ITT: terrible cover art

ITT: terrible cover art

Attached: D8ZXHLhWwAETA3g.jpg (790x1200, 242K)

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thats not the actual box art right?

Attached: 5AE74B2C-A922-4C63-B863-32FA2CB2C784.jpg (640x659, 40K)

What the fuck is up with the Queen's face? It looks so much more shit then everyone elses and they're not even good to begin with.


Would be at least 8/10 without all the extra shit ruining it. Not as bad as that Batman cover though.

Attached: 81+xTWFqwgL.AC_SL1500_.jpg (1187x1500, 296K)

What a fuck happened? The girl in the middle was cute in 4

your thread is about gears, this thread is about terrible cover art

Attached: Dark_Souls_Cover_Art.jpg (220x284, 28K)

>kikestarter clout

>in-game models
Garbage. A fucking great game though.

Attached: dark-messiah-might-and-magic-windows-front-cover.jpg (800x1150, 145K)

Mad Adam.

Attached: cover_large.jpg (600x843, 198K)

>PC in mage armor but using end game sword with a 3/3 strength req
This is what annoys me the msot about that boxart. Brilliant game though.

Well spotted and great taste.

Once again. Such an amazing game, but the cover is beyond horrible. Easily on par with that US Ico cover.

Attached: shadow_hearts_sleeve_002.png (700x901, 1.22M)

Just a strong woman having her period. What's the problem incel?

honest, i think it looks pretty bad

Classic. There are tons of bad games with better cover art than this.

Attached: Castlevania-Symphony-of-the-Night-Cover-550x500.jpg (550x500, 48K)

Attached: tennis antics.png (254x358, 47K)

Didn't these games end at 3
Why is it doing what halo did

Sometimes less is more. There's just too much going on. Love it though, how it seems that Hammer is hitting Julius straight in the penis.

Attached: castlevania-dawn-of-sorrow-nintendo-ds-front-cover.jpg (800x710, 163K)

Attached: 148268-games-news-pokemon-sword-and-shield-nintendo-switch-release-date-revealed-image1-y5rb6cjrfu[1 (1200x800, 128K)

Yeah, they are pretty bad.

Attached: E0F155C6-99C0-4965-8735-EFD68F228A51.jpg (820x1024, 279K)

Have sex.

the european box art for BOTW is pretty shit compared to the rest of the world

Wow this is terrible.

Attached: lets-compare-and-contrast-the-us-and-european-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild-box-art-14843078818 (899x1455, 334K)


Attached: buddy bobble.jpg (452x717, 76K)

What were they thinking

marcus fenix

what if his name was marcus penix


it looks more like the actual game beacuse euros are to smart to be tricked by burger art

the bright and happy Wii U bar at the top just makes everything look even worse, it contrasts so badly with the image

These are the final ones? I thought these were ptorotypes. what the fuck

>game one: good game, feels brutal and great, only two women on screen, one just an operator for gears (Anya), another the Locust Queen
>game two: good game, feels brutal and great, women are still not soldiers, although appear more, and there is Dom drama with Maria, no equality in sight tho
>game three: women can be soldiers too! coincidentally, the least inspired of the original trilogy. the easiest and most boring, the most disappointing one
>judgement: just lmao meat fest that's fun, but nothing new or truly original, more women than ever, coincidentally the least grounded of all games
>4: just mediocre piece of the same game, muh womeeeeen
Why does it seem that women ruin franchises? Is it just coincidental with making games more corporate?

This is key art. Not the final box art

Did they fucking crop out the top half of the guy's head in the back? Why is it shaped like that?

Its not that bad, just really generic like most movie posters you can find.

Absolutely nothing on this cover indicates it's a tennis game. Incredible.
Julius is even reacting like he actually hit him there, it's great.

GF getting away with LGPE shows they're untouchable. Shit cover art isn't going to turn away the 15 million people who will buy these games.

yes, the composition of the box is pretty lame

user, this is a thread of BAD cover arts

he could have at least posted the one version of it
you know the one

Cuck off, symbolic entrance to abyss by artorias is great


Like pottery.

these are pretty normal covers, I don't get you fags

included the EU art because it looks even worse in comparison

Attached: dims[1].jpg (490x282, 46K)

He's wearing a hat

>have god tier kojima art
>never use it outside of portraits and manual art
do you have to pay extra to the artist for it or something?

do americans have bad taste, or is bad boxart merely thrust upon them?

Attached: 9LhvW2u[1].jpg (715x536, 284K)

That's the European boxart, user

>cliffy b turns into a pro trans s o i b o i
>gears has a strank womyn protagonist
>game turns to complete shit

What did Epic Games mean by this?

Attached: arkhamcitygotybox-56aa3f815f9b58b7d00320cc.jpg (219x300, 23K)

What the fuck were they smoking. Also Wymyn in shooters that women don't play? Just fuck off.

Xbox was a mistake

Not like we get to choose what art we get. Some out of touch corporate types just thought these were more "epic" and that people would latch on to them more.

Probably both.
I almost always like international box art better than CHARACTER CLOSE UP ACTION POSE every single time, but it's not like I get a choice in the matter.

Attached: megamanboxart01[1].jpg (640x451, 151K)

omg he's old. Meh
aesthetic af

I got triggered when gears 2 had women but I don't give a fuck anymore

I'm suprised people still ree about it here

There was nothing wrong with her in 4 to be honest. If anything you're far more distracted by how bad the plot is. Its just an excuse to do the original games again and again. The Locus have a magic biological fail safe and comeback is fucking stupid.

>reuse the same pokemon but different armor

I bet they are defending that rn

The White Knight

Cucked. Many such cases. Sad.

i don't think this one is bad. imagine drawing for capcom without seeing the game. megaman 2 though no excuse

Why is the Lotcus queen so human looking?

I don't get the hate for this it looks as busy as the gaming magazines I read growing up but more mature with only red and white. Honestly disappointed the main menu was just blurry brown garbage

reminds me of TLJ, another female dominated ip gone down the drain

lol holding on to having women in the game for 10 years, fuck off bro it doesn't matter

a moderately athletic chick can hold a gun and pull the trigger

>nothing wrong with her on 4
That's not what I heard from you lot. I heard she fucked up everything in the plot but to be fair it may have been another Gears.

Attached: Blue Dragon.jpg (305x436, 36K)

What's the fucking story even at this point? The fuck man

it wouldn't be so bad if not for that font

Why does she look like the Rock circa 1999?

Sleek 80s sci-fi cover with blue and orange. Does what it says on the tin
Meme alien and tits with gruff protag in a sea of orange. They look angry and are walking towards something unknown.
Forgot what it looks like but it's just the protag in front center like all covers circa 2011-2012

and this is one of the minor reasons it sold so well

Attached: checkoutboxart_2381373b[1].png (855x1100, 1.09M)

Truth be told I don't think any region has good boxart for Ico

>. Does what it says on the tin
Fuck all?
>Forgot what it looks like but it's just the protag in front center like all covers circa 2011-2012
With the earth being on fire in the background

Attached: Mass_Effect_3_Game_Cover.jpg (250x345, 20K)


Normal generic covers are terrible, what are you talking about

here's the other half

Attached: 220px-God_of_War_III_cover_art[1].jpg (220x252, 23K)

Attached: dims.jpg (580x340, 68K)

Because she's Kait's mother.

i finished Gears 2 again yesterday and she looked really hot

Meant that all the shit in the cover is actually in the game, not just to show off like
>Covers circa 2011-2012

>Gears Is Strange

the only girls I've seen play this are the fat goth girls or the alternative hipster ones that I'm too afraid to talk to

>This is key art. Not the final box art

Attached: 7582db8bf96d21ff448daa44dd57a05e.png (641x271, 28K)

how come twitter become a cover?

I think they made that box art that way so that people can take selfies with it.

Attached: c023ff4efb583673128ca3124d3139f8.jpg (1080x1350, 76K)

>we went from this to OPs pic
I fucking hate video games.

Attached: GOWBA.png (795x960, 1.32M)

Jesus Christ, Snoy. Why you so stoopid?

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How has nobody posted this

Attached: 497009-the-mystery-of-the-druids-windows-front-cover.jpg (800x1125, 190K)

>all plans go according to plan

Attached: 7868194[1].jpg (550x550, 74K)

>What were they thinking

Attached: download.jpg (259x194, 8K)

Literally have sex holy shit. Lot of people wanted to play as the women even if canonically their main use was to be bred nonstop. I know you're jealous of the fictional man fucking anya but goddamn man get it together

Attached: image0_20.jpg (800x448, 54K)

>strong female protagonist
Fuck that garbage.

Because it's a pure art comparable to Da Vinci's greatest achievements.

Retarded question, but Conner is very inspired by Cooper from Twin Peaks, right? Or am I retarded?

But why is she so human looking when the Lotcus are not?

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Attached: 8cbf34b9e536226e8d78e3b919c4149c[1].jpg (800x956, 109K)

Graham was a better antagonist than that shitty cult in Dawn, although Soma was obviously the best final boss.

these are good covers you're supposed to post something more like

Probably not. If any video game character was inspired by Cooper it'd be Francis York Morgan from Deadly Premonition.


Attached: snes_phalanx_p_sd20s6.jpg (640x468, 53K)

Modern pokemon games have like 20 legendaires so you will be okay


>angry sheboons
Impossible to make a good cover out of this

Attached: ps2_super_bustamove-110214.jpg (640x908, 83K)

A classic.

Attached: Tongue_of_the_Fatman_North_American_Box_art.jpg (220x285, 21K)

Attached: 81kdIH-l64L._SX425_.jpg (425x530, 63K)

We need to go deeper.

Attached: 56a.jpg (640x571, 78K)