What are some fun games with cute girls that are friends?

what are some fun games with cute girls that are friends?

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Gravity rush

Sorry bro, Koreans don't make the cut for me, my yellow fever stands for Japanese women only

Attached: chad stretch.jpg (1714x2160, 209K)

life is strange


We're aware, user.

why do you have this picture

he is not even chad

it makes me sad that there's a good chance i'll never lick an asian pussy before i die.

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>fake ass
otherwise cute

i'd fuck the fake out of that ass.

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>that twitter page
oh my god.

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holyshit more of her!

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I don't get it.

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Nights of Azure. Its OST is similar to Dreamcatcher's too.

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oh god the yuri

>implying men can have tits these nice

Attached: t9KRASU.jpg (640x640, 74K)

>what is plastic surgery?

Oh, user..

>Japanese women only
they're the roasties of asian women though.

>implying plastic surgery can be this good

Attached: AMm12oS.jpg (640x640, 100K)

Fine taste chad

>About to risk it all

Nah, Singapore and Hong Kong women are worse. Hell, even mainlanders can be pretty vapid and materialistic

Muh dick.

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>Nah, Singapore and Hong Kong women are worse.
I'd put them at the same level desu. Vietnamese women are top tier for me.

Women act like roasties no matter the country

She doesn't look Asian to me

where's her dick??

They already kissed before.