Any games with this feel?
Any games with this feel?
Super Mario
theme hospital
Garbage tertiary thread about a normalfag show. Sage.
why is Yea Forums so unfunny? they have some nice OC but all their posts are just pure cringenigger shit.
obligatory useless comment about how the thread is bad
>playing barotrauma
>our engineer is named dyatlov
Kill yourself retarded snowflake
space station 13
>be russians
>only people retarded enough to cause an accident on the scale of chernobyl
>only people brave enough to fix it
>Fix the Leak.swf
Powder Toy
This game is weird in that it can occupy both ADD spedros that just want to blow shit up and turboautists that will quite literally create a functional replica of a nuclear reactor.
I'm so sick of hearing about this fucking show.
>mfw successfully completing the safety test
describe the feel user, what exactly do you mean by "this feel' in this particular screenshot?
Half life 1
I often wondered if western countries would have willingly thrown people's lives away in cleanup like that