ITT: Games you never seen talked around Yea Forums
ITT: Games you never seen talked around Yea Forums
Might as well post all the library of non-meme DOS games.
>It's popular so it's meme
Faggots like you who can't describe things without using internet lingo are so autistic.
But that's what they are, popular things are just that way because of some massive collective consciousness where everyone must like the popular thing to fit in.
why would you try to discuss an obscure DOS era RPG on Yea Forums when you're 90% more likely to get a sustainable thread on /vr/?
every flight sim game ever. besides the fake ones like ace combat and war thunder
Ace Combat and War Thunder never were market as flight sims
isn't this game utterly massive or something?
/vr/ rather talk about Doom for the three hundred thousand time.
More like games so overrated no one talks about them but when they are brought up everyone acts like they are fucking awesome.
Tell me how many people you have met that knows about Darklands.
IRL, none.
Online, tons.
DOS archive forum sites
Here maybe early 2000s
hmmmm I see
Legend of grimrock 2 amazing game but this forum is mostly focused on western AAA or weeb games , speaking about dungeon crawlers which are must play? , i played grimrock saga, heroes of the monkey tavern and vaporum , what other games in this genre do you recommend /v
Dungeon Hack
Ok, which third world country are you from?
Yea Forums talked about this game like literally a decade ago in an old MS-DOS game thread before /vr/ was a thing.
Deadly Rooms of Death, or DROD.
Literally the best puzzle games ever made. If you ever felt galaxy brained in a game, you will love DROD for bringing that to you many times over.
Only thing that ever came close is Baba is you, which is also fantastic.
or maybe it's popular because the games are good and can still hold up?
Even if a game is good, it's popularity only is sustained by the idea of a collective consciousness. Same can happen with a bad game.
The only thing I know about this is it's Josh Sawyer's favourite game
the dungeons in this game are fucking dogshit,navigating them is hellish,I remeber spending like 5 hours getting to the bottom of a mine and then my "thief" didn't have good enough skill to finish whatever the fuck I was doing down there,that's when I quit the game
Yea Forums wasn't even alive when Micro Prose was a thing.
Yea Forums wasn't even a sperm when this came out
Yeah it's a great game. I am 19 and I fucking played it. Zoomers here that don't have the patience to play through this shit are fucking brainlets.
>Making a Thief character in a game set in 1400s Medieval HRE
There was your mistake.
Better quality pic related. Because I am a /g/let
Same poster here. To further clarify on why the game is good.
>Correct depictions of Medieval HRE during the 1400s
>Light Fantasy that fits the fables of that time period.
>The Dragon is an actual worthwhile opponent
>Getting geared up is great
>Praying is a fucking form of magic wherein Saints can bestow you upon power that will save you from any cruel demon that tries to attack you
>Baphomet is the final boss
>Holy Relics can be found and used against demons. Such as the Lance of Longinus
>Towns and cities from the area in Bohemia and Poland are named correctly after their Germanised names off that era = therefore more immersive
>All of your party members are a bro team of Christians, Knights, Alchemists and Monks trying to survive demon-infested HRE
>The time is correctly based upon the Liturgy of Hours
>It's like X-Com but medieval and no recourse management and an RPG.
>Read/write latin is great
>Getting scammed by Alchemists in Prague feels like getting scammed in modern day Prague and it truly helps with my immersion
>Universities are filled with Snobs that'll kick you out if you don't speak Latin.
>Game has the right amount of pleb filter
>Alchemy just feels right
>Slow movement
>Game feels slow
>Character customisation is TOO in-depth
>Fonts are a shit
>Dwarf mines can go fuck themselves
I said "thief",he was just the guy that handled traps and locks
Good game, once I tried to make a translation... I failed because I don't have the technical knowledge to modify the files properly.
What was the quest specifically? Most mine quests that I've played so far involved having to kill the Kobold or Dwarf king in a rebellion and you had to side with one of them. What quest requires you to unlock locks for the final part? Unless you set forth into a randomly generated trap. Then yeah. That's bullshit and one of the few flaws with the game imo. It was pretty incredible for it's time and cost Microprose millions. A remake that would fix most of these flaws but keep it's qualities would be a pure masterpiece.