This is an upcoming videogame of the highest-grossing media franchise: Pokémon

This is an upcoming videogame of the highest-grossing media franchise: Pokémon

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Other urls found in this thread: gold and silver&oq=iwata gol&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l3.3426j0j7&client=ms-android-att-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8

because you fucking gay autists will buy it up and bitch about then buy the next fucking piece of phoned in shit, too.

Damn Nintendo are gonna sell MILLIONS of Switches this.

Why are you retards ignoring the fact that pokemon became the highest grossing franchise with simple, low effort games and has never in the entirety of its existence been lauded for graphics, animation, asset variance, gameplay or literally anything that you suddenly expect the franchise to be noteworthy for?

Nah, majority of people that actually play pokemon really are just kids and they won't even notice.


Maybe it's a smart and subtle throwback to the tile-based roots of the series?

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I stop buying after sun and moon fiasco

As bad as it looks its still better than what I expected from Gamefreak.

this is why western games are shit
Focusing on stupid shit that doesnt matter

based. I'll enjoy every minute of it

unless the clouds are procedurally generated with realistic athospheric fluid dynamics I won't buy it

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>Unless a mainline game plays literally worse than Action 52, everybody will keep buying and supporting this garbage-ass series no matter what

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>he is bitching about the clouds
Are you fucking kidding me
Your fucks are so stupid, I hope this game sells 30 million so you all get an aneurysm

It's looking at the puddles all over again.

Oh my god! It is ASSET! Fucking ASSET in two key nighteen! UNBELIEVABLE!

Is that a giant turd in the first pic?

What? The GB and GBC games pushed the console to it's absolute limits. How many RPGs on the GBC had 250 unique monster designs, each with their own unique combat sprite animations and sound effects?

What exactly is that picture trying to point out? Sometimes it's cloudy outside. Seems normal to me.

This game also pushes Switch to its absolute limits.

>this is what gen 1 and 2 babies believe
they look mediocre compared to other GB or GBC games. The only thing that was pushing the console to the limits was GF's shitty coding, so bad Iwata had to step in so they could fit kanto in gen 2.

That has nothing to do with pushing the device it its limits
Maybe pushing the storage capacity of the cartdrige to its limits, but nothing in the actual game is demanding on the console or impressive

> so bad Iwata had to step in so they could fit kanto in gen 2.
This never happened, it's a meme

Not me though. I've boycotted everything Nintendo since the Mario Maker 2 online shitshow.

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Cool. Looks pretty fun!

The last game I bought was X.

And the sad part? Me and many others were bitching about the decline of Pokemon, but pokefaggots still bought S/M and US/SM. So you're right actually. This franchise is going nowhere fast.

Why do Nintendorks defend Nintendo no matter what?

You only enable their lazy practices

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>since the Mario Maker 2 online shitshow.
wow, so, like, a few hours ago? great start

Decades of Nintendo brainwashing

They should have hired that man when they had a chance...


Not everyone has autism and stares at clouds in videogames user

When are Nintendo and TPC going to conspire against Gamefreak and throw their asses out?

>being a skyboxfag
I can't imagine being such a waste of skin.

Looks so bland and lifeless. I don't think I'll buy a Pokemon game ever again.

why are the colors so oversaturated? looks like shit

its pretty pathetic how nintendofans are perfectly fine with these shitty graphics

>b-but gameplay > graphics!!!

bullshit. you know deep down that you care about the graphics too.
this shit looks worse than a wii game.

what the fuck does that have to do with pushing limits

So you literally only stopped 1 gen ago when this has been a thing since way longer than gen 7

can you catch the roaming pokemon?

The gameplay is shit too, who are you kidding. It's a remedial rpg for retards.

The last game I bought was Sapphire and then Omega Ruby because someone I know convinced me to try it out. Fucking mistake that was. Found a copy of Black and that is way, way better. So no I won't buy this garbage, fuck you.

this is gamefreak's fault not nintendo's for once

Wanting a sky that has more variation than a fucking baby mobile is not a ridiculous expectation. Look, I found Gamefreak's next sky box!

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>graphics are bad so the game is bad
Must suck that you can't enjoy something because of the visuals

>it's another episode of user baiting so people can tell him to fuck off and blame game freak instead

>m-m-muh gwafics

>250 unique designs
With maybe 30 of them being good
>each with unique animat-
They weren't unique to each pokemon, they all shared moves and most were just the tackle animation
>each with their own sound effects
If you are talking about gen 1 and 2 standards I could make 250 pokemon cries in 2 days. They were all random assortments of noises that didnt sound like actual creatures.

Gen 3 looked amazing on the Game Boy Advance

The Dynamaxing shit gurantees that I’ll never buy these games. Epitome of lazy and stupid.

is there any reason why you can't just google it?

Yeah man surely the gameplay will save it

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Is there any reason why you can't? If you can find a single primary source, any interview saying that kanto was fitted onto GS as a result of iwata I'll give you like 20 bucks in bitcoin

Just because you liked the art does not mean that it's technically impressive. gold and silver&oq=iwata gol&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l3.3426j0j7&client=ms-android-att-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8

This is the most ill spoonfeed you.

>he would rather have bullshots that get downgraded
How many times to you have to go through that, OP?
Fucking lol.


I did it with LGPE and i still enjoyed despite the downgrades

>someone analyses pokemon screenshots to post on Yea Forums

>waaaaah the clouds aren't perfectly realistic, shit game!
I fucking hate pokemon but you're being an absolute retard right now

But this doesn't JUST look bad, it's mind boggling how it even happens

Because low effort games from other devs still look better than the shit Gamefreak puts out.

Monster Hunter Stories was created by one of Capcom's "D team" developers. Yet it has better framerate, better visuals, better art direction, better animation and the monsters were on the field (which were fucking huge compared to the pokemon 3ds games) despite being a fucking 3ds game itself.

Every technical feature Sword and Shield is promoting is something that Capcom's "D team" fucking did on the 3DS. And let's not forget the 3DS is a piece of shit hardware running on well over a decade tech.

It is an insult devs to call this low effort because it implies ""effort"" was even fucking made.

No, the graphics are bad and because it's a modern Pokemon title the gameplay will also be bad.

This post confirms, pokemonfaggots are the applefaggots of videogames
They will literally defend anything gamefreak does

You're nothing. I've been a loyal Nintendo bitch since the NES days and gave up after the Wii. Haven't bought anything Nintendo related since.

I couldn't give less of a shit about how it looks, tho I'm pissed they didn't keep the let's go aesthetics because those were fucking perfect, just the right amount of cartoony and still not being dragon ball levels of cell shading

I just want them to make the mons' animations believable, your own of course but also the ones you'll find in the overworld
I want to see pokemon hunting each other, playing with each other, running away from trainers/the player or even attacking it

I'd also want a starter sticking with you on your shoulder/head like in LGPE because pikachu/eevee were fucking adorable and this is what the games need the most

"Switch is next gen"
"Pokemon is worth playing"

What kind of person do you imagine?

Outside of Kojima Productions. Japan has no standards when it comes to production values. Which they should be ashamed of.

Capcom retard.

sounds like you just dislike pokemon

Relative to what western company?

I'm no weeb but cmon bro that's just not true.

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So what your implying here is that you would play a bad video if it looked pretty? I thought we got rid of your kind in the early 2010s

>frame pacing

This. Modern pokemon games have no standards because the fanbase has no standards. Gamefreak has no pressure to put any effort in.

I would've agreed with you a few years back, save for the few exceptions like from software and like you said kojima's team, because they're not shy of using western methods and use it as inspiration, as opposed to the rest of the japs who are still mad at the filthy gaijins for bombing them seventy years ago

but capcom kind of came back on track with the last two resident evils IMO


Rockstar and CDPR come to mind instantly.

I guess I could include Capcom with Kojima Productions. But not fromsoft. Sorry, Sekiro looks like it's already 4-5 years old when you look at Red Dead Redemption 2. Of course fromtards will que muh "fun and gameplay" shit in comparison even though that's not relevant to the discussion at hand.

Lack of edge honestly. Wheres the dark and spooky areas? Wheres the dark and steel mons? Atleast previous gens had some edge. Fuck this, SMT is where its at now.

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is a sky sphere not a sky box?

You don’t know what effort means. Even the shittiest games like Super Man 64 took some amount of effort despite how bad they were. Considering the fact that they went out of there way to add Pokémon in the world when they very easily could have gotten away with less means they were trying. If your going to use a word use it correctly doofus

Thats what rocks look like in the pokemon world, you racist piece of shit

>Super Man 64
You picked a really bad example considering the dev team put in a lot of effort and would probably have ended up with a great game if it weren't for stupid executive decisions.

Probably a lot of them, let's be honest. Japanese games straight up have inferior graphics most of the time compared to the generally successful Western titles. It's not just that, but even smallish PC games can take on Japanese console games.

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Hit the nail on the head. Seeing as Pokémon has an already established fanbase of frothing-at-the-mouth fanatics, they don't even feel the need to try. They know they can sell whatever garbage they want and people with lick it up.

very meh desu

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>Local Man Screams at Cloud

we are a community of furries, trans girls, polyamorous little freaks and a messy but cute mental wreck that came together thanks to Nintendo :) mario, zelda and pokémon united us in all our most beautiful and brigthest colours, much like a RAINBOW
we will enjoy and celebrate everything with a nintendo tag next to it because it's our voice and our community

>Even the shittiest games like Super Man 64 took some amount of effort despite how bad they were

Are you actually retarded or are you bating me?

What's funny is there's a lot of shit I hated about the reveals, but the amount of sheer frothing-at-the-mouth autism over unbelievably petty things is making me more willing to overlook them

Literally accomplishing the opposite of your goal by shitposting so hard

>Comparing Zelda to Pokémon

I know you’re a false flagger but cmon

This isn't fucking Atelier, you nigger retard. They have absolute loadsamoney, yet choose to shit out another low effort terrible looking garbage.
Fuck, even recent Atelier actually looks better.

>buying the game to spite teh libs :^)

Great looking water in these games


Sure am, enjoy having an aneurysm over clouds

You will be in hospital on your deathbed as a 90 year old when Game Freak finally releases a game that isn't a lazy rehash.

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So today?
Congratulations faggot.

We literally got an edgy steel mon yesterday fagboy

We haven’t even seen half of the dex yet

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>They weren't unique to each pokemon, they all shared moves and most were just the tackle animation

I was talking about the sprite animations themselves you ding dong, not the attacks

I wish Nintendo would develop a Pokemon game themselves. Or Intelligent Systems...anything but Meme Freak.

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>people still think Nintendo has anything to do with Pokemon's development
They have part ownership, but Nintendo's involvement with the game's development may as well not exist. If they were there'd definitely be better coding and optimization practices in place instead of the technical shit shows XY and SuMo were.

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What a fucking ignorant retard.

>the game may be low quality but look at this simpsons meme!


apparently not if the biggest complaint you have is over fucking clouds

Ok, this is ebin.

It's not the final game, nigger

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Who are you replying to?

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Why you retards are suddenly acting like pokemon was some pinnacle of tech and graphics?

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No, what I'm outright saying is that the people who say "graphics don't matter, I'll play this game for the gameplay" are idiots because the gameplay is going to be shit as well. I would not play a bad game if it looked pretty.


It's Pokemon. Are you saying Pokemon gameplay has always been shit? Then why are you in this thread, throwing a shitfit about the 8th main entry in the series?

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mega evos were the beginning of the end

Pokemon gameplay has always been shit, but why is it bad to ask for it to improve? Intellectual checkmate.

Pokémon still plays the exact same way it did before besides a few mechanic changes. In fact you could argue that the gameplay is better because they finally decided to remove HMs. People buy Pokémon games because they like the gameplay formula they’ve spent the last 20 years using.

The lake of truth reveals the rock was actually a tree!

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>people are actually defending wii-tier textures and lack of aa of a 2019 video game
The state of this board, the actual fucking state.

This is the problem. Pokémon is one of the biggest IPs of all time, it has been massive since it's inception over two decades ago. And yet, the developer in charge is an incompetent cheapskate. Each installment is a technical mess riddled with cut content, there's absolutely no excuse. And when it has came to developing for a home console (not even a powerful one, Switch is on par with the 360 and Wii U), instead of finally improving themselves they've instead opted to telling fans not to get too excited. It's inexcusable, it's embarrassing.

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I want to fuck that dog

those textures are impressively bad
like how does someone on the devteam not say at some point "maybe we should use textures that look better than a 1999 Dreamcast game?"

Yes nintendo games were never about graphics
seethe harder because we get good video games and you get multiplat movies that can be played on youtube, snoyshitter.

I encourage you to perhaps eat a dick. Wait, that's what you've been doing by playing Pokemon. Gamefreak is all about minimun effort-high reward.

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I'm saying the quality of Pokemon games have been in a sharp decline since BW2. The reason I'm in this thread is because I want to talk about this shit. Do you think only positive feedback should exist? What the fuck?

>Yes nintendo games were never about graphics
BotW looks amazing and its graphics are praised all the time. Stop saying this.

Not him, but spazzing out over inane shit just makes it seem like shitting on the game is ridiculous. When the people hating something are completely retarded, it seems logical to go the other way.

Excellent looking water

>good video games
There are so many good Nintendo games that also look good, you could have picked but why die on this hill?

cope, seething, have sex, the game looks and sounds like shit you console war homo.


botw has good art style, not graphics.

Now THIS is a cope post.

Why not go to /vp/ if you really feel that strongly? It just feels like you’re trying to start a flame war, especially when the OP is literally just a screenshot with red lines

that's not how it works

And this Pokemon doesn't have a good art style

And every tree in every open world game you played is the same, what else is new?

>it will still have an awful framerate on top of this
what a lazy bunch these gamefreak fellows

>automatically dives into "CONSOLE WAR DEFENSIVE BUT SONY MODE"

You need to step back and look at what you're doing. You're telling me to stop criticizing this game and to actually leave here because... you just don't want me to? That isn't how it works.

Nobody here was talking about gameplay though it’s just been graphics shitposting.

>defending gamefreak
>defending the most stagnated franchise in vidya
>no porn

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Don't sully waterfag, that lake looks hideous. Nasty solid flat texture, pokémon don't even have reflections.

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Tales of Vesparia looks so much better, how is that even possible

>OK yeah its shit but so? its always been shit!
Wow...what a fanbase.

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Nintendo does not set out to compete with other consoles’ graphical capabilities

They’ve said that on record, they’ve demonstrated it by being behind in graphical power in every gen for a good while now

I see where you’re coming from, but there’s no room to argue here. The only place this argument leads is the question of “Is Nintendo wrong to do this” and most of the time that boils down to a very emotional argument

Give Pokemon to Monolith Soft already Nintendo jesus. Gamefreak have been shown to be incompetent developers since Red and Blue was a glitchy mess and they couldn't even fit gold/silver on the cart because of their shit programming 1 Nintendo programmer fixed so well in a single day that they could fit the entirety of Kanto.
How Nintendo didn't put Gamefreak through some intensive programming training course after Sun and Moon being the most poorly optimised Nintendo game ever put out is beyond me.

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>don't have reflections
holy shit this is worse then i thought, literally looks like a late 3ds game just barely upscaled. Retards on here will still eat it up as always.

No, that's just modern pokemon design

it looks like a PS3 tales game

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Every flagship Nintendo game has great graphics.

They are the most profitable videogame company on the planet they dont give a shit.

It's yearly fast food games, Pokemon is the japanese call of duty.

The game isn't out yet, all we have to go on are the graphics and the few revealed gameplay mechanics. From what we know from X/Y, Sun/Moon and Let's Go, the gameplay is probably going to be even more watered down handholdy garbage. Expect critique of the gameplay when people actually play the game. But don't be so shocked that people are critiquing the only actual material that has been presented to us.

No, I’m telling you to either stop trying to blatantly incite a flame war or go to the dedicated board for this to start a flame war. If you’re so intent on fostering low quality discussion, have that low quality discussion on a different board

>Give Pokemon to Monolith Soft already Nintendo jesus.

Nintendo has a minority shareholding over Pokemon. They can't make a decision like that. Plus Monolith is being worked like dogs already by Nintendo

>Nintendo is not about graphics, WE GET GOOD VIDEO GAMES, we care about FUN, get it?
>yet every single nintendo game is dull and boring if you have already played one of them once before
I want to understand this. do you actually believe you're playing a fun mario/zelda/pokemon game because reggie went in front of a camera and said those words? you guys are dellusional. the worst movie game on pc/ps4 is more F U N than current day nintendo

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>play in shit with pokefags
>complain that it’s shit
I don’t get you normalfags.

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Imagine paying 60$ + online to play a 5yo 10$ 3ds game

>any criticism of my favorite game series is starting a flame war
Eat shit nigger, if you think this is low quality then report it and move on. Otherwise you're fanning the flames by actively trying to get people to stop talking about it.

Excellent looking water in this game

This is what happens when a company can get away with selling you two copies of the same game

I wont blame Game Freaks for this.
I just know that the Switch cannot handle a open world game with stuff in it without killing itself.

Even Tales of Graces on the Wii had better textures than SWSH

>since BW2
every fucking time

And you eat that shit up honey, and so will your children after you if you ever have them

this would be hot if that was a girl sucking his willy

>gay shota poster is also retarded
who knew

>I've boycotted everything Nintendo since the Mario Maker 2 online shitshow.

Wow, such a woke user.


funny thing is Xillia looks a lot worse than Vesperia too

More like late PS1.

Reminder, this is what a good Nintendo dev team can do on hardware that is roughly 2x worse than the Switch undocked.

Gamefreak are hilariously incompetent.

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Or how about you be an adult and realize that negative criticism can be a form of discussion as well. Even so, Gamefreak is extremely incompetent as fuck and deserve the hate thrown at them for not doing anything good with an IP that has a huge amount of potential behind it.

for a PS2 game
actually not really

Not him but let's reclarify the core argument they are making and the problem Gamefreak has right now.

In the 90's to late 2000's pokemon games were 2d and the battles where 2d Sprite based. With the exception of BW1&2 the games had little to no animation. Comprehensive technical fedeility concerning animation was not a big issue because the framerate had little impact on the gameplay itself during battle. When Gamefreak switched to 3d this change as frame rate now was an integral part of the gameplay during battle because of the 3d animation. So low frame rate caused a decrease in gameplay quality as it slowed the pace of fights, made double battles less enjoyable and ruined hoard battles.

Typically frame rate is a technical procedure tied to and handle by the programmers and technical artist of a game dev team. Because this is an aspect of a game production values it is safe to assume that other aspects related to frame rate such as graphics and resolution would also follow the suit. So a dev team that puts little effort in graphics and resolution may also do the same with frame rate. Now this does not always happen but Gamefreak themselves has a history with this.

I can only imagine this isn't actually a reflection, but instead some mid 2000's fake reflection. Like its just some texture that is supposed to look similar to the environment put on the water. The last time I saw this sort of thing was in Serious Sam 2 in the sewer maps.

>nintendo fan
>abused as a child
>promotes that behavior now
it always checks out kek

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Your willy is rubbish.

I'm astounded that anyone thinks anything past Gen V is better than anything before it, except maybe Gen I or II. Provide arguments.

>Or how about you be an adult and realize that negative criticism can be a form of discussion as well
shutting down anyone who disagrees with you by shouting "GAMEFREAK SHILL, GAMEFREAK SHILL" is not discussion

A game popular enough that it would sell regardless of effort was put into it, therefore putting the minimum for reduced costs. I can only wonder why.

maybe there's a reason you see that sentiment expressed so often?

>ctrl+f "shill"
>only results are in your post
don't be so dishonest

Oh, I assure you I don't.
>so will your children if you ever have them
And I assure you I won't.

Literally the worst "fan"base in an already terrible one

I see no arguments up here.

Yikes! Looks like you struck a nerve, there!

Seethe harder, snoy fags. We enjoy things
>You enjoy SHIT
From my perspective, you enjoy shit. But this is the only time you’ll catch me ever saying that, because I don’t make or participate in threads to shit on Sony games because honestly? I like video games and I like it when people enjoy video games.

Sure, I could totally shit on...I dunno Spider-Man for not having the proper swing physics or whatever. But why would I ever fucking do that when I’m not even gonna play that game in the first place? Why would I criticize such a small portion of the game anyway?

This is the biggest truth you consolewarriors will never understand. It’s just not cool to shit on stuff that doesn’t concern you.

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>tweened sprites

>how fucking dare you not like the newer games in the series! how absolutely dare you sir!

>Find this funny
>Realize that these are the same incompetent apes who are going to remake your favorite region in a year

The issue is Gamefreak are just wildly incompetent, look at how insanely overdetailed the models were for the 3DS games in poly count, or how every model, had a seperate duplicate model, for every single area of the game, because they couldn't just call to a single model in the library for every area.

They're Yandere Simulator incompetent devs.

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>how fucking dare you not like bw2! how absolutely dare you sir!

There's your answer. Laziest devs of all time

>reddit spacing
>mobile file name
checks out

It's not that, it's how can you like XY, ORAS, SuMo or Let's Go more than Gens III - V? I will freely concede than Gens I - II don't really stand up very well today.

Yea Forums is in agreement, Pokemon Sore and Shit are the worst games that have ever been made or will be ever be made. They are literally the Fallout 76 of Pokemon and everybody agrees.

>or how every model, had a seperate duplicate model, for every single area of the game, because they couldn't just call to a single model in the library for every area.
Damn that's some next level shit

so uh remember game footage not being final... no... ok...

underrated post

>Release date in November 2019

Sorry user but the gameplay footage is final.

I mean, yeah, that is what OP is kind of lamenting man. We're not pointing this shit out expecting it will stop anyone from blindly buying it for having Pokemon on the box. Just that it's disappointing how low people's standards have to be, to be impressed by modern Pokemon.

It is literally not an exaggeration to say Sword/Shield is visually not even a full step up from Sun Moon on the goddamn 3DS. If you boot Sun/Moon in emulator it seriously almost looks as good as S/S. For the first major, mainline Pokemon game, EVER, in HISTORY-- that's pretty fucking sad.

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I don't really care about the graphics, but how can the gameplay be so shit after all these years?

Most people consider Sinnoh to be one of the bad ones already.

not falling for that shit again

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The only meme is that retards like you continue to deny something that's always been public knowledge.

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fpbp, all the responses here are saying "I haven't bought a pokemon game since the last mainline games!"
Real fucking impressive guys, great impulse control that you could avoid (1) whole remake in 3 decades worth of games.

Gamefreak is the worst developer of all time, two nukes weren't enough. We need to band together and keep shitting on them mercilessly to destroy them once and for all.

Shills will buy literally anything Gameshit farts out and be happy about it, they're useless wastes of oxygen that would support the literal Sonic 06 of Pokemon.

Pokemon Sore and Shit will go beyond shit gameplay and be the worst games ever made and everyone agrees.

Please don’t tell me you’re the Shart Allies guy


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Only Crystal had unique animations for ever Pokémon you idiot. And that was because GF had a ton of extra development time because third versions are easy as hell to make since the game is 95% complete from GS.

>The GB and GBC games pushed the console to it's absolute limits

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What are the chances of the pokeball go controller being usable in sword and shield? Game freak isn't one for continuity but it would be nice

pokemon has to have the lowest IQ fanbase who will eat any low effort feces that nintendo shits out

Keep sucking on that gameshit cock, everyone agrees that your game is a rancid dumpster fire, shill.

Gamefreak is the most incompetent and terrible developer in the world, they are literally worse than Bethesda and Sonic Team combined and everyone knows this for a fact.

Uh oh lads. Looks like we broke him.

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pfffft thats actually fucking hilarious.

>Having any quality control

If you are I just want you to know—and I’m not trying to argue with you or anything—there’s literally nothing you can do to sway public opinion here. Die hard Pokémon fans are in a weird position where they hate gamefreak but play the game anyway on the offchancs tbat it maybe, just might be good this one time. Then you’ve got the people who are satisfied with whatever Gamefreak does, who make up the vast majority of Pokémon’s millions upon millions of sales, and they don’t really browse here. So what I’m getting at is that you can’t sway any opinions in any meaningful way that I think you’d want. I’m not going to tell you to stop, but I want you to know the odds.

Also of the three studios you’ve mentioned Bethesda is the worst. Sonic Team and Gamefreak are on about the same level, because I can’t decide which I hate more for being mediocre. And I say mediocre because I’m pretty much over Sonic 06, nothing after that was a garbage fire (fuck you, Unleashed wasn’t shit)

>Monolith Software is developing the next Zelda Game
Thank God

>Pokemon go/gbc pushed the limits of the system


You’re an honest user who speaks the truth and has wholesome opinions.

GameFreak's devs are incompetent, but their games at least don't release in alpha state.

Are they?

Absolutely based. Keep destroying Pokeshart's legacy, you're doing god's work

Thank you

Literally seething gameshit shills trembling when faced with the truth.

We can stop the shills by making it known they aren't welcome. They don't belong here, everyone agrees they need to fuck off back to plebbit immediately or better yet kill themselves. They all need to die and we can make it happen together.

when was this statement ever true in the final outcome of a gamefreak video game

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How does the catching mechanic Work?
Like older games, or that shitty Pokemon Go way?

That is clearly the Breath of the Wild engine, same assets as BotW, but looks way fucking shittier for some reason. Shows probably that BotW was like 30% engine, 70% a studio that actually knew how to build an engaging looking world (Monolithsoft)

Like older games. There's probably no motion controls in this game.

Tell me if I got this right
>anyone who disagrees with me is a shill
>if you enjoy this game that I don’t you need to leave and kill yourself

So essentially you want a safe space where everyone agrees with you and nobody challenges your opinions? I think reddit would be more of your speed friendo

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Higher than anywhere in Japan. Also, better than CDPR. TW3 had way more issues at lunch than RDR2 and it was smaller.


Perfect. I'll buy the game then.

Even Neptuniablade 2 is a masterpiece compared to Pokemon Shit and Cum. What a fucking disgrace.

>n-no! stop criticizing my game stop it stop it stop it!!
Literal gamefreak shill complaining about someone else wanting a safespace, THE IRONY.

Fuck off, clouds actually move and they cast dynamic shadows on grass too.

Watch 00:55, 01:01, 01:05, 01:10 on the background and 01:13

Desperate; seething, crying, the last breath of a fanboy.

There is pretty much no point in actually trying to legitimately criticize a game on Yea Forums because of unbelievably histrionic moron faggots like you

>Actual evidence
>Huur duur your are desperate

This thread is fake news.

Wow those clouds actually move really fast

Yeah, I bet it's because they implemented a dynamic weather system (rain, snow) on that area

>never told you to stop cririzing the game
>called me a shill proving my point
You’re outing yourself as a flagrant shitposter of the likes of Barneyfag.

I just want to let you know user that there are people who love you and that you don’t have to go on this path. Things will get better.

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He’s been at it since 2017 user. I recognize this guy.

Game freak is such a shitty developer

Blanked faced pokemon staring and doing nothing in particular is probably my biggest peeve about them being in the overworld.

You didnt give any evidence you moved the goalpost. The shitty copy pasted clouds are in the trailer you posted are you fucking retarded?

stop responding to acfag

Attached: acfag.png (1918x3712, 2.19M)


Unironically that's a pretty shit water

japs don't go for muh realism as often but plenty of studios produce relatively good looking games with a nice style to them, compared to gamefreak taking the laziest approach over and over

and while it would help if people stopped eating up the shit they put out every time, this mostly boils down to gamefreak's incompetence, as plenty of other high-grossing brands put more effort into their appearance and gameplay than pokemon does
the devs working on pokemon are stupendously stupid and lazy but continued financial success due to autism is mistaken for talent


Don't wanna scare away the kids now. Everything has to look like a fun and bubbly school trip.

Ya its the highest grossing game franchise because 90% of gamers don't care about graphics let alone most children

This is still how many games choose to render reflections user.
Unless you implement ray tracing all reflections are "fake".

Do you know thay can take the same area at the same time and remove assets to put into the trailer and don't show everything, right?

Everyone knows you’re samefagging dude

top is an emulator

I'm so glad Yea Forums exists to point out how bad the game looks. Everywhere I've looked online people are oogling over it like its the greatest thing since sliced bread. I'm glad I'm not alone.

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That’s definitely not ACFag. ACFag usually posts with images and actually tries to argue

Moreover, I haven’t seen him drop a word of anything about “cinematics” which is something he’d do

This guy shows up on nearly every major Nintendo game thread before it releases. His calling cards are
>Asserting the
>Turning the name of the game he’s discussing into a pun denoting poor quality, usually one that involves the a variation of the word “Shit” if he can
>Asserting baselessly that “All of Yea Forums hates this game and is in agreement”
>Samefagging while not bothering to change his posting style

He should be given a new name if we’re going to make him a thing

No greater NPC fanbase than pokemon, it's almost a cult.

Forgot that he usually asserts the opposition are shills or drones

This is embarrassing compared to any other major switch games but compared to Sun and moon this is a massive leap.

Switch is far more powerful than the 360 and Wii U

Eric focuses on one game at a time. Right now has focused his autism on fire emblem. Make a fire emblem there and he will be there within a minute. He tends to focus on smaller games with fewer threads so he can make 90% of the posts. Next he will probably go after luigis mansion.

I thought he loved being the sole crusader while thinking Yea Forums absolutely loves games like Other M.

>nintendo games were never about graphics

Attached: zxibc0gctni01.png (1920x1080, 2.42M)

>Neptuniablade 2
Oh god not this autistic nigger again

That sounds like him. Is that his name, Eric? Howd we figure out that was his name

Is that supposed to be graphically impressive?

2007 dipshit

Is that supposed to be graphically impressive in 2007?


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Is it just me or is Let's Go actually better looking? It's lazy chibi shit, but the colors are a lot easier on the eyes.

Only if you're comparing it to the big open world area. Any linear part of sword and shield looks much better than lets go.

What, really? LGPE's colors are practically blinding they're so constantly bright and bloomy.

>"N-nintendo was about graphics!!"
>Posts a screenshot from a 480p Wii game running on an emulator with higher resolution textures at 1080p
Even with the enhanced emulated screenshot it isn't impressive at all by 2007 standards.

It's bright and bloomy, but it doesn't look like a child grabbed a TV remote and went crazy with the hue and saturation. Maybe it's more of a pick your poison thing. The shades of green I'm seeing in Sword and Shield make me want to vomit.

are you the same poster that had a fucking stroke over the clouds in ORAS?

So what looks shittier this or Fire Emblem? They're both around a 3/10 graphically but I think this wins simply because people were really excited for a big new main Pokemon console title and have been bragging about it for years.

XY & SM had the same "product not final" shit in their trailers, too. And look how they turned out.

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Fire Emblem looks like a fucking mess, I don't even know what they're trying to do with that game anymore.

I think with fire emblem they wanted to move away from the waifu/child stuff but couldn't find a good way to do that and started panicking.

honestly i still feel like Melee has more soul than Ultimate. i don't believe nintendo has improved anywhere near as much as other companies

The things people like about melee were bugs not intentional. Calling it "soul" is retarded.

does it matter if the graphics are trash and the developer is incompetent if the game is still fun?

>isn't impressive at all by 2007 standards
Retards forgetting how bad games looked in 2007

You're not allowed to use that word here

You fucking retards, they're saving the good graphics for the next gen. If this gen had good graphics, why would you buy the next one? Next gen is also going to introduce the feature where your Pokemon can talk to via the Alexa app, and will be Pokemon Diet compatible so you and you're Pokemon can eat at the same time. Just put your faith in Game Freak.

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People discussing this games graphics are really unfair to it. Most of the game looks great. Only "the wild" looks ugly. It was probably added late in development after they saw the hugely positive reception to overworld Pokemon in lets go. That's why it lacks polish that the rest of the game has and also why they didn't show this area at all until now. In fact I'll guess that they make some improvements to it before launch.

sometimes I forget Yea Forums only cares about graphics

>one of the most prolific and richest game companies in the world
>unfair to expect them to make a game that looks good

Clouds look like covenant cruisers from halo.

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You're doing exactly what I'm talking about. Most of the game DOES look good. A single area which was probably tacked on last minute looks ugly. Most of the game won't be spent there. It's probably like 10% of the game.

you cant arge with nintendofans, they will defend nintendo like a religion

and yet nobody bought the first game

guess Yea Forums graphic drones aren't all they're cracked up to be

>don't worry guys, they'll have enough time and money to make an amazing game NEXT time
>this one is just to hold us over. no really!

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yes they are, people with small IQ will eat shit if you convince them that is "fun".

Pokemon games have the same boring turn base combat. at this point they should have the best graphics because the gameplay team is non existent anymore

>each with their own unique... ...sound effects?
That's a fucking lie.


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Oh great, it's you again, wonderful...

Probably, switch is bad hardware. All it takes another Wii u era of bad software to show people how bad they are comparatively to PC and the beefier consoles. Fortunately for them they seemed to have won the dice roll this time, but they can't ignore hardware forever.

>first game
you mean X? is one of the best wii u games. how can you defend this? a wii game that did not sell well had better graphics and better combat them the new pokemon

>Retards forgetting how bad games looked in 2007
Oh you mean Bioshock, God of War 2, Mario Galaxy, Halo 3, Modern Warfare and fucking Crysis?

Why do I get the feeling this is that guy who shitposted Mega Man 11 threads to death, saying it sold very poorly for months on end till Capcom finally shut him up? I feel like he's now moved onto pokemon and his posting style is very similar, mass replying and disregarding anyone else.

Zoomers and your need for hyper realistic graphics are some of the most annoying faggots out there

Sounds better than paying $60 + online + "fun" tax to play a movie with a controller

Is this bait?

Im going to download it for free because Im not retarded.

>game with not outstanding graphics but quite addictive gameplay and replay value
>game with jaw-dropping graphics but sleep-inducing "gameplay"

Attached: re think.png (115x128, 10K)

Then make the game 2D, motherfucker. 3D doesn't offer any gameplay advantage over 2D

looks almost as good as shadow of the colossus on ps2. even has the same bridge

this is Yea Forums now
graphics are *VERY* important

Because it most likely is. This is what he does here.

Gamefreak is a joke. They might as well line up thier fans and piss on them. How could anyone with integrity release something this bad?

I noticed how you avoided saying the gameplay for Pokemon was great.

>quite addictive gameplay and replay value
maybe if you're 11

There's a difference because it looks like shit both graphically and artistically while also looking like a cranked up early PS2 game, ofcourse Yea Forums would hate it.

bonus points for being made by a billion dollar company that could make it look incredible if they wanted to.
so it's not like other japanese games where you can point to budget, time and staff for their games looking like cheap shit.

next thing you know he's gonna post that character from yiik while shrugging it off as a boogeyman, or calling mega man 2 the only good mega man game, or god forbid shitposting with Tyson hesse's sonic
anything is possible now

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>addictive gameplay
lmao, still wrong, it's literally impossible to play pokemon without nostalgia goggles on

Because the gameboy was such a power house right?

lol based.

I knew this would be the detail picked up on
Pro tip: It isn't.

pokemon's only good for nuzlockes to bh

>either this extreme or that other extreme
youre not fooling anyone retardo


>Oh yeah, Eric is so pathetic
>Far more pathetic than someone who has the time to pinpoint his exact posting style and talking points
Love these images

baka spiderman 2 has better cloud than this, among other superior qualities

I mean, to be fair, Touhou has barely evolved graphically since Ten Desires and Japan still plays the fuck out of it with every single installment.

Attached: 1554086855167.png (300x279, 60K)

Those are indie shoot em ups made by one drunk guy.

>complain about linearity, random encounters, and fixed camera
>they git rid of those things
>still complain
Just admit you're seething [INSERT MONSTER CATCHER HERE] autists that are anus mad your hipster BS isn't popular

user look at the map analyses people have been doing. That area is an enormous central area on the map.

>colorful globs
>colorful globs
What's ur point?

>highest-grossing media franchise
that doesn't mean jack fucking shit
Infinity War made over $2 billion, but less than a fifth of that profit went into the budget for Endgame
because -surprise, surprise- just because you make a ton of money doesn't mean you should spend it all at once on making your product
I guarantee if you fuckers were in charge of GameFreak you'd make the company go bankrupt in a year

power of the nintedo switch
it's laughable honestly, this shit make some mobile games look good

You know those are only in this one tiny fucking area right

They gave the big open explorable areas a special name so it's pretty fucking obvious they won't be the norm. Of course, you'd know that if you at least had the problem solving skills of an grade-schooler.

Who cares? It's going to be shit. I can't find the image, but in an interview, one of the main gamefreak devs of ORAS basically said that they dumbed the game down and made it easy to compete with mobile games. Why the fuck would anyone pay full price for a game that's trying to emulate mobile games? Regardless, ORAS and SM sucked because of shittons of tutorials and the fact that the games were piss-easy. Z-moves and Mega Evos, and now lmaobig pokemon and an open world area are just gimmicks to keep the series on life support. Maybe one day pokemon will get devs that actually give a shit about the game.

It does mean that you can actually put effort into your video games as opposed to not giving a shit, both visually and gameplay-wise.

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>one tiny area
>they literally showed multiple areas in the direct
>they said it was between CITIES (PULURAL)
Get dunked on

Not to mention the fact that a lot of the income comes from things outside the games, such as merch, anime, manga, and cards.

"Effort" in artistic mediums (no I'm not a "games are art" fag, I'm talking about the literal art that goes into games) is not something that can easily be quantified. If you put a lot of "effort" into something that is subjectively considered "bad" by the audience, then it just ends up being perceived as "low effort" anyway. The problem is that our culture perceives anything that isn't "better than everything else" as a lack of "effort" when there are always multiple factors at play for why that is not always feasible, nor necessary, nor desired even.

To be fair, the games had actual attempts at effort and soul up until Unova happened. And then X/Y and onwards have just declined in effort drastically. X/Y gets a pass for being the first on 3DS and their first go at the console but by Ultra Sun/Moon, there was no excuse for the games being so dull and shitty. USM could've been DLC and instead got sold as a glorified "new" game when it might as well have been a romhack. Junichi Matsuda is a fucking hack and needs to be fired.

Gen 4 and 5 are low effort because the DS was capable of 3D graphics and they actively chose to not be fully 3D games

Alright then dumb philosophizing plato lookin ass retard, enlighten me why it wasn't feasible, nor necessary, nor desired even to make this game not look like utter shit? I'm not expecting an award winning artstyle, but you can't deny that the game looks sub-par compared to others on the platform. Even within the open world JRPG genre the game looks like ass.
You can use your big fancy words all you like, that doesn't change the fact that the "wild zone" looks like Halo:CE Blood Gulch.

>Good Videogames
Come on, Pokemon hasnt been good in over 7 years, since BW2

>released in 2012
>it's been seven years
I actually had to look it up, end me.

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I thought the "the hundred Lilly" mutiple model was debunked.

This november Heart Gold and Soul Silver will be older than what the original Gold and Silver were by the time remakes came out.

They are releasing a game on 3DS in 2019?


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I can't enlighten you because I didn't work on the game, therefore any response I make would be disingenuous. I will say, however that your comments on the game looking "utter shit" reinforce my point about our culture dismissing anything perceived as less than our ideal image.

>since BW2
see and prove me wrong

YAAAS QUEEN! Gaming isn't just a boys club anymore. It's for all the Gaymers.

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I have problems with every video game I play. None of them are perfect, and none of them are even close to my "ideal image" of what a perfect video game would look like. If I, or anyone like me, dismissed anything that wasn't our version of ideal, we would dismiss everything, because nothing truly matches the ideal form. "The game is bad because it doesn't look amazing" isn't what I'm trying to say, and that's not even my entire argument in my original post. As a matter of fact, that post isn't entirely about the art style or the quality of graphics. People are lashing out at the graphics mostly because it's the easiest thing to latch onto and criticize in a game series that has mostly stagnated since 2012. You say you're not a "games are art" type, but you're certainly trying to make a grand cultural critique over a bunch of niggas on an Australian didgeridoo painting message board saying "pokemon will be bad"

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>pixelated, washed out, barely animated models, and muddy, undetailed textures on everything from the grass to the clothes


>Yes nintendo games were never about graphics
I mean you're not wrong but at the same time Odyssey and BotW look great for what they are. What exactly gives Pokemon, a franchise that pulls in more money than both those two combined a free pass? Seriously, answer this question. I'm genuinely curious.

Touhou isn't the most financially successful franchise in the world.

I've skipped literally every Pokemon game since BW2 and I'm just tired of waiting. So I'll buy this regardless of if it's good, because I just want to play a new Pokemon game

Pokémon has great game play. Tons of replayability because of the different teams you can make. Just the right amount of RNG to keep things interesting plus grind for shinys. Can play competitively against people. Plus it has a interesting story plus good world building.

>"Let's Go Pikachu is just here to milk the casuals, the REAL game is going to be insane!"

Attached: sayaka.jpg (225x225, 7K)

the funny thing is I don't even like Pokemon. I've attempted to play nearly all of them, yet I've always burned out a few hours in. It'll probably be the same for Sword and Shield.
I just think Yea Forums is full of idiots when it comes to game development and "what devs should be fired over"

Have you ever actually played a PS1 game?

>t. Underage

Sword and shield has a controllable camera and roaming pokemon. Wasnt that a first in franchise and what people wanted?

Anyway, reactions online are very positive due to these inclusions.

>It's another "muh graphix" episode
>It's another console war episode
>It's another "my chilhood games are better than your" episode
>It's another "old good, new bad" episode
>It's another "people make ambitious and exaggerated predictions about games that aren't even out" episode
>It's another "soul vs soulless" episode
>It's another "overly pessimistic autists in charge of predicting things" episode
>It's another "I haven't enjoyed a videogame in 10 years but let me tell you why new games are bad" episode

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Those are definite improvements. If it's not padded with endless unskippable cutscenes it'll be the best game they've put out since Gen v. But it's ohmori directing, so I'm sure he'll fuck it up somehow

Assets modeling/texturing was actually outsourced to another studio .
-t concept artist fagglet


If you're actually 'mind boggled' then you just need to off yourself because it's JUST TOO SAD for you to be alive sweety.

>Pokemon needs a 3D open world game with wild pokemon roaming around
>Sword & Shield announced
>WTF where is the soul, I want my tile based pixel graphics

It's always Game Freak, outside of the work they did with them on Gold and Silver, Game Freak is left to their own devices.

Can we at least complain about shit that actually matters, like the giantmon gimmick further ruining the multiplayer by emphasising sweeping even further. What about the fact that the story and Chas great seem extremely bland, even by Pokémon standards?

Or we could talk about interesting/positive aspects like the addition of co-op multiplayer and the more open-world, exploration focused structure. Anything is better than “muh clouds”.

Is the Pokemon series for kids or are they decent adult games?

How is this possible? Or are you joking?

This, nintendo usually never helps them, but that's all because gamefreak tells them no whenever nintendo asks.

>Graphics are bad
>Sword & Shield is an upscaled 3DS Pokemon
No shit Einstein.

I can see it

>Or we could talk about interesting/positive aspects
or you could stop being a gamefreak bootlicker shill lmao

Yeah, at least co developing like BotW. They have a recruitment page up for zelda

...And here's why that's a good thing


> want to see pokemon hunting each other, playing with each other, running away from trainers/the player or even attacking it

This is Gamefreak we're speaking of, you really think they'll go out of their way to make something as ambitious as that? Fuck no. The pokemon will just walk lifelessly and aimlessly around and maybe, just maybe some will attack you.

Neat. Pretty sure we won't get any new Zelda info until 2021 but I'm looking forward to it.

I know gamefreak is japanese and successful and thus, lazy, so I know it won't be a thing for another decade at least, I was just pointing out this is what I want, not 'graphics pushing the console to the limit'


Attached: mario64.png (270x378, 87K)

The upcoming PKMN game genuinely reminds me of some of the Wii games out there. Sure Wii ran at 480p, but upscaled on emulator they look like this. I'd also argue Ultra SM looks better than this shit, cause it has smaller areas with more detail, in some way.