Imagine living in current year and actually trying to claim that the Assassin's Creed franchise is soulless or bad...

imagine living in current year and actually trying to claim that the Assassin's Creed franchise is soulless or bad. Origins and Odyssey are by far some of the best games to release this generation but leddit and morons act like they're cancer to the gaming industry because Assassin's Creed games were yearly releases half a decade ago. Also imagine actually believing that Ubisoft is as bad as EA. The internet is full of low iq babies thinking they're geniuses because they watch rick and morty.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ubisoft is better than EA but Ass creed is still trash bro

everyone that hates on origins and odyssey are also people who are begging Nintendo to release a "majora's mask-esque game based off of Breath of the Wild's engine".

nah it's full of fun and soul. these people clearly put a lot of love into the games they are making.

You're literally a warrior in these games, no actual assassin shit since origins. I blame ubisoft for being too pussy to make a new IP name

it all still focuses on the pieces of eden and the animus so it's fine by me. it was clear that the assassin part of the game was getting really dry and was in reality what people hated about the game. People's number one issue with these games were all of the missions where yu tail your enemy and get intel on them so you can kill them. Then they remove those missions and people throw a fit about how "it's not assassins anymore". Fuck off, these games are much better made and more fun now that they're not "assassiny".


>it's fine for a game named ASSASSIN'S Creed to no focus on ASSASSINATION
do they pay you to suck this much french dick?

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>you can use a shield as an Egyptian
>you can’t as a fucking Spartan
>Leo literally throws his shield at someone in the first scene and never picks it up again
>attack animations are all spastic bullshit with Alexios just waving his arms around

are you just mad because you're no longer part of a creed called the assassin's anymore? you still assassinate people, they just removed all of the fluff. and the series is much better for it.

Unity was great, Paris is unironially the best open world city I’ve seen in a game

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Those games are fucking awful. Genuinely even worse than the already shit quality older games.

Origins to Odyssey is literally soul vs soulless.

I agree both Odyssey and Origins was great, incels are just haters fuck them.

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>liking Unity

Why does Yea Forums love this shit and AC3 so much? Are they just trying to be contrarians? They're easily the two worst games in the franchise.

Exactly this. Ubisoft should forget about AssCreed and start making historical games, they're really good at it. No "trips to the present" and all that bullshit that AssCreed games include.

Odyssey is so fucking stupid. The MC is completely unrelatable and is too powerful even by AC standards, getting spotted means nothing and stealth is a pointless waste of time.

>Ubisoft should forget about AssCreed and start making historical games
this is literally what they're doing. they're just keeping assassins creed motifs and it makes sense.

>Go to assassinate a guy
>Whoops he's higher level than you, so jamming a knife into his spine just makes him stumble a bit

If this shit wasn't in the newer AC games, they'd be ten times better.

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>Are they just trying to be contrarians?
That's all Yea Forums is, I'm surprised its taken you this long to notice

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AssCreed guarantees like 10 million sales off the bat, they’d be retarded to drop that name. Literally one of the biggest franchises in history.

Every mission is the same and there are two enemy types.

I agree with the final point, but appealing to reality to criticize a game mechanic is a brainlet move.

Its the same copypasted AC gameplay where you run up walls, backstab ohko people, then run away right?
Also you can just block or use parry timing to handle huge crowds of enemies that would gangrape anyone in reality.

We don't dislike AC because of the setting, or even the characters. We just don't think spending most of your time on hold up+X and watching automatic parkour is particularly fun or engaging.

Go shill somewhere else. Both games are basically the same...and the series at its core is the same since 2

>that the assassin part of the game was getting really dry
Because it was supposed to just be a trilogy. Ubisoft could have easily did this after

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>Its the same copypasted AC gameplay where you run up walls, backstab ohko people, then run away right?
>Both games are basically the same...and the series at its core is the same since 2

dumbass comments like these are the telltale signs of people who have never played an assassins creed game in years and love to just talk shit about them.

>Ubisoft could have easily did this after
that's literally what they did you mong.


>lets change history so no one will know why we had to change it in the first place

these people are clinically retarded

Both of these games are shit. In Origins you play some stupid nigger. Thank god i downloaded a pirated copy that let me wear a huge anubis mask so i didn't have to look at the nigger. Odyssey is a 100 hour long grind fest of rinse and repeat missions. You faggots have shit taste. Pleas KYS.

>Origins and Odyssey are by far some of the best games to release this generation

>but leddit and morons act like they're cancer to the gaming industry
They're actually eating it up. You are reddit and a moron.

I didn’t like black flag though, I prefer the cities

>the assassin part of the game was getting really dry
I was never even fleshed out. They never attempted to deliver the original vision of it, and there certainly was a lot of shit to be done there, instead it just turned into yet another generic Ubisoft open world with a historical theme and shallow combat.

posts like this is why people think /pol/ and right-wingers on the internet are retards. Bayek isn't even black, retard. He's about as Egyptian as they come. The WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIT audience are just too stupid to understand that just because you are darker than a paper bag it doesn't mean you're black.

ngl I haven't played them since revelations which I didn't like very much. I mainly liked the first 2. but origins and odyssey look much better, here's hoping the next one set in italy in the year of the four emperors will be even better. I might buy one of them in a few years if I see it on sale for dirt cheap

>shallow combat.
combat is literally the same as Breath of the Wild but a bit flashier. But people eat Breath of the Wild up and act like it is some masterpiece.

>But people eat Breath of the Wild up
I'm not these people.

Shill thread as fuck. Those games are godawful and they're not even AC games anymore. They're just politically correct hack and slash games with terrible stories now. Nothing but soulless filler and repetition.

>in Origins you get to see how the assassins started and the people involved in starting it
>next game is set 400 years before that because shut up
great job

How is it possible to be this retarded? What's wrong with you user?

>we want The Witcher 3 audience: the game
looks like it worked on OP

>>next game is set 400 years before that because shut up
>great job
it was a fun setting and it actually does show how some of the seeds for the original assassins were planted throughout history.

>and it actually does show how some of the seeds for the original assassins were planted throughout history.
so...the origins?

But the gameplay is ass

Stay salty.

Pretty much this and I'm not even a shill. Ubi did well this generation.

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I'm 20 hours into Origins and it's a horribly uninspired witcher 3-clone with the blandest story and dumbest fetch quests ever. I'm only playing it because I've always loved ancient Egypt and the game is visually gorgeous. Those are the only two good points the game has going for it, everything else is absolute garbage, and I sure as fuck won't touch Odyssey or any future part of this dead franchise again

I dislike the combat in the newer games.
I don't think the combat in any of them were particularly good.
Syndicate tried something new though. Had a beat-em-up feel to it where the fun was setting them all up and knocking them down like dominoes. It had its problems, notably the combat animations were comically fast, but it definitely felt like a step in the right direction. Just needed more refinement.

I've played through both of the newer ones as well, but I still find it frustrating to go and assassinate a character and them swatting it off like a mosquito bite. Just because you're more experienced with a sword, doesn't mean your jugular suddenly is immune to being stabbed. It makes stealth basically useless in the way that Ubisoft likes to use it (systematically taking places down) in a way that makes the player feel empowered for clearing a camp with no fuckups.
I just feel like Ubi is just going through the motions at this point with it. They always were desu, but at least they knew their audience with 1-3.

I never understood everyone's compulsion with the white robes either. It made sense in the first one since there was a faction that wore them that you blend in with, so it was camouflage for that, and seemed clever. But wearing the robes in different time periods just have them stick out like sore thumbs, no matter how much Ubi tries to blend it in. They stick out like anime protags.


>A more fun mechanic is bad because it appeals to reality
0.01 cents have been deposited to your U-play account

How about you fuck off

Origins is pretty good, Odyssey is shit.
Soul and soulless.

>No argument

Origins was the Origins of the Creed itself, not the concept of assassination as a whole.

literally a mix of BOTW and Witcher 3, two games people claim are masterpieces.

>Syndicate tried something new though. Had a beat-em-up feel
Syndicate had Black Flag combat after Unity's combat system was dog shit.

>removing challenge and progression in an open world game by being able to kill anyone at any time is a fun mechanic
braindead take

>Origins was the Origins of the Creed itself,
cool, that should be the starting point. going 400 years before that is still dumb

I dont play series that get repurposed according to trends. wont play ass creeds, wont play prey, wont play god of war. fuck brand recognition.

>too powerful even by AC standards

that's because the lance is ayy lmao tech, alexios and his family had been cheating to win since thousands of years

Yes, you can kill someone once and then everybody turns to you and wants your blood

>Syndicate had Black Flag combat after Unity's combat system was dog shit.
Well they were both made at the same time, but you probably knew that.

It didn't really have AC4 combat though. It was closer to BamHam games. While still braindead, it was still novel in an AC game.
I'm not saying any of them were good at combat, just that Syndicate was going a different direction.

that's already in odyssey

I played Odyssey

It was like a shovelware version of Witcher 3. Don't get me wrong, it was more enjoyable than I thought it would be, but its still not a quality franchise

Yet you don’t feel powerful at all when you have to mash away at some bulletsponge for minutes.
Also the powers are clunky as fuck

did they finally add the Tour mode? I might need to update my CODEX copy

fpbp. not sure why this thread isn't dead yet

Origins was better,Odyssey was lacking something and was way too grindy

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Both ac games piqued my interest, but the level system is a real let down, I hate games that stop you from using things because of some arbitrary number

Nah they still have the present shit along with the assassin's VS Templars & ancient aliens lore

Odyssey is also more fantasy than history, despite every game in the series having fantasy elements they're omnipresent in Odyssey from boss fights to player abilities to locations&world

I quit the series forever after trying to play Syndicate. It was more like a movie than a game.

>They're easily the two worst games in the franchise
That'd be Syndicate and Odyssey.

Odyssey lacked soul and went quantity over quality big time.
A lot of the assets and animations are copied from Origins and the graphics and lightning system is worse too.
The dialogue choice system just made bad writing even worse a diluted.
The boat combat was a boring very downgraded version of Black Flag.

You think he's black?? He's appropriately tanned for someone who spends all day in the desert sun but he's not black ...

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You have to be 18 or older to post here guy

Those are both 3/10 games. No idea how anyone could have thought positively about either.

asscreed is a leddit game you gigantic faggot

i love ubisoft towers and games that should be 5 hours long padded with inane tedious shit that no person with a brain could possibly think is fun. the idea of going around in historical areas that are super detailed is amazing but obvious retarded frenchfags at ubisoft had to take that idea and make it the most gay, retarded thing ever.

Plus the main character wasn't as cool as Bayek. I played as the girl, maybe she was just bad. Both games have mediocre stories overall so you need a good character to carry it

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>hold RT to run, climb, parkour, and everything else
>character does everything but what you want because the controls are so automated
The AssCreed games could have been so good, but why they decided to go with the worst control scheme imaginable is beyond me.


"half a decade" is 5 years, stop using grown up words to look smarter you absolute mong.

I played as the dude and it was bad too.
Either character didn’t make a difference at all except the sound of their voice.

And man I forgot those kino assassination scenes from Origins, the whole was just more fun to explore. I hope they drop the whole character and dialogue choices in the next game and focus on a single cohesive character and story


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Now that I think of it, I don't think Odyssey has a single post-assasination "death scene" where the character gets to talk and conflict their ideals with the villain

No wonder the story was so forgettable

Oh boy here comes the Kassandra autist who is obsessed with the most mediocre character of all time because "dude she said malaka that's so cute xD"

>no shield where you can roleplay achilles in odyssey game from the troy movie and do all sorts of sick shit like roll over people
it's shit

I don't get why people are upset by this, it's such a small thing and I bet if you didn't see this image you would think that Greece, the birth place of democracy, would have had education at least on some level for women too

It's a different matter if they actually change important events in history just to be inclusive or politically correct

Ubi has done good these past couple of years with Watch Dogs 2, Anno, Siege and Div2, however Odyssey is soulless trash

Since the Notre-Dame incident Unity has been getting a lot of love all over the internet.

>Origins and Odyssey are by far some of the best games to release this generation
they're not even better than most of the previous games in the same series

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>release the most mediocre AssCreed yet
>no shields, gay dialogue choices, and another forced female character
>skip the next planned game and go straight to vikings

while i will agree ubisoft isn't even comparably bad in relation to ea, asscreed isn't even the same game anymore and should have been marketed as a different ip long ago.

WD2 is a step back from the first game.

Gameplay wise and environment wise it’s a huge step up. I don’t like the characters, but that’s my only gripe.

hold "a", m8, dark souls combat now

'member when it was about being an assassin?
'member when it wasn't a shitty rpg?
'member when you could actually stealth assassinate with one hit?

the assassins creed franchise is fucking terrible, and I say this as somebody who thinks Assassin's Creed Odyssey ranks among the best games of all time
not coincidentally, Odyssey is the least like all its predecessors - it's not an Assassin's Creed game, which is exactly why it's good, and I hope all further "assassin's creed" sequels follow its format

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Ass Creed peaked at 4

I want to cum between kassandra's thighs

I believe it's simply virtue-signalling in the least intrusive way possible.

However this type of thing can be a slippery slope, changing "historical sexism" in a game that is presented to it's audience as Historically Accurate seems like another way to say "censorship"

I got an hour into Origins before I uninstalled and never touched it again. It felt really floaty and it was just a chore to play. Assassin's Creed peaked around a decade ago now and they've never been able to recapture the magic.

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>Gameplay wise
Having options for hacking things was cool, but the drone and eagle vision ruined multiplayer. Driving wasn't improved - aside from adding a boost button and some paintjobs, it's identical. They didn't even do through the effort of making the speedometers work in first-person mode.
>environment wise
I thought SF was decent, but Chicago and Pawnee were better for 1v1 hacking. Lots of narrow streets and alleyways.

Just waiting for all Odyssey DLCs to come out and get cracked so I can play, just like i did with Origins.

Man piracy is cool.

>Odyssey is the least like all its predecessors - it's not an Assassin's Creed game, which is exactly why it's good
Nah mate, you're wrong. They didn't go far enough. It's still just assassin's Creed. Same formula. Same name. Same story. Same gameplay.

>Shadowy group of villains trying to control society
>Protagonist with a troubled past inexplicably tied to the evil deeds of this group
>They are misusing ancient civilisation technology and you have to stop them
>Fight for freedom AKA press X to assassinate a bunch of these guys

They need to remove everything to do with any of this shite if they want to make a good game.

>somebody who thinks Assassin's Creed Odyssey ranks among the best games of all time
Lmao what the fuck

Brainlet detected.

>*tips fedora*

>member when it was about being an assassin?
I assasinated lots of people in Origins
>member when you could actually stealth assassinate with one hit?
Yep although I couldn't do it at first, I simply specced into stealth build and then had no troubles doing this

I like your style, dude.

>unironically defending this underage trash
fuck off nigger

by that logic metal gear solid, uncharted, and wolfenstein are assassin's creed games

I was 10 when AC1 came out.
I'm about to be 22.

I think you're missing the point