Why was she wearing a thong?

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Why not faggot
Why do we have ao many ripped men walking shirtless instead of amored across all media?

>weakest asses in gaming thread

And yet people will call you gay for playing this instead

I was just thinking:

Imagine you have a mission to destroy a robot base. Instead of marine gear, you choose a thong. What would she do something like that?

Yes, I am wondering that too. If she wasn't wearing one the game would be so much better... Tough life I guess

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So you can see her ass better.

How exactly does an ass become weak?

Why does she want to show her ass? She's not at a strip club, she's on a mission.

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Why do people where thongs anyway? Always looked like it would feel like a strange wedgie. Is it just for attention?

Yes. Realism is much better.

I'm wondering the same thing. Why would she opt for a thong when there's so much more protective gear and comfortable clothes? Also, isn't she horribly em-bare-assed running around like that?

what game is this?


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>he fell for the realism maymay

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Don't laugh at her, that's rude. You have to question her choice of underwear, though.

Agility of course, carrying less weight is important

>weak ass
>480p gamecube rez
pick one


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Because she knows she can get away with it and still complete the mission without problem.

Videogames used to be targeted at straight men with normal, healthy testosterone levels.

yeah, I don't like thongs either. Nudee is so much better

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If that was true in this case, then why hasn't she done anything about her bubble butt?

She wasn't, that's an unlockable costume with no bearing in the story. The only reason is to please your dick and that's good enough.

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Hello PN03 butt guy

Have you thought about video game butts recently

yeah man, thongs... pffffff

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god I miss when rpgs and MMOs had this type of armor as an option.
I hate the retards who cry for armor realism when the game has dragons and motherfuckers shooting fire from their fingertips because the US is a prudish piece of shit

Thongs are comfortable

Get away with it from whom? And who's going to watch her butt? The robots? There are no other humans in the game.

Do you think her butt looks sexy?!

Have you played that game?

what is going on here?

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U thinc vidya gurls need moar armor eh?

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If its to pander the western sjw audience, then she's wearing it because she breathes through her skin.

If they're honest, then the devs like female ass.

mhm, makes you really think

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jesus... what a cuck

she wears a bodysuit, the thong is costume thats hard as fuck to unlock

Now this is some actual trolling, not just two retards yelling 'have sex' and 'incel' back at each other. Thank you for trying to keep the standards up.

Such a shame.

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Definitely not. She wears a very small thong as well, which is even more uncomfortable.

>Dad walks in

But there must be a reason for her to wear one, otherwise it's pretty braindead.

Explain yourself.

She still wears it, though. Can you even imagine to do that yourself? No, not me either. Maybe she has super high confidence?

I remember watching an LP of ILLBLEED years ago. Dont remember much besides the "best" ending is when you let all your friends die or something.

>"my turn next you got 5 minutes"

I'm not sure, why aren't you wearing one?

I don't want to show my ass in public. Why does she want to show her ass to everyone?

Stop looking at her ass, you creeper.

Because men like to see women in things and more straight males play video games than other sex slash sexual orientation. Games that cater to fags and "women" are the cancer killing vidya.
Fuck niggers
Fuck faggots
Fuck women

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Since the camera is locked behind her, it's kinda hard not to.


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What is so great about her butt that you need to see it in a thong?

Why does she pose like that?

>But there must be a reason for her to wear one
She breathes through her skin, so she needs exposure to skin while maintaining the bare minimum for hygienic purposes.

Are you saying she breathes through her ass cheeks? Do men do that too?

wat gem, any gud?

She's clearly an exhibitionist, you fucking fag. Just let her have her fun while the rest of us who aren't gay have ours.

How does one train mentally to not feel horribly embarrassed by dressing up in a thong while having a bubble butt?

If you paid attention to women undressing in porn and shit then you'll see that women's underwear isnt mean to keep the ass in as well. Women's underwear is focused on making sure the main area is ok with discharge and shit and ignoring shit like covering teh rest of the ass.

enclave, yes, I love it

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Nope, that's just for SJWs who get triggered by any sign of sexy women.