Fire emblem

New to the series where should I start?

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>absolutely love porn/fanart of the FE girls being captured and all beat up, typically getting used by enemy soldiers
>this motherfucker comes along and ruins it by making it a foot thing
why must people do this?

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>that one artist who does guro of the captured girls

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Wait what

Start with Cipher!

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one style of FE porn is the girl unit getting captured by the enemy team and becomes sex slaves for the soldiers, typically it's them tied up or caged having to fuck a bunch of men(body writing sometimes involved). Then other times some stupid guro artist comes along and adds guro of it and it fucking sucks.


Sacred Stones or Birthright in my opinion.

would sniff them

>tfw love feet and guro
stay mad bitchbois.

how shitty was your life for you to end up with THOSE as your fetishes

You should probably start with her left small toe and work your way from there

I have worse fetishes than that, I'm just a very very happy degenerate.

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You want him to have a negative view of the series? Good guy user, no one should have to play this garbage series

Lucina has some big feet

Sauce bro

WTF?? Name them so I can avoid them.

thanks spidey

enjoy bro

>this is the guy who did the amazing animated one
Shame about his other stuff.

>thinks those are big

please, they need to be bigger, at least size 12

where's my man spiderman?

Nasty. Captured Fire Emblem girls are for tickle torture.

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Sacred Stones or Path of Radiance. Please don't start with Fates.

it sucks that he has this lucina one behind a paywall. this guy seems like he can do really fucking good animations and other times it looks rushed. it's weird

Why should he start with bad games?

good fucking god why

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>That image of Lucina and Tiki being bound and raped
>Image also shows tally of raping's occurred

My fucking dick, based Feliciaposter.

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what do you mean why? cause he can you fucking idiot. did you know there are artists who do scat art as well?


If you're more interested in newer FE games, start with Awakening. It's not perfect but it's a solid title that solidified FE's modern approach.
If you're more interested in older FE games, I recommend starting with FE7. It's the first FE released in the west and has a forced tutorial segment at the start.

Based spiderman

what's wrong retard? Did you feel threatened by someone else pointing out how degenerate it is?

>that series of images of the Fates girls in various bondage situations getting raped
>some of them are shown pregnant along with tallies of how much they get fucked

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judging by their reaction it seems like this is their first week on the internet.

Start with her toes and work your way from there

Interesting, I can respect that. However I would start from the heal then move up from there.


Awakening, Fates:Birthright, or wait for 3 Houses.

Our series has the best waifus Nintendo has to offer.

no, you just seem like a pathetic faggot

no u

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They aren't even close to Nintendos finest

also new to the series
who has the most sniffable boots?

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which franchise has more characters and the richest of lore, final fantasy or fire emblem? can these two even rival each other? how does FE work? is each game set in their own universe or is it all explicitly connected?

cry more

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the Awakening Pegasus riders

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what are your thoughts on this girl?

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is Mordred among the set?

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cute pantyhose

Lucina has the cutest boots but possibly the most sniffable as well

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>Foot tickling

Pleb shit.