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Other urls found in this thread:

Holy shit you can buy games WHENEVER you want?

>coming next year
Why the long wait? Are they really hoping to ring in a bunch of people up for their subscription?

This feels like Playstation Now but somehow more retarded

>buy games whenever you want

imagine selling a product with the premise that you can buy something whenever you want lmao

Didn't even notice this. So it's not gonna be completely a netflix-like service and you still have to buy the games.

You only get better streaming service and maybe 1-2 free games a month kek.

its one thing to be a consolefag

its another when you're being a corporatefag.

fuck the stadia, if you buy this you're actively promoting the lack of consumer independence and power over what they purchase.

I think they're trying to compete with the next gen consoles that will likely release/be announced next year

This doesnt sound like a deal
>30 bucks for 3 months of pro
>70 bucks for the controller
>30 bucks for the chromecast

Is this more expensive that buying this shit separately?

A product that allows you to buy products. It's brilliant.

As you can see the subscription is only for extra res and some free games and shit a la PS+. Based google will actually let you buy games whenever you want for free!

>You can buy games WHENEVER you want

Holy shit, snoyboys and nintendies on suicide watch.

Attached: 1559798762616.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

>additional free games released regularly
>Destiny 2, AN F2P GAME


So they're expecting Next-Gen consoles to be yet another rehash of the last gen?

Sounds like it to me if it's "Up to 1080p, 60 fps".

the entire idea is to drain money from you, endlessly.

Thats the endgame. Tech aside and how well it works is irrelevant, the future these companies want is to gain endless revenue from you, forever.

And the moment it runs dry, they'll pull the plug and bang, everything you thought you 'owned' suddenly doesn't exist anymore.

cc ultra is $70.
it's 6 months of sub if you count the friend thing.
plus destiny for whatever that's worth.

>buy games whenever you want
This is revolutionary. Based goog

I'm ready.

Attached: stadia.jpg (792x743, 100K)

>Buy a $60 game
>Have to pay $9.99 monthly to stream it in 4k

everyone stop what they're doing right now and read this fucking post
You're telling me
I can spend my money on video games

Attached: 1559745923948.gif (192x192, 1.3M)

Idk why but this smells like a scam to me.

congratulations, you just outed yourself as a fag.

doesnt say how much base games cost

>buy $60 game
>have to buy a $500 DRM box to play it in 4k or a worse $250 DRM box to play it at all


>buy games whenever you want's a time machine

Don't you mean MY BODY IS READY

Hold on, I can buy games WHENEVER I want?

Attached: 1509917593728.png (298x454, 133K)

>shilling for google

kill yourself.

>60fps cap
Yikes, that's a skip for me

>paying to play with added input lag

>Stadia Light
>Buy games whenever you want: No.

I didn't realize you'd have to buy the games. Why would anyone want this now?

I bet you own an ouya too

fucking hell

Finally a console that lets me buy games whenever I want! Truly we live in a future

Attached: 1534313472524.jpg (680x523, 42K)

>buy games whenever you want
is this supposed to be a good point?

>one upfront fee and you get what you pay for with the device not having input lag problems or relying on always online to be a thing

Sounds fair to me.

then how are the devs going to make any money?

>destiny 2
>you will get a free-to-play game if you pay for subscription

Attached: 1559838003733.gif (350x263, 3.29M)

If I ran an ISP you're not bringing that shit near me.

>every second
>games like Ass Creed take 100 hours
>1.5 Terabytes streamed to finish the game

Wait, so the only free game for 9.99 is Destiny 2?
So you are paying $10 for 4k and still have to buy games for $60?
That´s fucking horrible.

>getting to own physical media is DRM
Nigger, stop right there.

>buy $60 game
>cost of the privilege of purchasing said game at any point of your choosing: $0
>cost of playing it: $0
>cost of playing it online: $0

I can do what I want, I paid for your service.

Did you honestly think every single game would be free? Are you retarded?

Probably on all games. That already makes it better than last gen consoles.

remember that part of a shill's strategy is to promote their behavior as normal

devs probably don't make a single fucking dollar off of stadia revenues, which is the entire idea why Google and soon microsoft will push this hard. It all funnels to them.

Devs will make money over hosting it for a flat price to host it on their platform and that'll be it. Bye-bye to any % income or whatever.

Reminder that Stadia will have uncensored games unlike PS5.

So do you need online connection to play games?

Yes until your line starts to mysteriously malfunction and your bitrate drops to 500 kbps

>60 fps


>cost of playing it online: $0

are you legitimately fucking retarded

*throttles you fuckingly*


Get fucked you fucking leech.

That'd be the only thing that could possibly make up for this absolute shitshow of a """console""", yes.

>no comments
>no chat
They fucking knew. I wonder how many shills they've hired for damage control.

No. Hbu, bud?

try harder shill

Yes, it's a streaming game service, that's the whole point of this thing.

stable 60 with maxed pc tier-settings wouldn't even be that bad for SP games, but the latency and bandwidth requirements just kill it


I'm actually sure it's far more than that, I've managed to stream MTG arena on my phone since there's no mobile client for it and a shitty card game made in unity with cartnoonesque graphics takes about 200mb every 8-10 minutes on a phone screen.

shutup fag.

Well if Netflix can afford to license all those TV Shows and movies, surely """Google""" could do the same for videogames.


Why would you think that though? Why would game companies give their brand new games for free on Stadia then charge 60 on other consoles?

>cant wait until november to hear more?

Attached: 2452.jpg (126x126, 2K)

The only retard here are the people who think people will buy games full price for the privilege of streaming them

wouldn't the bitrate be a more important factor than the resolution

>get free games when I pay for a subscription
based af

So hyped for this

Attached: 1553044025833.gif (112x112, 128K)

can't wait for them to get broken into 1000 companies desu


>still have to buy the games at full price anyways

lmao what a scam
Sega Channel was better than this

Honestly I like the idea of being able to play any game without having to keep upgrading my system, but if you think DRM like steam was bad, how fucked up is this Stadia service?
You literally cannot play ANYTHING if your internet goes out or their servers fuck up.
Thank god fiddling around with my hardware is fun for me, so I'll never use that shit.

What makes you think that, constant shill threads notwithstanding, either game companies or consumers will waste a single fuck upon this insignificant venture before it collapses?

>it's ok when sony does it

nope both suck

>for free
It's not for free if it's under a subscription

What kind of dumb retarded faggot willingly gives money to Jewgle?



>lack of consumer independence

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The Xbox gamepass thing is Unironically the better deal for a cheaper price

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I could see it as a good way to play old games I suppose, having them all in one place instead of buying them individually and bulking up your steam library you'll never touch.

How do you play games that you bought? Is it still streamed? Wouldn't buying a license be a perpetual contract? What happens if the game is no longer streamed? Can you still access your game?



Attached: 200px-Sega_Channel.svg.png (200x184, 9K)

>he thinks google entering any market is a good thing

bet you love monopolies huh faggot.


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>Buy games whenever you want: Yes.

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>destiny 2 as a selling point

Attached: f7nMAJA.png (1000x1006, 755K)

seeth more crybabies, the future is here just keep buying your bricks from sony and masturbating to valve and epic


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>buying games instead of netflixing an entire catalog of games
Dead in the water. Even fucking Sony managed that part.

i know thinking is hard for you, especially forward thinking.

im sure you got it all figured out in time.

Based googlebug telling it like it be

>Buy games that only exist on a server well away from you
eh, no. Glad it's a free service though, I'll give it a bash and play some free demo on it or something, just so I can shitpost about how bad it is at a later date.

>PLUS you can buy licenes for shit you will never own and that can be taken away from you any moment
>PLUS all your digital jew imaginary "ownership" licenes can be banned, blocked, hacked and stolen
>no internet? tough shit you can't play for today
>not fast enough internet, tough shit you can't play for today
>9 seconds ping time even with 300 Mbit/s connections

>But it's ok, keep calm and buy into the digital jew mindless goyim!
This is the biggest scam since Juicero

Attached: 1559341329064.jpg (540x474, 70K)

Cant wait to have huge letency issuse and 1 game trickled out every 3 months for a “subscription”

How much did they pay you to shill here

>owning a virginbox console that displays your social ineptitude in the middle of your living room
>playing the sickest new games at full graphics and double FPS
>fucking free ($0)
Of course you incels don't get how big it is, but it really is a revolution.

Attached: 1541657332319.png (450x720, 400K)

Streaming it is free, you still have to buy the games. Same for the paid subscription

Why not just redownload the game? Internet speed should not be a concern if you are considering Stadia, so just save the money

even on SUNDAYS?!

So you buy games but you don't own them and they have to stay on the server and you have to pay the monthly fee too? I thought the whole point was you pay monthly and get any game

>Frame rate
Great. That means almost nothing without telling me the fucking bitrate.

Attached: 15512393289847.png (753x960, 29K)

>Yea Forums can't read
Who would have thunk it.



>when you have to make up "features"

same for this.
mixing fuckig games, publisher and studios to make their support look big.

Attached: 4737327.jpg (1200x675, 80K)

so vidya is about to finally die for good ok

>you need 35mbps for 4K
so only like 9 fucking countries Worldwide have that, Romania, South Korea, Sweden. Denmark, Hungary, Norway, Belgium, Luxemburg and Singapore.

Attached: 2.jpg (1291x716, 72K)


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>Subscription plan: Can buy games whenever you want
>Free plan: Can only buy games at certain times and days

Wait for the xbox streaming service. It will be 10x better.

How is this a selling point in 2019 lmao

You also need to buy the $100 dongle thing

>You get free games: like free-to-play destiny 2
>only 10 bucks a month, but you also have to purchase the games separately
>but don't worry, you can buy the games whenever you want!

Google has lost their mind

So I have to buy the games just like in consoles?

post another based wojak bro, i wanna see you exhaust your folder while you struggle to make a fucking point with googles dick so far up your ass.

>""""""free"""""" games
>have to pay $10 a month
>only like a handful of games

holy shit even fucking gametap had a better service than this steaming pile...

Attached: gametap.jpg (650x488, 56K)

I don't think those are upload speeds, user. Even third world countries have 35 mbps download nowadays.

>comparing individual speeds with country average

I bet you're the same type of soi-faggot that gets hyped and screams about E3 presentations and capeshit trailers.
Not like anybody comes into your living room anyway.

No you don't. You can stream from your phone, smart tv or any shit laptop.

even in those countries that is only true for the cities, villages and rural areas are fucked.
But even if you have 35Mbps you'll never escape the input lag

Wrong, you need that weird dongle thing

h-have sex!

>projecting this hard

no you don't.

>only 60fps
>no ultrawide
>no mods
>you don't actually own the game
>lose access to the games you bought when sub runs out

Attached: 1559840588108.jpg (2048x1147, 190K)

Hi shills

Yes you do

>bans you if you disagree with them politically and you lose all your games

They literally showed off how it was integrated into youtube and you can play from mobile devices. Than "weird dongle" is just chromecast.

Show me your twitter page.
If it says "Social media marketing for Google," I will buy a first-class ticket to come shit on your face.

it works on anything that can run chrome.

Yeah, it's almost as if they didn't think about incels at all when they made this thing.

Oh wait...

Attached: 1552335714744.jpg (500x625, 162K)

>post another based wojak bro, i wanna see you exhaust your folder while you struggle to make a fucking point with googles dick so far up your ass.

Attached: file.png (357x476, 25K)

imagine if Steam had a yearly subscription of $120/year with the OPTION to buy games for additional cost of course.
Holy shit, that would be a revolutionalry feature. Why no one come up with this up to this point blows my mind. Google truly are the pioneers pushing new boundaries for mankind.

Attached: 1376523219773.gif (400x256, 1.45M)

fuck chrome. firefox ftw.
stadia can suck my dick.

>pay a subscription fee to receive FREE indie shovelware trash
>you have to buy real games though
>also we'll terminate your service if you post the wrong thoughts on any Google service like CensorTube

>lose access to the games you bought when sub runs out

Incorrect. You lose access for 4k, 5.1 surround and HDR.

dumb slut poster

>ps now
>xbox game pass
>whatever apples fucking doing


Imagine paying for a digital distribution service. It's like paying ten bucks a month to use Steam.

Attached: 1413701350734.gif (280x199, 220K)

Truly it is the future we live in

>Bans you for saying nigger while offline

>$15+xbox live gold and hardware

Ok so let me get this straight
Its a free service and all you have to do is buy the games

Then how does google make any money? Are the games going to be $90?

So how much is the console itself? Seems dumb to just talk about the streaming aspects nobody fucking cares about.

I’m confused. What is this? People keep saying it’s like Netflix but if I still have to buy the games full price it’s starting to seem more like Origin

lmao you have to pay TEN TRUMP NOTES for the privilege of playing Destiny 2 with massive input lag

Even if they gave you that for free you got ripped off.


Pale moon/brave/vivaldi or fuck off

from the games retard

Sorry I meant to imply. I would get at least a bunch of baseline games after I buy the subscription. Those services give me shit if i buy a sub. Google is offering me... pixels

>also we'll terminate your service if you post the wrong thoughts on any Google service like CensorTube

try not being a fuckign nazi then, you deserve it

they get 30% of every purchase and the dashboard will have ads like xbox

>have to spend $500 on console
>no free games have to buy your games that can only be played on that specific console generation
>wanna play online? cough up some more goyim

stick to your bricks trannies, comfy casuals will be comfy just playing their fav vidya anytime without having to drop at least $500

there is no console.

The Chromecast is $35 and they didn't price the controller.

It's like a console but you don't know the hardware, google will dislocate some servers worldwide and those will function as your console, you'll use the hardware of those servers to be able to play the games """everywhere""".

you have to buy the controller and connector or whatever for over 100 bux before you can even have a subscription

If this takes off Im done with games forever

You can use any controller with it

Casuals can do whatever the fuck they want, including playing fortnite on their phones. Doesn't mean I give a shit about it.


you don't. xinput/dinput + kbm + chrome is all you need.

learn to read retard

This is made even funnier by the fact that valve already has the steam link streaming service and doesn't charge you $9.99 a month for it.

Attached: STILL BALLIN'.png (500x802, 172K)

So they want me to pay a monthly buy games....that I don't actually own?

Yeah naw fuck off.

But you need an online connection I would assume? Why would I do that when I can just buy an Xbox or PS4, and if I wanted to go Portable, get a Switch? I don’t really see the selling point in this thing. Please explain if you can.

>yfw this flops but apple's game streaming service takes off

Attached: 1487692785188.jpg (1280x722, 91K)

Wait so what you're saying is I can BUY any game I like to????? FUCKING BASED!

Attached: 1533935030780.jpg (889x500, 80K)

>buying games you can't physically own or download

How fucking cucked are Googlefags?

Attached: H2FBs.png (847x799, 536K)

How is it free if you have to pay for it?

It comes with all the DLC

I'm confused, does the subscription give you Netflix style access to everything there or just 4k + a few free games with you having to buy everything else?

Why spend $500 on a PS5 and $300 on a switch + $80/year for online when you can just buy the games instead and play them anywhere? That's the appeal for casuals who don't want to make a large initial investment.

What is the latency like?

Delete your pick, it's bullshit, it's not "completely empty of matter and dark matter"

You do and you need a very powerful connection (with no datacaps either) in order to be able to actually stream a proper game, there's no selling point, only retards will buy this.

Japan status: spared

Attached: List of cuck countries.png (831x422, 119K)

Please feel free to point out where I made an error in my reading of the OP

>I'm confused, does the subscription give you Netflix style access to

That's exactly what it is though, adding a game that's already been leaked to be going f2p doesn't change anything.

The latter

>framerate 60fps
hard pass

Attached: 1440702005579.gif (223x141, 1.84M)

*switches provider*
u mad?

of coures it's not empty,

except to use Steam you need 3000$ of pc initial investment, which is 300 months, or roughly 28 years, of Stadia subscription

If it's not gatcha, Japan doesn't care.

What the fuck are you talking about, i have 100mb/s for $10 right now, along with almost every ex ussr country.
t. russian

>literally need like top 1% connection to stream in 4k
>anyone with a data cap of any amount is fucked
>playing single player games with horrible latency
>anyone with a connection good enough to actually utilize the service isnt going to be inconvenienced by having to download a game under normal circumstances

Who is the audience for this?

Because I actually want to own my games on a physical copy or through data I can access you fucking brainlet.

Also not having latency issues for single-player would be fucking nice.

Attached: Stadia shills begone.jpg (800x450, 61K)


Attached: disdainforthementallyretarded.jpg (1024x923, 162K)

He's referring to the need of an internet provider.

>what is stadia base?

You don't have internet? What are you, amish?

Actually you need 10000$ pc for 1080p 60fps, get your facts right

Will they brick the console and contact your employers when their microphones detect politically incorrect comments from you or anyone else in the room?

>It's like paying ten bucks a month to use Steam.
Don't give them ideas.

But most people don't care. Owning the movie or music hasn't affected the adoption of music or video streaming. If that's what you want ok, but it's not meant for you.

fucking retard, it's actually $20k

I'm cashed up thanks to crypto, I would have bought it too just to show how garbage it is first hand. Except no Australia.

The kind of people who buy Apple products. Enough buzzwords and shiny white plastic and they'll cough up the cash.

No you don't, only if you want to play on your TV (and then you need the controller as well). It's just a Chromecast Ultra. PC/phone doesn't require any extra hardware.

You can build a good enough computer for around $600. Only retarded rich zoomers blow three grand on a computer.

Stadia base users will not have access to the game sales for the pro subscribers. Stadia base users cannot exceed 1080p or use surround sound. Steam does both of these things for free.

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Streaming a playable music or video file is completely different to streaming an interactive executable file, you knuckle-dragging dipshit.

I can already imagine how shit games will look on this thing thanks to YouTube's crap bitrate

>pay 10 bucks a month to purchase games that you won't actually own
>pay a one time fee for a HDD to download games and play without latency
why the fuck would you ever use stadia?
why is (((google))) making onlive 2?
this entire project is so fucking stupid
even worse, people are actually gonna buy this shit

>pay for the console
>pay for the streaming service
>pay for the games
>pay for the DLC
The future is here.

Attached: 1393525200124.jpg (500x500, 46K)


Consolefaggotry is what led to this


Google employees who have to live out of their cars in the parking lot because buying a house in Silicon Valley is too expensive even for them.

The only people who I could think may find some benefit from this.

You forgot:
>pay for game subscriptions
>pay for online multiplayer

Did YouTube hurt your feefee's when they banned the Holocaust deniers?

But they don't care about latency. People are always playing games on shitty TVs out of game mode anyways. It's not meant for you.

Do they even have unlimited internet with at least 35 Mbps in their cars?

This isn't even a gaming device. It's an interactive streaming device. No different than Twitch Plays Pokemon.

Attached: Twitch_plays_pokemon_animated.gif (460x262, 280K)

but he wasn't denying it, he was just saying that 6 millions weren't enough

>You can build a good enough computer for around $600
a 200$ ps4 would CRUSH it to the ground

enjoy your 720p 30fps bro

and is fucking garbage, i hope God smite this gay earth.

Attached: 1509741936792.jpg (800x400, 101K)

Are you really this desperate for (you)s? Fine, but this is the only one.

>Stadia base users will not have access to the game sales for the pro subscribers. Stadia base users cannot exceed 1080p or use surround sound. Steam does both of these things for free.
it's streaming for casual gamers you retard, you think they care? just stick to your gaben wank. no one is taking that away from you

people want to be able to play games another way without having to buy an overexpensive brick or spending money on a custom pc when they alreay have a working pc for the shit that actually earns them money

Good evening gentlemen, I am in the market to buy some games. Thankfully it seems I can do that at any time.

So I ask you, what games does the Stadia have for one such as me to purchase? Might there be a list of exclusives somewhere for me to peruse at my leisure?

Attached: 1422416964102.jpg (500x374, 33K)

Stadia runs linux anyway so it's dead in the water.
They think they can compete with console/pc streaming with such crappy game library?

ugh get on with the times granpa


>buy games whenever you want: yes
how bold

Attached: 1497603424321.jpg (516x516, 41K)

Exactly.. this. After they autoscan your chatlogs from every yoputube comment you've ever posted. Once you give them over 500... YOINK thanks for the money CIS NAZI SCUM! Ill stick to piracy thank you very much.. I like to actually own my software not digital licenses...

95% of the launch games are already out.

Baldur's Gate 3
And some Dreamworks tier game with a little girl that pedos are going crazy over.

The problem, retard, is that you can be labeled a nazi for pretty much anything.

>tell a hitler joke at 2am on call of duty
>fucking banned from stadia and lose access to all your games.

how hard would it be to have a monthly fee.
as it stands this is DOA.

Is this a joke? why on earth would anyone buy the right to stream a particular game when the service can end at any point and you can never play the game you've paid for? if this was a monthly subscription-based service only I'd be okay with it, but there's no reason to do anything else. just charge us a bigger subscription to get access to the good games if that's what it takes.

>YOINK thanks for the money CIS NAZI SCUM!
unironically nothing wrong with that

Google is to Microsoft, what Microsoft was to Nintendo and Sony.

It only gets worse since Amazon tried entering gaming and seen immediate resistance from Nintendo and Sony. Amazon prices on their products skyrocketed the same week Amazon announced plans on acquiring game studios. Which should be a reminder of why GameStop and other retailers falling to Amazon is indeed a scary thought. With only one company setting prices, it's the consumers that are screwed.

>tell a hitler joke at 2am on call of duty
why would you do that?
Just don't say nazi shit you scum

The only people who will even use this service is reviewers

It's mobile gaming.

You virgins can't say mobgaming is mobtrash anymore.

stay away from this and support independent developers

kys google

no it's just gachatrash

No thanks.

Right, we might get Hentai games like from Studio FOW unlike Steam.

>We're sorry, too many people are playing right now. Please wait 10 minutes before trying again

Attached: 1559400649661.png (434x725, 294K)

>Buy games whenever you want

How is this a selling point lmao

B-but Mootles works for them...

Nice, three month long trial so I can play the games I can play anywhere else, but now with massive input lag!

>buy games whenever you want

why the fuck would you include this?

>you can: yes


>Taken away from ypu at any moment.

You're not repeating 'niggers stink' into game chats are you? Then you have nothing to worry about.

because you are a 90IQ brown person put in a job you should be in.

Imagine buying games on a streaming service

Attached: Babby.jpg (600x597, 42K)

>Shitty tacked on Mini DLCs with little to no value other then to pad the already abysmal thing that is OG D2

but niggers do stink

Listen fuckface, it's online vidya, not introductory ukulele lessons for children 5-7 years old.

I'm going to say whatever the fuck I want to my buddies online because this is how grown men bond with one another, they find new and creative ways to shit-talk or tell fucked up jokes.

The fact that you (and Google) believe this environment needs to disposed of in favor of an ultra-stale "hello good sir, do you fancy a round of virtual basketball?" is exactly why this thing is going to fail and why a shitload of people want nothing to do with any product created by google.

>Buy games whenever you want
I have waited all my life for this moment to finally arrive.

You don't actually own physical copies either.

They can terminate your games at any time. You better not say anything mean on Yea Forums, I hear Stadia has a keylogger!

>1-2 free games a month
Also the "new games" refers to "new games added to Stadia" even if the game is 10 years old, Stadia consider it new.

Steam can't give me 4K 60fps on my smartphone.

Fuck off, racist Persian terrorist shit.

And I thought apple was retarded for selling a 1k stand.....

>You don't actually own physical copies either.
That was so fucking stupid I had to read that twice.
2/10 made me reply

Attached: 1558319072559.jpg (600x600, 71K)

Stay mad.

Do you own your Steam games?

You literally do though, you're trying to say you don't own the game itself which is technically true, but would be impossible to enforce removal of, unlike Stadia games.

did they really wrote that?

I hope you're just baiting and not actually this retarded user

Attached: steam link.png (867x621, 256K)

This November Japan and South Korea get added to the list.

Or the past, or the present. Stadiabros live whenever they want to

Stadia is not YouTube.

>4K on smartphone

Attached: 1559843293378.png (271x128, 31K)

It'll just happen again. Internet Service Providers are an Oligarchy

Jews invented Stadia.

Cry faggot white guy!

steam link relies on your own existing hardware retard

Attached: 1558823802301.gif (185x171, 1.82M)

I'd say it actually does seem like it could be good but my internet sucks ass and google might be even more pozzed than basedny

Yes you own a license that lets you legally own a copy of said game but not the IP itself.

You fucking virgin.

So, overall
>no installs or patches or waiting, just plug and play
>have to be under jewgle's wing
>don't actually own anything

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>I'm going to say whatever the fuck I want to my buddies online because this is how grown men bond with one another
stop living in the middle ages, it's literally 2019

>complaining about racism on Yea Forums
>playing video games on a smartphone
>especially with something like Stadia where it requires a stable internet connection to play your games
Resetera and Reddit are a click away, faggot.

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Except if you do something stupid and Xbox or Sony catches you, you're banned from playing thr game or have your account closed.

Have fun being a moron.

another con:
>you have to buy the game first if you want to play it on stadia

Imagine advertising stereo sound and 1080p in 2019.
This is going to be dead in the water.

>it's literally a job to support that shitty brand

>still runs like absolute dogshit on 100/100 connection. This is just Onlive 2.0

> up to 1080p

>He doesn't have a gpu that can run games at 4k
Maybe you would if you didn't fall for scams like Stadia

You can be denied online service to their privately owned servers, which is completely legit. Maybe don't cheat in online games retard

yeah that turns me off the whole thing. I don't pay for every movie and tv series I choose to watch on netflix, why should video games be different?

it's streaming though. Twitch and youtube can't deliv er that shit in early time already. especially not at 60 fps.
That shit is "free" but only if you can afford a 150 dollar fiber connection

No, your copy can be worth shit if you're striked from a game for shitty behavior.

What said

There are NO good deals from corporations, remember that. You always get the worst end of the deal.

>Resetera and Reddit are a click away, faggot.
i also enjoy them, but also Yea Forums
it's my board as much as it is yours

what are you gonna do about it?

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yes you retard like any other platform christ

you dont have to pay the sub, stadia BASE is free you mong

I don't cheat because I'm not a nut-grabber like you.

How much does a game costs on Stadia? or you can play any game if you have a subscription?

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>buying games is a feature

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is this the "interactive menus" of the modern age?

>its just Onlive run by Google
Here we go again

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That's all corporate offerings.

>stadia BASE is free
And what games can you play with it apart from Destiny 2 which is F2P? I guess it could be okay to check if your connection can handle it but still, I ain't paying for individual games in a streaming service

I'm not getting this

You actually need $6000 to even bootup Windows 10

I also don't play multiplayer games as they go stale and repetitive fast zoomer

You have to buy games either way. The subscription is for "premium" features

I'll probably use Stadia Base on my smartphone and Shield TV. I imagine it having a way better library than Google Play Games and there will be sales where I can pick up something cool for like a buck. Sounds pretty neat. Nothing to get excited about, but at least we're finally getting more of an option with mobile gaming.

Hope you have a google pixel phone, and it definitely won’t work on shield

You know there are games that aren't just multiplayer battle royale versus shit right?

>Its even worse than i imagined it would be
This can't get funnier

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cope from a outdated, outmatched, outgunned, vestigial luddite of old school gaming

get on with the times

This will be the new Ouya kickstarter.

yep, that's gonna be a kill yourself for me

Nah I have a Sarnsung GS8+. They'll add support for other phones and Android TVs eventually, but none of this really affects me much. I still have like 300 hours worth of game play to get out of my current colony in Surviving Mars.

Eat shit jew

>every second
Yes, that's what the per second means in Megabit per second.

It's not even enough though since Blu-Ray is 50Mbps and it's not enough for pixel correct streaming without compression.

are you actually retarded?

you buy games to play just like any other games distribution platform, if you dont want to no one is asking you to.


>buy a chance to get an imaginray item with better numbers than other imaginary items which can't be ported to other games or platforms in a game you bought for a platform which may or may not exist in a year or two
it's like the nigerian prince scam on a 4 dimensional plane of existence

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I believe that if everyone played video games the world would be a better place. And Google Stadia is actively making an effort to make this a reality by letting you game from a mere internet connection. It's not perfect, but it's a start and I hope more alternatives start to follow suit if it's successful.

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Streaming is absolute shit in all forms, and games on streaming even worse
If google foots the bill of getting high speed internet infrastructure everywhere, this migh be better.
But still, having licenses of games is already bad enough, I dont want to go even further

Except i am not required to have constant highspeed internet to play

>destiny 2
like how portal is still free, right?

I don't get it, what's the point of paying 9.99$ a month if I don't have a library of free games?

Not only publishers and developers but game titles too. They must have a total of five games or something to launch.

if you don't have the internet speed to play it, it is literally not meant for you

It is, you can download it very easily

I think people that are excited for this don't realize how bad playing games over a stream looks and feels due to input lag and video compression...

says right there in the image brainlet, 4k, 5.1 surround etc

You're paying for the privilege of streaming games via Chromecast (sold separately).


if that isn't based then I don't know what is.

Fuck, how sad

if the future of gaming is streaming then i better bulk up in old games to survive the apocalipse

This. If SpaceX can get Starlink up and running to the point where everyone on Earth has access to cheap 5G internet, everyone's going to be able to play actual vidya with each other all the time, not just shitty mobile games. The entire planet Earth is one big fucking gold rush.

Yeah, what's the point of paying 9.99$ a month if I don't have a library of free games?
> (sold separately)

Because of next gen, the Stadia's average GPU power won't be enough for 60fps or they'll have to undercut resolution by a lot.

On other platforms, sometimes you can't buy games
So for example, it could literally be an alien invasion happening but Stadia store will still be open 1000000 years from now

The world would be a better place if people stopped filling their time with absolute valueless hobbies like browsing Facebook and playing video games.
This website would be better if shills like you stopped defending a company creating vapor ware to shock their stock value.

Cheap 5G that's everywhere is impossible. The frequencies they use are too high. So you end up needing line of sight for it work and the distance is shit compared to LTE

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No, they detailed this on announce. They will use multiple servers to send 4k to one device, which is why it costs 10 bucks to stream 4K

>people are thinking you get to play all the games if you pay the subscription fee

why not? I mean just how many games can a normie play in a month?
They'd be lucky if they can finish 3 games

Hey retards how much would I have to pay for a 4k 60fps computer?

let me get this right. You pay for the streaming service and you still need to buy the games? what of netflix charges you for each movie you want to see?

You still have to buy every game, the subscription fee will only give you a few free games to start with, 1-2 free games every month, discounts and higher resolution.

>how much would I have to pay for a 4k 60fps computer?
at least 30,000 usd if not more
just wait for the ps5

because it's literally written there, it's a PSN+ scam, you get a "free" game for a month and it rotates without you keeping shit


literally nobody will buy this shitheap

Well, at least for now. Those terms of service won't stay the same.

Go fuck yourself, google.
Shove the google stevia up your ass.


BUT DO THEY HAVE A FUCKING REVIEWS AND A CART AND FORUMS??????????????????????????????????????????????

what do you mean
is this ONLINE service not available everywhere with stable internet?

>he forgot about the extra $100 per key typed

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>Mom, I want to get a video game
>No Bobby, I won't go to the shop today. Play with what you have
>Jokes on you mom: Stadia, I want to buy a game!
>No Bobby, no!

They probably limit official support to places that are physically near their data centres.

Hopefully home internet connections and Steam Anywhere Streaming continue to improve.

literally everyone has those speeds except for bushpeople, fool

Post yfw you can buy games whenever you want without the added pressure of being able to play them whenever you want

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Ignoring FACTS

Educate yourself.

Can you actually buy the games and play them for however long you want or do you have to buy them and pay a sub on top of that?

Do you have a cap on your downloads/uploads?

>Can you actually buy the games and play them for however long you want

Good thing I'm not living in america.

Google STD's strategy is to make everyone confused on what you can and can't do and then people will the product not knowing what to expect and it'll rake in millions.

this will damage hardware sales

>Can you actually buy the games
Yes! Whenever you want, too!
>and play them

Yea Forums needs to be cleaned up, and it starts with you

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>streaming 4k
Literally how

Netflix and Amazon offer 4k streaming.

>4k and 5.1 locked behind a paywall
This is the future of all consoles isn't it

>with project stream we can transmit the live instance from the data center to your screen faster than your eye is transmitting those images to your brain

Google confirmed to be able to stream gameplay over the internet faster than the electrical impulses can fire from your eyes to your brain. Holy shit how can one company be so based?

>streaming games
google won that fuckin input delay is what they won

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It's not live 4k though, movies can pre-buffer stuff, games need to get that 4k frame every 1/60 of a second.


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Consumers shouldn't have the choice to buy games whenever they want.

Fuck this service

This is bullshit. There is no way I should have to pay for games if I'm paying a monthly fee. I'm okay with DLC as long as I get the base game for free with a monthly subscription. This way companies have an incentive to make a game good enough to get people to purchase DLC. They're undoubtably going to charge $60 for games, and I'm not paying $60 for streaming dithering, input lag, and no modding or reshade.

>there are people on this board who will buy it

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Only the brightest minds in the world can work at Google. It's the modern day Bell Labs.

the communist console that doesn't let you own shit.

You're getting a 4k 60fps computer for the subscription you mongoloid

>Buy games whenever you want: Yes!

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How the heck is HDR in the bitstream? It's baked in the EXE.

There's no way I can buy games whenever I want. Where's the trick??

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No it's $5999 to boot OSX.

>Destiny 2


I ain't goin' back to that. I fell hard for the 144hz meme, this monitor is gorgeous.

damn bros...

I don't play games in 4k, 4k is a meme. I use a 45 inch 4k TV as a monitor and set my games to 3840x1280 3:1 ultra-wide screen resolution.
resolution with FOV set to max. The smaller size of the screen means it looks no different from 4k. 4k is only noticeable if you sit right next to a 4k TV. PC monitors are generally too small to notice 4k. By playing in 4k I'm getting an inferior experience.

So for devs, it's like selling on Steam, but shit.

>three FREE months for only $129
ebin marketing

Finally! A system for those of us who are time-abled.


>goes right to the "he clearly says nigger all day!" strawman
fuck off, retard

Normies seem to be shitting on it all over twitter.

does this mean i can get Destiny 2 collection for $10?

>pay stadia pro
>get destiny 2 collection
>play on my PC with all the DLCs and never use stadia

Doesn't matter, normies love shit games so only shit games will be on the service

You get it on stadia, you never get to download any game files

good, you're signing away all your consumer rights

yes that is the point
the DLCs are account-bound. can i get it for my already existing account and then play on it on my PC or it will be a brand new account?

>Google STD
If only we pushed this name as hard as we pushed for xbone

It will all be bound to stadia

lol what a joke

Except the PS4 Pro and even the Xbone X can handle those specs sometimes.
In about 5 years you've paid a full console price so it's more expensive too.

On top of that you don't own the product and it has lag.

>buy game on stadia
>stop stadia sub
>cant play game bought on stadia anymore
did they really think this is gonna be popular?
unless you can buy the latest games for $10 they gonna have very few customers

Fucking plebs LMAO

>the future is about giving you a worse service


>The world would be a better place if people stopped filling their time with absolute valueless hobbies like playing video games

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Why did this make me Laugh?
>Your download speed of 3.062 Mbps is below the 10 Mbps we recommend to stream games on Stadia. Improve your internet connection
How does this work then, I'm pretty I get up to 6-8mbps when downloading on steam.

Attached: SpeedNeeded.png (1492x636, 97K)

>destiny 2 for free is a good thing
>buying games whenever you want is a fucking selling point
>retards are still going to buy this abortion

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We should be thankful to google.
This will likely kill the streaming games meme in the public eye.
If goog didn't fuck it up so bad it might have gained traction and fucked gaming.
They're demonstrating with little subtlety how much corporations want to screw the consumer and I thank them for it.

I can now pay to watch games be played by Google's crowdsourced AI.

Thanks for beta testing, Youtube users!

>'m pretty I get up to 6-8mbps
Holy fuck, you have shitty third world internet. LMAO!

>Based on your current download speed of 17.011 Mbps, we expect you’ll be able to play in high definition on Stadia, but you might not get 4K resolution
This is on my phone connection shared to my PC through USB during high usage time in my area. It's nice how they don't mention latency at all

He means you don’t own any of the content contained on the storage format you buy. You own a plastic disc, not what’s on it, you’re only licensed to view/play it under the terms of the purchase agreement. That’s never been a problem in the past since having a physical copy meant they couldn’t take it away from you unless they broke into your house and literally took the disk, but nowadays that game you thought you “bought” can been taken from you at any time if, say, half the game is part of a day 1 update or you can’t play it without being online. Updates, DLC, patches, ANY part of the game that isn’t already on the physical medium when you bought it can be shut down at any time for any reason.

Same is true for movies, people have “bought” digital copies on Amazon and been surprised when one day they go to watch it and find out it’s gone because the studio’s licensing agreement with Amazon expired, and there is no recourse to get your money back. You paid for nothing essentially and you feel robbed and scammed.

You don't get it user. They can stream the game to you faster than your brain can process the image.

>cod 2019 exclusive to stadia
>cod 2020 comes out on stadia
>cod 2019 gets removed from stadia
>EA CEO furiously masturbating

Huh? 7mbps of actual speed isn't good enough today? What am I supposed to do with that speed? There's only so much porn I can download guys

BluRay is pretty cheap now.
Slowly amassing a collection.

This guy gets to pick his name first.
Guess I’ll just have to be -=[Da R33L D4RK G0KU SN1P3R]=- 2 then.

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every bandwidth test in the world measures latency, but not googles.
I wonder why

Attached: test.jpg (756x176, 26K)

Is this some fucking streaming thing?

If so, enjoy losing all your games if bullshit goes down
and if there's ever exclusives for it, then enjoy not being able to mod, or rip assets, or do literally anything at all besides play the game in the way they intended

fuck this shit

Calculating the total response time including the internet connection, the screen and input devices how much have they measured on average?

Christ dude, I get 50Mb on my phone. At home I get roughly 700 to 900.

7mbps is hardly even enough for a 1080p60 video on jewtube, might not even be enough

Because YOU can’t see the difference.

Attached: E33244D4-4040-41CC-9FA5-24D3FA87F2EA.jpg (2048x1134, 533K)

>how much have they measured
>how much it will actually be

Why are you posting from a public library?

What country do you live in?

What's your internet speed, Yea Forums?
Don't tell me you have less than 100 Mbps.

>buy games whenever you want
Thank you Google for allowing me the privilege of buying from you whenever it's convenient for me.

You're exaggerating, it won't be 1s on decent setups but even 1/10 of that will feel weird. Even reaching near 2/10 will be excruciating for looking or movement.

Why? My ISP has various packages, I got the cheapest one because literally what am I supposed to do with the other ones? What am I paying for?
Nah, works perfectly.


Used to have a 20/1 landline but the ISP stopped servicing my area so now I have a shitty 4G internet that goes to shit around 8pm. Gets up to around 70mbps at like 5am, mostly around 20mbps during the day. The latency is shit

Living in a small city sucks

Should be a bannable offense.

Wait, so this is basically Steam but with a paid membership and you dont actually own the games you buy? Who thought this was a good idea?

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There are some webms around of the initial announcement event where the lag is very clear. With all delays combined you are definelty looking at 200ms or more

>pay 9.99 monthly
>additional free games

I guess if you don't stream 4k, upload content, play online, or like downloading updates or games in seconds, it doesn't matter.

>Who thought this was a good idea?
people who don't wanna spend 5,000 dollars on a gaming "pc" nerd virgin

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You also can't mod the games and if your internet is shitting out you can't play. Also a massive input delay

>unbearable input lag that makes games unplayable: Yes.

>pay per month + pay us for games
sounds... stupid.
>but the free 1080p version is next year! stop crying
1080p has been a thing for years now. Why does google deserve my money? for streaming me games I already can buy else where?
>but google will have paid exclusives
okay? if they are any good, I'll download their app to play them I guess?
What is the appeal of Google Stadia? I fail to see it. I'm from Australia which has probably the worst internet speeds in the world. I remember playing Diablo 3, a game I played by myself, with constant 200-250 ping to the server simply because blizzard didn't want it to be offline available.
Even USA and EU's internet won't be good enough for Google Stadia.
I ask again, what is the appeal?

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>even on SUNDAY?!
OMG, I can buy games when I get home from church now?1?11!! Moms gonna freak!

Cringe and bluepilled.

Also this screenshot has been going around so this is probably a bait image anyway.

Oh fuck I can buy games whenever I want? WOW THANKS GOOGLE!

>what is the appeal?
Not having to get the hardware that can play those games. That's really the only positive among a sea of negative

The games are streamed so it's way worse than steam lol

>play dark souls on stadia
>boss starts attack animation
>press roll button
>you get hit for half your hp
>you roll

>Buy games whenever you want

holy shit will I be able to also breathe whenever I want?

>Not having to get the hardware that can play those games
How would that even work? You'd still need to buy some sort of hardware to get it to work. Some sort of streaming box similar to Steam Link but it connects to googles servers. How much you reckon Google will charge for that? It won't be cheap.

Are (((they))) actually trying to figure out the breakpoint of how much shit normies will consume?

>I'm too retarded to build a PC

It honestly seems that way, they want people to pay fucking sub to play games, even single player games.

>get banned, subscription cancelled, and doxed for 'toxicity'

You will be able to be fucked in the ass by google whenever THEY want!

>he actually thinks this

consumers have zero power in gaming spectre. you digested years of abuse between pre orders dlc paid online forced online and f2p, lmao

Pretty much. I thought it would be like EA access but no, you get your freebie old crap of the month everyone already played/ignored and then you pay your full price to play with input lag and artifacts

Good move Google!

Sign up for the Founder's Edition today and you get a free three-months of Oxygen™


Yea Forums are contrarians, this is based.

Instead of watching trailers or e-celebs you get to actually demo the game for free and instantly with no downloading.
Imagine that.
Then you can buy the real version on steam and experience it without the latency.
There is literally nothing bad about this.

>weeb calling anyone else an incel

For me, it's the Stadia. Best gaming service. I even ask for extra Google Drive space and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for Stadia Pro subscription and they gave me three months. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly Google Assistant laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the service greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three megs bandwidth. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my Stadia-enabled Smartphone, I launch it at least 3 times a week for a MOBA and a long casual game with turn-based rather than realtime action, 1-2 times for an idle game on the weekend, and maybe once for an FPS when I'm in a rush but want a great game that is affordable, low-latency, and can match my daily bandwidth needs.

I even connect my PC to Google Home, it's so helpful! What a great company.

>buy games whenever you want
The fact that people at google believes that this is a feature on a gaming plattaform is mind-boggling

It's going to work on anything that can run the google chrome browser

>Oh, so long as we're competitive in terms of power, we'll win because now people don't need to pay $400 up front for their console, they can just pay $600 over 5 years

that surprising because Japan and Korea have the highest speed rate for internet and they should be the targeted users for this thing since Phone games and consoles are the most popular things there. PC gaming and PC cafes are not that popular in Japan.

>There is literally nothing bad about this.
Except when games start coming out exclusively on stadia and you can't buy them on steam anymore

>implying anything outside of Forsaken is worth a damn

You still need to buy the stadia and a sub.

>It's going to work on anything that can run the google chrome browser
If that is true, imagine how much RAM usage that'll use? Even having fucking 3 bland tabs open uses 1 GB or more of memory. Imagine how much memory streaming a game in 1080p/4k will use? Will it be as easy as like watching a Twitch Stream but you're playing a game? I highly doubt that. If so? Great. But the point still stands, you'll need some form of hardware made beyond say, 2013, and a really good internet connection to even get it to function.

>build PC for less than $1000
>play games for 8 years and counting plus I can use it for internet, work, fapping, replacing tv, etc.
Meanwhile in that time you would have paid $960 for goolag's gizmo and you don't even own anything. Lmaoing hard @ you, shill.

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good thing i saved money by pirating all the games that came out I haven't spent any money on a game since i built my gaming pc

the standard is free, only the premium is a sub.
And you don't need to buy a stadia, you can run it in your web browser or smart tv.

You could literally just open youtube and be playing the RE8 demo instantly instead of waiting for a 10GB download.