them entirely so.

>wanting realism in FF7 instead of a kino slapfight
You just might get your wish in the remake, honestly.

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Happy fappies, user

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That's kinda the point. She wants to get some revenge and humiliate Scarlet at her own game.

lest you've got a necromander handy i'm rolling with left

It's your headcanon that Tifa fucks old men for money. Seek help.

You’re the one saying that about Aeris because of a doujin

god, me, etc.

A couple years ago.

There's a reason Tifa is by far the most popular girl in the series while Aerith is largely forgotten in the West and only liked by girls in Japan. Hint: it's because Tifa has fat tits while Aerith has a flat chest.

It was a principle thing. Yeah, she could have just decked her head off.
But an alpha female like Scarlet would be more humiliated if she were out-catted by a lowly slum bitch in a feminine slap fight.

the right word is cunny.


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She has hips more like. And it's a retcon so that she can compete with Tifa.

Specifically because Tifa was a lot of guy’s first jerk off. Tbh I think being remembered for that is another way kf being forgotten

>it's a retcon

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Attached: FINAL FANTASY VII_20190601233907.jpg (3840x2160, 394K)

>We are shown she had a plan in disc 2.
Where? What?

>And those statements he posted show she clearly had something in mind so this is not a case of the audience “not knowing” but a case of the audience “not being told every last detail because it is not necessary and would be less dramatic”
Statements who posted? The only ones I read were the scene before she runs off to the ancient city. And it clearly says she DOESN'T know what she's doing and she DOESN'T have a plan. Just a "feeling."

>Her dialogue does not say that. It says she trusts what she is being told via her supernatural senses even though she does not rationally know for sure.
And nothing comes of it. She gets killed doing that.

>I’m not talking about development!
You're not even fucking quoting me correctly. And just because he (you) started focusing on character development when I never was doesn't mean you can magically switch the topic. It's also just an obvious way to discount a huge chunk of my argument. So I'm not even going to bother respond to any more.

Definitely Aerith. She is goddamn beautiful and wholesome.i could cuddle her for eternity

She has the same booty as Tifa

Attached: Tifa-FFVIIArt.png (255x532, 139K)

You can literally see that isn't the case though

If anything, based on her lack of hips and ass as well as small chest in the trailer, she's being retconned to be less attractive so Tifa will look even better

>aerith will never tease tifa about her butt in the remake
>tifa will never get increasingly flustered at it until it reaches a boiling point
>tifa will never eat aerith's ass for one hour straight until she contracts throat cancer and dies

No means no.

Attached: FINAL FANTASY VII_20190528101242.jpg (3840x2160, 327K)

Holy fuck I remember fapping to that a long time ago

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tiddie and no ass is great though

>this much seething

Attached: 1445813582321.png (480x360, 133K)

I hated how the PSX rendered the polygons so sharply but the backgrounds so blurry

Makes sense. Tifa is Nomura's waifu. He won't let her be outshined.

Exactly. More ass just means more poop and shit everywhere

>where? What.
I literally explained it in an earlier post.

Again, in disc 2 Holy is explained as “Aeris’ plan” so she was onjectively correct to act on what knowledge she did have.

The fact that you can not follow along what was said earlier in this convo is incredinly damning.

You brought up Game of Thrones so I’m going to go on a tangent to explain how silly you are being.

Along standing theory was that Jon Snow was Rhaegar and Lyanna’s kid. Nothing in the books ever explicitly confirms this. But there’s a lot of subtext that hints at it and clever people noticed how perfectly it fits in to the narrative and resolves quite a few character inconsistencies.

And it was confirmed. In the show at least.

What you are doing here is like calling that theory “stupid” and “groundless” AFTER it has been confirmed.

Back to FF7, Cloud and friends think “Aeris must have had a plan. But we do not know what it is” and then decide to see if Bugenhagen can help them. He does and they learn that Aeris managed to awaken Holy.

Paired with Aeris’ dialogue showing she clearly knows she CAN stop Sephiroth and that her supernatural senses help her understand what to do...and the fact Holy does in fact activate and with a little help does work... it’s clear she knew enough to make her actions justified even if it was initially left ambiguous to the audience.

The statements show she has a plan too. I am sorry if you do not get that. The most they show is she has some trepidation but not enough to deter her. She clearly trusts her senses and acts on them... and ends up being right to do so according to later revelations given to the relatively clueless remaining party members.

You’re the only person I’ve seen with this problem by the way. I think it’s iust you.

Tifafags complain about him being Clerith shipper because of things like Kingdom Hearts but he’s always at least found Tifa to be physically attractive.

Typos... whatever

Everyone and their grandmother has fapped to that shit at least 10 times haha

absolutely unbased and cringepilled

She worships white dick. She married one too.

Attached: 1478097564114.png (827x1050, 285K)

you know that nomura will retcon her death to make it accurate to AC right?

That bait image is so good that I'll confess to it being bait

She married a penis, but not the man it belongs to?

Attached: 1489438112947.png (440x440, 197K)

Based. Anyone thinking Aeris is still gonna die permanently in FF7RM is an idiot

My tomodachi!

Attached: _20190511_174506.jpg (342x1506, 224K)

To be fair the bait was way more subtle than the usual shit

He's the one who suggested offing her in the first place.

My cock in the middle

I used to fantasize a lot about Tifa and Aeris catching Yuffie in the thieving act and enacting a little "punishment" upon her. The punishment varied between sexual acts, BDSM, and even tickle torture.

the most closer to that was that tifa 3d core game that died before the last scenes and the new module were added
including an uncensored mode

Fuck this Gay life

Attached: 1526544470107.png (1016x3039, 2.97M)

Thank you user

>accurate to AC
What did he mean by this?
Of course she's still gonna die. It's practically the single most famous scene from the entire series. And she's gonna stay dead because that's her job. She dies and is dead.

Attached: 1506059014152.jpg (900x950, 306K)

She looks fucking terrifying in this

Attached: 1503297567031.png (267x475, 149K)

Source user, i want to fap one before i sleep.

Looks comfy.

They’d have to change a lot of the story if she lived. Otherwise a character who moved the plot in disc 1 suddenly becomes a minor party member like Caith Sith in disc 2

Her living is awkward. If Nomura wants to change her presence in the story he should lean into how she becomes (partial) motivation for everyone to carry on and stick it to Sephiroth. Make her the heart of the story.

Iizukaposting? In MY Final Fantasy thread?

Attached: iizukaposting.jpg (500x691, 79K)

Any time I see those crappy corners of their mouths, I just realize just how lazy some animators are with their rigging.

Attached: nightmare.gif (500x283, 1.32M)

Do you realize this model is over 8 years old right?

She already is. Cloud brings her up half a dozen times after he gets out of the lifestream.

Boxing Match with Tifa, side: M - NEKOMATA-YA

Daily reminder that it's canon that Yuffie stuffs materia up her cunny

Do you realize that I don't give a squat hoot, son?


They're gonna add a resurrection path with Bugenhagen at the Sleeping Forest. It was supposed to be in the original game but got cut.

Attached: lyingontheinternet.jpg (480x360, 25K)

Bless that Hentai and @Oz group

She is a godess of beauty you monster tit addicted underage faggots


>Again, in disc 2 Holy is explained as “Aeris’ plan” so she was onjectively correct to act on what knowledge she did have.
You didn't post this. You just posted dialogue of the dream sequence in Disk 1.

>Cloud and friends think “Aeris must have had a plan. But we do not know what it is” and then decide to see if Bugenhagen can help them. He does and they learn that Aeris managed to awaken Holy.
But nothing in this hints that Aeris was conscious of it. If anything, the dialogue (plus her dying FMV) hints that her death is what awakened Holy.

>Paired with Aeris’ dialogue showing she clearly knows she CAN stop Sephiroth and that her supernatural senses help her understand what to do
Again, you're just creating context that isn't there. She says "only a Centra can defeat Sephiroth." And then goes on to say she doesn't know how and it's just a feeling. You're turning this into "she totally knew how to do it and had a plan all along" would be hilarious if it wasn't so delusional.

>You’re the only person I’ve seen with this problem by the way. I think it’s iust you.
Oh the irony. I feel like I've had this conversation before. Because I once theorized that Aeris learned how to use Holy after dying and becoming part of the lifestream, as this is what her death FMV (Holy falling down the steps into the Lifestream) and the final FMV (her floating in the lifestream casting Holy) is hinting at. But again, the content in the game doesn't confirm it.

And yet another guy was adamant that Aeris knew what Holy was all the time and she knew before she died...which none of that makes any sense. If she knew what Holy was before she died, she would have used it. Or at the very least, not put herself in a position to die.

Also, since you love to sound like a smug superior expert all the time, I'm going to give you a little tip.

You don't need to

make huge spaces

between every point

you make.

It's really


to read.

she's a cutter if you guys didn't notice

I don't care if it's 8 years old, the rigging for her mouth is still fucking terrible.

Have you read this? It explicitly states that isn't true. The author was fucking with you.

All the better. I want to heal her shattered heart and make her love herself (and me).

>throws away the condom

Hot. Cutters are super submissive and let you do literally any fucking thing you want to them

Well do it more then, that is at least consistent with the original story. Don’t do something silly like retcon her death and have her get relegated to the background when she was previously a prominent party member.

One thing he could do is have Cloud get taken aback by the Ifalna recordings they find. Since it’s the parents of the girl he just “buried.”

Werent you going to not respond? Thre’s nothing more to say. You’re saying her plan and her trust in it is too ambiguous for you. Fine.

I am sure it’s a standard you consistently clong to and not just something you’ve contrived right here and now.

The point consistently made is that she is aware enough to have made the right choice. Whether she was aware of it on a rational level is not that important in a world where she can talk to the dead.

Okay, I need to step in here. Crazy girls have great pussy and all but they will ruin your life.

What kind of school did you go to?

Also true

>You’re saying her plan and her trust in it is too ambiguous for you. Fine.
Nice try, but I called out your contradiction. But hey, every post you make is just deflection away from my points. So you're right in one thing. There's nothing more to say.

i wish there it was doujin of both that it doesn't have cukercloud.

but then, we will never see a bricolla FF doujin

That was the cover story brosef

I want to love her and have us become codependent. Like Shinji and Asuka.

speaking of FF doujins, I hope we get a ton more

Attached: thats-what-i-call-fuckin-yikes-43873746.png (500x442, 136K)

>like Shinji and Asuka
They aren't codependent. They're too fucked up to even get to codependency.

Attached: _20181204_174822.jpg (2155x2617, 876K)

Why? We can work our issues out together.
In my fanfictions they are :)

But she didn't make the right choice. She died. The only way it can be the right choice is if killing herself was necessary to use Holy. And the story never says it is.

My point that has been consistent this whole time is that the writers came up with a weak, ambiguous scene to set up her death. It's not developed as well as it could be. And hopefully the remake will improve it.

No you did not. You just did not understand the idea that you can trust you’re doing the right thing but have some trepidation too.

If a work of fiction followed what you seek to desire it would be stupid, obvious, and not very dramatic

>After twenty years people STILL Think Jenova was in control.


>she did not make the right choice
>she died in the course of awakening the magic that saved the world
>what kind of hero does that?!
Look at you

“A soul bearing Holy”

What did Bugenhagen mean by thisv

I can't wait to see Jenova.
Gonna fap good.

>that eyeball tiddy

Attached: _20190527_083649.jpg (616x735, 140K)

Attached: Nibel_Reactor_Jenova_FFVII_Sketch_1.jpg (673x968, 227K)

Note those female characteristics aren't from Jenova but from the Cetra she ended up consuming to help her infiltration of the Planet.

both are good but left for me.

So she’s like a succubus then

She's basically The Thing.

>ywn feel Jenova's exposed brain

Attached: 1439519242099.png (472x357, 214K)

>ywn love Jenova's exposed heart

Lads do you think we'll get to see her at E3 or will she be part 2 stuff

She’s THING RULE 34!!!!!!!

But I mean like a succubus in that she infiltrates with sex appeal

>No, anything that proves me wrong actually proves me right because there's this big conspiracy to cover up the truth, maaaannnnnn

Attached: roberto ferrari.png (720x720, 514K)

I'm still surprised he's willing to work with them after getting dropped from XV after Nomura was replaced.

Well, that's OLD character art. How long has it been since the FF7 Remake was announced? 5 years? They must have been working on it earlier, and they are literally years and years away from completion. I don't know it Roberto Ferrari is necessarily still on their design team.

Also, this is one of my favorite FF7 fanarts

Attached: ahahahahahaha.jpg (800x652, 187K)

I came for this post.

we literally just got the news that he based Jessie's in-game model on his wife lmao are you retarded and that art is from an art exhibit from last year or something

Does anyone have that classic image of Cloud and Barrett at the Golden Saucer where Cloud says "I bet you have a nigger cock"? Can't find that shit anywhere

Attached: 1511291180097.jpg (496x600, 34K)

It was literally Nomura's idea to kill Aerith and have Tifa become the main heroine and love interest of the story halfway through.

A source I read long ago said it was Sakaguchi's idea. Because his mom had recently died.

Left on right or reverse

The whole team decided on it, though for the most part it was deciding if it would be Barret or Aerith. Kitase is the one that gave the more known quote
>In the real world things are very different. You just need to look around you. Nobody wants to die that way. People die of disease and accident. Death comes suddenly and there is no notion of good or bad. It leaves, not a dramatic feeling but great emptiness. When you lose someone you loved very much you feel this big empty space and think, 'If I had known this was coming I would have done things differently. These are the feelings I wanted to arouse in the players with Aerith's death relatively early in the game. Feelings of reality and not Hollywood.

63. Not 34.

The Thing doesn't have a gender user. It just had the misfortune of only finding groups that were just men.

Tifa dressed like Yuffie.

Cool, but rule 34 is about porn. Jenova isn't porn herself, so she can't be the proof of rule 34 for The Thing. At best porn of her would just be rule 34 of her.

>Yuffie was secret baby tittymonster the entire time
Based white rose of Wutai.

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Never heard that. Just heard he liked the idea because he liked Tifa’s design

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That’s not quite right. That implies they killed Aerith to have Tifa in the game. They decided to kill Aerith and then brought in Tifa to fill the space. Which Nomura was up for to be fair.

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I liked all the girls in FF7. Could never decide who was best.

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So he's basically confirming Aeris' death was meant to be sudden and unsatisfying. So much for the big argument this thread had.

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Nobody was arguing the death was satisfying. It’s point was to be effective. That’s what he is saying, that he wanted to press a particular emotional trigger

I'm not even a tits man since ass is infinitely better but Tifa has the most arousing rack I've ever seen

Oh got one without the text.

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The thing that made it unsatisfying is that it was sudden and unnecessary. Which was one side of the argument. Perhaps the remake will fix this by having more a build up and reason for her death, since everyone and their grandmother now knows she's going to die.

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>Cait Sith
>Limits suck
Getting a GAME OVER on ruby weapon proves otherwise.

>More build up
Nigga even when I played the game I knew she was gonna fucking die
>Runs off on her own to go deal with jenova/sephiroth
>Says goodbye to cloud in a dream
She had all the death flags raised


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>all that detail in her pants
I gotta get back to drawing.

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I did too. But a lot of others still cite it as unexpected. And it still could have been handled better. Aria in FFIII is just as bad.

Why are you posting Lei Fang from DOA?

this is the ideal future

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>literal who from literal what
i dunno

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>Tfw I remember that name but I can't remember shit about FF3
Fuck it's been ages since I played the older FF games I should sit down and replay them.

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Not much to remember. You find Aria, she directs you to a cave. Then while in the cave, she's attacked and dies. It's actually funny how short and lackluster her death is. But the game makes it out to be this sad thing, with her own theme song and everyone screaming "nooo!" as if they cared about this person they just met.

Outside of that, I love FFIII.

Yuri shall conquer the world.

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I remember the cave I remember being told to go find the crystals, but from there it starts to fragment. I remember disliking the crystal tower a lot, I remember fighting xande like 80 times, I remember spending most of the end game as ninja cuz that was the hidden high damage job, I remember the bit where you have to all go mini and go inside n fuck up Cerberus. I think I remember a lot but it's all hazy. Like I said I need to go back and replay it. Along with FF1 and even FF2 if I can stomach it

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This except she has a huge dick

Based and futapilled

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Unbased and gay

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News to me, why'd he kill it and move on to that OC girl no one cares about?

Gun to my head final answer, Left. Would still be very happy with right


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That's one voice they can go ahead and change.


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I just looked it up. Christ that's terrible


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Yeah i'm not exactly sure what they were thinking.

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He wasn't dropped and he said he finished all his designs by the end of 2011, he decided to go with nomura when Nomura was kicked off because his work on the game was already done

Seething incel right here

Sounds like a plan

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>says the newfag who doesn't know what pedo actually means
Seethe harder, friendo

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Only one being mad is you, kiddo.

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Also reminder that Yuffie canonically actually literally kissed Cloud. She's way ahead the other two roasties.

Plus she ran and hugged him after Aerith's death as well as calling him dorkus. Yuffie a best.

>player determinant scenes are now canon
so cloud canonically fucked tifa

and barret canonically fucked cloud

cope, newfag

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I hope the girls actually enjoy the beach this time around.

You're the only newfag, kiddo.

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I like a girl with a tan :^)

at least we can all agree that Cloud kissing the Don is canon

>newfag newfagging this hard

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>seething this hard because he got proven wrong about the words he used
Cope harder, sonny

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The contrarian's choice.

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>5 gil
You overpaid dude. She gave me her "flower" for 1

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I have bad news for him then. She is going debut in SFM porn.

He also designed Ardyn from FFXV after himself so you can make SFM of them fucking or make him watch her get banged

Yuffie with a crush on Cloud is top cute.
That isn't a player determined scene. The high affection version is consistently referred to as the one that happened in Ultimanias. Cloud and Tifa did canonically fuck.

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Left, forever and always.

Really hoping they don't fuck her up in the remake, though Aerith's appearance has given me hope.

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my wholesome nigga

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Don't worry, user. I completely agree with you.
There are some people with taste left in the world

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>the girl considered the ‚pure maiden’ of FFVII by Yea Forums tards
>fucks on the rocks under Highwind
>she’s still just ‚a great friend’ years after OG in said Ultimanias and other articles

Tifafags are confirmed retards.


>featured in the For the One I Love page with all the other couples. The page confirms that Cloud and Tifa confirm their feelings match, and we know Cloud had a crush on her and that his feelings towards her were romantic
>Just a good friend
Come on, man.

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>We live in a society controlled by a power play between aliens, or "grays" and lizard people. The very same conflict entered Square like it entered society, Grays wanted Aerith to live, for they value life and see it as something to study, while the reptilians care not for Aerith, for the little man, for the flowers on the side of the road, it is only their power which they care for.

Dirge of Cerberus (last game in the timeline) Tifa's profile description
>After helping Cloud set up his delivery service, Tifa got involved in the displaced youth in Midgar and opened anorphanage. Shekeeps in close contact with Cloud and Barrett and remains the steadying force she always was - or at least tried to be. Altough she has a small role in this game, she remains as likable as ever and continues to show the traits that always made her such a greatfriend.
>always made her such a great friend
>great friend
Come on, man.

tits too small

They were romantic when he was a child. And they confirm nothing during neither a date nor under Highwind.
Tifa makes some alussions but Cloud doesn’t even respond to her and acts all oblivious.
Shipfags = morons. FF shipfags = gigantic morons.

I do like the model but it always bugged me while that they added scratches and scars they left the one she'd have across her chest/torso from Sephiroth.

I know WHY people it out but I'm still surprised how very infrequently I've seen it. Then again I suppose it's always been left ambiguous where he cut her, even Last Order doesn't show anything...

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Wow I just completely missed some words there, and they're 'leave' and 'out' too... Ironic.

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oh Fernando, your sweet sweet stench is enough to get me though the day

>description from a US strategy guide
She didn't open an orphanage. That's the only place that description shows up, and its clearly a misunderstanding.
>they confirm nothing...under the Highwind
Here's the Ultimania to prove you wrong.

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FF7: Liefeld edition

It proves nothing you shipfaggot, where does it say they confirm love of any kind?
You do realize word 'feelings' might convey all kinds of emotions?
They might have talked about their misunderstandood feelings of any kind, the hardships they endured during the years - that's why Tifa struggles when she finds out about Cloud's 'feelings' during the Lifestream, as it's written in the Mideel segment. She doesn't see 'love' for her, you retard, but his entire mind shattered by the things that happened in Nibelheim.
You rely on some bullshit articles instead of playing the games and see for yourself how characters interact with each other. The only confirmed character in relationship of this fucking game is Cid being with Shera.

You won't make me believe in your stupid articles, neither other Tifafags, Arrithfags or other retards.

For someone who "played" the game, for you to go through recollecting Cloud's memories and subconscious and think Tifa did not find love for her there is laughable.