The most hyped for a game I've been in almost ten years.
I almost cried reading who they were bringing back.
The most hyped for a game I've been in almost ten years.
I almost cried reading who they were bringing back.
Other urls found in this thread:
Acknowledge your ancestors little faggots!
>who they were bringing back
Who's that?
I'm just glad the cucks responsible for BG2:EE aren't involved.
Maybe you should cut down on the onions.
is this going to play like POE od DOS because DOS combat was actually fun.
>I almost cried reading who they were bringing back.
because you're a retarded manchild
This will be a major concurrent for Dragon Age 4, right?
is this going to play like those shitty DOS games because the combat sucked
>I almost cried reading who they were bringing back.
>bringing BG back after almost 20 years
spotted the switch owner
To stealth revive Spelljamer. It's a noble cause if I've ever seen one.
I am sceptical. I really like the stuff Larian is doing but story was never their strong suit. The trailer doesn't actually show anything that gets me hyped for the game, but I'm ready to be plesantly surprised.
its like shenmue 3 for a game series that isnt shit
I'm fucking hyped bros.
I'll take their combat system over RTwP every day.
>Edwin the Red Wizard of Thay (life-extending magic!)
>Imoen (a clone!)
>Kagain (he’s a dwarf, another long-lived race)
>Xzar and his halfling friend (Xxar used necromancy!)
>I asked if locations such as The Friendly Arms Inn on the Coast Way (an important waystop between Baldur’s Gate and Beregost), Candlekeep (the Realms’ largest library and repository of knowledge, and where the first game starts), or the Elfsong Tavern or Sorcerous Sundries inside the city, would be in the new game.
>“Some of those [will],” Vincke said.
It's going to play real time with a pause button. Using DnD 5th edition rules.
>the snail tries again
Seriously, how? The trailer doesn't show anything despite an ugly animation and a mindflayer.
To properly waifu Viconia
Things little faggots wouldn't say in real life because they'd be too busy picking the filth from their nails to notice the real world around them.
Saved from the last thread, because it's beautiful.
Those are not characters they are bringing back, those are the people who were featured in a semi-recent 5E artbook and are presumed to be alive.
Drow are evil.
Source: Your ass
The man is back.
Because I can't wait to play a proper Forgotten Realms game. It has been awhile. Also, I loved the BG series back in day.
Calling it Baldur's Gate is really fucking tacky, and the whole "people don't like missing, so we got rid of attack rolls" shit makes me think this is going to be one of those "based on D&D" games that borrows random bits of terminology but is 90% its own system, because the suits have decided they know better.
Look, I like Larian, but their writing isn't Baldurs Gate material. Those are some big fucking footsteps to fill.
I'd rather they just do what they do best and make DOS3.
Too retarded, remake your bait
Source:My superior web browsing skills.
Not my fault you're lazy.
>not bringing back the best companion and his human pet
into the trash it goes
Since it's 5e I think it'd be cool if we got a couple new races instead of the same old ones from the first game. Maybe some goliaths or a dragonborne Or cute Kobolds and Drow
>the whole "people don't like missing, so we got rid of attack rolls" shit makes me think this is going to be one of those "based on D&D" games that borrows random bits of terminology but is 90% its own system, because the suits have decided they know better.
This is a good thing.
He meant to abbreviate Divinity: Original Sin but he's too young to know that DOS was a thing back then.
I think Baldur's Gate might force them to take their writing a bit more seriously, and they can do serious and grounded writing like in their much earlier games
Yes, because BG writing was very serious. Completely without oh-so-random humor.
Don't you already have a million other games that aren't D&D? Why do the D&D games also have to not be D&D?
That's retarded. Have a few fan favorites return, but at least 80% of potential party members should be new characters
Do you understand that's just as retarded as to say that Terry Gilliam couldn't write anything serious.
more than half of that list are dead in canon
>But Vincke and Mearls wouldn’t confirm if Minsc or any of these companions are in Baldur’s Gate III. And what about hamsters? “Ahh—can’t confirm hamsters,” Vincke said with a laugh.
Like they're going to leave him out.
Plus Minsc is recently a statue brought back to life. So he may or may not be acclimating well.
This is the least hyped I've been for a game announcement since the announcement that Megaman Legends 3 was canceled citing a "lack of interest" before Capcom released a demo. Fuck 5E and fuck how that piece of shit system is inevitably going to drag a good development team's game down to the gutter.
Will they bring him back, bros? I want him to call me a mush-brained simian again.
Minsc is "lol so randum xD" garbage.
""This is a chance to get people who maybe don't have an interest in tabletop roleplaying, who are looking for something that's more just pure story. They don't necessarily want to immerse themselves in the rules. They can have a great experience that's very authentically D&D in terms of the puzzle solving and the storytelling without necessarily having to make the commitment of playing a tabletop game."
Yeah man, can't wait for this authentic Baldur's Gate™ experience!
nah, that would be yer mum
If I wanted to play D&D I'd invite my friends over and DM something.
Minsc was the shit. You're just an old, bitter neckbeard that hates fun.
oh man, i kinda feel bad for the beamboys
Larian, of course, having a lot of expertise in this genre, what do you think that your studio's going to be able to add to what's already a dense franchise with a history to it?
SV: I think that our systems focus that we had in previous games we've made is going to add a lot. You're going to have a lot more agency available because of all the freedom we're going to offer you when you have overcome challenges. The effect of that is going to be a big thing.
We're also in 2019 now--so it's not going to necessarily launch this year--but in 2019, the world has moved on tremendously. With Divinity: Original Sin, we've demonstrated that we can make what people call classic RPG values, that we can make modern. You will see a modern version of Baldur's Gate, but it's going to be true to the core of Dungeons & Dragons more than anything. It's going to feature tough decisions, player agency, systems, strong narrative, companions, gather your party.
All those things will be present and you'll be able to play it in single player and in multiplayer, like the original ones, but then in our way and much more evolved than it was back then.
He was a parody, stupid imbreed
>Baldur's Gate games were the best RPGs ever in my younger years
>D:OS2 the best RPG I've played in the last decade
I never would've even entertained the notion that Larian would do this when they have their own IP that is already doing well
Swen, that beautiful Belgian bastard
he can be more deep
>Larian Studios
Big yikes.
Nowadays only slavs are capable of making decent D&D games
>An ancient evil has returned to Baldur's Gate
An ancient evil has awakened again
>They have shown that they know BG better than anyone else
fucking lmao
>It's going to play real time with a pause button. Using DnD 5th edition rules.
Thats pretty based. but its a shame this game will flop because zoomers really dont like dungeons and dragons or dice rolls
>rotating 6th slot
this is the only correct party composition. all others are wrong
In a world
beamdog forums is like the bioware one, a fucking goldmine
You know this is going to be a souls-like game, right?
Man I need to replay BG2.
What's the best way to play it today? I hear the enhanced edition is actual trash.
Fuck beamdog. They just packaged a bunch of mods together available for free and sold it.
>it really should have been Beamdog
>Larian (who the crap are they anyway)
christ don't you just want to choke the life out of these kind of people
>nooo he's just retarded ironically! that makes it good!
>biggest game Larian has done yet
>its not some stupid garbage like Dragon Commander, its a CRPG
I hope they don't fuck it up. I kinda wish it was structured more like BG than D:OS but these big open regions seem to have worked well so far.
Don't worry, they're getting rid of dice rolls.
So they are fighting Cthulhu? I can get behind that. But is it pozzed?
>zoomers really dont like dungeons and dragons
Way too obvious of a bait
>I think that our systems focus that we had in previous games we've made is going to add a lot. You're going to have a lot more agency available because of all the freedom we're going to offer you when you have overcome challenges. The effect of that is going to be a big thing.
That doesn't sound like BG at all. BG was the JRPG of CRPGs
>bg is about niggers, trannies, and faggots
only 1/3 of bg was about niggers trannies and faggots get it right?
>dont like dungeons and dragons or dice rolls
I can't believe Pathfinder Kingmaker flopped so hard Owlcats are never gonna make another game ever again.
i really wouldnt be suprised if they made a div 2 combat clone.
No, I agree with the first sentiment. Leave the shit franchises to shit developers and let Larian do stuff they want without any oversight.
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition sale price?
>Moving the goalpost
Minsc was absolute reddit tier.
Korgan and Edwin bants is where it's at.
Agreed. YOU JUST KNOW BioWare/Obsidian/Beamdog are all seething at missing out on using this IP. Divinity isn’t my favorite cRPG but those guys are the only people who could possibly do this series justice in this day and age.
Their blatant ‘this isn’t coming to Epic Games Store’ is just the icing on the cake
There hasn't been a proper D&D video game since NWN2 (though you can sort of count Pathfinder Kingmaker, but that's effectively a modded 3.5), and NWN2 was 13 years ago.
Baldur's Gate is a well known name as an RPG, even among those who might have no played it.
It advances WotC's IP which can be linked to other things they can make money on (they have an adventure module for 5e that is almost a sort of prequel to what Larian is supposedly doing in BG3), it leads more gamers into 5e D&D (them streaming with the Penny Arcade guys increased their playerbase, and then even more so after Critical Role)
All feeds into each other.
He's an insufferable shitty character no matter how you try to justify it.
to ruin it of course
I love 80's/90's D&D/fantasy art
beamdog puts the ee version on sale like every week
That would be infinitely better than getting real 5E.
But I really like dungeons and dragons.
That's why I hate RTwP combat.
The ideal RPG would be turn based with dice rolls.
>but was it a success?
They released three DLCs, a major update and are already working on their new game. Yeah, I'd say it was a success.
>planescape character cameo
You'd better try that bait on /tg/ at least people there would be outraged by the stupidity of your claim
The greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. It won't be BG2, and it seems they're pushing this casualized multiplayer hard so don't expect a full party of fully fledged companions either. Why bother writing and fully voice acting characters you're supposed to be ditching for real players anyway?
What is this from, faggot? Provide source.
he is not coming back in the current political climate
This is my dream fetish.
What a shit taste. BG is a bad game.
Korgan and Aerie are even better.
okay dude..
I'm HYPE and no amount of shitpost threads by angry autsits will change my mind.
Id buy it if he was included. But he has to be allowed to be a perverted skull. And he has to retain his voice actor.
this. 5E combat sucks dick
So, are the originals actually worth playing nowadays? I tried the first one a long time ago, but I couldn't stomach more than a few hours since I was cringing so hard.
Will there be a muslim transcuck?
Wait for BG3. It will be like Fallout 3 to the fallout franchise.
all of the original characters will become more diverse
Depends on how much say WotC has.
>too stupid for CRPGs so he gets filtered
>heh, I'm not a retarded shitskin this game is just cringe
I...I really am. God, what happened to me?
Wait so it's not a d&d game?
Isn't the Baldur's Gate story over, it was all wrapped up in the expansion.
>Brain suckers
>The trailer doesn't actually show anything that gets me hyped for the game
How can you not be hyped for the best DnD setting?
But Fallout 3 blows.
What the hell was his problem? I hate him so much.
It reinvigorated the franchise and got us New Vegas.
Bioware's zoomer developers probably don't know what the fuck is Baldur's Gate.
Obsidian's creative talent is probably fired or on vacation, Feargus's wife and kids hardly concern themselves with making a product.
Out of these three Beamdog must've got the worst of it, not that they didn't have it coming. Owlcat tried to get the license, didn't get it, will probably be happy with completing Kingmaker and having a shot at another Pathfinder game. Out of all developers currently avaliable either Larian or Owlcat would probably be the best choice with Larian being a safer bet.
>isometric cam, turn-based combat and RTwP combat not confirmed
>tfw it's slightly possible that we could get a westernised dragon's dogma game set in the forgotten realms
I don't want to hype but I'm slowly creeping up
Idunno, man. I played a session a little while ago and it felt like all it did was throw out unnecessary clutter.
Elves are collosal dicks.
He was an incel freak
You honestly don't see the potential of immersion breaking of planeshifting alien ships? IIRC BG2 only had one small outer plane quest with Haer'Dalis and that was it
I want to be a mind flayer.
Imagine being this retarded
It did. It's faster, more coherent, and flexible.
>tfw it's Larian and not Obsidishit
Yeah, and? If you can't play BG/Fallout because they are old and have aged. Just wait for a modern version developed for your kind.
they removed some clutter but in doing so removed almost all options outside of i hit or i cast spell
Fallout 3 is a good game
thanks god for that... slavs would be even better
>I tried the first one a long time ago, but I couldn't stomach more than a few hours
2 is a bit different beast, you might as well give it a shot. It's a bit more fleshed out and spicy (with party members' banters and interaction, among many things) compared to 1's extensive openness and relative emptiness.
I hope it's good like REmake 2.
Going to play 1 + 2 for the first time. Can I avoid any potential bullshit added in the EEs? Any must-have mods like widescreen support etc?
RIP Kirill Pokrovsky, I think Larian music will become shit.
He will be come back as a babe.
Play team evil, you're in for a surprise.
>It's going to play real time with a pause button.
FUCKING YES! We need more games with that kind of gameplay
>implying you'll even leave Toril's crystal sphere
>dragon's dogma'd Baldur's Gate
I'd actually be interested to see that in action, if they have a pretty good AI it could be good.
db dood, just play D:OS 2 instead.
If you play EE you don't need widescreen mod. Just play normally and if you find a character being insufferable (77% chance a beamdog character) just use it as canon fodder against ankhegs.
>larian is making it
>not beamdog
whelp, it was dead before it was born
NPC Project
Unfinished Business
I am just waiting for a sequel to Icewind Dale. Imagine a tactical RPG like that with modern technology and graphics.
Obsidian fags and Beamcucks on suicide watch, lol.
thaco please
I played both of the original Fallouts just fine, though. Sure it's old and I didn't care for some elements of 2's writing, but I still had fun with them.
>2 is a bit different beast
That's a relief. I'll probably try to push through 1 again with that in mind, failing that I'll just skip to 2.
spotted the discord tranny
Already played and beaten, very fun game which is why I am interested in larian's entry to the bg series
OK, will do.
will look into these
>that pic
kek, the seething is real
>It's going to play real time with a pause button.
Source? Every articles I read states they don't want to confirm nor deny RTwP or Turn-based...
Larian's Baldurs Gate III
Minsc: Boo tells me he smells cheese! Come Boo! Onward to cheese!
Random Book in a dungeon: They say the Bhaalspawn finally defeated the evil within thanks to the power of cheese! Glorious cheese redeems all!
Did you yike it?
I just hope in BG3 we have as boss an evil pedophile transexual mage of Thay
It's funny how every time asks for must have mods they get a different answer. I'm not faulting you for helping him, but it seems the whole EE debacle has only left new players more confused as to the "proper" way to enjoy the originals.
>will look into these
Tutu is useless for EE. Don't bother. BG1npc project and UB can be good but I suggest skiping UB entirely if you never play the games.
>It's going to play real time with a pause button
Cautious, but at least would be content of all the entitled secondaries' butts being collectively broken.
I'm not sure the EE versions are compatible with mods though. They weren't when they were released.
>You honestly don't see the potential of immersion breaking of planeshifting alien ships?
Not really, no. And I don't see how planeshifting alien ships are more immersion breaking than a planeshifting Planar Sphere you can keep as your stronghold.
none of those companions are in the game, you should read the article more carefully
these are just the companions who could still be alive 100 years later, given they're moving away from the closed storyline of BG2 and ToB's ending, it makes no sense for any of them to return in any real capacity beyond a cameo if that.
Imagine being an elf, raised as an elf, trained as an elf magician and following the elf culture. Then they take out your race, your powers and your name.
It's like being born a jew but without the religion and money.
I'll skip on the EE and use the mods then
t. someone very unimaginative or someone with a shit DM who discourages imagination
Does playing evil in BG 1 and 2 viable?
Did you even play BG2?
Warhammer has the sexiest Elves, period.
maybe thats true but i just found combat way better in other games like 3.5 pf shadowrun and the like
You're a fucking Bhaalspawn, of course it's viable
because D&D mechanics are impossible to bring to a pc game?
It's completely doable, it's just not that rewarding and it makes your entire quest a little too single minded ("ME WANT MY POWER BACK ME WANT BECOME GOD OF MURDER")
Some of the most powerful companions happen to be evil aligned, like Viconia, that evil dwarf whose name I can't remember, and Edwin.
You say that but It really isn’t. You consistently get shittier rewards and the game makes itself a pain in the ass to play if you’re evil enough
Can someone please post the link to that dungeon meshi portrait mod for the first games?
There's a lot of subjectivity to it honestly. I prefer the looser rules of 5e but I play with a group that is very open to allowing things to go against rules as written when it makes for interesting scenarios.
The larger breadth of rules and options in .5 is kind of a blessing and a curse I think. There's a lot there but I always found games getting mired in the minutia rather than being fun.
No Aerie for BGII though, you need to do it yourself.
She deserves to be put in the mating press
This is fucking exactly how it's going to be
>fucking larian babbies going to shit up every discussion from now on
you wouldnt make LOTR 4 the fuckin movie when there is nothing left to TELL just call it something ELSE
Icewind Dale was great. Gonna have to start a new game soon.
>A den of stiiiiiinkin' cheese
Will it be better that Siege of Dragonspear?
Imagine remaking Infinity Engine games for the past seven years only to get cucked out of your dream project by Belgian waffle men. I fucking love this timeline.
The coming Illithid invasion was apparently a subplot in the second game
It's set in Baldur's Gate, unlike a certain other Baldur's Gate that was not and whose title was completely unfitting.
Neat, thank you user
From what I heard they stole a bunch of already existing mods and slapped their name on it. Very little work considering what they had been tasked with and what they delivered.
ffs shitty fucking euros are going to ruin the game with this crap
Minsc is the Solaire of Forgotten Realms.
A literal meme made flesh.
They should give him a nod, or a wink, but to bring him into a setting which he does not belong (100 years later) would be straight up pandering.
Don't @ me I'm fucking right.
Why the hell would beamdog make it? Have they developed a game before?
An expansion pack for BG1 that was apparently terrible
will based Larian let us romance a cute and funny halfling gf??
Comes with the source material, really.
Larianiggers are already shitting on BG2 for using RTWP and only play games with turn-based combat.
Beamdog did the EE and SoD for the express purpose of buttering up WotC to get the rights to make BG3.
He's alive in 5th edition if you kept up on the lore. His soul was put in a statue of him and it was made flesh.
Too late, he is already starring in an official 5E comic book. He is one of the only two BG characters who are absolutely, 100% confirmed to be alive 100 years later.
Since when was desecrating the world tree part of the elf culture?
But they have already done it in Neverwinter
Like Soulsfags, Larianiggers have an autistic obsession with homogenising an entire genre to suit their tastes.
It's named after the city?
only a nazi would oppose beamdog
they are at the FOREFRONT of transexual acceptance in video games
No, that's a little too close to pedophilia
Is there any way to buy the normal version of Baldur's Gate 2 anymore?
It carried over the characters and the storyline that the first one started, and it did it PERFECTLY
what is this one going to do? Have a fuckin epic reference to Minsc and Boo? Maybe even bringing them back with a convoluted reason why they're alive?
I don't remember the lore, but can Ithilids or whatever they are called really gestate and grow out of a living thing?
>Xzar and his halfling friend (Xxar used necromancy!)
We saw them both BTFO in Baldur's Gate 2 by a Harper agent. They're dead, user.
Beamdog is guilty of a number of crimes...
It's 5th edition. It's more about what "cool" thing do you want to happen.
Lore is very loose now.
Baldur's Gate = Terry gilliam's Brazil, 12 monkeys, the Fisher king
Larian's Baldur's Gate = monty python
But you could fug a halfling in NWN 1
Or maybe a gnome, can't remember
Weren't those fag writers saying that romancing a fucking male dwarf was pedophilia? No chance smaller races will ever get any love
wtf people told me Larian was cool!
Not unless you want to give Beamdog money. They pulled a cunt's trick and removed the originals from retail, so now if you want to play it you'll have to pay almost $20 for a game over two decades old
It was their objective since the beginning. It was named "BGnext" after BG2EE launch. Now they pretend it was SoD but in old post and tweet you can see they wanted to make BG3.
You can't be serious...
elf power
>Imoen a clone
wtf nigger?
god I wish that were me
That was Bioware. David Gaider.
based and tentapilled
Plenty of video game series do this. Elder scrolls, Final Fantasy, Megami Tensei
NWN doesn't even have proper romances, most of them are tease ships that happen with normal sized adults
Tanis, Strum, Flint, and Glodmoon
I wish they would make a decent dragonlance game
Are you ready for the inevitable, Yea Forums?
It wasn't a romance, she was a prostitute
>Billions of campaings and sets
>They fucking choose Illithids
>Humans transforming in Illithids
I need a fucking big empty trash can for this.
It makes sense. It wasn't made by bioshit.
Then you have no idea what good RPG combat looks like.
So what are they going to do now that they've ran out of games to rehash? Everybody thought SoD was trash, so evidently they can't produce worthwhile content by themselves.
First Beamdog, now larianiggers....
This franchise just couldn't rest in peace. Well, all eyes will be on larian now, watching them not to fuck it up. All 20 of the people who played the game back in the day who are still alive, and a legion of OS newfags
man, i'm fuckin anxious and paranoid about what comes out of this
Minsc is too busy having adventures with his qt Half elf waifu
Read the comics faggots, they're fun!
Didnt they make that really shitty dlc for the middle of 1 and 2 everyone hated? If so im worried
Why? illithids was rarely used in these kind of games. It's actually cool they are using illithids.
>All 20 of the people who played the game back in the day who are still alive
Do you believe the average person dies in their 30s, Zoomie?
Will zoomers even recognize Drizzt or Elminster if they make an appearance?
... and who is the other one?
Console release for BGEE/2EE/SOD, IWDEE, NWNEE and Planescape EE. $50 each.
And that's the enhanced edition right?
Is it really as bad as I hear it is?
they don't but they should
Because the entire genre for the last 20 years has just been trying and failing to be BG2
I really hope this turns out to be a red herring and illithids are not the actual main antagonists, simply because they're not that interesting at all. BG1+2's plots were carried by strong villains in Sarevok and Irenicus.
That was Beamdog and funnily enough nearly the entire crew and all the writers of Siege of Dragonspear were fired immediately afterwards.
the real question is would anyone really care?
I wonder if kotaku or another one of those site will make an special article about drizzt...
It really didn't fit at all. BG1 made sense. It was about a conspiracy inside Baldur's Gate. Continuing the story of the same characters doesn't alone justify the title. Just like you can't call every book featuring Drizzt Icewind Dale because it wouldn't fucking make sense.
He's the black dude with the two swords and gandalfs son.
It isn't subjective. I don't give a fuck how imaginative you think you are, you're not going to get a DM who allows you to charge an enemy, deal extra damage and stun them, and then have the rest of your party to charge the same enemy for free and gain larger bonuses to hit for each ally that charges and half your damage bonus. That's one maneuver in 3.5 and it didn't require a complex build with 20 carefully selected feats.
the fucking "spiritual succesor" strategy failed so now they were like fuck, just make baldur gate 3 directly
>not turn based
>not isometric
>not following 5e ruleset
>larian writing
literally who the fuck cares?
I doubt that. They were in the announcement trailer. It's very likely illithids will play a crucial role in the game.
what does good rpg combat look like
Talk about greed man.
Apparently there's alot of background stuff with Illithids in 1 and 2, pulling the strings behind alot of stuff. Like the shapeshifters in 1 or the trolls in 2
>thinking the baldurs gate story had concluded
the storyline Larian are finishing in BG3 was hinted at in both BG1 and 2
it was about a conspiracy that evolved into the events that happened in the sequel. There were returning characters, but there was a ton of new ones, too. It would be downright silly to call it Dungeons & Dragons: Athkatla
You don't know the story, Bhaal could me the main villain at the end. He is currently alive in 5E
There is absolutely zero chance Minsc won't be in if they're bringing back anyone at all
>were fired immediately afterwards.
Oh yeah but remember that it was totally not related to SoD, no way. It was just a coincidence they were all fired and that any planned content for BG2EE except for shitty portraits dlcs were cancelled.
>not following 5e rule set
Thank god
On one hand, Larian could make a very solid BG game, gameplay-wise. On the other thand, Larian's writing is absolutely horrible and BG 2 was carried by its writing more than anything else.
Oh well, at least it isn't Beamdog.
We're all doomed....
Ctuhulus gate: call of Baldur
t. retard
5e is the best D&D version by far
Except for a convenient 100-year timeskip.
>It really didn't fit at all. BG1 made sense. It was about a conspiracy inside Baldur's Gate. Continuing the story of the same characters doesn't alone justify the title.
Different user, but that actually bothered me a bit when I was young. After beating the first game, I was dumped into a completely different city with no connection to Baldur's Gate. I got over it, though.
why and how is he alive now?
Why don't they make games in this style?
>I'm gonna buy the BG collection and Planescape, 100$ in total, just to get the platinums
Someday prevent me from doing this pls
Honestly? No. There are some quality of life improvements and some new characters thrown in, and you can still experience Baldur's Gate well enough if you just ignore the new characters. The main rub for me is the pricetag. The originals were selling on GOG for like, five bucks. Basically you're getting modded Baldur's gate for quadruple the price it should be.
You're joking about the $50 thing, right?
First the ProJared drama... and now BG3. Imagine being a Beamdog fan.
a conspiracy implies a long-term plan.
I'm not familiar with the average lifespan of an Illithid, but it's probably much longer than a human's
Not so much in 1 but in 2 there's a deep state tier conspiracy shit going on where Ilithids are planning to take over everything
They are on sale on gog atm. 5 bucks each. I prefer them by now because of the easy loot system. Just ignore the npcs and you're fine
>You're joking about the $50 thing, right?
Yes, sorry I'm just shitposting. It's 49.99 but BG1/SoD/2 are bundled together. And same with IWD/PST.
women too sexy, also it requires effort
>The ideal RPG would be turn based with dice rolls.
That's Temple of elemental evil
yea. in 1 its just implied that sarevok got their help with the shapeshifters or sth. never noticed it myself desu.
>I almost cried reading who they were bringing back.
I bet BG2 is your favorite rpg too, you onions fuck.
Don't have sex.
Never procreate.
Remove yourself from the gene pool.
nah just mod the originals. why give money to those faggots. the easier loot can be found on tweaks mod for bgt.
That's Amn and same with the jan/occult quest. And is not a 'hint' itself, just unfinished/canned content.
Like a mad dash to not die and over in a couple of rounds or intricate tactical combat. 5E's combat isn't tactical, it isn't threatening, and it drags on.
You saw "unfinished/canned content". Apparently they saw "opportunity"
The Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition Pack: Celebrating the series’ 20th anniversary, the original Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition and its sequel, Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition, return with all DLC and restored quest content, as well as the Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear expansion, featuring new original content developed by Beamdog to bridge the two games.
● Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition / Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition: Two must-play games and all their DLC in one package – the chilling Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition, plus its expansions, and the enhanced edition of 1999’s RPG of the Year, Planescape: Torment.
● Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition: The 2002 Computer RPG of the Year and all its DLC deliver 10 standalone D&D-based adventures featuring co-op and online multiplayer.
50 for both baldurs gates
50 for torment and icewind dale
50 for nwn
I could write a poor fanfiction with anyone I want as the villains 200 years in the future and sure enough I could find dispersed clues that justify my headcanon, like a shitty lore letter item, but that wouldn't make me justified. Maybe Imoen's great granddaughter could be the villain, she always seemed a little crazy in the head.
Rather than "Hey this loose plot was never explored fully, why not write a story about it" it seems more like "Well we have to be 100 years in the future because of 5E. Let's use this long living race as antagonists because why not, tentacles are cool"
WHAT. She's dead. Poisoned. What the fuck is going on here?
Wht the fuck do they think they can get away with this shit? the games are like 20 fucking years old and they're selling them at full price why would anyone think this is okay and why are all those cunts in the comments section praising them like this is a good thing Jesus Christ this makes me want to fucking scream
>It’s very much the party as a whole that’s going to be the focus of this game. That’s probably the biggest difference between Original Sin and Baldur’s Gate 3.
>“The slogan for Baldur’s Gate III is ‘Gather Your Party.’ The party is very central to it.”
What did they mean by that?
I think op's talking out of his ass.
More focus on companions?
But the MC already does in BG2. Virtually everyone waifus her.
well I got the old and new version. didnt bother looking up if there's a mod for it. Pirated SoD and will never touch that garbage again tho.
Maybe you don't have a main character this time round and things work more like they did in Icewind Dale?
Oh boy, I bet they'll reveal how Viconia transitioned, as it is openly accepted in Drow Society for males to become females.
That if you don't have friends, you're not enjoying the full Baldur's Gate 3: Rise of Cthulhu™ experience
>wearing that seductive as shit outfit
This is how half orcs are made.
hopefully they write some actually interesting party members and not the wastes of space in os 1 and 2
that would be unironically cool but not much loyal to the original game. baldur's gate was always about the companions. Making your own party will also be terrible for storyfags and zoomers in general.
>“The slogan for Baldur’s Gate III is ‘Gather Your Party.’
Before venturing forth?
A companion will be the real protagonist.
I guess it can only be turn based because Larian loves coop, and RTwP don't really works in coop
But user, Red Prince was interesting
>Illithids invading the surface
Chances are all the drow are fucking dead back in the underdark
It works fine. Just disable the pause function, you know, just like the original games did back in the day?
Both BG games had multiplayer tho
Based. Felt good to finally open his eyes to the manipulative cunt's true nature.
I wonder how it will impact the mod scene for 1/2
they used to
I'm going to be so fucking livid if they load it up with SJW nonsense.
>those men reeling from color spray
holy shit is this true? i was sure it would take place in another time, and maybe only briefly go to sword coast. i wonder if the PC from the trilogy will have a place in the story
barring other issues, larian did that thing perfectly up until now, and i don't expect them to start with BG 3
>It works fine. Just disable the pause function
>Just disable the pause function
drow are a core race in 5E.
i dont think theyll do a DnD game without a drow romance, ever since BG and NWN, romancing eivl elf thots is an iconic DnD vidya thing.
He's fucking dead.
Illithids are schemers, they are the kind of monsters who put plans in motion that may take 100 years before coming to fruition.
Yeah, he dies at the beginning.
they are hermaphrodites, they lay eggs that turn into tadpoles then they insert the mature tadpoles into humanoids and you see what happens in the trailer
they are also total perverts and experimented inserting their tadpoles in all sort of stuff like dragons and shit
Hey mind your manners, Nathyrra wasn't evil
Are you retarded? That's literally how you play multiplayer baldur's gate.
I don't remember anything of the like back in the Divinity games
There was that one feminist lady back in Dragon Commander I believe but she was played for laughs
Wizard wrote a book on the BG series which is the canon story. Some years after the conclusion of the game story, where the hero was not tempted to take bhaals powers, he gets in a massive fight with the last other bhaal spawn, no one is sure who won the fight but by the end of it, bhaal had resurrected himself and is again the forgotten realms God of murder.
>they are also total perverts and experimented inserting their tadpoles in all sort of stuff like dragons and shit
D-Did it work?
why are the illithids attacking a massive human city though? its pretty far from their turf
yeah ToEE is a realy fucking good game user.
only it runs like shit and has tons of bugs.
also it analvores itself when you try to use custom portraits
Why do they have a humongous living alien spaceship?
Oh boy, can't wait to be a Paladin2/Warlock(Hexblade)1/Sorcerer17 and just kill everything with Charisma.
what about the bhaalspawn? is there a canon ending to him?
>remove clutter
there we have it, agency for martials is clutter.
the absolute state of casterfags.
>/fa/ casts color spray on /pol/
>implying jap games aren't shit
is that... neera?
they are super-intelligent telepathic hive-minded lawful evil aliens from outer space. Why do you think?
Because spaceships are cool.
why are they calling it baldurs gate 3? CHARNAME story is already over i hope we get a new protagonist
man, i want it user, i want it badly
They want to quite literally control the multiverse
they once ruled the universe... they want to take it back...
god I hope the plot isn't actually this
dunno if this is a joke, but if it isn't can you explain it to someone unfamiliar with 5e? how can a paladin multiclass to a warlock (this is a thing now?) and sorcerer without relinquishing his divine powers?
its not about YOU sperg its about your party, and their feelings.
they want human waifus
where are you getting this from just curious
He meant that the host can disable players' pausing privileges under certain circumstances, so either only the host was allowed to pause and unpause or everyone could.
yeah... it sounds really stupid
CHARNAME's story is over and we do get a new protagonist.
>"We'll stay true to our roots, so we'll give players lots of systems and lots of agency to use these systems and try to accomplish what you need to on your personal adventure and your party's adventure. That's not going to change; that's the core of what we're doing. But then there will be an interpretation of D&D, because if you port the core rules—we tried it!—to a videogame, it doesn't work."
>if you port the core rules—we tried it!—to a videogame, it doesn't work.
>never played a baldur's gate game
>still excited because of larian
I... I do not remember your love, Marianne.
I have tried to. I have tried to recreate it, to spark it anew in my memory.
But it is gone... a hollow, dead thing. For years, I clung to the memory of it.
Then the memory of the memory. And then nothing. The geass took that from me, too.
I look upon you and I feel nothing. I remember nothing but you turning your back on me,
along with all the others. Once my thirst for power was everything.
And now I hunger only for revenge.
And... I... Will... HAVE IT!!
this used to be bioware
To be a paladin you just need to be lawful in 5e. It doesn't matter if you're good or evil
How are classes in 5e?
Paladins aren't alignment locked to LG. You can totally be a Paladin of Vengeance and be all dark and brooding batman ---> go into Hexblade and from your brush with the arcane, say you've awoken your sorcerer bloodline.
They're right, you know.
If the game was to be an isometric TB game, why would they bother changing engines ?
to be fair the orignal baldur's gate also had an "interpretation" of the core rules.
He's part of bhaal now. Perhaps their consciousness could be fighting for supremacy? Guess it's up to the writers.
I hope the game will be balanced in such a way that allows me to make a coffeelock.
5e is set up in such a way that a paladin can be any alignment and that people can multiclass for free no matter what their character knows. In an effort to increase roleplaying, they have removed all consequences and motivations for roleplaying, so people just do what is most effective with no justification as if they are playing a videogame.
You don't even need to be explicitly lawful, it's just "recommended" that you be lawful. RAI, a DM cannot take away your paladin powers.
You're the filth user.
best villain of any cprg besides the nameless one
Path of the zealot Barbarian or fucking riot. Praise Moradin, the all-father. Root out the duergar where they have corrupted the land and settle the grudge.
>that you be lawful. RAI, a DM cannot take away your paladin powers.
Now, that's dumb. It makes paladins meaningless as a roleplaying class
>>I hope the game will be balanced in such a way that allows me to make a coffeelock.
If they allow "short rests" yeah, you can get your Sorcerer endgame feature super early by having a single level in warlock. Granted the endgame feature for sorcerer is really lame imo.
>Is three a reimagining? A straight sequel? How much are you taking from the originals?
>SV: The previous Baldur's Gate were based on Dungeons & Dragons 3.5.
>>he previous Baldur's Gate were based on Dungeons & Dragons 3.5.
Yeah, this is going to be a fucking disaster. Literally Bethesda Fallout 3 all over again
very weird pick for a character to bring back
i would expect them to bring a more recognizable character back ,but such a pick is fine too
They said in an interview that the adventure would kick off with the tabletop adventure 'Murder in baldur's gate'. Bhaalspawn dies in that adventure.
>I hope the game will be balanced in such a way that allows me to make a coffeelock.
Don't worry about balance, Josh is already working at larian
Fallout 3 was a good game
Rangers suck, Monks as always are very Multi-Attribute-Dependent, and a lot of people who play Charisma-based classes keep dipping into Warlock. That said, it's fine as long as you've got decent folk playing.
>people don't like missing, so we got rid of attack rolls
God I really hope they're not doing the "attacks always hit and nobody ever dodges so everybody has huge HP pools and there's probably some armor breaking mechanic" thing, which I think is what the D:OS games did, right?
>the mental gymnastics to cope
This is not real. Right?
>so people just do what is most effective with no justification as if they are playing a videogame.
Hey man, I can still make roleplaying excuses for how I multiclass.
So it's about Illithids invading the surface?
I hope the spell Mind Blank is in the game.
oh ok cool, i hope we don't even see it happen or anything, they wouldn't wanna force a class/race or anything on PCs
You could still pause in the multiplayer, at least in EE online.
Of what (or who)?
It's less about alignments now and more about the Oaths that're baked into each subclass. There's still a code to follow, but there's more variety to them now.
That bottom ships two top tentacles look like they both end in a robot hand holding a toothbrush
Delina is a moon elf. Neera is the half-elf
Anomen makes Viconia look like a pussy faggot. Anomen rapes his enemies to death and fought an entire army of trolls and raped every troll to death.
that's gonna be a YIKES from me as the youngins say
Should have made Paladin's WIS for the spellcasting. CHA for their class features.
baldur's gate dark alliance on ps2 was based on 3rd edition, he probably means this. i'm sure he knows which version bg used
5E already moved towards that in playtesting and both OS1 and OS2 have much more lethal combat than 5E does. You're easily disabling or taking out an enemy per player action once you're out of early game hell.
still counts since IIRC she was evil in her character sheet due to that beeing a requirement for her class
Imagine a world when BG3 was a Beamdog product.
Honestly having them be more reliant on Charisma's fine. It's only a problem when multi-classing is allowed, and that's technically a variant ruleset so WotC probably doesn't care so much.
it worked and created all types of abominations like an ooze that eats you, steals your memories and creates a clone of you, rats that could cast spells, etc. oh and btw they all have psychic powers and can mind control you
How many gays are going to be in the party
Forgot pic
Oaths are pretty good, user.
what if you take the ending in which you ascend to godhood?
dont play anyhting but a mage.
I may be remebering correct because it has been a long time but wasnat dark alliance basically a hack-and-slash game? did they really used a tabletop ruleset for that game?
the plot will probably be about calling the gith for backup then they show up for a massive battle at the end
>Larian (who the crap are they anyway)
And we're getting an entire game about this shit? Now I'm interested.
I really don't remember baldur's gate lore at all. Do we know what's up with the squid face and the giant squid in the sky?
Because it's not the 80's/90's anymore.
they'll probably have to choose a canon
Ithilids have always reproduced by taking over the bodies of humanoids. The tadpoles are inserted into the brain, it eats out the brain from the inside and takes it spot controlling the body.
>I asked if Baldur’s Gate III would have turn-based or real-time-with-pause combat.
>“This is one of those interviews where we’ll be saying ‘We’re not talking about that yet’ a lot,” Vincke said. “When it comes to the combat system, we prefer to show it to people rather than talk about it. That will hammer it home. But it will still be some time before we actually show it.”
is there a transcript anywhere? i dont like pcgamer
Can I swear an oath to do the most petty evil shit I can get away with and still be a paladin?
no in OS you can miss.
accuracy is a stat.
To me, this means that theyll turn it into an action real time again rather than a turn based or RTWP game.
no reason to get rid of missing when you are turn based or RTWP
I thought they were from the Underdark.
>the giant squid in the sky
Nigga that's a spaceship.
the novels were always canon for wotc, for sure they are gonna usr that
Nothing more than you can learn about their race in their wiki article.
they did and it was odd.
Especialy since the other games in that engine, the Champions of Norrath games didnt.
Dark Alliance had a lot of very strange DnD holdovers
I hope we're a Bhaalspawn, because the world needs someone to murderhobo a shit ton of Illithids.
No, they are literal aliens. they live in underdark because it's the place they are more acclimated.
They are from space but have been living in the Underdark for some time since their space empire went kaput.
So when is this set? After BG2:ToB? What if my charname is a literal god? Will the story force the "reject godhood" option? I don't know, man. I don't think the BG saga needed a sequel. I do welcome more Forgotten Realms games tho.
100 years after bg2
Oath of Conquest is evil, but not really petty.
Into the trash it goes
This is already not D&D moron. Have you ever PLAYED D&D? Well protip faggot, you don't have dialogue options in D&D.
>What if my charname is a literal god?
He's dead.
>What was the reaction? Did you sit everyone in the studio down and say, "We've got Baldur's Gate 3"--what was that like?
>We gathered everybody around and we had two reactions. We had the guys that were completely freaking out. But then surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, the younger ones that said, "What is it? [whispering]" They actually didn't know what it was.
Well then it'll probably have cameos from 1&2 but nothing more. That's okay.
Why and how? That's bullshit and a major asspull.
Hello, reductionist. Can you go play outside for a while? The grownups are trying to talk.
would be a willing slave for
And not just any spaceship, Swen said it was the biggest spaceship Illithids ever built.
It follows the events of Descent into Avernus.
>I almost cried reading who they were bringing back.
It wasn't a D&D game the moment it was revealed to be a videogame user.
I’m not convinced by the stadia.
Still seems kinda garbage that google are trying to tap into this market, something feels off man idk
>People actually asking for it to be turn-based
Hard yikes
>Why do the D&D games also have to not be D&D?
If they are not gonna be D&D then it follows quite logically that they are not D&D games
Any tips for archer in BG2? I heard it kinda bad compared to in BG1. I use crossbow.
Who is that edgelord?
>When you realize BG3 will be developed by people who were like 3 years old for the first game's release year
>Is three a reimagining? A straight sequel? How much are you taking from the originals?
>SV: The previous Baldur's Gate were based on Dungeons & Dragons 3.5. We're now Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition.
So he doesn't even know what edition the original BG was in. That sure bodes well for this being a real authentic Baldur's Gate, by fans and for fans.
>final battle
>everyone is surrounded
>bhaalspawn descends to earth, transforms and starts eating illithids
not gonna happen
The first reply to your stupid bullshit said most of what I'd need to say anyway. If you want to play D&D just invite some friends around and play it.
Manchildren are not grownups, no matter how you try to spin your stupidity.
Bhaal is alive and kicking in 5e, he got brought back by the assassination of the Bhaalspawn.
probably a demon. avernus is the underworld in latin.
Swen is like 70 years old, dude.
Zariel, apparently.
A total faggot is on the writing team. I'm worried.
What if I want a CPRG that mirrors that experience as closely as possible within its technical limitations, without the much larger logistic requirements of getting people together for a pen-and-paper campaign? Something like, oh, I don't know, the original fucking Baldur's Gate games.
so his son dies and that makes him come back to life for some reason? holy retardness
Please dont let them have any significant input
RTWP is fucking garbage, you retard
BG succeded in spite of it rather thanks to it
Maybe he's one of those based faggots and not one of the fag faggots.
did you even play the games?
Is it going to use the originally planned story? I hope so, it looked fucking sweet.
Somehow, though, I doubt it. We're not allowed nice things in this reality.
>loves butts
Well he's okay in my book.
>as closely as possible
>something like, oh, I don't know, the original fucking Baldur's Gate games
If they were as closely as possible they would be turn based. None of this real time with pause shit.
Would you stop talking shit user? Every time you bring up D&D proper it makes you seem like a huge tool, because you've never played a single session, and it shows.
i fucking thought about the star wars guy when i was watching the trailer i'm like fuck sake how am i any better. i mean i wasn't crying but i was excited
Even faggots are more level headed than feminist bisexual/lesbian SJWS. Be glad he's not a womyn.
Haha. No.
Any one please?
>waifuing a drow
>waifuing a cleric of Shar
Love is a lie. Only hate endures.
I hope my favorite battle angle keldorn gets a cameo or a descendant of his is a companion.
i don't see anything wrong in the aforeposted screenshot
Go caster or melee, ranged sucks.
>©2019 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved. Baldur's Gate, Dungeons & Dragons, and their respective logos are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Seems pretty DnD to me.
Bros, can we take the time to appreciate that this will be fully based coop as well?
>Well protip faggot, you don't have dialogue options in D&D.
You literally have infinite dialogue options in D&D.
>fully based coop
How many people though?
Can't, I ported my character from BG1.
RtwP is part of those limitations, to keep the game flowing when you don't have any actual other players to interact with. And the rest is just pointless ad hominem, so I won't bother responding.
Alright you got me, I misspoke. The point is that they aren't served to you on choice screen.
you're fucked then ;)
yea I enjoy waiting for all the 15 mobs to make their move so I could proceed with fireballing them and limiting tactical choices because can't interrupt and react as in a real time game
go shit up another franchise you filthy secondary
Yea, and in my experience no one really follows the codes when they play a paladin and the dm's don't really care. Maybe it's more of a "it's the type of people playing 5e" kind of thing.
Convoluted, like your explanations for why you are fat.
Considering the turn-based combat system of D:OS 1&2 was ten to twenty times more fun than any RTwP combat system ever, I dont find it weird.
RTwP is just clicking and watching the pretty pixels flicker across the screen for your entertainment. TIf you're actually trying to do some positioning and cool stuff, you might as well just have it turn-based, as once you press that unpause button you bet your ass everything goes to shit.
You're complaining about it not being D&D user. You've never played D&D, so what does it matter?
Surprised someone took this long to post this.
>in my experience no one really follows the codes when they play a paladin and the dm's don't really care
Sounds like you need to find new people to play with. Before you say you already have, you need to *keep* finding new people until you have a group that doesn't fucking suck.
>all these faggots wanting turnbased in a fucking baldur's gate game
go stick to your Mario and Rabbids Switch game you fucking losers.
Did you forget the entire point of the Bhaalspawn prophecy mate? Bhaal's master plan was always to avoid his death by making a fuckton of kids to bring him back. CHARNAME's mother was one of his cultists and that was the entire reason she had the kid.
it's not bad it's just not as overpowered, but you can definitely have a lot of fun and be strong as an archer in bg2 don't worry about it, there's a reason you can take 6 party members, to fill in your weaknesses as individuals
I did find a new group, and I played pathfinder with them for about 2 months and it was a lot more fun before people kind of just stopped responding to texts/conversations about playing and it kind of just fizzled out.
And before you tell me to start dming, I was.
Gaider is a literal faggot and pretty unbearable person from what I can tell, and he was the lead writer for some of the most beloved Bioware waifus like Viconia, Aerie, Aribeth and Morrigan. Where is your God now?
>a fucking baldur's gate game
Baldur's Gate had turn based before your shit came out you fucking queer.
What franchise? All the real time franchises are dead since it's a garbage system and I am glad for it.
Thankfully Laria isn't stupid enough to do it
>Turn based is better for DnD
>when Turns fucks initiative up the ass.
Yeah okay.
>He actually thought that they were gonna let your PC be a god
C'mon now when has an rpg game with an ending choice to become a deity ever had a sequel that lets you play as a god.
Then play tabletop and don't touch vidya.
lol get rekt faggot I'll play whatever the hell I want
That's a bummer, I was playing Pathfinder myself until my friends wanted to switch to 5e for the sake of "simplicity". You just gotta get out there and find another group again. I know how annoying that can be though. Currently I'm just trying to stay content with a couple roll20 games I do with far-off friends.
All knife ears rook the same.
>tfw no drow gf lock me in her bedroom for the purposes of only sex.
I honestly believe RTwP is a design flaw in any game. The system inherently restricts the player and goes against the very core of DnD
Will there be a new evil drow thot I can waifu this time around too?
I was thinking maybe it could benedit from an Enhanced long as it wasn't done by Beamdick
I honestly hated the simplicity of 5e. It was just way too boring to play. I'd do roll20 as that seems like it would be the only way to get a group that would want to play consistently, but I tried it once and just for some reason much prefer playing with a physical table and with people with mini figs and shit.
>established canon lore says that this is your bg1/2 PC at a century old, who later battles that one teleporting bhaalspawn from ToB which brings Bhaal back
bruh. 4e's canon was pretty trash but 5e close as fuck
>The system inherently restricts the player
How does it do that?
No this time around you will only get males.
I honestly believe Turn-based is a design flaw in any game. The system inherently restricts the player and goes against the very core of DnD
I seriously doubt that the MC from the previous games will be the MC for this game, so what's the problem of him becoming Bhaal himself?
Nice informed opinion, yes, BG video games were shit, why would Larian use the title?
You have D:OS you secondary zoomer, why won't you stick to that instead of shitting up other series with Fortnite of cRPGs
Imagine Beamdog's additional content for BG I+II, and that dragon's something or whatever it's called expansion for BGI. That's what it will be like.
it's already fixed and enhanced. google circle of eight mod
You can suck a dick since BG3 is going to be RTwP