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Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Ork game when?

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>wrestles with a giant chaos marine in terminator armor
>falls off of a balcony into the depths below
>comes back later and keeps fighting like nothing's wrong
Did he beat the shit out of Nemeroth?

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Nothing after grimskull's death needed to happen. I played the game because I enjoyed interacting with that asshole and his troops. Fuck nemeroth that disgusting fuck.

That scene perfectly summarized Ork's role in 40k. Nemeroth wanted him out of the way to have a dramatic showdown with his personal nemesis, then Grimskull clambers back up all "I AIN'T SO EASY TO KILL" and drags him off with him. Orks will come in and attack everybody, they don't care about your vendetta.

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Speed Freeks never ever.

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>tfw no speed freek racing game

crump em

actually, i think there is a mobile game.

I would kill for more actually good 40k video games like Space Marine and Mechanicus. I never played BFG but I heard it was good.

I just want to play Necrons. Or maybe a good actual RPG in the setting, a la Mass Effect. No, instead I get 8th edition and retarded cover and concealment rules.


Best ork right here
As soon as you fuck off frogposter

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>grimskull has a based boss fight with a variety of attacks and a constant flow of boyz coming in
>when you go to "fight" nemeroth it's just a ball-bustingly cheap gauntlet of chaos enemies and then a QTE
what were they thinking

I don't know, that bridge part where you grab an autocannon and finally get to easily kill those fucking blight drones was pretty cathartic

Imagine being such an influential warboss that you aren't even part of 40k lore, yet voted second best warboss

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>tfw no Mad Max style Ork game


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>this is what GW is investing their game money in

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>Investing their game money
I will laugh at you, at your ignorance and stupidity.

GW is throwing shit at a wall and seeing if it'll stick. Smaller parts of the license go to smaller developers, which results in this shit, but the bigger concepts go to bigger devs, which gives us some great stuff.

So is he alive or not?

Izz orkz a good army ferr 8th Edishunn?

I liked the ork parts too but it started to get stale after a while. That part when you walk into the ruined cathedral and see chaos and orks having a full scale war was pretty kino

Yes as he is a Ork Warboss some chaos looking brotherfucker is nothing to him

Friendly reminder that the plastic ork boys are 19 year old sculpts.

>tfw no scene where him and Titus teamed up to kill Chaos shits

Missed opportunity

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Sorry m8, no time, we need to focus our efforts into making more glorious Primaris, please understand.

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An Ork boss acting Orky.
That's how it should be.

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On top of the disgusting codex-breaching bullshit you want him to team up with an ork.

By the end of the game you can sorta make a case for Titus, but with that extra bit it's full heresy, I'm afraid.

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t. Leandr*s

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>Won Soulstorm with his own clan.
>Serves another boss from the Bad moons.

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>Ace Klawmbat


BFG2 is a lot of fun and getting more content regularly. You should definitely grab it.

>ywn be a fighta 'pilot' and get up to hijinks with your orkbros

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>ywn play grotball wif da boyz

Fuck you Ork.

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Box Boys

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>killed general sturn
>victor of Winter Assault, Dark Crusade, AND Soulstorm
>diverted from his clan


Actually he lost WA and DC but he soulstorm with little details.

It was Taldeer the one who killed least according to Only War (while DoW 2 implies Sturnn survived but lost the Titan)


Dow 2 implies orks won.

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I think you are confusing some games/planets.

>Winter Assault/Lorn V/Eldar victory (with a bit of Orks).
>Dark Crusade/Kronus/Blood Ravens victory.
>Soulstorm/Kaurava/Ork victory (to the eternal butthurt of IGfags here and /tg/)

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How good is the Mechanicus game?

Looks like X-COM, does it play similarly?


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not really, there is no cover system and there is a system of points you get by making your tech-priest stand besides pylons and whatnot and whom you use to power your weapons and stuff. Also fights are shorter because they're part of a lite-dungeon-crawler thingy were you have to be careful to not wake the necrons too much
I didn't went really far in the game, and I didn't like it very much, but it might just be me
but the OST is God-Emperor-tier

Unlike XCOM, all shots hit. There's a patch that allows the player change details for the difficulty and there's a incoming DLC involving Hereteks.

The emperor protects.

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>No Dow 4 with primaris.

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A big & meaty proppa choppa dat's what

What do you guys think of ultimate apocalypse? I wish it worked with Dark Crusade's superior campaign, but I think it's pretty great.

Honestly, this here is why I simply take the lines about the Orks "winning Soulstorm" as simply refering to him beating the shit out of the Blood Ravens keeping them pinned in their stronghold until the IG came it and cleaned out both factions.

I also headcanon it that the IG won Winter Assault because fuck that Eldar shit

I love the Baneblades

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I still like space marines the best because of nostalgia for when I was an edgy twelve year old, but goddamn the IG are fucking based.

Imperial guardsmen are issued 1 lasgun 1 flack vest and 1 wheelbarrow to help transport there giant brass balls.

What about the little ones?

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Take the gorkamorka concept wholesale, slap it on some far cry like engine and upgrade tree, and you got a game worth throwing your money at the screen for.

Yes, yes!

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>Finally get to play as a bad-ass Astartes
>It's literally the lamest chapter

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>No 40k Apocalypse game that's essentially SupCom FA

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>tfw no cuhrayzee action game where you play as a Dark Eldar incubus

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I see, thanks .

fuck the dark eldar, their lore reads like the work of an edgy 14 years old boy writting about BDSM

>complaining about edge
>in 40k

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been a while since seeing a 40k thread

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there is edgyness (see: most of chaos)
and there is the obnoxious edgyness of a race of unsufferable little shits who solely exist the fill in the dark-elves trope as if 40k wasn't full of fantasy tropes already

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By that logic you could say that orks are a race of boring entry-level badguys who only exist to fill the orc tropes of a fantasy setting.

This but sanguinius.

i dont know jack dick about warhammer but i love everything about the orkz just from the information i got from this thread

yes but the orks have a fun lore, and fun characters and good designs
while the dark eldars have spikes and unsufferable BDSM subtext

Would you guys play an Eldar or Guard action game?

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I can't believe Dawn of War is fucking dead.

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Gimme ur Best ork Reaction pics

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Dawn of War mobile reboot when?

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Dark Eldar have fun characters too. Duke Sliscus is an insufferably flamboyant space pirate who is basically a hybrid of 70s David Bowie and Captain Jack Sparrow. Or who can't appreciate the hilarity of Vect deciding the best way to get rid of a rival was to literally mail him a black hole.

Commorragh was fleshed out back in 2010 to be this crazy batshit realm that's non-Euclidean cybergoth punk. And as for their visual designs, like their Craftworld cousins, they take a variety of aesthetic inspiration from a number of cultures throughout human history. Their guns, for example are supposed to be evocative of flintlock weapons, emphasizing the piratical nature of their race. Skybarges with rams reminiscent of Hellenic triremes. Their melee weapons are supposed to like Persian swords. All of this comes together to evoke and image of delusional grandeur and decadence. A race that's fallen to it's baser desires while still fancying themselves lords of the galaxy.

Those Guardsmen got a promotion

there was one yesterday too

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>Rak'Gol will never be Metroid's Space Pirates in 40K
>Rak'Gol will never be an eviller version of the Tau that use other races as slaves
>You will never see abominations of scrap and flesh that were once man made by Rak'Gol for purposes as simple as making drinks
>ywn see the Rak'Gol serving a Yu'Vath daemon prince as their god

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shut the fuck up Leandros, your own Primarch would side with Titus and grill you on being a cock sucker

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>implying id play any 40k games with being able to play as an overzealous religious war machine

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What's the name of that pretty recent purple chapter with the candle fetish. If I remember they derive from the Imperial Fists.

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The way I saw it, was the orks won the initial Soulstorm campaign, then Gorgutz decided to start New Game+ with a new WAAAGH!, and then the Imperial Guard came in and annihilated the boyz that Gorgutz left leaderless.
A synthesis of the two disputed endings--the orks formed their little empire and raised hell in the Imperium and later the Imperial Guard still turned the system into a bastion, just not nearly as pristine as it could have been.

>Commissar attracted to filthy xenos
Where's my bolt pistol?

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>there will (probably) never be a sequel to 40k Space Marine

why live?

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Technically, they're allies now (or at least, their heads of states are).

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>you will never accidentally get within ten miles of a Rak'Gol and melt from the inside out because of radiation poisoning
Why even bother

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post yfw THQNordic reveals a new Dawn of War at E3 this year

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Doesn't Sega own the rights to DoW now?

for iOS and Android!

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After the shitshow that was DoW3 I have no hope and you should not either.

>they remake Soulstorm with Nids, actual fucking balance, and overhaul the campaign so it isn't such a slog

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40k is held tightly in the grip a the monkey's paw. You may get your wish. But it will be at a terrible cost.

The Imperium are mostly human supremacists, commissars even more so. Even if they weren't warring with them they certainly wouldn't trust any xenos

Agreed, human on eldar relations are assassinorum business, no commissars allowed!

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>tfw the only Necron characters that appear are insane lords or Trazyn instead of the actual cool characters like Szeras and Obryn

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fuck you i like Zahndrekh

Eldar would only work if it was somewhat mobile, like DMC or Sekiro.

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You don't like trollzyn the sticky-fingered?

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Warhammer Fantasy soulsborne where you play as a Blood Dragon attempting to quench his thirst when?

It's not so much the character but how much they are pushing him in current events in games. There are other cool Necron characters to explore.

You mean the emperors children loyalists? if so it's son's of the phoenix

He wants to add papa smurf to his collection.

there it is, thanks

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I'm probably gonna get called out for being a 40k newfag, but where can I find pics like this for all the chapters? Or something that lists canon colors for helmets and pauldrons in general.

Feels more like they should be related to Vulkan, but I can dig righteous zeal anywho.

Also there was a new TTS podcast today, if anyone wasn't already aware.

I small part of me likes to meme them up to be tsundere and sexually repressed for humans, though the lore autist balks at such representations.

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(the newest one, BTW)

lmao do you know anything about orkz in 40k?

What's the best first founding legion, and why is it the blood angels?

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Lol what the fuck. I love this place.

[Spoiler] The Fallen :)

tell me, Yea Forums Iz green best?


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who has the best responses in the game all around, hardmode: no WITNESS YOUR DOOM

the same thing that goes through an Eldar's mind when a human kills them.

Honestly I think they should just pick a select few and stick with it. Sometimes good stuff will rise out of the shit pile but it'll never be as good as Dawn of War or Spacemarine.

Funniest for me is the Bik Mek's "I should invent a machine that makes walking faster!"
His delivery is hilarious.

too bad

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I'd love to have a game about a group of young guardsmen going out into the trenches only to see what the galaxy is really like. Make the heroic actions of the protagonist just about keeping themselves and the unit alive.

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Whats your ideal 40k videogame?

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Been watching a LP of Void Bastards, and it would be nice to have a sequel with a Space Hulk skin involving Rogue Traders. At least it would be more fun than Deathwing.

The original DoW but with a higher pop cap, no unit limits and modern graphics.
If possible a kickass single player campaign, and a grand strategy map like dark crusade and soulstorm only that it doesn't suck.

Never got into WH40K but I've always kind of liked it. I have a question about Orks... Can a clever Human/Eldar/Tau trick them into fighting another enemy? For instance, can they false flag an attack on the Orks and direct them to WARG the Tyranids?

Also, how far can you abuse their psychic abilities? Let's say you have cancer. Then you tell an Ork, "Hey, you have cancer and this glass of water can cure it so you can fight better." Then you drink the water. Will shit like that work?

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Someone literally did what you suggested in the first part in lore. Octavius war or something like that, you've got orks getting as big as Primarchs and Tyranids having an almost infinite amount of biomass. Whoever wins that war will be pretty much unstoppable

>first question.
Yes. It is a half-common twist in 40K works that the current Ork invasion was enginered by Chaos/Eldar/the Inquisition.

>Second question.
Nope, even the orks have a sense of "that's illogical" (the extent chages depending of the edition and it's argued a lot between 40Kfags)

Sending orks to attack another enemy is a risky move because they'll get stronger (because that's how they work), loot their stuff and spread their spores even further
To get ork magic to work you need a lot of orks to believe something is so, but they aren't very talkative. There is a comissar that is essentially unkillable because the orks believe him to be so

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A game about a bunch of new guardsmen discovering what the universe is really like, with gameplay akin to something like the Banner Saga or XCOM long war, with a very oppressive atmosphere like Metro.

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Well the problem with using that war as an example was that it was effectively the perfect storm. Orks get bigger off Tyranids, while tyranids also get bigger off orks.

>Nope, even the orks have a sense of "that's illogical"
I think he's talking more in the sense of in a hypothetical where you can always convince the ork. In that case, yes, assuming you had enough of them of course. During the war of the beast they apparently were regularly breaking the fundamental laws of physics in their creations.

You fucking idiots who perpetuate incorrect knowledge of the gestalt fields are the worst.

What’s the point of being called space marines if they don’t fight in space?

haha I figured there'd be a catch.

They do they drop pod into enemy ships and destroy them from the inside.

Enlighten us then. I'm well aware that the orks have their little reality distorting bubble when they mass up and that makes stuff to "just work"

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I'm the question user. Can you tell me why he's wrong?



Planetside : WH40K Edition

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It doesn't make stuff 'just work'. That's the incorrect knowledge. They are a massive psychic race. It functions the same way as any psyker's power. It's just in a gestalt form. Take the color red for example. Red warbuggy goes faster. Of course but those warbuggy still need fuel, parts, maintenance etc and it can't fly or anything crazy. However their belief that the color red makes it goes faster will supercharge the engine, make it run harder, faster, and may hold the structural integrity together long enough so it doesn't explode or maybe it will.
It still works on the same rough laws that any psyker ability works. The whole 'makes a chuck of metal into a working gun' has always been in-universe imperial scholars just being idiots.

>no hybrid of FA, dawn of war, and planetary annihilations mechanics where I can have a world engine
reality is a mistake, we must rectify it.

neither, I want my robot boys. republic commando, but with lychguard/praetorians.

This is an Eldar Farseer. Say something nice about him.

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Fuck off xeno

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Wasn’t this the pitch for Eternal crusade?

When are we gonna expand on the ghoul star lord that hangs out with a bunch of flayed ones and periodically teleports into battles to fuck things up? I just wanna know why the guy's hanging around such a horribly smelling place, arent crons supposed to hate flesh?

Okay Yea Forums ill be honest with you, I have never touched a single 40k book or game, but i have watched every episode of the 40k TTS series at least three times and have loved every second of it.
Now my question is should i bother with any media outside of TTS and if so where is a good place to get started?

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This would be sick.

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The regular CSM's random laughter and WE'RE BACK, AND BETTER THAN EVER will always stick with me

Dawn of War(1&2 plus all of their expansions)
Space Marine game
Gaunt's Ghosts
Eisenhorne books
The first five Horus Heresy books

Dawn of War to Dawn of War Dark Crusade and Space Marine. Only good games I can think of, though don't really read any of the books since I'm not British.

I'm not privy to Ork lore. How do these dummies manage to space travel?

You should defiantly get into 40k if your into TTS since it enhances the experience. As for were to start just simply find a wiki page of any topic and click on the links they have when anything else is mentioned after you are done reading that wiki page and from their its a never ending downward spiral of lore you can never escape.

Dawn of War, although which one depends on who you ask. I started with DOW2, which is completely different from the first and its expansions, I'd say dark crusade probably although its not exactly balanced but at least it doesn't have soulstorm's campaign from hell. SS has better mods tho

Ork Tek is a hell of a thing.


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You should be good with starting the HH books.You should know enough.

they essentially just find random shit, bolt it together, attach rockets to it, throw out greching since they believe it will help them travel faster (and because orks it does) and find some warp engine, hit it until it works and travel through the warp and enjoy the occasional daemon infestation since it gives them something to fight, then when they leave the warp, crash land on whatever is in your way and start shooting anything that was on the objected they landed on

Isn't body horror and stitched-together abominations the shtick of the Dark Eldar now?

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If you want to read novels then a big collection of short stories like "Let the Galaxy Burn" is good, then branch out to factions or authors that interest you. Stay away from Goto though.

Yeah that's pretty much Haemonculi covens. Who are the raddest thing about the Dark Eldar, aside from Incubi and Mandrakes.

Ciaphas Cain is great, but he's a bad way to introduce someone to 40k.

If you want Imperial Guard, I'd recommend Fifteen Hours, or Dead Men Walking. Dead Men Walking is probably my favorite Imperium novel.

I think it would be pretty cool if they made a game like Star Wars Battlefront (the actually good Pandemic ones, not that DICE travesty). Select a faction and battle it out using different units like Imperial Guardsmen, Skitarii, and Primaris psykers etc. Replace the hero characters with elite units that you can deploy as like Astartes or maybe even Titans

Are those additional external spines grafted on their backs? For what purpose? Intimidation?

that looks like an especially fruity ork wearing a gay mask

never even thought about that. that sounds awesome

Tentacles. For doing Tentacle stuff.

1) Orks have an extremely hardy physiology and invade planets by ramming their ships into them and climbing out of the wrecks.
2) Ork Meks are spawned with an intuitive understanding of how to build a fission reactor.
3) Orks have a physic gestalt field that slightly alters their surroundings to better fit their expectations. The poster child is "red wunz go fasta" but depending on what year it was written it can vary from "very minor alterations that turn an entirely unreliable machine into a somewhat unreliable one" to "a stick and a box of nails is a gun."

Shame it probably won't happen, because GW is not the best at getting the right developers to make games for their IP. They even hired the retards behind Ride to Hell: Retribution to make this shitty lane defense game

Gorka Morka racing game

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>Eternal crusade
I have never seen a company backpetal so fucking hard on what was promised.
We literally went from Planetside 2 :WH40K edition to Space Marine Multiplayer 2.0.
I fucking hate them for doing it.

Saw it coming the moment they announced more than 2 factions. Should just been Loyalist vs Chaos.

battlefleet gothic is good though

It would also sort of reinforce the idea that Guardsmen and other base units are cannon fodder because you died so quickly in the games

I'd play it

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Seems very inefficient when ships in 40k can be kilometers long

Basically Dark Souls, but WH40k edition.


Nah, depending on who is on that ship, a single squad of marines can be enough to take it. It might take a while, but that is very good efficiency in terms of resources committed.

Ships in 40k have guns with ranges in tens of thousands of kilometers and fire rates measured in shots per hour. They also have ramming prows. It rarely engages with it's own scale in a way that makes sense, the numbers are just big because big numbers are cool.

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They don't try to fight all the crew, just hit critical areas like the bridge and reactors hard

Not if you destroy vital equipment like the life support or ship control mechanisms rendering it an inert hulk that's unusable

Just stopping by to remind you all that the Death Guard were right.
Also Khorne is worst chaos god

I've been having an idea for a warhammer 40k Doom wad where every "episode" is a different faction that you play with. I know the basics of Doom modding, but is there any good resources for "episodic" map sets and wads?

Getting orks to fuck off is as easy as pointing them at an closer, bigger fight. Too bad alot of Imperials don't think to much about how Xenos think.

There's a short story about an Ork planetary invasion and they have to get past a fortress. The IG command put a skeleton crew in the fortress but it's made up of a single squad from every single battalion on the planet, to make it look like there's a FUCKTON of soldiers there When some Kommandos do a night raid and are seen taking patches and markings off corpses, everybody thinks the Orks took the bait and sets to ambush the orks at the best place to circumvent the fortress.

The story ends with them watching the orks run that fortress the fuck over, because they WANTED a fuckhuge siege battle.

Khorne is certainly the most simple-minded and gives the least shit about his followers, even if they die he still gains power. The other chaos gods aren't particularly loving towards their mortal servants (except papa Nurgle of course), but he couldn't give less of a shit as long as someone dies

One thing I will concede is that Khorne has one of the better aesthetics of the chaos gods. The brass + skulls is hilariously edgy, but it still works.

There things to shoot over there??

>That unstoppable, steady advance of the marines through the hallways of the ship
>Them bolter sounds and the sounds of the massive bolts hitting the metal walls
>That tacticool use of blind grenade to scramble the sights of the multilaser to land a plasma pistol shot

40k kino right there

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>Implying Slaneesh isn't the most fabulous dresser in the Warp

Fetish gear doesn't strike as hard as armor. I can appreciate when GW tries to get weird with it though.

I need a good 40k game again. As much as I love fantasy and everything that's come out for them recently, I need my over-the-top scifi kick.

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You're an idiot.

Man, space marines are scary when they are not portrayed as thieving memelords.

>tfw you will never be embraced by the Omnissiah as a tech-priest, slowly replacing you're weak fleshy body into a well maintained and perfect machine


What did he mean by this?

what would be a fun chapter to play, in your opinion?
i think specialists like the white scars or raven guard need more love.


Not that user, but I'd kill for a game starring the Doom Eagles.

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Almost any other chapter would be cooler, Ultramarines are codex-worshiping tools. The only reason playing with them was acceptable in WH40K: Space Marine is because the main character wasn't a goody two-shoes and he questioned the inflexibility of the Codex
Which ended up with him being accused of heresy and likely killed by the Inquisition

Gun to my head though I think Deathwatch would have been the best. It would highlight the differences between other chapters because they recruit from multiple chapters. Also, it was a xenos invasion, why the hell didn't they send them instead of the ultramarines when they actually specialize in fighting xenos?

>new models never ever

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A game about Night Lords pacifying various planets would be cool

The Iron Hands: The tech marine chapter.

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Alphabusa is kind of a retard and I honestly think he's a secondary.
But if you want not-table top media.
>Dawn of War
>Dawn of War II
>Space Marine
>Battlefleet Gothic I and II
For books.
Horus Heresy
>Horus Rising
>The First heretic
>Know no Fear
>Master of Mankind
>Praetorian of Dorn
>Vulkan Lives
Normal Warhammer 40k books
>I am Slaughter
>Fifteen hours
>Death World
>Ice world
>Dead men walking
>Ciaphas Cain
>Gaunts Ghosts
These are just the ones I read, mind you.

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It's funny how the "Astartes" short-film made by drunk russians handles the lore better than AAA games.

Squiggooddd :DD
Pprröööööhhhhgh :DDDD

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Flesh Tearers or other Blood Angels chapters so you can unleash the red thirst.

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so is space marines any good?

"Ork Kommando", like Modern Warfare but with Orkz.

so in the end, Orkz are just having fun, right?

You spelled Tzeentch wrong nigger.

Pretty much, they were designed to love fighting because they're a biological weapon run amok, it's theorized that they basically turned on the race that created them because after the war was over they still wanted to fight. It's never smart to create a self replicating weapon that is engineered to be hard to eradicate and have free will to turn on you when they're bored of peace

You guys do paint the miniatures right? You don't just settle for 40k vidya right!?

>Tzeentch is simple minded
He's basically the embodiment of 4D chess
>He doesn't care about his followers
His plan and goal is inscrutable, so you can't know that

>complaining about heresy

I think the fluff said that their masters killed themselves while fighting against the nuNecrons. They got free and they began killing themselves and everyone around them.

Was talking about the follower thing. Simple minded in no way. He just betrays his followers constantly --> doesn't care much about them and prioritieses his shit "Grand Plan".

I've downloaded multiple versions, didn't see the watermark from the thumbnail

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The problem with that interpretation is he might be sacrificing one follower to save more than one down the line in his plan. Like I said, his plan and goal is inscrutable so you can't know he doesn't care about his followers in general

Why is there no 40K total conversion mod for Supreme Commander?

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You being the one that is sacrificed would think he doesn't really care about you wouldn't you?

The ones that get sacrificed probably shout "Just as planned!" as they die.

In the meantime, we have All Guardsmen Party.

I said in my post that he cares about them in general, not as individuals. Khorne couldn't care less either way who dies. But to Tzeentch that one sacrifice will save more than one follower in the long run

So what do you guys think will be the 2 new games from Focus Interactive and will they be announced at E3?
One looks like a Bounty Hunter game and the other a bit Inquisitorial or even Arbites Like.

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I don't think they've ever actually said what definitively killed the Old Ones or if they didn't even die but instead transcended our reality like the Dwemer in the Elder Scrolls, it's supposed to be a sort of mystery


THIN YOUR PAINTS is the best meme to come out of this site.

You say that like it's a bad thing

Hey who is that hunk in the pic?

>Lamentors and Flesh Tearers getting reinforced.

This kinda fucks their lore.

It's why we need an IG game. From the perspective of a regular guy, a regular SM/CSM is a terrifying bulldozer that is just straight up a boss encounter.


You realize that's what that failed TPS game was supposed to be right?

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The planet broke before the guard did.

Of course it did. They broke it pretty early in the fight. The guard didn't have time to break.

Lamenters. Should be a real tearjerker of a game too.

a tear shed for all eternity

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A well written Lamenters game could be godly, but it would have to be very well written. Most people don't want to roleplay getting their ass kicked across an entire galaxy.

I have a better idea.

Attached: Marines_Malevolent.jpg (200x276, 27K)

>Lamenters get neglected by Blood Angels
>The only BA chapter does not suffer from the Red thirst and/or the Black Rage.
>Finally made friends with another chapter that respect them.
>Friends turns Traitors and Lamenters got beaten down and got their relics stolen.
>Granted the Emperor's forgiveness and go to a 100 year crusade without new recruits.
>Found out they have the Black Rage when attacked by Tyranids
>Some how survive and got primaris
>Takes another 12 years to get regular recruit.
No other chapters have suffered like the Lamenters.SOB

Attached: Lamenters_2.png (1227x1129, 2.06M)

get out of here, Fish.

Those jerkasses. I would see the minotuars (Aka the Anti-space marines) kicking ass.

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>No other chapters have suffered like the Lamenters.

They did pretty good compared to the rest of the cursed founding. The Flame Falcons fucking spontaneously ignited then got exterminated by Grey Knights.

I followed this shit for years, from it's early design scope being smashed and publishers pulling out, to the game being re-booted at long last but as an "early access" playable 3rd person shooter with melee mechanics.
then it's lead designer bailed.
its other publishers pulled out
to the quiet release of death.

it was fun but man was it a dumpster fire, like watching your own skin melting

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Minotaurs would be a great pretext to give the player access to tons of weapons and armour variants.

It's not completely finished but it's backfired spectacularly. The fleet that was diverted into Ork space gorged itself to the point where they just started using the surplus biomass to create new tendril fleets that started roaming out into the neighboring Imperial sectors anyways (which is what they were trying to stop), some of them are nearly as beefy as the one that Kryptmann was trying to forestall.

The Orks in the meantime had started filing in from across the galaxy after word spread about how great a scrap it was, and plenty of them just got distracted along the way and also started causing mayhem nearby.

The bubble popped, and now the Imperium has gum all over its face.

I missed out it going f2p after it's other publishers pulled out as well as a early launch it wasn't rready for.

>it was fun but man was it a dumpster fire, like watching your own skin melting
I've known this feeling many times over the years. This industry is cursed.

please do not post dawn of war 3........the fucking garbage game that killed the entire franchise!

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We need a battalion wars clone but instead of switching control between units, you're always Da Boss. You can go hop in your tanks though.
This is what I need.

We never got our big open world guys...

Play Dawn of War 3.

remember when the Carcharodons fucked the Lamenters in the Badab War
!!!!!! that shit was crazy

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>space marine

Oh shit I'm sorry I thought this is smt thread

The Badab War was a fucking great war.

It was the Mantis Warriors. The Lamenters has the Minotaurs.

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You're a retard if you want a DoW after DoW3.

I remember watching an interview with a dev making Dawn of War 3...........bitch with pink or blue hair (can't remember) I knew it was going to be shit ever before it came out

On August 21, 2017, Microsoft announced Age of Empires IV, developed by Relic Entertainment.[50]

As of February 8, 2019, "There's no announced release date for Age of Empires 4."[51]


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Are Terminators big guys? Or just bigger shoes?

I can't even

Primaris are a square peg in a round hole, lore wise.

I would have preferred if they were an upgrade to existing marines only, and not suddenly thousands of them from a secret lab.


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That specific one is a giant, with a dreadnought armour modified to fit him. I think he's the chapter master of the street sharks or whatever.
Most first company spezz muhrines are regular sized.

Regular marines can be upgraded to primaris, Marneus Calgar got primaris'd.

Space Wolves, you could do a whole game about going from aspirant to blood claw on Fenris alone, battling Kraken and Wolves.

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You could also do a game about shitting in diapers and yiffing straight into hell but it's a good thing they haven't.

Primaris are written oddly because they need to find a way of introducing "true scale" Space Marine models without invalidating the old range and pissing people off.

If you look at the new Primaris models, they are becoming more and more like classic Marines.

Are there any games that let you play as the death guard?

A Terminator is a normal sized Marine in fucking giant armour. Almost like a mech suit.

Except EXXTREME with RAILGUNzzzzz and JETPACKS at the same time

Dawn of War, particularly DoW:Retribution, can be fairly easily modded. Then you can play Chaos with Death Guard colours in the campaign.

Banjo kazooie nuts and bolts but with orks and building wacky shit to fight space marines.

Yes, its old and tired as fuck, But damn if the voiceclips, especially "We are Amplified!" "Scream to be heard" dont get my boomer blood boiling

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Tetris but with orcs


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The Iron Warriors are the only founding legion with a sense of humour.

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I want to play as Tyranids and shred apart planets. Bonus points if I can play as a Gargoyle and fly around divebombing people.

a chaos legion

its funny , in the lore only male eldar(mosly dark eldar)fucked human female . no indication of the other way around

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>The regular CSM's random laughter
This but also the YEEEES

Actual sex is such a tiny part of 40k lore that one writer's fetish can skew the data. Eldar fucking a Mon Keigh doesn't really make sense.

battles inside of ships are basically just ground battles
there's a novel wherein a group of Iron Warriors build a fucking fortress inside of an Ultramarines ship while attacking it

it needs to be a game so fucking over the top. Like you have Orks pulling the Deadpool shit with out realizing it. You see an Ork get into a gurren lagann type mech and combine because green is mean and red is fast.

are Iron Warriors based on german tourists at the beach?

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>there's a novel wherein a group of Iron Warriors build a fucking fortress inside of an Ultramarines ship while attacking it

based. Do you remember which one?

>introducing "true scale" Space Marine models without invalidating the old range and pissing people off.
but they literally did just that with CSM

CSM live in the Eye of Terror and are subject to constant mutation. Space Marines, however, are based off identical genetic templates. It's much harder to hand-wave radically different loyalist sizes.

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Iron Warrior
I suggest reading it via the Iron Warriors Omnibus, because you'd need to read the earlier novel and short stories to get a hang of what's going on

I'll look into that, thanks. I'm grinding through the Horus Heresy series and the Iron Warriors are the only legion I'm not completely sick of.

It'd be cool if it had a Surge-like mechanic where you can dismember enemies for their parts and build shit with anything you gather. Everyone would end up with crazy mismatched gear by the end.

Storm of Iron (the first book in the omnibus) actually shares some characters with a certain IW HH book (don't remember what it was), which is neat

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Usually terminators are just bigger shoes, though in that guys chase he is just really massive along with the Chapter Master of the Minatours who is at Primarch levels of big.

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Why is one of them classified?

Almost any list of imperium-related things will have one or two redacted entries

No reason at all Imperial citizen, don't look at the marines in your house, they clearly never existed

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Best chapter (even in death) coming through

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There are many things in 40k that I find dumb, but having a legion of giant, unmistakable Astartes as covert infiltrators is about the dumbest.

I hope they make a DoW 3 some day. I wonder if they'll change the basic gameplay again.

user they will clearly make a master piece with DoW3, they clearly won't fuck it up by introducing shit nobody wanted and make the game into a wannabee moba

Attached: dawn of war 3.webm (720x480, 2.93M)

That's because you're believing memes
They use confusion tactics and misinformation

Explain to me how humans are ever supposed to be able to end up as the actual victors in the 40k universe. Orks and nids are the only two who could actually 'win', though the nids will probably end up on top.

If the God Emperor ever returns, that is their victory.

That's a big 'If', and even then there's no guarantee he'll be the same Emperor as before.

Join the Guard.


I know you're dabbling more into different media with the bandai partnership so why not just do something with bamco. I'd be fine with a 40k fighter if that's what they want. I just want more non mobileshit
also gussy[/spoilers]


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Why do they need to be huge, power armoured monsters, then? The Emperor could have saved all the money and just put together a regular intelligence department.

> running a 40k TTRPG
>People rolling Imperial guards
>Players don't want to advance when under fire
>one person who rolled a Commissar preforms a summery execution on another player
>Mfw I allow it and that person has to roll another guardsman

Not to big a deal in only war because you can die so easy

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Reminds me
>Play a 40k TTRPG
>Guardsmen again
>We were fighting against chaos cultists
>Suddenly Chaos Space Marine
>Oh shit
>One guy trips over in front of him
>His gun breaks
>He reaches for a nearby brick
>Crit roll
>Crit roll
>We now have the "emperor's holy brick" with us at all times

Attached: Ancap.jpg (1000x563, 33K)

A human "victory" involves humans ascending into a higher plane, which involves the Emperor coming back as something very different.

But the actual goals of the Imperium isn't to win, it's to maintain the status quo. The Imperium is stagnant. Guilleman wouldn't have been brought back except to counterbalance Chaos getting more powerful, no change happens if it can be helped.

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were you that user who killed Kharn with a brick

Worth noting that that is an escort, literally small as fuck.

I has something similar happen a few weeks ago.

>doing a 1 off session because were down one guy
>assaulting chaos stronghold
>Party runs into a hulking chaos mutant
>after 4 rounds of the party getting there shit kicked in and doing next to no damage
> guy with a flamer tries to shoot the mutant point blank
>forgot to reload
>says fuck it and tries to club it with his flamer
>mfw he pops righteous fury 5 times in a row

I didn't tell they guy but I am keeping that guardsman for the main story for when shit hits the fan

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>passing off 7 year old greentext as your own story

Legitimately a story I experienced last year. I didn't know there is a similar well known story

It was just a regular ass space marine. By the sounds of it my story is kinda lame then.

Iron Hands
Being able to customize your marine with ludicrous bionics would be fucking great.
Only 30k Iron Hands though, new lore is a absolute joke

Carchodrons really do not work. Half of their appeal is their mysterious mannerisms, so putting yourselves in the shoes of one already defeats their purpose.
Categorically wrong.

That's the trap of protagonist driven writing. Space Sharks should be like Hitman 47, each mission gives you a ton of character driven backstory for your imminent victims, then you droppod into their midst and tear shit up.

Leave any development for the protagonists till right at the end, long after the player has started to wonder if they, in fact, are playing as the villain.

I miss Warhammer Wednesdays.

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DooM ripoff where you are fighting humans all ugly and say "huuurrrr duuurrr hummie"

It'd need clumsy metal music with tons of WAAAGH and random missed/duff notes.

Magnus did nothing wrong.

Yes he did. He should have turned to Chaos sooner.

Metal band has an ork agent in the back holding up a brick with a wire taped to it and calls someone using telepathy on accident.

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I love nids but wont Necrons win 40K?

Chaos will win 40k because they're GW's favorite faction and they regularly bend over backwards to make Chaos seem cooler.

What leads you to believe they will? Oldcrons united in purpose under the C'tan might have, but the Newcrons are splintered into a shit ton of separate Dynasties that can barely work together and lack the motivation or will to do anything except tend to their own corners of space.

Magnus is one of the biggest retards in 40K.

That is until the Silent King returns, Imotekh becomes the Silent King or Szeras actually finds a way for Necrons to transcend physical bodies.

I know it is a massive piece of shit, but I never understood why people hated the graphics. I think it looked fine.

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>t. Leandros

I liked the Crons better when they were an actual existential threat and not just a squabbling gang of nobodies.

They are as irrelevant as the Craftword Eldar, but the Craftworlds' whole gimmick is irrelevance - they're a fucking dying race. Necrons should have been written smarter.

my wife

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The proportions are straying into WoW territory, and there's no feeling of weight. "Weighty" animations, effects and audio production was why the first Dawn of War felt so visceral and satisfying. It's really important.

Take the character in your image. He's wearing some goofy kind of OCDoNotSteal armour with fucked proportions. Despite its huge bulk he does acrobatics in it, which come with pointless flashy visual effects that have no reason to be there.


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>STILL no Ork game
GW clearly hates money, it would sell like fresh bread

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Of all things I've heard people complain about, the actual literal graphics have never come up - I've never heard anyone give any sort of shit about that. It's usually everything else like 's animations, the gameplay, LoL-style maps and shit.


you say this but regular old Marines have always been the poster child of 40k and gotten the most preferential treatment, whereas Chaos has gotten very shit codexes that dumpstered their units before

Metal tyranids are lame too tbqh

Knowing Robbie, he'd not only side with Titus, grill Leandros for his shit, but also probably give Titus his own Chapter to go and get shit done and more where others failed.

Chaos is the new hotness.

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But it was a fluke, since the process to turn Vanilla Marines into Primaris has a high mortality rate.

It's been forever since we've had a good 40k game. All the shit now is weird indie turn based shit and buggy space hulk games. Why can't be get some amazing open world FPS action game from the Warhammer 40k universe that doesn't suck? Relic seems to be the only company that made them right.

The Necrons "personality" should have come from the C'Tan, maybe with options for customised and/or multiple ones. Robots with personality is Phantom Menace shit.

When will the necrons finally stop being mysterious backgrounders and do shit? Just two lords blasted a hive fleet out of existence when the imperium was all fucked by them, they're powerhouses but they just don't do much.

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>Sons of The Phoenix
>Listed as one of Dorn's sons
>But are Emperor's Children instead
One of many, many proofs that geneseed is not an indicator.

A lot of those Space Hulk games are very competent, and the new Admech seems ok. I think devs are shying away from pure FPS because of how poor Fire Warrior was, and how bloated the genre is currently.

A Rogue Trader ARPG/Space Sim.

A Only War RPG/Army Management Sim.

A DoWIII that doesn't suck hard and painfully.

I could easily settle with a third person like Space Marine, but in the open world sense. The MMO that came out turned into a poorly balanced cash cow. I dunno I just think the golden age of 40k games are gone.

Sure but it's 40K, everything has a high mortality rate.

The problem is that big-picture 40k is bloated as fuck. Chaos is currently the top, galaxy consuming threat. Then there's Nids and Orks, both of which are billed as galaxy consuming threats.

Crons need to (and partially have) move into more niche stuff. Webway shenanigans, weird interactions with Admech and Eldar, mysterious goals and nefarious schemes. The problem is that it all demands good writers.

Vermintide 1-2 is also fucking amazing

Chaplains are absolute CQC monsters in Gladius. Give one the proper gear and you can practically send him off to murder 50 Catachan Devils. ALL ALONE.

This one is particularly lethal though. Cawl himself said it has a 61,6% chance to end badly. So we won't see others undergoing this.

>I dunno I just think the golden age of 40k games are gone.

Don't bet on it. Total War: Warhammer has been making a shitload of money, it's given GW an appetite.

Technically that's Warhammer Fantasy, but yeah, definitely. I'd be interested in that Warhammer ARPG that just came out, if it wasn't so cookie-cutter.

Necrons are a big counter to all those three threats as far as we know, and with the Silent King seem to be building into being a major opposition to them. But nothing is happening right now, so who knows.

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>GW is throwing shit at a wall and seeing if it'll stick
not good will come out of it if the wall they keep throwing at is made completely out of shit.

GW's writers aren't nuanced enough to write ancient eldritch intelligences like the C'tan, and shuffling the characters between writers makes even the mostly-human characters inconsistent as fuck. At the best of time C'tan are just spooky space ghosts. One of them is just the grim reaper, and another is literally just a fucking dragon called The Dragon.

I forgot part of my point - if they do start to build Necrons into a massive end game threat, there's going to be a diminishing returns effect. It's such a big part of so many other factions that it just won't have any sting.

I heard a lot of complaining that it looked similar to LOL/WoW/Nintendobabbyshit before it was being released. I remember vividly anons being assmad at some official screenshots on an ice map, and that has nothing to do with animation.

The rest I am perfectly fine with people hating. It is a shit game after all.

40K is full of bulky OCDoNotSteal types. And if we compare tacticals between the game I don't really see a big difference. The newer models are just cleaned up a bit.

When I rewatch the trailers I can see that the animation is a bit goofy in the heavier marines. But I can see what they were trying at, even if they failed miserably. In DoW2 characters felt like they were perpetually moving through molasses in how slow everything was.

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godamn you just made realized how utterly perfect supcom is for a 40k mod

Warhammer Fantasy ≠ Warhammer 40,000 wtf plebs

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Orks are too hellbent on fighting everything, including themselves, to organize and attack in unison. Their strength is also their biggest failing.
The tyranids are the faction with the highest possibilities of just running over the galaxy, but they're still vulnerable to warp shit.

I'm pretty sure the Silent King had very little intention of dunking on humanity, right now he just wants them to be a big shield for the Tyranids. They might be perceived as an endgame threat, but going by their end goals they are probably one of the most friendly xenos, aside from possibly the Eldar.

>When will the plot advance?
Look at what happened to Fantasy.

Could the Tyranids defeat the Beast?

You are 100% right, but player input can mitigate a lot of this stuff. A build-your-own Lovecraftian God kit would be very well received, and would inspire players more than a bunch of angry C-3POs.

>Warhammer: Age of the emperor
I just want GW to burn everything down at this point.

CA are already in talks to make a 40k game based on the success on their Fantasy series.

They wreck havoc with espionage and sabotage themselves when they are against other Astartes as they can blend in with other huge power armored monsters.
In all other cases they act like power brokers and evil masterminds getting their fingers deep inside the anuses of willing and unwilling puppets. .
And the Imperium has its own Intelligence forces, being kniving bastards is just how the Alpha legion roll.

>Their strength is also their biggest failing
their love for violence, you mean. strength is not where orks fail

also it should be mentioned that if the entire galaxy stays in a state of war, Orks "win" by their standards; and if their enemies are all defeated, then it doesn't matter if they're only fighting each other, they still win in the end

How can they pull that off? Make it epic 40k tabletop in the form of a grand strategy? Seems like that would be the only way to do large scale, but then you have the problem of not being able to have smaller tactical battles.

I stopped paying attention to 40k lore around the revival of girlyman/fall of cadia/warp rift timeskip stuff. Have things gotten even worse or have they not quite reached Sigmar tier yet?

pretty much the same with some new marine units.

>In DoW2 characters felt like they were perpetually moving through molasses in how slow everything was.

Game speed isn't very relevant when it comes to impactful effects, DoW2's slow movement speed was actually way behind what those units should be capable of and it would feel more kinetic and satisfying if they were sped up. DoW3, however, would lack a sense of impact at any game speed. And there's no excuse for having worse unit models than the previous game.

Orks are retarded faggots though, that is why they are terribad at being so coordinated.

What about "Warhammer Adventures" which is basically SJW diversity cancer being shoehorned into a fictional universe that has no tolerance.

>How can they pull that off?

Not a clue. It might not be a Total War style game at all. I hope not, in fact, because I'm sick of games portraying space as a 2d map.

Hasn't changed much since then
Pretty sure the pending events are
>octarius war
>tyranids everywhere soon
>silent king
>necrons in general pulling more bullshit
>more loyal primarchs when?
>emprah revival or whatever

I didn't mean strength literally. But yes the only problem with the orks is all the infighting, which is the only reason why they haven't consumed the galaxy yet.

I need this feel in a game

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>eldar god things

Warhammer Adventures is for very small children, to program them into liking the setting. You might as well say Peppa Pig is propaganda.

It's a book series for kids. 40K is pretty diverse anyway, so don't even try to shoehorn your victim complex into it.

>>more loyal primarchs when?

I've a feeling we might get every single Chaos Primarch before we see another Loyalist one. I only want to see another Loyalist if it leads to a civil war. Then 50% of the armies being Imperial would make sense.

its for "your dudes".

Not him but the Warhammer Adventures includes such messages as "weapons bad". That's not going to program anyone into liking what 40k actually is, and it's pretty clearly a shoehorned viewpoint of the writer.

The FPS Deathwing game comes close. Not much replay value, but god damn does it look and sound good.

It's the approach. Kids learning through rainbow tales on a grimdark science fiction is completely retarded and Gamesworkshop is just trying to find a new generation of people who are willing to beg their parents to buy them plastic crack.

But I agree that the animations are worse. What I don't understand is how the unit models are worse? They look fine.

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It's not writer politics, they just want to shy away from the American gun control issue in case someone on twitter bullies them. Adventures is a purely corporate move, they are trying to access parents' wallets sooner. That's it.

>weapons bad
>aliens good
>war wrong
>the power of friendship beats all
It fucking misses the entire point of the goddamned setting.

The imperium is already fragmented as it is, a civil war would cause it to collapse. Unless gorillaman goes full Horus, I don't see any of his potentially returned brothers opposing his rule.

Compare the two sets of Space Marines and, hopefully, you'll see what I mean. It was a joy to see realistic takes on 40k models in DoW2, but DoW3's thick outlines makes them more cartoony than Rogue Trader miniatures.

I think you have a worldview simplistic enough to enjoy those books yourself.

Dawn of war 3 it's not canon to the trilogy.

>since I'm not British


>tfw no tau battlesuit game.

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>The imperium is already fragmented as it is, a civil war would cause it to collapse.

At the moment it's physically split down the middle, and it's fucking colossal compared to any other held territory in the setting. The two sides wouldn't tear each other apart straight away.

The existing Blood Angel leadership is starting to have second thoughts about Girlyman and many of the loyalist Primarchs, especially the Lion, deeply resented and distrusted his assumption of authority/empire building. The High Lords have a lot of incentive to try and get rid of him as well. I think it'd be really interesting to have a civil war, and it would justify all those Imperium armies that fight each other on the tabletop.

Being a conscript guardsmen where you get taken away from a shitty life in a shitty hive planet and thrown into the front line of an ork invasion sparked by the traitor legions to lure out the emperiums might. Game is brutal and graphic and plays something like brothers in arms game but a larger scale. Where you rise through the game and rise through the ranks, realizing the corruption of the imperium of man and the horrors that you have to face along the way.

watta cute berry

Deathwing was a real let down. It should have been a faster non terminator game with that vermintide feel. I know its based on space hulk but standing two abreast in a hallway sucks for the squad mates in the back. Also I found any gun that wasn't the assault cannon not fun or powerful.

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Better be an Inquisitorial Stormtrooper or something, though. Baseline guardsmen can't really hold their own against baseline orks.

But that is just a matter of personal taste. The models themselves are not actually worse. I can just as well complain about the awful bloom and sub-par texturework on the grime.

And personally I see nothing wrong with the models in game imitating the look they have in real life.

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Flamethrower was the best. I thought it did a very good job of simulating Terminator combat, with all the claustrophobia that entails. Considering horde games always end up being about chokepoints, speed is less of an issue for me. It's a fucking tiny game, mind, they could have done much more with it.

>non terminator
>game is literally called Space Hulk: Deathwing
Shut up.

I'll never doubt Big E again.

There's no 'drawn' outline on an actual, physical model, for starters. And actual, physical models don't interact with their environment. Animated, in-game models do. If they seem too visually separated from the maps and other models, it gives a cheap, mobile game feel. In Dow3, it was like they were moving on a plane above the maps, because they were so keen on making them "pop" that they fucked the player's depth perception.

Reminder while Warhammer adventures is a dumb idea and has very questionable elements, they don't pussyfoot around certain issues like Necron gauss weapons incinerating everything including a childhood friend of one of the characters and the second book is about genestealers.

It's bad, but it isn't the worst outcome. They actually treat the threats as actual threats.

Attached: Genestealer.jpg (650x822, 148K)

>Soulstorm graphic and balance overhaul with full on mod tools and proper p2p multiplayer and private servers

>It's not writer politics, they just want to shy away from the American gun control issue in case someone on twitter bullies them
If they were
"""""""shying away from gun issues"""""""
why would they outright PROMOTE an anti-weapons stance?

It's very clearly writer politics. Just have a scroll through the twitter of the author.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

I worded that poorly. I wasn't expecting the game to not be space hulk. I just think it would have been a better game if it had been 40k vermintide.

>why would they outright PROMOTE an anti-weapons stance?
To trigger you, evidently.

Way too cartoony and proportions are bad

The contrast to the setting is the point of contention, you retarded child.

I never claimed to have PTSD, so what's your basis for calling me "triggered" again?

It's incredibly stupid to promote an anti-weapons stance in a fictional setting which is full of things trying to kill or murderrape you 24/7.

Hold on to the pin, throw the other part.
Fuck DoW by the way, overrated crap where everyone talks too much.

>No Necromunda game where you can join any gang and start a plot to rule the underhive
Fuck sake GW

THQ Nordic are the right kind of lazy for that. Pester them with emails, you might get your wish.

Good post I completely agreed.

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It's literally in development right now.

That looks like Hot Water Beach in NZ

>a squad of 100 Blood Angels is sent to engage the traitorous legons
>they do their duty, no losses
>when they return to base they're 105

Attached: AlphaLegion2.jpg (300x450, 37K)

Kill yourself space furry.

It better be good then, any info?
>inb4 we get cast into linear story without any choice

>tfw Primaris only army

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It will likely be very similar to the Morheim video game. It won't be linear, it will probably be good but it will also probably be very difficult and autistically close to the original ruleset. Honestly, the difficulty is scalable it sounds like what you want from a Necromunda game.

Gets merked by hordes of pesky Orks or Guardsmen

>Wow proportions
>Cartoon Network animations
>All this without full mod support
Cartoon shit ala Warcraft Is only acceptable the simplified it to give the players mod support. But these fuckers made feel of the game worse to churn out paid dlc as candy. The entire game is built around the idea of creating a lot of paid DLC if you want a unit.

Cataphractii TDA isn't OC donut steel and it's more maneuverable than regular terminator armour. These TDAs predate the heresy as well so them being more of a technological marvel is a given

>Can a clever Human/Eldar/Tau trick them into fighting another enemy?
Eldar also tend to play the long game. Like attack some seemingly random human colony, which forces them to beef up defences, and then the orks spoiling for a tough fight attack the humans for fun, diverting attention away from an Eldar world, all to prevent one Eldar dying 200 years from now.

so, any of you collect models?

Not one can do flying leaps in Cataphractii armour, and the armour in that image isn't Cataphractii anyway.

but the Mordheim game plays nothing like actual Mordheim

tactical dreadnought armor doesn't exist, user, and you have no idea whether or not they are able to do flips in them

My mistake, then. I assumed all those simulated dice rolls and stuff was from tabletop.

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>tfw you will never get a 3d soldat set in the necromunda underhive

Terminator armour is one of the longest standing ideas in the most autistically detailed sci-fi setting every created. You can't do flips in Terminator armour. Entire tabletop games have been made based around how Terminator armour limits movement. Novels have been written featuring slow fucking Terminator armour of every type. No flips.


this is actually what current orc plastic sculpts look like

All that is well except that it isn't regular terminator armour but a variant that is specifically made to be more maneuverable.

>guardsmen shooting starships with lasguns as the planets blows apart
the planet broke because Abaddon ragequit and he was lucky the outcome was to his favor.

The contrast where you forced your shit-for-brains ideologies on some non-starter argument about diversity or something. You're so dumb it hurts to read.

except there is no such thing and can't be justified eitherway in universe.
you are more of a clueless hack than C.S Goto.

Exactly. A retarded, frivolous idea that serves to break established rules of the setting and make everything more cartoony and less impactful.

How do I into warhammer? I've never touched anything related to it in my life but it's always peaked my interest

Read interesting pages on 1d4chan and Lexicanum. The former is funnier, the latter is grittier. Don't touch the other warhammer wiki, it's horrible - every page is the size of the bible.

read Fifteen Hours and play Dawn of War 1

>except there is no such thing and can't be justified eitherway in universe.
yes there is, tartaros armor
>you are more of a clueless hack than C.S Goto.
says (You)
they didn't invent tartaros armor for this game, user

This guy has the right idea.
More poeple should be introduced to the setting through stuff like 15 hours.

No one is forcing ideologies in it, you gnatbrained retard.
The messages of pacifism and unity doesn't hold when the setting itself is one of a dystopian future, ceaseless war, genocide, betrayal and destruction where dying a horrible, horrible death is almost an assured event. It is an anathema to the setting where it finds itself existing.

The problem has nothing to do what issues exist in the real world. Do you even have one functioning braincell capable of critical thinking?

That's not Tartaros armour. Tartaros has smaller, rounded shoulder pads and it doesn't have the molecular bonding studs on the legs. The latter was actually used for modular tactical armour, so fuck knows what it's doing there. Oh, and Tartaros can't do flips.

You can't sell satirical, militant fascism to small children in 2019, and they wanted to sell shit to small children.

Maneuverability is not the same thing as mobility you fucking dumbass. Tartaros is as heavy as any Terminator armor.
And i take it back Goto at least took a gander at what he was trying to butcher.

Total War: Warhammer 40k

Small children have been buying their shit since the 90's.
But even so, they are hard-pressed to compete against other kiddos entertainment without their product standing on shaky premises to begin with.

I dunno man, the battle gameplay could translate well but the campaign map sucks.

>Small children have been buying their shit since the 90's.

A glorious time, when companies weren't shitting themselves over a potential social media backlash.

the shoulderpads being different doesn't mean it isn't tartaros
do you cry yourself to sleep every night or only when it comes to games?
you do not live in 40k, you don't get to set the rules. especially not in a universe that breaks as many established 'facts' as it creates

Sniper Elite: Vindicare

Attached: vindicare.jpg (500x785, 61K)

>the shoulderpads being different doesn't mean it isn't tartaros

It's a Space Marine unit, of course the shoulderpads matter. Besides, Tartaros can't do flips.

Here's something you might not realise: gravity exists in Warhammer 40,000 and they are fairly strict about its limitations, since it lets them play with grav-guns, anti-grav vehicles and void combat. Terminator armour is so heavy that it couldn't walk up your house's stairs without crushing them. How the fuck are you meant to leap three stories in it?

I don't know, by being a 1,000-pounds of muscle demigod?

Those demigods need a teleport homer built into every suit because of how slow they are.

Thank you, user.

depends on the type of armour

No worries mate, enjoy.

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Every single one, bud. Some suits are more flexible than others, just like some tactical suits are more flexible than others, but on the tabletop this is a difference of maybe an extra 5th of movement speed, if that.

The really dumb thing is that there's a ton of fancy Tactical armours complete with jetpack options, they could have ran with that and wound up with a decent design.