Diablo 1 vs Diablo 2

Which one do you prefer?

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D3 vanilla pre-patch was patrician in terms of gameplay.
D1 for spooky.
D2 for broken bullshit and kike simulator.

Diablo 1. I just like it better, I think it was more focused, with a better story and atmosphere. Diablo 2 gets bad by the time you get to the desert and 3 was shit from the beginning.

>playing Diablo games for the story
fucking yikes

A mix of 1 and 3, 1 because it's a great game and 3 because while shit, it's very fun in short bursts. Fuck 2 though, overrated normalfag garbage.

>D2 for broken bullshit and kike simulator.
>Fuck 2 though, overrated normalfag garbage.
contrarian retards, fuck off

Literally nobody plays Diablo for the story. People play diablo "4 teh epic lootz" and for garbage *clicks* gameplay.

I spent more time playing Diablo 1 but that's probably because it was one of my first games. The atmosphere (especially as a kid who went to church multiple times a week) was down right horrifying at the time. Oh, and diablo 1 actually feels just like a standard dungeon crawler which is nice. Diablo 2 had lots of cool shit and builds but the 2nd and 3rd acts I found extremely boring, didn't capture the real horror theme at all.

see: >I think it was more focused, with a better story

I still play D2 and ladder resets in 8 days

Diablo 2 was broken. They literally had to add Enigma to the game to fucking balance the piece of shit because every class was garbage compared to sorc. After that, half the builds absolutely dominated the rest, especially shit like Hammerdin. The game didn't even have proper magic resistance until recently.
And yes, the game was a huge hording kike sim with mule characters and mule accounts and trading games.
Fuck off retard.

1 for atmosphere
2 for actual gameplay

Diablo 2 is absolutely the best game hands down.

1 Was good but aged poorly, I think three is actually the better game all things considered.


Only correct answer. Though personally I find nothing wrong with Diablo 2's atmosphere; 1 simply does it better.

2 > 1 > colonoscopy > 3

I prefer Diablo 2 vanilla 1.06 desu.

LoD is a large improvement, but it made the gameplay stray too far from the core, and made the numbers grow ridiculously high, and with it, out were tactics and strategies.

Diablo is nice, I played the shit out of it as a kid, it has a great, unique atmosphere, a stronger visual direction, and it's pretty good, but still inferior to Diablo 2 imo.

2 perfected it
we only go downhill from here

2 remake when
its the only thing that can save nu-blizz

>I find nothing wrong with Diablo 2's atmosphere
You really liked shitty dessert and boring pygmyland jungle?

Best atmosphere, more focused, best pacing and itemization.
I really wish the ARPG genre didn't just become only catering to the autistic loot treadmill skinnerbox crowd.

Diablo 2 is a lot of fun because of the build variety you can do, but Act 3 is absolute dog shit and is a blight on an otherwise great game.

LOD 1.10

1, has more soul and atmosphere, but 2 is good too. Anything but 3.

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>best itemization.
heavily disagree, 2 has much more variety and choice for builds
mages have to get lucky to find tomes and the best gear was never that exciting

>shitty dessert and boring pygmyland jungle
I did like variety

I never gave the OSTs for this game credit. They're fucking great.

2 is tobjectively better than 1 in every aspect
preferring 1 is just being a contrarian

2 sowed the seeds for 3, blizzard unironically bought the meme that the series was all about clicking, loot and trading, and that character customization was too punishing. Hence a hollow toneless easy loot treadmill game where you can do everything and nothing is rewarding.

I never had to stop and grind just so I could progress in D1. Go fuck yourself.

I agree with one exception.
d1 atmosphere > d2 atmosphere

git gud

I love D1 death animations, in the sequel enemies just kinda fall over when killed.

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I don't disagree with the tomes being annoying part but the best gear wasn't supposed to be crazy like it was in D2, you were supposed to just have general progression which D1 did quite well. Your gear turn over wasn't insanely fast or slow.

I don't need to do that either in D2, with any class/build
worst part is that the genre is supposed to have some grind

2 is better outside of Atmosphere. 1 has that beat hands down but it's also really crude by comparison.

You're full of shit and you know it.

Not him but while I thought they were fine at portraying the kind of atmosphere they were trying to give off, it doesn't create the same sense of dread that you get in D1.

I know the inability to run in D1 is intentional, but man does it also make the game a pain in the ass sometimes.

>I thought they were fine at portraying the kind of atmosphere they were trying to give off, it doesn't create the same sense of dread that you get in D1.
That's my thing though, that sense of dread and absolute horror in D1 is what I expected going into D2. Act 1 was actually alright, you can tell the world's fucked and there are a lot of really creepy undertones as well as call backs to D1 but then Act 2 just didn't fit at all with what was expected from the universe.

I never stop progression to grind, it really seems that you don't know how to play the game

1 singleplayer
2 multiplayer

have you even played 1 all the way through?

I always wondered why they didnt go back to Diablo 2 and flesh out Act 4 the way they wanted to

While I would mostly agree, I think the palace harem was fantastic in terms of atmosphere. You spent the whole act up to that point thinking the people there are just holed up and trying to wait out the apocalypse, then you go inside and find out everyone in the palace is dead and that it's ground zero for an invasion the guards are barely holding off.

The second game was designed to keep you coming back but over the decades these jew tactics have branched into everything. Ive already burnt myself out on the grindy number shit playing WoW. I'll take and replay the OG from beginning to end any day though, it's just feels a more cohesive and focused package without the padding.

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git gud? you can go norm->hell with any char without farming

Just finished Diablo one a couple of days ago. Really enjoyed it, a very tight experience. Going through Diablo II right now.

What class you playin D2 with right now?

Amazon with spear. Played Rogue for Diablo 1.

I didn't say I played it for the story, but what was there was better than what was in Diablo 2 and 3, which had a lot more story, at the cost of it all being mediocre airport fantasy garbage. Barebones but okay is better than extensive and garbage.

Go back to twitter with your yikes fag.


And it’s not even fucking close

It still didn't feel tense, it was a brief moment of "oh shit" but then it quickly settles back down. It doesn't help that once again you spend most of your time out in a pretty generic desert that is far from threatening or ominous. One thing that D1 does really well is that there's never any fucking reprieve, everything is just constantly more fucked as you go on whereas D2 just feels like you're going hiking in an area with really dangerous wildlife.

I like both. D1 has incredible atmosphere, but the gameplay is pretty basic. D2 expands game mechanics, while trading the oppressive dungeon crawling vibe for more adventurous one.
Fortunately, there's a Belzebub mod for D1 that brings new mechanics, but keeps the atmosphere of the original, combining the best parts of both games.

I like the Paladin and the Necromancer myself.

I wish someone would make a game like Diablo 1. Slow, heavy horror atmosphere, less focus on MUH LOOT.

D2 has waay too many boring parts
D1 is literally SOUL from beginning to end

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One of my friends really like the Necromancer, so I'll have to give him a shot.

Diablo 2. Have played every ladder reset and crafted my own Call to Arms runeword each time. No cooldown teleport with 200% faster cast rate is a feeling no other game will ever deliver on again. Morrowind lets you cast high magnitude levitates and speed boosts but diablo 2 sorceress simply exists where she chooses and that speed is exhilerating.

Make sure you put points into curses (particularly Iron Maiden) and ranged attacks. I was playing as a solely skeleton necromancer and I found out I was gimped when it came to the Act 2 boss.

Well right now I'm still playing Amazon, but I'll keep that in mind. You don't have any tips hehe for a spear build do you?

>that brings new mechanics, keeps the atmosphere of the original, combining the best parts of both games
Yes belzebub is my dream diablo game basically, so I'm playing that if that itch needs to be scratched.

Otherwise I would stay with Diablo 1.

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Diablo 1. It has better environments, music, and combat. The only thing I really like better about D2 is that it has more character build variety.

Diablo 2 was the best until the patch that added bullshit like uber bosses and dumb runewords like botd and the armor that gave everyone teleport, I forgot which patch was it. Either way it was clear blizzard had no clue what the fuck it was doing and the game power creep and loot driven threadmill became too stupid.

D1 is an excellent, condensed, and atmospheric game for the first several sporadic playthroughs, but it really starts to fall part the more familiar you become with it. It's absolutely broken, predictable, and highly exploitable with glitches like drop duping and the mana shield glitch.

The tricky thing about D2 is that it's insanely fun and improvisational for speedruns, ironmanning to ubers, and ladder reset groups, but so many people are hung up on the soft-MMO minmax endgame skinnerbox Battle.net shit it's mostly known for. You can easily survive off what the game gives you or minimal grinding and power through the game on all difficulties with partial sets like Sander's/Death's/Sigon's (it happens), uniques like Crushflange/Rattlecage/Rockstopper (someone even got a Titan's Revenge on a HC Hell Amazon (former?) world record), rune words like Leaf/Stealth/Strength/Black/Lore/Rhyme/Ancient's Pledge/Zephyr/Nadir/Smoke/Stone/Treachery/Crescent Moon on desert mercenary (highest I've ever seen in a speedrun is Heart of the Oak), good rolls on crafted gear like Caster gem drops permitting, (Frost) Nova proc gear, Visionary helm from shops on Crushing Blow builds, gambling/imbuing Circlets (potential for +Resistances, +% R/W and FCR, +Skills), etc. It's all so commonplace and expected for the typical run, but a surprise like Raven Frost is always welcome.

D2 has gotten a big speedrunning community in the past few years because this stuff can be so fun. I once saw a runner get so mad at the dual immunity magic resistant roll on the last unique in the HC Hell Chaos Sanctuary during a speedrun (which would otherwise require another half hour of clearing it after saved and quit, or wasting a limited respec) that he waypointed to act 3, hired an Iron Wolf, and loaded him up with his FCR gear so he'd slowly kill it for him.

There nowhere near that much depth and content to D1, it's such a basic and straightforward experience that it's hard to consider it a better game.

I prefer D2 in most aspects, but the fact that it is designed as a multiplayer skinnerbox instantly drops it below D1.
While extraordinary simple, the first game is a fulfilling and cohesive experience. If D2 followed the same design philosophy it would be something truly special.

You can argue all day with scientific explanations and call each other faggots with shit taste for not seeing how they can possible love one thing and not the other, but opinions and emotions just aren't rational that way. so get fucked faggots diablo 1 is the GOAT.

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D1 for the atmosphere, D2 for the autism.

1.Purely for atmosphere.
I've never played Hellfire though, and I see it's been added to the GOG release now. Is it good or should I stick with my good ol vanilla?

Bone Spear is great I love spamming that shit

Hellfire adds some nice quality of life features. I hear there's a few really good mods out there as well.

It's really underwhelming because all the content takes place after you already beat Diablo.

it's literally like Terminator 1 vs Terminator 2
or Mad Max 1 vs Mad Max 2

the first version is more kino and interesting, the second version is still good but made for nories more

Just picked up 1 on gog, any tips for a zoomer who only played 3? Does stat distribution matter a lot?

>a game where you grind bossruns in perpetuity
>wtf why do I have to horde shit

I played Hellfire a very long time ago, and all I remember is that I was unimpressed.
If you want to add some spice to Diablo, install mods like Belzebub or The Hell instead.

Jack up the Dex so you don't miss attacks too much. Keep the strength to levels needed for the equipment if you're playing anything than warrior. Put as many points into magic as you can for Rogue and mage especially because it's really complementary and everyone can use the tomes.

gameplay 2 atmosphere 1

>1 has a great atmosphere, but I honestly don’t feel a urge to return to its gameplay.
>2 is a genre defining classic, that I would probably still keep playing if I hadn’t already played it to death. A larger, more sprawling game that maybe isn’t as focused as 1 was, but ultimately it’s just the better game.
>3 was pure garbage on launch, with especially the Auction House fucking up all the balance around drops and drop rates. Post-RoS, it’s playable, but still worse than it should be and I’d rather play Grim Dawn or PoE if I wanted to play a modern game of the genre.

If I want to go as a warrior do I dump into strength? I remember reading some time ago that what people used to do was get str just for the requirements and then dump everything in vit.

Mad Max 1 has to be one of the most underrated movies ever, I love it just as much as people usually seem to love 2. Rough around the edges, for sure, but I fucking love the tense atmosphere of it. Hell, I even love how cheesy it manages to be at times, yet it still keeps its tense tone despite that.


D2. More classes. More build variety. Better music.

Diablo 2 because you can run

D1 for mood setting and atmosphere
D2 for everything else
D3 is basically nu-gauntlet

>any tips for a zoomer who only played 3?
In D3 you run into the middle of the mob pack and decimate it with a few flashy attacks. In D1 you run into the middle of the mob pack and get stun-locked to death.
Shrine effects are not always positive.
Traders can sell some real good shit.
Do NOT get hit by Black Deaths.

>Does stat distribution matter a lot?
Not in the long run, D1 classes have stat caps and there are stat-increasing consumables you can find/buy once you reach deeper levels, so eventually you will max out all stats anyway.

Also, terror and attract are EXTREMELY useful for actual crowd control

keep an eye con chance to block and run/walk speed

>Iron Maiden
Skip this, aside from a 1-point prerequisite to others. Enemies can only be afflicted with one curse at a time and you're better off with a basic Amp Damage on crowds, Decrepify on bosses/champions/etc, and Dim Vision to lock down ranged units in Hell Mode so you're not mowed down from a distance. The return damage on Iron Maiden doesn't outperform those three. If you toss in a good round of Corpse Explosion, Amp Damage can bolster the physical damage portion; Lower Resist can improve the fire damage, but it's far more useful to break a physical immunity with Amp.

Should I play Hellfire so I can actually run in the village?

>D3 vanilla pre-patch was patrician in terms of gameplay.
>The damage you do to your weapon busting open crates is greater than the max amount of gold you could ever find from crates
>call this patrician

You've gone beyond just being retarded user

stat distribution has more impact compared to modern rpgs, but it isn't that big of a deal
a tip I would give is pay attention to "regular numbers", you know, item defense, normal attacks, resistances, chance to hit, etc... these things are pretty useless in newer vidya, but not here

Yes, Hellfire is fine. I've always liked the crypt level it added.

why do people ignore this skill? it really changes the way you play the necromancer in such a fun way

the game wasn't made for online and idiotic "endgame" it simply supported it and people kept grinding anyway. d2 is beyond great if you knew to stop playing after hell baal and start a new character. dubing you an honorary zoomer you fucking retard.

>playing diablo for the story
Holy fucking shit, that's truly pathetic. I really hope you turbo teens don't do this.

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Play the PS1 version and you can run in the dungeons too. And so does everything else. Spooky

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D1 has better atmosphere and soul
D2 is a better game and more fun if you aren’t a baby
D3 is better to play with normie (like gf coop or little brother coop)

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d3 launched as dogshit. they hardly tested what you think is great.
oh and they made the same mistake diablo 2 (and later fixed in an lod patch) did in not having a flat highest difficulty. so all you did was cheese gear smashing pottery or reloading games for goblins. that's not patrician that's incompetent and flat out ripping people off.

dex is important for chance to hit.

D1 is terrible and buggy.
D2 actually has fleshed out skills and distinguished classes.
D3 is everything you hate about modern gaming. Despite looking amazing, the game is very uninspired and doesn't even have the same randomly generated environments from D2.
DI is telling of modern megastudios with established IP. Instead of giving fans what they want a proper sequel to D2, you have a mobile port of D3 with reused assets

Blizzard is dead. Square is dead.
Let all your hopes for their series die with them.

so many attractive women in the same video. You can tell this was filmed in the early 2000s though. Girls were hotter then.

Blocking too i'm pretty sure. I dunno, playing warrior is like a hazing ritual for newbies.

That's Diablo 2. In D1, all stats are useful for all classes, but they cap at different points. As a warrior you'll want a decent amount of strength for equipment, dexterity for hit and block chance, and enough vitality to survive. They can't get much magic, but a little bit helps a lot with quality of life stuff like healing and town portals.

No, in D2 almost every melee build went for full block


Anons who say stats don't matter are the ones grinding their character into oblivion. When I replay D1 it's always a new character, stats matter when you're making progress.

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I've never played anything that wasnt warrior because the other 2 aren't cool and I follow the rule of cool.

I think Diablo 2 has objective gameplay improvements and is the superior game overall, but it's Diablo 1's atmosphere and story that has stuck with me the most over the years.

>playing games for clicking

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that's why they gave these tits, because tits are cool

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Succubi chasing must be your hobby then.

True patricians play Rogue. Fast phys projectiles when you need it and even better with a bow with knockback, and all the magical backup you'll ever need without having to worry of interruption. Best of both worlds.

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Unironically for me. (D2 has a better atmosphere and story and music though.)

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>the game wasn't made for online and idiotic "endgame"
Yeah, I did all the endgame stuff when I had nothing else to play and it really wasn't that fun. Just a bunch of grinding and repetition, and the pvp wasn't amazing either. I have more fun just playing it casually.

I really hated the crafting too.

>Succubi chasing must be your hobby then.
It's not TOO bad once you learn how to lure a couple from the pack and get the last ones into a corner, but I'm not sure who playtested that and thought it was fine. Just needed to make them not run away infinitely until literally trapped in a corner.

Is there anyway to play the latest versions of D2 in widescreen? I can't stand playing in a tiny window or upscaled in a way where the pixels aren't 1:1

Anyone want to play D2 hardcore ladder together? I'm in act 4 but I can't kill anything so will need to level in tombs or act 3.

That's an insult to Gauntlet. Dark Legacy was amazing.

US east btw

This, I found Mad Max 1 much more interesting than 2 desu