Post why you won't buy a PS5
PS5 Boycock Thread
PS4 generation was pathetic
Joke's on you I am already saving up and will have enough to buy 1 with 1 game
Because Nintendo stopped giving a fuck
Yes please ;)
1. Fuck console exclusives
2. Fuck censorship
3. Fuck SJWs, especially Neil Dreckman
4. The number of worthwhile games released in its lifetime will be countable on one hand, just like the PS4
My current PC will probably beat the PS6 anyway.
>you will never have this on your dick
No games. Most available on PC already or streamable.
Ps4 has 1 exclusive(spiderman)
Ps5 wont get that good exclusive until 4 years into its life if ps3 and ps4 are the same timeline. Controller battery will be shit again
PS5 will be a PS4Pro Plus with a few exclusive games.
It's going to be about twice as powerful as the XboneX, which runs most everything at 4k30fps. That's just good enough to run the same gams at 60fps at the same settings. There's very little reason to do anything that isn't cross gen this time around.
Print it out on paper and rub the 2d image on your dick?
I'll buy it on release day and there's nothing you can do to stop me
$500 or $600 is next to nothing compared to $3000 i spent on my PC
What AAA games are 4k/30fps natively on xboxonex? Most are check boarded or fluctuate fps like a ps4pro or almost three year old 1060 6gb
You didnt buy a $3000 pc. You have to be 18 to post here summer kiddo
Fuck outta here, I'm not paying for internet twice
>Last of Us
>Uncharted 4
>Spider Man
>Gravity Rush 2
>Last Guardian
>Persona 5
>Yakuza 6
You have 11 fingers?
If only this was true for the games, and not just the fan art.
well thank god i'm 26 then
besides, you're acting like a $3000 pc is some sort of luxury, what the shit
why even live?
I will buy literally every single Sony console day 1 going forward. Suck it!
(yep, I just dabbed on you)
Let's say it's $500 How many games do you wanna buy for the PS5 during its entire life cycle? Like 20? That's already 1700 bucks. For that you can get yourself an awesome PC and a 4K TV/monitor. You don't pay for games on PC.
you don't seem to understand
i already HAVE a great PC and PS5 is bound to have some great exclusives as PS4 did. I'm not buying it for multiplats, i'm buying it for games that won't end up anywhere else
I honestly prefer it that way. I hate giant horse butts and fugly cow balloon tits. my ideal gurl is slim yet soft.
I actually make money so I WILL buy one when it comes out.
>For that you can get yourself an awesome PC and a 4K TV/monitor
Do you live in some alternate reality?
Jokes too old for new Yea Forums
exclusives are a scam and a disgrace. supporting that shit is horrible. it's akin to buying a TV for exclusives movies because one horrible TV company decided to make movies that can only be watched on their shitty TV.
nope. my 4k tv cost 500 euros and my PC cost 700 euros and I can play every new game on highest settings.
nah its just not that funny
I already have a PS4 pro with the game of the decade
Maybe good, haven't played
> Horizon
Ubisoft open garbage can, who cares
> Uncharted
Tomb Raider knockoff, who cares
> Spider Man
Capeshit, who cares
> Gravity Rush 2
Maybe good, IDK
> Infamous
Literally who cares
> Last Guardian
Made by the people who made SOTC so it's almost certainly not good
> Persona 5
On PC via rpcs3
> Yakuza 6
Gonna get ported to PC. They're in the process of bringing over the series now.
Freddie stop waving your wealth in front of my wagie face it's hurting my feelings
boo fucking hoo
some games are exclusive to some platforms, it's always been this way
If you spent $3000 on a pc, you’re retarded. Not in a lol stop being retarded way.
But an actual, no games run better on a $1000 pc versus a $3000 pc way. If you have the money you claim you do, and arent retarded, you wouldnt waste it on a PC and invest it.
Tho youre probably 15 and shitposting and wont provide proof so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Gravity Rush 3 hasn't been announced for it.
>Ubisoft open garbage can, who cares
ok I actually agree with this one. I just thought I throw it in there cause it was popular.
Not an excuse
> I've always gotten fucked in the ass by corporations so I should continue to get fucked in the ass
You mean the game that had fake hdr support for 6 months and rockstar didnt bother to fix? The game thats also on pc?
give me few reasons to buy it first, i can't find any
>no games
>only cinematic experience and movies
>new PS PLUS +
>most likely 500/600$ price tag
>more SJW bullshit
the only reason I bought ps4 was bloodborne, and if the price for PS5 will be 500/600$, even if he get bloodborne 2, not worth the money for only 1 good exclusive.
>it's always been this way
>argumentum ad antiquitatem
>(also known as: appeal to common practice, appeal to antiquity, appeal to traditional wisdom, proof from tradition, appeal to past practice, traditional wisdom)
>Description: Using historical preferences of the people (tradition), either in general or as specific as the historical preferences of a single individual, as evidence that the historical preference is correct. Traditions are often passed from generation to generation with no other explanation besides, “this is the way it has always been done”—which is not a reason, it is an absence of a reason.
imagine being this butthurt on a single $3000 purchase that i won't upgrade in 5 or so years
you'd probably shit your pants if i told you how much my car was, screaming on top of your lungs that i should have bought a $2000 1999 civic instead
I won't buy the PS5 because I will be buying the Xbox Anaconda instead
The main reason is because I hate the left analog's position on the controller
eh, do your thing if that's what you want
unlike you i'll actually play games i'm interested in instead of wallowing in self martyrdom, regardless of platform they're released on
I own a $1500 pc
/o/ here
What's your car friend?
> Inb4 B-but muh hands are symmetrical so muh controller should be
The left and right stick are for different purposes. It's more ergonomic to have the movent stick higher up and the camera stick lower
>company pays for game's development
>game gets developed for company's platform
But Mythra wasn't censored in Xenoblade. And concerning Bayonetta still has proper ass in Ultimate, I find it hard to believe Samus's nerf would have been case of censorship.
And to answer OP, because I think I'm finally done with consoles. I've just played Smash on Switch and nothing on PS4 this year, they aren't really worth that little attention.
Have fun wasting $400 to play 2-3 worthwhile games like a good little consumer
But I will be buying a PS5. I'm not retarded.
Now name as many worthwhile pc exclusives
Oh wait
people like you are holding video games back. imagine how amazing games would be by now if devs weren't forced to literally make their games shittier so they'll run on shitty hardware smoothly.
I don't know, I'm not really the kind of person to pre-judge his decision making that far in advance. I mean, I hardly have a plan for breakfast when it's five minutes away most of the time, kinda just grabbing whatever strikes me.
So I guess that right now, I have no reasons to buy a PS5 because there aren't any games for it that I would buy the console to play, and it's too early to see if the promised features actually make it into the final product. If the launch lineup is good and the product delivers on its promises, it might become a compelling purchase option, but at this point I have no reason to say I will never buy one, nor do I have a reason to rush out and plunk down money on a pre-order. I'll wait and see. That's always proven the best strategy with games anyway, especially in this era of day-1 patches and Games as a Service. Gaming is an inherently consumerist hobby and so I get why people feel the need to be there from "day 1", but it's never been important to me. Gaming is just a fun time waster, not a hobby to me. I buy maybe 1 or 2 games a year, only rarely getting more, like last year which was just a great year for games releases. But yes, all that said, I can't give a reason as to why I won't, at some point, buy a PS5, but I can't give a reason to buy one either because there's not enough information available.
Censorship and I don't care for its boring exclusives, except Spidey and infamous SS, those were fun, but not worth 1 console.
Because the PS4 had a pitiful catalogue, the few games it had will be censored to hell and back in the PS5 and I'm not a fucking casual.
>wasting $400
oh the woe is me, how will i cope with spending $400 on a console that'll be supported for the next 6 or 7 years
i played video games when you couldn't even stand upright on your own faggot
Delusional. No one cares about PC gaming. You need 60 fps to play games? Pay up. Quit your bitching.
I'm buying two day 1, one will be hacked, one will be for multiplayers games.
I plan on buying 5 or 6 TOTAL games for the system over its lifetime and pirating the rest.
this shit should be illegal. or rather, it should be perfectly legal to emulate every console and every company was forced by the rule of law to release any information necessary to do this.
otherwise we get content monopolies and monopolies are always shit for the consumer.
> Advocating for literal bribery in exchange for hardware lock-in
Who cares, exclusives are cancer. I play on PC for
> 144fps
> Access to game files
> Modding
> Ability to use M+KB
> Free online
> Ability to use my gaming device for other things as well like browsing the web
because consoles are for children, normalfags, and poorfags. I'm none of those.
PS3 hasnt been invented yet.
I wouldn't if the backwards compatibility stuff ends up being fake. If I can't play this system's games, I'll probably just wait another year or two then see which system has more games I want, then get it on sale. Just like I did with ps4 versus xbone. I was playing my ps3 up till like 2015.
> No one cares about PC gaming
More PCs are sold every year than every console combined. And this is just prebuilt desktops. If you include desktops and gaming laptops it BTFOs consoles even harder
>i played video games when you couldn't even stand upright on your own faggot
dear mother of god I wished you were right. you're talking to somebody who got like 5 more years to live IF he is lucky. you're probably either gen y or millenial baby garbage.
Yet you're miserable.
why should it be illegal?
company pays to have a product developed for them. Product gets developed and sold.
If the company didn't fund the project, it wouldn't have been created.
How's this illegal?
Or what netflix and hulu and disney are already doing with exclusives on their streaming services?
Quit bitching and pirate the shit like everyone else.
700 gets you a literal dog shit mid level PC which you have to build yourself like a chinese factory worker
>not being miserable in 2019
>weeb titty games censored
>all first party/exclusives are over-the-shoulder garbage
promoting homosexuality (against even japanese culture)
>games are censored
only CGs.
>why should it be illegal?
I already told you. because it is bad for the consumer. ideally, laws are used to create a better society, not to protect some imaginary natural rights which people only view as natural because they were invented a long time ago and that's why they're used to them.
What's it like to be close to death?
change anal intercourse to under 14 and this image would be perfect
who the fuck doesn't build his own PC? I thought that only really old people who had zero understanding of computers buy those shitty pre-builds. you can get much higher quality parts for much cheaper if you assemble the thing yourself.
Censorship, plain & simple.
The genres and styles of games I enjoy (fighting, most things anime) have been impacted and the screws keep getting turned tighter. And I tend to play single player.
The market makes its money now from microtransactions on online games nearly exclusively.
The business model has moved on. Which is fine. I have 30+ years of physically accumulated content that requires no updates to maintain and a backlog that will keep me going until i die or no longer care.
i just dont care actually, atleast not till cool games are announced.
and streaming is a joke google are retards watch as it gloriously flop
If it's anything like PS4, I won't buy one because it won't have enough interesting games. Then again, if it has PS4 backwards compatibility I suppose I can essentially include the few interesting PS4 games in my reasoning, so it might not be so bad. Now if I also take into account Sony's censorship, it once again looks like an unlikely buy. I don't want to financially support censorship since I neither want nor need some company telling me what I should or should not be allowed to see.
There weren't many PS4 exclusives that interested me and the direction Sony have taken recently with censorship sucks. Just gonna stick to PC unless Sony turn it around in a few years which really doesn't look likely.
absolute despair when you think about it which is why you want to distract yourself as much as possible. but most of the time you cannot distract yourself enough to completely forget about it and thus most of the joys you still could have are poisoned by this awareness. alcohol helps me a lot though.
I will, as long as it has good games.
3k civic with a few simple mods
since when did sony consoles ever have good games?
there's many, actually almost all of them, you should ask for the ones in 60 fps instead of 30
Pretty disappointed with the PS4's library, only a handful of worthwhile exclusives
Looks like they've completely abandoned the Japanese market
>Gravity Rush 2
>Persona 5
>Last of us
Only games I enjoyed on your list, and last of us isn't a PS4 exclusive you dipshit
You could always get a prescription for xanax and stuff like that.
It's like getting drunk with way less of a hangover, and if you're old doctors don't give a shit if you get hooked because you're dying before the addiction would ruin your life anyways.
good choice. I on the other hand feel like an absolute idiot. I bought a tesla with my bitcoin money. makes me cringe when I think about it. I have to get rid of that car.
Imagine buying consoles early on in their lifespan. Just get a dying consoles with great library of games
you have some retarded communist utopia on your mind
companies don't exist to "create better society", they exist to make profit, and making desirable things exclusive to said companies is one of the ways to profit.
This is literally the baseline of any industry around the world.
>last of us isn't a PS4 exclusive
Neither is Persona 5 user
I'll buy it once it gets some games, I'll give it 2-3 years after it releases
>Shenzhen I/O
>Opus Magnum
>Risk of Rain 2
>Devil Daggers
>Any number of porn games
I don't have time in my life for home sitting consoles and even if I did my PC exists
Risk of Rain 2 will be multiplat when it comes out of early access
i mean, it already has native UI for Dualshock 4
Fuck (you)
Because my 2080ti already outperforms the nonexistent pro model of the ps5 late in it's lifespan.
I will buy a PS5.
>if you can't run everything at 4k 60 fps then it's shit and a console is better
Because I hate america.
>which you have to build yourself like a chinese factory worker
the amount of your mental gymnastics baffle me
>buying a whole console for one game
>Deep kissing
14 to 18
>Touching a partner's genitals with your hands
18 to 20
>Being touched on your genitals by a partner's hand
18 to 20
>giving oral sex
18 to 20
>receiving oral sex
>penis-vaginal intercouse
>anal intercouse (giving or receiving)
>companies don't exist to "create better society"
>But money tho
That some absolutely fucking retarded friedman tier liberal capitalist bullshit that created the garbage global economy and society we're living in nowadays.
Companies had and still have, in theory, all the possible interests in creating a better society, the mad struggle for profit is what eventually lead to monopolies and all kinds of exploitation, it's the single reason antitrust laws were created and exist to this day, to prevent companies from destroying societies and the planet with their unbridled greed.
Justifying companies' crap on the base of "muh profits tho" is insane liberal bullshit, and in the actual meaning of the word, not Yea Forums's own tumblrized meaning of liberalism.
But I'll buy the Playstation 5.
Is just you that don't like videogames.
I will buy it just so it has another sale. Maybe Microsoft will take a hint and fuck off of gaming
Because I didn't buy a PS4 either, and bought a PS3 towards the end of its life cycle only to discover console games fucking suck.
playstation is literally an american company based in california
What's your point
Because of their authoritarian policies regarding censorship. You never know how far they'll go with it. Next thing you know they'll be censoring GTA6 so fuck that. If I want a console for console exclusives I'll just buy another Xbox like I did with the 360 for RDR.
>im going to buy this before I know what games are on it
i read OP wrong.
A fraction of those are gamers and as you can see, the market is shrinking
Almost every game I liked was multiplatform and PS4 won't allow crossplay. I'll just get a gaming PC and buy cheap games on Steam.
I will buy it
>pc games than ever are getting pc versions
>"pc gaming is on the decline"
I don't buy consoles from American companies. Never owned an Xbox, never will.
My playstation shelf is getting crowded how will I fit PS5 in
All my favorite games are multiplat, no point in buying one.
Is this the power of Nintendo pedos?
>Post why you won't buy a PS5
i have a PC
>Dumbass censorship
>Removing items in games that have already been released
>Still charging for online
>Most likely won't have PS1 and 2 backwards compatibility
Just not worth it.
It's your own chart. Every year there's less pc's sold than the previous year. Are you blind?
>>Post why you won't buy the next Xbox
>i have a PC
I've been practicing for giving and receiving oral, if solo counts.
I bought my ps4 mostly as a glorified bluray and netflix player, and it still serves that purpose
the few games I'd actually want to play on ps4 does not make up for their retarded marketing strategies and censorship lately, so I'm biding my time and looking over alternatives. Or maybe just not getting any new console at all
I don't buy consoles until they receive at least 2 price reductions and some kind of "slim" model. I got fucked by the 360 AND the PS3 so never again.
I'll decide which console I'll buy based on the games. Right now Sony have literally everything I hate in their games like fucking LGBT shit in TLOU2. Microsoft are actually bringing games that look interesting like Halo: Infinite and unless they also push gay shit I'll buy an xbox for that. Also because of physical media.
Backwards compatibility alone is worth it for me, and I def want another God of War, etc.
i might if it releases an exclusive i give a shit about.
ps4 had
>KH 1&2
that's it. and i can easily justify $200 on those games.
That other user counted Persona 5 as a PS4 exclusive even though that's going multiplat, so I'm counting RoR2
this guy gets it. fuck liberals.