I turned the game off when I saw them.
I turned the game off when I saw them
Other urls found in this thread:
What game OP?
The x-labs was no joke
Who the fuck designed that monster and how can I hire him?
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
this game is bullllllllllllllllshit
momma's boy is scared of nazi monster? what are you going to do momma's boy? cry?
The people who made this game were so fucking talented. It sucks they all went on to become COD slaves working for niggerarch. They should still be around making Wolfenstein games they would definitely be much better than the shit those fucking sweds have been shitting out lately.
Fuck off, early CoDs were absolutely great and you don't have to play as a jew
>that catacombs level
That was some serious shit
only the 1st CoD was any good.
The first CoD was an inferior 1942 clone with a campaign, 2 is the one that had soul
>The first CoD was an inferior 1942 clone with a campaign
what the fuck are ya babbling, kid?
>2 is the one that had soul
spotted the filthy Xbox 360 kid. KYS.
I've been enjoying all these RTCW threads pop-ing up, got the xhueg version out of curiosity because it has extra levels and it's pretty okay
It didn't have that much soul. I remember playing COD2 and thinking how much they ripped off Enemy at the Gates line-for-line during that part where you are entering Stalingrad
2 was literally consolized to hell via injecting fucking HALO into the vein. Literal fucking beginning of bloody-screen regen health, 2-gun limits, quick grenades, and who knows what else.
Just use the flamethrower on them, it's OP
>that one room in the X-Labs that has a Super Soldier in it that you don't have to fight, but now that you opened the door to it, you do have to fight it.
I love the cheesy jumpscare they added in after the monsters got released.
You got past the crypts but couldn't handle these guys?
*watches jacobs ladder once*
Fuck man they were scary as fuck and moved fast as hell.
do people still play the multiplayer?
The only reason Assault is S tier is because of the music as the SS elite arrives
Is it just me or did less details/polygons + jank animations make these type of monsters a lot more scary than they appear?
I turned the game off when I saw her.
and yet you're probably fine with the ugly crack-add black girl in nu-wolfenstein
I miss Enemy Territory so damn much, used to play that game religiously back in the day
Undead were at least slow and predictable. The second one of these cunts darted at me, I noped out and didn't play the game again for a while.
This fucking enemy... I always skipped the levels it was on after one exprience nearly gave me and my uncle a heart attack
Same, haha; no thank you!!
RTCW is still the only truly great wolfenstein game
should i buy this on gog it's on sale
I remember seeing this screenshot in some gaming magazine years ago and thinking it looked amazing.
To be fair, the flamethrower particles were absolutely amazing in this game. I still think it's one of the best flamethrowers in any FPS to this day.
Fucking based game, never been as terrified of something in a game as those giant super soldiers. Nothing like running out of viper ammo just before seeing something new and terrifying.
that's not how you spell killing floor 2, user.
Way to compare games that have a 15 fucking year difference between them
>Dude that horse is pretty fast but have you ever seen a car?
Because you got fucked up by the ubersoldat until you ragequit
>I still think it's one of the best flamethrowers in any FPS to this day
>I still think horses are the fastest things on this planet to this day.
do you need help or can you actually manage to kill yourself?
How will the supposed master race procreate if you replace their ding-dongs with spinny-sparkly things, and how exactly would a soldier looking like this be more combat effective than the same guy with his legs intact and a gun?
Not the same user.
>Airbase Assault was such a great level guys!!1!
>missing the point
I said "one" of the best, anyway, so my point still stands.
no, you didn't
of course
First time playing this game I had a nightmare about it
You need to learn how read, you double nigger
I hate newfags so much
no, you didn't
I'm not even the user who wrote that post
But maybe take a look at it again, faggot
>I still think it's one of the best flamethrowers in any FPS to this day.
>I still think it's one of the best
10\10, made me respond
Go fuck yourself
You mean CoD 1, that game literaly ripped lines and sceneography from Enemy at the Gate
I already made this post in a previous thread, but when I was 7 years old playing the game for the first time, I stopped playing on the crypt level and didn't pick up the game again for 3 years. Too scared of the zombies and that creepy choir chanting in the background.
are you stupid?
you're clearly delusional
Anyone else feel like he was a weak boss? I had more trouble with the last two levels than the boss fight.
>tfw no more paranormal stuff in Wolfenstein
To be honest, they've explained it pretty good as in Strasse never liked it and preffered bio-engineering over occultism.
those levels were hot dogshit, nighttime so you can't see shit but the enemy naturally sees normally, and you have h*tscan snipers everywhere, even in the fucking trees
you could be playing the single player campaign in coop right now
Fuck that tree sniper cunt, holy shit. You absolutely NEED the snooper rifle for that part.
>"I think you need to crank it harder..."
He's truly deserving the title of Architect.
>"I hope we get some new blankets, soon."
>"I just hope we get some hot water, soon. I haven't bathed in over two weeks."
>no Mecha Hitler in RCTW
>game is called Return to Castle Wolfenstein
>spend entire game trying to escape
Dont you return to the castle wolfenstein in the last mission?
RTCW is a classic FPS. I remember watching my father paly it when I was 4 or 5 and eventually he let me play it myself. It helped get me interested in video games in general and the FPS genre in particular.
Why was RTCW so perfect, bros. Just reading through this thread put a smile on my face. I miss it.
But you fapped to this one and dem elite guards huh
>being this mew
What the fuck is wrong with Yea Forums?
too scary for you little kid?
git gud
Yeah, probably. There's just so many good things to say about the game, but the sound design is what really sets it apart for me.
Because it did everything perfect, except sneaking.
From the guns to monster and level design to... well everything.
I fucking need this.
Ragnarok was scarier
>he is the bad guy
Nazis btfo bro
How can a design but so simultaneously stupid and horrifying?
Never played, is it fun?
The weapons really did sound amazing for the time, too.
>not the dream level
that was the biggest nope in my 10 year old life
I just realized, he appears happier the fatter she gets
Fuckin great
Playing it now will show some age, but if you enjoy classic, straightforward FPS shooters, you'll love it. It was well worth the $60 my parents paid for it in 2001.
The comments on there are concerning. Does this thing actually work or not and do I actually need other servers?
From browsing the thread, it reminds me of Half Life mods, which I put a fuckton of time into.
I've already decided I'm going to give it a shot.
How does she look so different in the two last pictures with only an 8 pound difference?
Scared me shitless. Then you go back again but with the flamethrower. That sound of burning zombies exploding after you kick them...
speaking of in game sound, theres something scary about heavy robot speaking german
I should add that while I've always seen Wolfenstin growing up, I never paid attention to it.
Kinda regretting it, we'll see if I enjoy this experience. I don't know anything about the series other than Nazi's are involved and growing up I was just sick of WW2 stuff.
German overall sounds scary tqbh
This game completely missed me in 2001 too, guess there was other shit to play
Same for me and Doom. I've never played any Doom games, which is odd considering I've literally put thousands of hours into Wolf3d and RTCW growing up. I'm definitely getting Doom, soon, now that I'm getting back into video games.
>yfw you go to the lingerie clad villager in the village towards the end of the level and she is no longer scared but apparently lusting after BJ
>you spin the Venom just shy of actually shooting and the villager slides across the floor
>keep doing this through the whole level
Gotta love how it fits for alot of shit
I got to admit i stopped playing because the game got hard as shit. Don't remember the map but the normal soldiers there started tanking 3 headshots from the fucking sniper.
lmao, I knew about the first part, but not the 2nd part. I need video.
anyone here up for some enemy territory?
Rammstein is great
>those zombies that could send ghost skull projectiles in your face
Hard to find, no luck so far. I did it back in the day, can some user here try and record?
>they temporarily blind you and you hear BJ gasping hard
Get the first doom right this instant breh
They were still the easiest ones imo
I will just think this is a good bait and not an actual post.
Unironically did the same, i would only play it to completion years later. Just the sound they make walking around is unsettling. I thought spooky skeletons were as far as the game went in the spooky department. Boy was i wrong.
pls respond
sort of want to set up a server because of this thread
This fuckin board
I only played the SP of RTCW. I missed out, huh.
yeee boiiiiiiiiiiiiii
why did they make games like that all edgy like and shit
could not play turok cos of all the dark scary shit
Return to Lurk Morestein.
For me, it was the blonde qt
Weren't enemy territory's servers shut down?
I miss swastikas in vidya
You can download ETLegacy which is an updated vanilla ET client, shit's plug-and-play but all available servers are empty or full of tryhards.
*blocks your path*
*loud chewing*
Just strafe jump, you can dodge all of the snipers.
*Leaps at you from across the room*
*Mauls and electrocutes your fucking face off*
*Die before you even manage to fire a shot off*
Great design.
Videogames suck now
You're bad
Who else /stenmasterrace/
i flat out stopped playing the game at that part when i was a kid. scared me shitless
great fucking game
Cmon dude, there's a fucking swastika on it. How many games have both cyborgs and nazis?
the crypt level on hard difficulty is pure bullshit, little to no ammo on the level, introduction phase to bullet sponge enemies also v54
I knew I wasn't the only one
>surely everyone has played the same games as me and knows about every game after spending 24/7 on this board like I do!
Fuck off.
Lopers never gave me any trouble. Ya'll just bad :^)
I got to one of the rooms and thought I was supposed to wait for a door to open but then noticed a passageway to the next section. Hauled my ass off and ran to the goal and literally pushed the button to cancel the launch with 1 second left
>*tapping sounds in some hole*
>*screeches and runs at you when detected*
>*fucking rapes you with a long tongue*
used to be scared as fuck of them, thank god they didn't do too much damage
have sex
>fucking rapes you with a long tongue
i thought it was a probe/syringe thing
being a cyborg and all
Yeah, that ladder that takes you up. I remember the first time I got there and the rocket was literally taking off, but I pressed the button anyway and it still got destroyed before it was able to leave.
>that weapon you use for the whole game because you are scared to lose ammo for other more fun guns
>[ground shakes]
*blocks your path*
Remember that you could stab with the knife and kick with the boot at the same time kek
crypt and x-lab were my favorite levels in the game. i didn't expect that shit at all and they creeped me the fuck out. nazi dominatrixes made me feel things in my pants too. great fucking game.
>*chik-shik shhtttick*
First level was kino
>first level
That's not Egypt
>picking up multiple weapons at once off the ground
Egypt story and co-op mode was only in the Xbox version.
>moving like in Q3A
I heard the MP40 reloading in my head
console nerd
t. zoomer
Isn't that the prototype? Dies in 3 Panzerfaust shots.
*blocks your path* two of them
I cheesed the shit out of that Super Soldier boss by firing a panzerfaust near those exploding cylinders on the support beam when the SS was next to it. Only took 2 panzerfausts as a result. The prototypes actually gave me more trouble.
Just got the PS2 version yesterday. It's decent but the fucking crosshair jumps back to tehe center when you move forwards instead of staying where you left it, which is annoying when the nazis crouch and you can't hit them
I mean you're pretty retarded if you see a model with a swastika on it and don't immediately assume it's Wolfenstein
Just stick to Call of duty
My ancestor :-)
Man, I miss playing ET online. Leveling classes with actual useful abilities in maps that encourage you play your class. How is it that they haven’t made a comparable multiplayer experience? Battlefield seems like it’s trying but it’s just not the same
10/10 thread
thoroughly enjoyed reading every post and watching every webm/gif
It's on PS2. played it today, no co-op tho
fuck fuck fuck fuck
Not even one of the anons arguing here. But he clearly said "one of the best"
10/10 bait though.
you and me brother
we need like 10 people to play though
That’s not a bad idea, I bet there are still servers up. The mods started getting crazy towards the end too, so I wonder if there’s any “playable” servers. Remember when a room had XP save? It was a big deal lol
Heinrich wasnt a bad boss, it was just too realistic.
He was from the middle ages. Anyone from our moden age would have just shot him.
So what was the best track in the game, and why is it youtube.com
God you're so stupid
I'm , willing to set up a pure vanilla server with my US VPS even though i'm not even American but we need goys.
the people who will give you shit for this have supreme autism
what are you doing retard?
This guy was a pussy, that is all.
Thompson has NOAMMO
At least it didn't have commie SJWs
What about about adding popular community maps into the roster too? Like caen, beach invasion, special delivery,supply,Venice,warbell,MLB map series Also using et legacy 2.25 dedicated server (fuck 2.26 but the nigger said he will remove the mod remover, malware my ass just don't use the ingame browser and use trackbase or splatladder)
Does literally anyone even remember this?
got very boring after a few hours
No because its garbage
Raven did a better job on singularity
Who would have thought that cutting someone in half and welding them to an electric beyblade would make them a lethal weapon?
I don't remember any of this, because I was one of those fags who only joined sniper only lobbies. Loved the broken peak mechanics.
I remember having a lot of fun playing it, but it's been 'memory-holed' because it's not available on Steam for some raisin.
mein niggas
I doubt adding community maps would be a wise choice since the normal 3-map campaigns already last like 1.5 hours at worst
god this game was a pain in the ass on hard
that one room in the church with 5 elite ladies when i only had like 40 health was retarded
More webms
I remember watching my dad play this game together with my little brother. He always had to tell me a bed time story or else I would be too scared to sleep.
is it like the RO2 style campaign or it's just a locked roster of maps, literally the last time i might have played campaign was in 2008 all now i play is just jaymod and custom map rotations on fearless assassins
The one where that one of them throws grenades from above?
top 10 anime betrayals
Haven't played the new ones, so I can't comment on the quality of the gameplay, but:
>be losing the war
>go back to making Thompsons with ribbed barrels, which requires more machining time
>not to mention all the other shit the designers stuck on the gun
players can do this by rebinding the kick key in multiplayer
i miss W:ET. the enemy will forever be in de skies.
looks fucking cool
>crazy looking nazi shit
>not immediately thinking of Wolfenstein
You're just a moron, really.
I don't consider the new games made by Machine games (New order and New Colossus) to be anywhere near the kino that is RTCW
The games they made so far are complete trash compered to RTCW or completely average compered to modern shooters
It's one of those games you play, enjoy and then forget forever
Imagine not owning CoD2 on pc during its multiplayer golden days
>it's been 'memory-holed' because it's not available on Steam for some raisin
It used to be on Steam. Activision took it down because they wanted to take the multiplayer servers down and didn't want to sell the game with the multiplayer not working. It was all or nothing for some reason.
that tard from the tower in the corner drops some mashers on your head and you have to either toss one up too or climb up and get shot like a retard?
yeah, that's the one
Anyone have any tips on coop rtcw? Is it still alive?
Not sure if bait or just zoomer
alright fags
download etlegacy and join
I've turned the game off right at the start of the crypt level. I was 11.
Fuck that shit. It still scares me.
Like the Moomins.
I hope this thread goes to 500 posts. Kickass game.
Simple, Just use POWs and untermenschen as test subjects.
>150 ping
Just like the old times
Well, contribute. Post good shit from the game.
Like the music.
More like they don't have the license anymore since Bethesda own it.
No loss, single player is fine minus respawning hub town of nazis. Multiplayer didnt even work at launch and activision sure as hell wasnt wasting money on a non CoD game.
I don't blame you.
Locked roster of three maps but players keep the xp and skills between them
lel, I was the same user, I wanted a different caption
The refrigerator cat in Silent Hill 4 was the only time a game ever made me yikes and hit the power button.
I replayed the game 3 more times and never got that haunting again.
Game has problems but bonus star for making me yikes.
Why are Nazis such good villains? Especially occult nazis. I can't get enough of Nazis and secret experiments and shit (in games not those shitty documentaries).
Wish the new wolfenstein games weren't so fucking hit and miss, also wish they were more grounded like Return but introduce more crazy shit as they go on. The new ones are just over the top the whole time.
The devs kind of a forgot about the roots of the franchise.
>Why are Nazis such good villains? Especially occult nazis.
Most of it's the aesthetic, honestly.
Yeah, I can pretty much agree. Nazis are fucking aesthetic as fuck, for better or worse.
>Most of it's the aesthetic, honestly.
Damn straight.
Gothic-themed aesthetics mixed with nazi symbolism is top tier.
>You found a secret area! :D
>Hugo Boss
>Science and technology
>Leather and gasmasks
>Angular cheekbones
Basically they're aesthetic, competent and threatening which gives them a sinister appeal.
Bond took the fatpill
I mean that's the point of the image.
> be in Crypt
>See undead warriors and zombies launching ghostly skulls at you
>Drop the game
>those finger wiggles and arm idle
Did they just copy half his animations from Orbb in Q3A?
>go into the crypts the first time
>try to rescue the poor german soldiers stuck in there from the skellingtons
>they shoot me anyway
always wish I could have had a ceasefire with those lads but I guess BJ doesn't make compromises
>tfw i shot the idiot in the village that gives you the sten after he opened the door behind me and instantly failed the mission
Well, it is made on Q3's engine...
I dun know, look for sum crackers? Heha!
>tfw 2 people
pls respond
>BJ paratroops in behind him while they're arguing
What are the best fanmade single player level's/mods out there? not realrtcw please
>Ed Edd n Eddy
>Enemy Territory
My childhood...
I will join on Sunday if this thing will be up
>s-stop calling me out, or I'll throw a hissy fit!
You have to be a newfag Zoomer to not know Wolfenstein. It's like not knowing what UT2004 is, Wolfenstein was that popular, you retarded faggot. Get off my board.
I'm almost 25 and never knew this guy was from Wolfenstein, I just don't play FPS that much. Nazi monsters are in a lot of games as well.
I always wonder whatever happened to the Ninja Nazis that were supposedly in the betas but taken out before the main release. My limited understanding is that they got pulled from the main game to be used for the single-player expansion that never happened and were replaced by the women enemies instead. Would love to get my hands on the single-player expansion that got cancelled just to see what we all missed out on.
Most aesthetic level?
>Would love to get my hands on the single-player expansion that got cancelled just to see what we all missed out on.
I'm pretty sure the console exclusive prequel levels set in Egypt were remnants of the scrapped expansion.
Don't you go dying on me.
holy shit, get off my board you unrepentant zoomer
I used cheats to finish the game
Imagine all the SJWs reviewing this game today.
It hurts seeing the old screenshots, man. Why don't game devs release all their shit like cut enemies, half-finished levels, etc. They don't even release all their concept art. Why? Why wouldn't you want other people to see it?
Also, same with old Enemy Territory screenshots. The HUD was completely different. The early Fuel Dump had the tank from RTCW singleplayer from the Kugelstadt mission instead of a Churchill tank(although that was probably a placeholder).
Click on images and scroll all the way down.
Tram Ride Mission...home...
The snowy village is pretty comfy.
Mmmm yes yes...
Also for some nostalgia:
A look on old pre-release screenshots.
Dude, I've literally never seen these. Holy shit.
>May 11, 2000
It's so beautiful.
Easier to browse through link for the ones for Enemy Territory.
You can say all the stuff you want about IGN, but at least they've got all the old pre-release screenshots on their website almost twenty years later.
Unfortunately on the official Splash Damage website they said in the comment section under one of the news articles that was about Enemy Territory anniversary(it was 10th or 15th anniversary) they've lost all that old stuff or can't find it. It was in response to one of the fans asking them to release all the old stuff that was in prerelease screenshots.
Also notice that, as I've said above, the tank is from Kugelstadt mission from RTCW singleplayer. Probsably a placeholder before they made the Churchill Mk VII model for Fuel Dump.
Another example: some unreleased desert map.
Oops, forgot image.
Old promo image, notice the characters that aren't in the final version of ET.
i miss single player fps games like this, now its all linear corridor shooters
Never even played ET, but this picture made me feel some things.
game needs a remaster
A remaster/sequel to this game would be the only thing that'd make me go pic related
This one's from the prerelease version of RTCW. Notice the bolt handle for the Thompson is on the left side.
RTCW: Tides of War Xbox port screenshots:
RTCW: Operation Resurrection PS2 port screenshots:
>people keep lamenting about how et is dead
>7 servers right now with 10 or more players, 4 which have over 20
If I was God right now, I'd create a multiplayer mod for the SP levels of RTCW that allow like 6 people to join the server and take on buffed versions of the regular enemies - all with VC enabled.
i miss ET man
fuck do i miss that era of PC, when you had servers and custom maps, 24/7 map servers, etc etc
why is TF2 the only recent (despite being from 2007) game that is MP only and has a fucking server browser and custom maps?
notice that bond is the same size thereabouts
>you'll never come home from school on a rainy day to play ET ever again
because publishers want to sell their products as games-as-service with micro-transactions which they then proceed to abandon 3 years later when they release the sequel that does the same thing
>tfw never got to play all these good shooters during my youth, especially the multiplayer ones (didn't really get into them until tf2 in like 2009 and before that some freeware shooter that was kinda fun)
It's funny you mention that. No shit, between Wolf3d, RTCW, ET, and TF2, I've put about 8,000-10,000 hours into these games growing up. When TF2 dies, that'll be it.
same, starting with quake 1, i put countless hours, tons and tons of summers and lan parties galore into Q1,2,3, UT, ET, CS, HLDM, etc etc the list just goes on.
fuck, i can still remember those hot summer nights, just playing on Q3DM17 for like a straight hour seeing who could get a higher score.
i fucking miss it so damn much and kids today will never get that same feeling even though they are having fun, it fucking feels manufactured from my POV
Who's in for some coop?
tfw no comfy Yea Forums party van to play RTCW together with anons
i miss swastikas in the streets.
no time left from playing overwatch with the mentally ill, fortnite with the trannies and r6 siege with babbies all day?
i don't play any of those games in fact i've kinda been off multiplayer games for a few months now and i'm sort of itching to get back into something
Anyone want to play some coop?
I've never played any of the Wolfenstein games and I still knew OP's pic was from Wolfenstein. Fuck off and go have sex my guy
Don't mind me, just posting best map.
Are all Wolfen games canon in Blazco story? I mean how you put the last ones
bump, this thread is too comfy to 404 yet
Used to leap up and turn off the computer when I was a wee lad.
RTCW was magical. I fucking hate what they did to the series.
TNO’s boss fight against whoever you had Deathshead kill was good, but the rest of it and TNC got away from that
RTCW > Wolfenstein 3D > Spear of Destiny > New Order > Old Blood > New Colossus > Wolfenstein 09
Switch 09' and Colossus and you got a winner
Only guys over 23 should post here. I've had it with these zoomers.
Alright, which one of you was it?
>never ever
go dilate hillcuck
Thus we will see the superiority of the machine over flesh and blood.
Can she play too?
mein proudest vydea fap
Old people need to roll over and die already
does this game have strafe-jumping like quake 3 since it uses the same engine?
>long tongue
It was his dick
Keep it alive.
I agree to an extent but come on user what other franchise has crazy nazi frankenstein experiments in it?
>I turned the game off when I saw them.
i dont really know what i was expecting from playing my one of my sister's games randomly as a little kid. It didnt seem like a horror game from the cover
I unironically love the first bloodrayne
Damn youre right
You'd think there'd be more
whoever made this for jacobs ladder
RTCW will never die.
Dont forget you fight Rob Zombie at the end.
You can defeat him without even firing a single shot.
NuWolfenstein is not as bad as people make it out to be. I've been playing the shit out of RtCW since its release, not to mention Wolf3d. Besides some of the shit characters in TNC, the nuSeries is genuinely good fun.
The gunplay in all 3 TNO, TOB, and TNC are top tier. And some of the callbacks to the rest of the series make it even better.
The "Escape!" mission in Old Blood has RTcW music in the background and is basically a remastered version of the tram mission.
Hell, even TNO has level design that's reminiscent of RtCW.
It really confuses me how people on here love nuDoom so much but hate nuWolf.
Not to mention a damn good soundtrack from based Mick
Best thread on Yea Forums right now. May it survive the night.
I want to marry Jack
That's obviously Clark Kent
Frankenstein's Army is basically this cranked up to 1000
Found footage, but still a great movie.
i could never beat spiderman as a kid because this dude scared the shit out of me
How is co-op? Is it balanced?
I always thought that Ben Affleck would be good as Jack in a RtCW movie adaptation. And John Goodman would be perfect as the OSA director.
I wish some talented modder would port over the console-only levels. They're really good.
>Reports of a movie based on the Wolfenstein series (specifically, based on Return to Castle Wolfenstein) date back to 2002, but only recently has development appeared to accelerate. Roger Avary, co-writer of Pulp Fiction, is writing the script. In a chat with Eurogamer, id Software CEO Todd Hollenshead said, "With the writer's strike it took so long to get underway and Roger Avary, the writer, had a commitment that was in line before working the Wolfenstein stuff, but I've recently been in contact with Roger and he's actually working on the script right now." Hollenshead added, "There's some contract provisions and if they don't have certain things done within a certain period of time they can't just sit on the rights forever and not use them." Avary was hired in August 2007 to write and direct a Return to Castle Wolfenstein movie for Davis Films, but he was arrested and jailed for manslaughter after a DUI led to the death of a passenger in a car wreck.
All you had to do was run away from him.
I think everyone generally considers TNO and TOB to be good, but they hate TNC because muh sjw etc etc
>Avary was hired in August 2007 to write and direct a Return to Castle Wolfenstein movie for Davis Films, but he was arrested and jailed for manslaughter after a DUI led to the death of a passenger in a car wreck
Fucking shit. We could've gotten an amazing Wolfenstein movie.
I think all 3 are great, but I definitely agree that TNO and TOB are better mainly because of story reasons.
TNC has great gameplay but it's gimped by a abysmal story with crap new characters.
I'm fucking pissed.
I wonder if he still has a dick
I bet (you) dOwO
Reminder that Pierce Brosnan has been a crusader against commercial whaling for decades. How can one man be so based?
That's not the colt .45s
that level was insanely unfair
Very hypocritic of him, seeing how he commercially whaled his wife.
I couldn't get past that fucking stealth mission because of how broken it was.