There are people that decided to buy this game because of one small area in the game

>There are people that decided to buy this game because of one small area in the game

Attached: 850C497B-5BF3-4B42-A61F-903601A5321B.jpg (1024x505, 80K)

Its pretty big and there are more than one
I will do a no inflation fetish run too to make it more difficult

>Its pretty big
its about as big as great plateau in botw, flatter and emptier too

>and there are more than one
nowhere did they confirm this

I wanted to piece the map together in a way that helps players understand what is actually playable and in what form.

Black Areas are Cities/Towns and traditional style pokemon areas.

Red is the Wild Area
Orange is what I assume is victory road equivilent, might be mixed with Wild Area in terms of gameplay style, but no details to prove it yet.
Yellow is cave areas.

Attached: Galar Map color code.png (1000x1414, 2.9M)

It looks so depressingly dead and featureless. I thought nintendo games were supposed to be fun.

Pretty cool thanks

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like the Wild Area will likely be where the majority of players will spend their time after end-game due to the variety of catchable Pokes.

Don't get me wrong, I wish the entire game was like this as opposed to just one location, but I guess with Game Freak even baby steps like this will be applauded due to how disappointing their last several Gens have been.

>there are people that are fuming over other people liking a Pokemon game they will never play

Due to how there are 4 different cities that can be accessed immediately from the wild area, and how the wild area is the first area after the first cave/starting area, it is reasonable to believe that the game will be less linear than previous Pokemon games.

As you can see, there is an equal split between areas that are easily accessible for "part 1" of the game, that can probably be completed in any order, and then "part 2" of the game, which can probably be completed in any order, but only after completing "part 1"- then you can move onto "part 3" the end game that starts with the victory road equivalent.

Seems they were influenced by botw, and thats a good thing

forgot image

Attached: Galar Map color code.png (1000x1414, 2.26M)

From the way a leaker that predicted a ton right was talking, there’s still an exact order to the gyms, sadly.

There's nothing wrong with wanting people to not support poorly-produced games.

He also said the first gym was fairy when the direct said it is grass. This inconsistency makes sense if you can actually do them out of order, but they still have an intended path

This game looks already much better than all of the 3DS pokemon games

I’m pretty certain he said that was the 4th gym.

i think the recent trailer implies those mountains are also inbounds.

Looks tiny as fuck and totally empty except for roaming pokemon

Watch this be the only place in the whole game you can encounter wild pokemon

That's really not saying much. Those games were dogshit.

Its saying a lot when everybody expected the downward spiral to continue downwards, specially after lets go to the polls

If people stopped supporting GameFreak’s mediocre games, pokemon would not die. We would get better games.

Youd get nothing but phone games from then on if GF games stopped selling.

no, they buy it because it is a new pokemon
you overestimate people

>Still believing this
They made the minimum effort as usual to pander to people who want BotW style pokemon. The first trailer still exists; you can go look at it now to remember this is nothing like BotW and remains a reboot of the same pokemon game they’ve been making since the 90’s.