What game series that you love is dead? for me it's pic related

What game series that you love is dead? for me it's pic related

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I miss him.

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It hurts so much. I played all 3 games.

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I would buy into the VR meme if sega made a new HOTD

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>there will never be a good sequel after the travesty of that game

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I lament the fact we'll never get another jazz jackrabbit more than you can possibly imagine

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aw shit
here comes pac-man

hd universe is soulless garbage

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Here's your jazz Jackrabbit bro

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Is this an Epic shill planting hype for a Jazz Jackrabbit E3 reveal?

If epic releases Jazz 3, I will join the Chinese communist party and deny the Tiananmen square massacre online

What the fuck are you doing David

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Only if it has a level editor 2 to 3 times as good as the one we got for JJ2. And it isn't 2.5d. The game has to be done fully 2d.

So probably never.

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Banjo Kazooie and Battletoad fans should feel grateful.
Because a certain other popular Rareware character with an equally as strong fan base has had it worse and has no chances of ever getting a new game. :(

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three great games i own

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I don't think Banjo is alive

I miss him bros

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also twisted metal

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Banjo Kazooie have a better chance than Conker tho.

Is this the thread where boomers come to cry?

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Panel de Pon.
Puyo Puyo Fever
Puzzle Fighter
Crazy Taxi

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Bannerlord exists


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Alexander Brandon is one of the greatest vidya composers

>tfw nearly every franchise loved came back these past few years
>SH is the one that gets prematurely canceled

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I said stop
Why are you doing this, user?
Did I do something to deserve this?

Vexx was fun

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I know the story is already finished but, I just wish there could be like one more game to spend time with these characters and with more well designed Portal puzzles. I guess I just wish Portal 2 was longer? Cuz I like the ending of Portal 2 anyway.

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Itoi said he is done with it, but I want just one more

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I'd be fine with gx HD with online functionality

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Godlen Sun

i love pop as much as 2 and 3 were pretty meh.
I'd love to see the series rebooted for real.
still pissed assassin's creed killed it. fucking trash.

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IV is kino

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Sin & punishment

I would give many things for a true new Darkstalkers game.

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Wario land
Star fox
Valve games in general
Arena shooters in general

I yern for the time when we get a new TimeSplitters, or some kind of PC remaster of the originals. Maybe some day....

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Underrated gem. At they very least 3D Platformers are starting to make a comeback.

It's happening user

I would kill for a sequel to pic related.

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Phantasy Star has devolved to Korean loot box gachashit. Even if it returns, it won't be in a recognizable form.

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Medabots in the west

Its mobile shit in the east


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Space Channel 5
Nights into Dreams
Jet Set Radio


Chrono Trigger

While we are on the topic of mature gamecube games

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Gravity Rush. It didn't sell well and Sony's new president is a retard.


Not a series, but what a great franchise could have been. God Hand is one of the most greatest action games i have ever played. And there is a lot of space for improvement

Gene in UMVC3 could have saved him from being forgotten by capcom

Also, this guy. I really want Joe back :(

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Not a series but i always dream that someone would pick up and reboot Tyrian.
There's no way in hell it's happening but seeing Alex Brandon working with Retro gives me the slightest hope that they're doing just that.

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