do you like your monitor you play games with?
Do you like your monitor you play games with?
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duh u leik yor monidor u ply gam witf
Yes, although I paid $250 for it and it's not only $200
Almost all CSGO professionals use Zowie/BenQ monitors. I really like mine.
I used to have a Dell Ultrasharp IPS and I'd rather even browse the web or watch videos on this.
u mad
It's a budget tier Acer from 2009. Not really.
Yes, runs at 144 FPS and has 1ms response times.
I have 2 of them.
Of course, I fucking love ultrawide.
Yes, it's a rather nice monitor.
are you gay?
Is 4K for monitors below 27' retarded?
I have a pixio 32" 1440p 144hz monitor and I really like it a lot.
is duh 4k bor monider belwo 13 elevendy wetawded
So how long until you kill yourself like the rest of the trannies?
I'd like it more if I could figure out how to make it automatically wake up when I wake up my computer like my old ass Dell monitor did. Can't find anything in settings for it.
W-why would you think that, user...? There's no one here but us straight white males...
I'm at 25 year old MAN. I have no intentions of killing myself.
does your mom know youre gay
post stripe socks faggot
No, all that kind of stuff goes elsewhere. Those are safely tucked away in the closet where they shall remain.
You would think it would be more engaging to play games on a large television but it's not. I have a 55 plasma in the living room and in the bedroom a 49 inch Samsung OLED with excellent response times but I found myself playing games on my old 24 inch monitor on my desk.
I still have one of those old korean monitors kicking
No.. 60 Hz is not enough. 23 in not enough
>just seen a dead pixel on this cheap korean 1440p monitor i bought.
hey, user
buildgdx is the wrong version, should be bloodgdx
btw nblood is better
lol no. youre a beta faggot with shit taste
That's honestly kinda odd
redpill me on monitors, Yea Forums
what should I get since my current full HD 60hz screen is lame now
I got two 24” 1080p Dell monitors at a Goodwill $15 each and I love then.