>you can select gender
>there are actual significant gameplay changes
What games do this?
You can select gender
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
Realms Beyond intends to do something like that
What pathetic europoor country is this where they let tiny women be police officers?
I think women are allowed to be a little smaller.
But that still looks too small honestly.
the goal is to have the women tease/seduce you into compliance
all female police here are sluts
Southern England.
5'10 isnt manlet
how do women do ACTUAL policing in countries where they don't stay armed at all times? Not talking about community policing where everyone is friendly yada yada, but actual policing where someone is doing something you need to stop. I'm not even a big guy and I can quite literally yeet my girlfriend across the room without much effort.
came here to post this
There are many differences in the gameplays depending on your gender
Can you be a cute girl?
Fight games, usually women character are fasters ,more combo attacks or special/magic attacks
She probably just does office work
>giving a shit about that
anything under 7 is manlet territory
Resident Evil 1 / REmake
Is that guy really 6'1? There's no way? I'm 6'0 maybe 6'1 and I'm definitely not that tall. Maybe the midget is just making him look taller
Thats a uniform for police. An office worker isnt even allowed to look at these
Reality is often disappointed
Resident Evil 0.
peek further
Hes about 7’0, she’s about 5’4 irl
Compare their gear you mongol. He's clearly a patrolman and she's obviously a station-worker, probably the one at the desk signing in the drunk fuckers being put in the cells.
Someone post the rape scene
Imagine being born a fucking manlet. How do manlets even live with themselves?
>5'10 isnt manlet
Good one, king of manlets.
>police officers can't just do office work all day long
Well now they can, since women are now part of the force.
its a /fit/ meme
haha epic /fit/ memes lads! does he even lift XD
Quite obviously Says Queensland on the shoulder badge, mongoloid
what is she going to do if she meets a slightly, above average, dude who works out 2-3 times a week? She'll get crushed and get tossed away like a fucking ragdoll.
She is literally useless as a police officer. Women have no place in violent areas or dangerous situations. You don't send a 210 pound girl to break down a door and rescue people from a burning building or to arrest some stoner who is on drugs.
You send the biggest motherfucker who can easily squash them. Women should stay at working areas that are easier and generally low skilled labor.
>that much difference between 5'10 and 6'1
what kind of retarded system do ameritards use?
no wonder everyone laughs at them
manlet cope
Mount & Blade: Warband. Playing as a female is considered to be the hard mode since people generally don't respect women as much as men.
Nothing like a joke you have to explain to your audience XD
>t. manlet
That image is from Queensland Australia
Xenoverse 1/2
it's a meme you dip
please tell to feminist to fix it
This is so uncomfortable and infuriating.
if you put some points in Beauty, sure. That grants better initial reactions from npcs (which are very racist in this game)
Rent free
Look at the fucking door frame, the guy is clearly fucking huge, doesn't help the girl is also fucking tiny.
That guy's taller than the fucking doorframe are you kidding me?
That looks like average height for women.
There have been rules established, bro. 6'0 is the cutoff. No exceptions.
lmao the manlets are coping
What’s the life expectancy of somebody that tall?
Honest question
>above average, dude who works out 2-3 times a week?
lmao, movies completely destroyed your sense of reality
she would be absolutely destroyed by below average dude who doesnt work out at all
Overgrown people shouldn't be allowed to be police officers. Am I suppose to feel safe if I see this giant ogre walking near me?
>Imagine males 7'4 have sex with women 4'9"
>not manlet territory
You've been fed lies, user.
>accurately hitting the rings center mass equally spread over each ring length
Brainlets will think this is poor accuracy, but this is literally pro darts with a fucking gun.
>Australia bans loli
>Loli has to become police officer to avoid being arrested
Once again, rules are in place. You don't get to decide them.
Why? It's realistic.
women are so fucking retarded
only bacteria underground will survive the coming heatwave in 40 years
That's because they don't? Regular police in general aren't there to look threatening and standoffish, they are there to diffuse disagreements and keep order. When there's a riot do you think they'll send people like this in? No because they have people for that. Even the "what if she was up against a giganigga?" argument is baseless because that's exactly why they work in pairs and are given tools like tasers or pepper spray.
Is there any police force that doesn't at least arm their police officers with a taser, spray pepper, or a baton? When you don't have to worry about some drugged up shit eater pulling a gun out of their ass you don't really need to be equipped like Robocop to do your job properly.
This is actually impressive to me
99% Yea Forums can kill 99% women using just bare hands.
How hard do you think this guy IMAGINE'd while this photo was being taken?
Holy fuck, who's supervising this bitch
There are countries where women are actually pretty fit, you know. Not every country has a hamburger epidemic
Imagine this with switched genders and them having sex haha
they dont. they get ragdolled and pray to god there's a man nearby that can help. many such cases!
>You don't send a 210 pound girl
That sounds like the kind of girl you DO send in, I weigh 180 and I'm pretty sure I could YEET the girl in OPs image. She's fucking smol.
Is that my real-life Judy Hopps?
>How do manlets even live with themselves?
They channel their rage into guns and become tier-1 operators or mass shooters.
Is this one of those "we trained them as a joke" things?
Overgrown people shouldn't be allowed to be police officers because I'd be too horny when next to them to comply to the law.
He's very tall but he doesn't look like he's medically a giant, so assuming he takes care of himself probably the same as a more regular sized man.
Exceptionally tall people with actual gigantism or acromegaly tend to suffer a lot of health complications because the human body isn't designed to be that tall.
But overgrown people should be allowed to be criminals? Specifically, overgrown ape-creatures with skin as black as night?
Resident Evil 1 and 2
>6'0 is the cutoff. No exceptions.
A man that is exactly 6'0" will only be his max height in the morning. Gravity compresses the soft tissue in your spine and you shrink as much as an inch during the day. 6'0" and 5'11" are pretty much the same height.
Imagine the sex haha
It's a meme. Imperial metric system is also a meme. Woman is clearly about 145-150cm and the guy is about 185-190cm.
Europe has a cuck epidemic
Great precision, poor accuracy.
Mutt confidence issues really are something.
Dragon Age: Origins. They wanted anyone who picked (straight) female to suffer.
Those are some advanced mental gymnastics bro, keep them up.
Note, even if it's true, it's still an extreme cope.
How the hell they let a 5'10 person become a police officer ?
Are you being real? Idiot, we BRED them to be overgrown work animals. We have records of doing it. We turned starving Africans into big buck slaves, just like we turned wolves into chihuahuas. Denying that is some Jewish-tier history denial.
>now the work animals own you
lmao, it's only fitting.
This, door frames are usually 180cm here in kiwi land, so I’m guessing they’d be 170cm tops for the skippies.
>implying a 16 year old nerd still wouldn't man handle her
Women don't offer much on patrol in general, they have uses though, such as avoiding law suits and tend to be more likely to get people to admit to doing dumb shit.
If I had to choose between some runner thot and a fat hamburger woman to protect me I'd pick the one I could at least use as a shield
Law enforcers do a lot more than just arresting people through physical means and a lot of people just fucking freeze at the sight of a police officer. Police officers are hardly ever alone, so I can see her be competent at her job if she has the right ammount of resting bitch face and hardass attitude.
This day and age physical strength doesn't actually do jack shit.
TallChads mass shooting
Is that what they taught you on stormfront lmao.
Do you ever listen to yourself
Police officers don’t have to be unstoppable, you literally have to listen to them. Modern cops don’t give a fuck about that shit, if you don’t do what they say they’ll bring 15 friends and fuck your ass up. If you hit a female cop you’re gonna answer for it when the other ones knock your fucking teeth out when they dogpile your ass.
Cops don’t have to be big enough to beat you up if you don’t want to listen, they have a belt full of shit to fuck you up with and if you even think about getting an attitude there’s like 5 of them pulling up to help the one you’re dealing with, they’re basically a gang with a uniform. Nobody in this thread would try shit with that waif in OPs pic, because they know if they do they’ll be hunted by every cop in the state until they either suicide or surrender, you can’t even threaten a cop anymore without getting 20 of them storming your house the next time someone calls, they leave notes in CAD and will make you obey. It’s like 5 years automatic to even punch a cop if you’re convicted, and life if you actually try to/accidentally kill/seriously injure one.
They get raped. Anyone have that webm of the london police girl getting raped?
precision and accuracy are synonyms.
Yes, name anything wrong with what I said by pointing out that that's what female LEO are used for.
Yes, that's why they dance and sing and fight for us on TV. Little known fact, the slaves in the Roman Coliseum were actually the ones in charge, lol.
>name anything wrong with what I said by pointing out
Everything you said
Wrong but good try, "synonyms" is a tough word.
>those hips
>shitty furry
wasted talent
Yet now everyone is laughing at you newfriend
Just leave him be.
Ah, I love retards who watch a youtube video and think they know the game.
See also: People who don't like Kormir in Gw1.
Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion had 2 different characters (+1 hidden one) with their own path & set of weapons.
Are they really?
>when you have the same size as the dude on the left and you have a fetish for girls the same size as the girl on the right
I can't help it my dudes that shit is beyond my control
this AND also for very tall girls
You mean the truth?
Yeah fuck that $30 magazine get that shit out of your way girl, not like anyones life may depend on it
Look, I’m sure they were pretty big compared to the buck-toothed brit protoburgers Irish leprechauns and malnourished chinks that constituted your “country” since their idea of an imposing physique was abraham lincuck, but they’re not big compared to normal humans whose diet is not predominantly based on corn and chewing tobacco.
>you literally have to listen to them
if you are refusing an order by an officer that you know is unjustified it is them who is breaking the law, if they then use force.
yes, thats what i said
5'10 vs 6'1 is about a finger length user, its just an exaggerated meme
>3rd world education
yikes lmao, have you ever considered looking up a statistics video?
For starters, they never EVER learn
Please note how the vest says "Policía Militar", that is Military Police. This woman is supposed to be something akin to a SWAT member.
Never taken a chemistry class, eh?
Precision: ability to calculate and measure where your shots are gonna land
Accuracy: actually landing where you want them to.
It's a joke retard. Imagine it said 182cm and 179cm and then pull the stick out of your ass.
>implying a 16 year old nerd still wouldn't man handle her
Most 16 year old nerds are too scared to put their arm over a woman's shoulder, never mind actually doing anything violent or sexual towards her you retard. Get a job and have sex.
I wish.
La goblina
>For starters, they never EVER learn
why do all genetic mutants do this though? Mutant balding hairlets also have this dogshit trait
You must have tiny negroids in your tiny country then, because in America we bred ours big to pull carts, and now we breed them to throw balls.
This women has the physical abilities of an in shape 12 year old boy. I don't understand how that's supposed to be okay for someone who's supposed to be an enforcer.
And they still fuck you up and you only win the lawsuit later. I’m not talking about cops just being dicks with no merit, if a cop, big male or tiny female or even tinier male, has lawful reason to stop you you’re doing exactly what they say and if you don’t they don’t care, they’ll just take your ass to jail. If you try to resist more and more of them will show up until you’re in jail.
You win the lawsuit later but it comes after the assbeating. Yeah you’re in the right and they’re in the wrong and they lose their job but in 99% of all cases where the cop gets fired for being a piece of shit it only comes after he fucks someone up or shoots someone or somebody gets bodied or tazed or pepper sprayed into oblivion.
Its not entirely their fault. Nypd glocks are modified to have an absurd like 15-20lb trigger pull. For reference, competition shooters use lightweight triggers around 2 lbs or so. A stock glock trigger is about 4.5-5 lbs
Doesn't matter. I dated a chick who was reasonably fit. We both went to the gym but she went more often than I did and would eat infinitely more healthy. Almost every time we'd hang out she'd randomly attack me to try and pin me down and get frustrated that no matter how hard she tried I was always able to easily over power her. Men and women are just built differently and unless you get a chick like Gabi Garcia or there is a massive weight discrepency that gives the chick the advantage then 9/10 times a guy will be able to overpower a female of similar or slightly larger build.
Do they fuck?
the guy is just a giant, look at the doorframe for reference
"New York Trigger" Glocks.
I'm a manlet, I'll explain how most of us cope. Some end up drinking and wallowing, others join MMA groups and gyms and roid up. and the onions ones become male feminists and try to cater to women thinking they;ll get laid that way by relying not on their masculinity. None of these methods work in the end.
I assume the joke here is that they only shot the black ones
military police is the most administrative shit ever what are you on?
Wait, I thought MP just means they enforce the law on the military, not that they’re some kind of special forces.
>Using a woman as a shield
Based and cringepilled
If you have actual gigantism, 40 is on the higher end. Your bones and organs dont stop growing and eventually shit goes bad.
I would argue it's even one of the best strategies
It is true. People shrink as they age because their spines aren't as springy as they used to be and don't stretch back to full length anymore. Look at movie stars like Arnold Swartzeneggar and Sylvester Stallone, and compare them to their prime. Arnold still lists his height as 6'2" but I've literally seen him in real life and his eye line was slightly below mine. I'm 6'1" I know movie stars tend to add a couple inches to their height, but Arnold has stood next to literal giants with well documented heights, so people can prove he was never a manlet. Sly was always a manlet, but now he's a super turbo manlet due to all the body building in his old age.
Not him but he sort of blew you psuedo scientists out of the water.
it is indeed a synonym. This is quite literally not up for debate. He is right and you are all wrong.
Aww, Baby's First Dictionary. Pick up a grownup book sometime, you'll be amazed at how ignorant you are. Careful baby, this one's got French words!
> he believes the strength gap between men and women isn't huge
keep living in the fantasy world.
Its most likely "everyone in the department has to qualify today so even the HR people have to come out to the range because they are theoretically cops too"
Dragon's dogma does it
>what is she going to do if she meets a slightly, above average, dude who works out 2-3 times a week?
shoot him?
You do know there's more to being a police officer than just subduing perps, right?
>"synonyms" is a tough word.
it is indeed, for an analphabet.
colloquial use is irrelevant, they are the same fucking thing.
>imagine females 7'4 have sex with men 4'9"
Since you’re off in LARP-land let us know when you decide to come out of your basement and participate with reality
>he believes that tazers, guns and batons aren't used more often by cops in those situations than their fists and bare hands
Those are phrases, not words, he posted a literal supported and constantly dictionary, you posted a pdf consisting of phrases in half queens' english and half surrender.
Just admit you're wrong, you're fighting the dictionary here. I'm not sure how faggots like you function. You've been proven wrong and you're STILL going. Why?
Military Police is mallcop tier. I would know since I was one. I never carried out one arrest and never even cuffed someone and never got into a single fight.
>missing the point of my argument
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, the /r2k/ board's two blocks down.
>Most 16 year old nerds are too scared to put their arm over a woman's shoulder, never mind actually doing anything violent or sexual towards her you retard. Get a job and have sex.
Lol no, I was a standard 16 year old game obsessed shut in nerd at 16 and had already had a job and had sex, furthermore my first bench at that age was 135x5 which while insanely weak for a male is very very high for a natural female.
>Disney's live action Zootopia
The majority of men in western nations are between 5'9 and 6'0. who are you trying to fool lanklet?
BUT. What if the slightly above average dood who works out 2-3 time a week is also a black man? Can't just shoot them anymore.
Just depends on the nature of the condition. If you're just tall, that's just how you are. You're definitely more prone to certain conditions as you age, but there's no reason you couldn't live to be a useless old fuck like the rest of us if you live healthy. Now if you've actually a case of medical gigantism then you're kinda fucked. Eventually, around middle age, your bones and organs will begin to crumble under their own weight and the stress will be too much.
Not so fast!
Did you even read the definitions?
>Precision: technical Refinement in a measurement, calculation, or specification, especially as represented by the number of digits given.
>Accuracy: technical The degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation, or specification conforms to the correct value or a standard.
If you can't tell the difference, I refer you back to elementary school
user even in the US where a lot of us are packing i dont think its unreasonable to expect a cop to be able to subdue a reasonably fit average height person of either gender without it going to lethal force, especially when they have tazers and pepper spray in addition to a gun. If your only real option for noncompliance is to go immediately to plausibly lethal force theres a problem
Synonym doesn't mean they have the exact same meaning jackass. It's means they're relatively interchangeable.
>British police
I'm so glad I'm not a bong and that I live in a country where I actually receive help then I call the police
>conversation about physical strength
>b-but if she has a gun
>I am literally more correct than the dictionary, reeeeee
I accept your surrender. Better luck next time.
They're synonymous in offhanded speaking, literature, and slang. They aren't the EXACT SAME WORD because they are different words, but they are synonyms. They are interchangeable in a lot of cases, like the case he presented.
You're going WAY down this rabbit hole on a technicality. He's right.
By all means, feel free to beat up the Female Cop when she tries to arrest you. I'm sure that will work out great.
You act like she's the only cop that exists.
The word inflammable and flammable mean the same thing.
Aye, that's England you nonce, the Queen's Land
And in this case he was correct in using it as a synonym.
Vieja culiá
Yeah you can lol. Wilson got off, so did Zimmerman who wasn’t even a cop.
>international vocabulary
I’m sorry, we speak English here.
is that a mezumi's gifs?
take chemistry 101 before you shoot your mouth off, retard
>Am I suppose to feel safe if I see this giant ogre walking near me?
Yes. Women are more likely to resort to using their fire-arms because they know how easy it would be for a perp to disarm.
And what if a Terminator assaults the police station to kill Sarah Connor one day? Do you honestly believe that womanlet could be of any assistance in defending the station?
Any method that can work?
for all their faults, the Mass Effect games actually did a really good job making the classes each feel unique.
Im not a degenerate who wants to throw my career away by punching a cop. My point is that there should be a minimum ffs and someone like
should be below that, as should super fat dudes. I have no issue with fit female cops who can meet a basic standard
How about he and I both posted literal dictionary and thesaurus links towards you and you just "say words".
He's right. This conversation is over. Whatever you say is worthless.
A cop doesn’t fight fair. Cops literally aren’t even allowed to fight fair. If you try to fist fight a cop he/she is literally expected by their continuum of force to use more than their own fists. Hand techniques are for subduing slightly resistant subjects. Nothing, literally nothing, is stopping a cop from using a nightstick and spray together on an unarmed person. They just can’t immediately smack you in the head.
I agree that manlets gave no place at all in society but that pic measurement is wrong and deceptive as SHIT.
That Woman looks like she's 5'3.
That pic is all wrong.
That being said Fuck manlets in general
>these two English words are synonyms
>n-no, this PDF written in French disagrees
Her name is Connor...
The distinction is mainly used specifically in target shooting, so no, not really
We don't have as many niggers that violently lash out at the police, most people here just do what the police tells them to. And otherwise there's a taser.
You fucking retard: Polícia Militar is the "normal" police in Brazil, they are the ones always in the street fighting and preventing crime. Policia Civil is the investigative one.
*have no place
and you're retarded
>implying a 16 year old nerd still wouldn't man handle her
There is a video on youtube of this amateur boxer beating the ever loving shit out of some white basedboy that never fought a day in his life. They were roughly the same size, but the gap in skill and fitness was apparent. She knocked him on his ass and made it clear that she could seriously hurt him if she wanted to.
>others join MMA groups and gyms and roid up
You mean roid sideways. You ain't doing any growing upwards pal.
I am unironically considering leg lengthening surgery to make myself taller.
>Tfw manlet and both are still taller than me ;_;
That Woman looks like she's 5'1.
That pic is literally fraudelent.
I really want to try boxing. I’ve never done t and no fighting ever interested me until now but I really want to learn boxing for some reason. I’m 28 now, once I move where there’s actual people living I think I’m gonna try it.
>Implying officers in the UK are allowed to use/carry those
I love how you intentionally cut part of that off.
You even proved to YOURSELF that you were wrong and you're STILL going.
What makes you tick? I honestly want to know how people like you function.
Don't do it if you're an ogre. My back hurts.
>user even in the US where a lot of us are packing i dont think its unreasonable to expect a cop to be able to subdue a reasonably fit average height person of either gender without it going to lethal force
I'm not actually arguing but being able to subdue the average size adult male when resisting on your own even with less than lethal is extremely unlikely. That's why doctrine all over the world has LEOs try and maintain a number and force advantage, that doesn't mean they instantly go for lethals but at least one degree of force above what they're up against is expected.
How much trouble would you get in for aggressively hitting on her while she’s on duty and she’s not attracted to you
Now you're just back pedaling after being BTFO.
>we're going down the rabbit hole
If by the basic definition of words is, then yes. The imagine that originally started this discussion was from a Technical and Descriptive nature. Basically you're crying that people can't be descriptive with words because it's too hard for you.
Go cry about it to google, claim it's hate speech against your low IQ. Perhaps you can get dictionaries banned.
That depends on the country.
On second inspection, it seems to be for Chile where indeed military police are not SWATs. I think they are still given control of law enforcement in disaster or emergency situations, so it's still pretty bad.
>That Woman looks like she's 5'1.
>That pic is literally fraudelent.
It literally is wrong and fraud.
OP succeeded in triggering everyone though lmao!
Is that what he's doing? I thought he was just talking about general accurate fire.
It's the other way around.
No, not the BASIC definition of the word, the ACTUAL definition. It is a synonym. I can post a million things showing you it's a synonym. You cannot deny it is a synonym, yet you keep trying. You are a joke. We are laughing at you.
>We don't have as many niggers that violently lash out at the police, most people here just do what the police tells them to. And otherwise there's a taser.
I wasn't trying to make a point other than point that out, the US has plenty of female officers as well for the reasons I stated though they should be less common in bad city police departments than they are.
Being fit doesn't mean shit if you don't have strength or do not know how to fight
And I'm not talking about the rushed judo the cops learn, I'm talking about actual training for years and human body knowledge to know where to hit to fuck up someone