Is there ANY other game as good as this one? What are game studios doing? Release soullless game after soulless game.
Is there ANY other game as good as this one? What are game studios doing? Release soullless game after soulless game
The first one is way better.
There are a lot of games that are a lot better.
But you just posted a soulless game, user.
Because the normalization of games means that the big sellers are things that appeal to the unwashed masses.
Ahahaha muh robo waifu ass
Megaman 7.
That would explain why Automata did so well.
Post Yorha BUTTS
Trash. Don't you have some doujin to masturbate to and some babby tier philosophy to post on your facebook?
People who criticize this game are just salty they can’t play it. Nintendofags?
Automata did well because everyone who was sick of bullshit AAA releases for years on end finally had something worth buying.
PCfags also have a reason to be salty desu.
the first drakengard is taro's best game
>Don't you have some doujin to masturbate to
You need to go back to plebbit if you think this is some kind of insult.
what? why?
Because we received a defective port that has had zero official support. There's a community fix, but it shouldn't have to be that way.
yeah too bad nier ended up yet another soulless 'we want the weeb audience' game
sad because game design wise, it was a nier 10/10
Lmao imagine PC-uck hating a game because of the port.
No i hate it because it feel so dull and their worst mistake, was the gameplay they literally tried an mgs rising on an open world, the repetitive enemy design, it was not a skill game and the rpg mechanics absolutely sucked . The story is kino tho
I love the game. BUT lack of official support is a valid reason to be salty.
>not masturbating to philosophy and posting baby tier doujin to facebook
still thinking of Kaine's ass
You might like Digital Devil Saga if you liked Automata
So have you not played this game, have you not playing MGR, or are you just retarded
I don't enjoy the whole "Its good after 20 hours!" I didn't really enjoy the first playthrough and some existential plot twist wasn't worth an additional 8 hours
Nier > Drakengard 3 > Nier: Automata > Drakengard > powergap > Drakengard 2
This is objective fact.
lol its not even defective. there are far worse ports out there. the only shit thing about the pc version is that the mouse+keyboard controls are atrocious but you'll be playing the game with a controller anyway.
Your opinion is complete shit
>see this garbage posted everywhere
>decide to try it
mfw it's just an autistic add-riddled button masher with ps2 graphics
Yea Forumsirgin incel weebs truly are a scourge
Oh? What's wrong with it? And how would you list them then?
Nier Automata is the most disappointing game of all time to me.
this, if the protagonist wasn't a lewd 2D thicc bitch or whatever, this game would have been completely ignored
pathetic as fuck
>Facebookfrogposter has shit opinion
No surprise here
2B isn't the protagonist though :^)
says the /pol/tard
this is valid for 99.9% of weeb cancer games
shut the fuck up tripfag
whatever that is, the android thot
>everything is /pol/!!!!111
grow up faggot
I love Nier automata. I also fully acknowledge that I i not only took the waifubait, I savored it, swished it around in my mouth for a little bit and loved to feel it slide down my throat. Even today when I masturbate, I imagine my head in between 2B’s thighs working my way up her thighs to her pussy, feeling her anticipation as I get closer and then feeling her squirm as I pretend to go for her sex before I pull away to tease her more.
That being said, the game is janky and noticeably bad at some points. I found myself regularly falling off of objects like the tree roots. The camera sucks when switching perspectives and watching it correct itself outright ruins some of the combat. Some of the side quests are bullshit like finding 95% of the enemy types quest. I had fun, but it could have used another 6 months of polish.
Still waiting for a response here.
thanks for being honest Yea Forumsirgin faggot weeb
I couldn't agree more
You mean like the first game which gained the cult following to begin with?
But Nier Automata is an awful and soulless pice of crap.
>cult following
10 weebs=/=cult following
In what regard? Care to give some examples?
if you genuinely want to talk about a game on Yea Forums, never bring up "soul", it'll completely destroy any discussion you were hoping for
>he didn’t even play the game
>game comes out
>happens to be Japanese
>universally acclaimed for a large variety of reasons
>two years later and threads are already 70% retarded shitposters bitching about "weebs"
I have never heard the autists who praise this game talk once about the gameplay or story.
Every thread is just ass, literally and figuratively.
This confirms my theory that Yea Forums only care about this game because it's pornographic.
Shit combat, shit empty open world, can't even see the objects until you pick them up, the terrible camera angles and 2D segments... it is just a massive pile of junk
Nier: Gestald and Drakengard 3 are the only ones, user.
for christ sake you low IQ orbiter, this game is nothing fucking special in the slightest. Great combat, shit everything else. Get the fuck over yourself
>shit combat
Blatantly false. Sure it's nothing new or innovative but it's really nothing different from a standard character action game.
>shit empty open world
Once again this is blatantly incorrect.There's plenty of sidequests to do that use every piece of the world.
>can't even see the objects until you pick them up
True but I really don't see how that's much of an issue
>the terrible camera angles and 2D segments
Camera worked fine for me, and the I thought the 2D sections were fine.
Not really seeing how this equates to a massive pile of junk.
>Shit Soundtrack
>Shit Story
You could at least try to be a little less obvious.
SEETHING automatranny STILL btfo