Baldurs Gate 3
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>in b4 epic exclusive
yeah. everyone saw it at the stadia announcement and everyone already knew it was being made by Larian for like a week.
who cares it won't have a soul anyway
Lmao imagine being Beamdog right now
Making those shit ports of old D&D games to get money for BG3 and then Larian slurps up the rights
It's actually not on epic store lmao.
This, everyone already knows Larian is just another soulless AAA dev.
Good, fuck those cuckolds
>BG3 is a AAA title made for normies on Stadia
Don't get your hopes up.
Stadia exlusive
What the fuck even drives you people?
Who gives a shit
Into the trash it goes. I want a solid crpg not some memeshit filled modern rpg where there isn't even variation in classes.
>memeshit filled
>Isn't even variation in classes
What the fuck does this even mean. Have you ever played one of their games?
tiananmen square
Caution from years of the video game industry fucking them over. If you were smart you'd stay wary in this industry too.
Larian isn't EA or Ubisoft. The only reason to conflate them with AAA is pure unbridled autism.
Who cares they are just going to shit all over its legacy and fill it with freaks and fags.
The Great Leap forward
are the /pol/ bots defect?
if it's not more normie than DOSII then im perfectly fine with it
>based on D&D 5E
Literal fake news. It's on steam and GOG.
>Larian, the company behind Divinity, announced the news on Google’s Stadia stream today. It’ll also be on PC, the company said.
fuck you you made me go to kotaku
It's on stadia but not exclusive. Fuck you.
Just like my dick
>all these triggered Obsidiots
Sorry if Fallout ft Rick & Morty looks bad
Where's Dark Alliance 3?
Does anyone else think the writing in the new Divinity games is fucking terrible or is it just me? I couldnt make it past the intro in OS2 because the dialogue was so painful to get through. Everything felt so forced.
>le do you wanna be my slave XDDDD
>ugh, im gonna punch you in the face!!!
>“The level of reactivity in the world that we want is very high, so much higher than what we had in Divinity: Original Sin 2,” Vincke explains. “That's something that's been challenging, but I think we figured it out because we're making good progress.”
nice, I found reactivity in OS2 slightly lacking
>King's Landing
Gods, games were good back then.
>main bad guys are illithids
just play berserker or barbarian lol
>Instead of importing a BG2 save BG3 will assume that the canonical story will be that dumb faggot from the novels was the Bhaalspawn all along
learn to have FUN
and have sex
>he seriously gives a fuck about THAC0
The Baldur's Gate trilogy was always a story about the Bhaalspawn, though. Which ended pretty conclusively in ToB, didn't it? And yes, trilogy. ToB was the third that didn't get to make as a full game. Illithids and the FR setting is cool and all, but why Baldur's Gate if it's not going to have anything to do with that story? I guess they just wanted the name value. Could have just called it anything else.
The only platform it is confirmed for is stadia.
Should I read the novels? Are they decent books which respect the continuity established in the games?
Wait a sec...
>tfw no more transferable pantaloons
who gives a shit about insane levels of reactivity? i really couldn't give a fuck about divos 1 or 2 because yes you have 10 different ways to solve the mystery of the stolen cows or whatever but the writing and dialogue was so shit throughout that i couldn't be arsed enough to care about what i was doing.
bg3 needs good writing, simple as, and larian haven't shown they can achieve good writing.
>The protagonist from the games, Abdel Adrian, is still alive, holding the position of one of the Dukes of Baldurs Gate. He is true neutral, older but remarkably well preserved due to his Baal spawn heritage. There is a large statue in the city of Minsc and Boo, popular with the locals it commemorates the companions of the Hero of Baldurs Gate.
This is canon and if you don't like it you can suck a dick
i haven't read novels or what happens after bg2
give me a quick rundown
Is it real-time or turn-based?
So is the game going to be related to the Bhaalspawn in some way and if not why even call it BG3.
why do you lie?
no they bad really bad
>There is a large statue in the city of Minsc and Boo
>just realized I never beat BG2 because I couldn't decide who to waifu
I guess this is as good a reason as any to start that up again
So the main villains are the mindflayers?
Lame, very low-tier
It would be fun if the dialogue was actually funny. Its hard to have fun when you can tell the writers are trying super fucking hard to come across as quirky.
>have sex
Ah, a redditor. Of course you would find that kind of dialogue "fun"
is it gonna be traditional?
Viconia, Minsk, Drizzt and maybe Bhaalspawn are 100% destined to return
>Mind flayers used to be able to travel between worlds using via the Astral Plane, piloting massive shells with protruding tentacles known as nautiloids. They made the mind flayers even more formidable, but the art of making new ones has been lost to them. Until now. "Those are big problems," says Vincke. "They want to restore their empire, so we see the mind flayers invading a city, with a nautaloid, so you can imagine what might happen—but it's not what you'll expect!"
We Spellljammer now
>humans turning into illithids
>illithids flyings
What's this fanfic bullshit?
aerie is ok but her personality is boring
if you fuck jaheira/viconia you're literally a cuck but fucking milf like jaheira is kind of hot so im conflicted here, also viconia endings are shit
Baldurs gate with splitscreen coop please
>shitty coop gimmicks
>larian humor
>100 years later so literally no connection to the old games
>half the game will be spent fighting generic bad guys just like the OS games
All from the great studio that brought you dragons with jetpacks.
There's probably going to be guest writers, Avellone wrote Fane so they've done it before. WotC isn't just going to let them fuck about with their property that much.
That actually sounds fucking rad
Biocuck gave up the license?
>Beamdog cucked by Larian
Based, another reason to like them.
The PS4 can't show more than 6 characters on screen.
*Drains your int*
*You die because your already chicken brain tier Int was so low that after drainining you're now too stupid for body functions*
Wew lad.
BG2 used to be THE golden standard all later cRPGs would be compared to and now there's a very likely chance its name will be tainted with this pseudo sequel, such a shame.
Motherfucker did you fail reading comprehension in 2nd grade
Consoletards will ruin it like everything they touch.
I'm glad that beamniggers got fucked. That's the best thing to come out of this announcement.
>There is a large statue in the city of Minsc and Boo
It's true. To be fair this is better, than Beamdog fanfiction.
Give Dark Alliance 3
siege of dragonspear did not ruin the reputation of BG so i can hardly imagine that this game will
>Bioware btfo
>Obsidian btfo
>Beamdog btfo
>Owlcat btfo
>Biocuck gave up the license?
As if they were able to retain it
Turn based
But it wasnt announced for consoles
>I hope you're all prepared to have 10000 resto sup spells and scrolls for fighting mindflayers ;)
That's how they rolled since forever. They are parasites - what are you on about?
Here's a taste:
BG protagonist is a chaotic neutral warrior
Jaheira is a ditzy slut
Xan gets eaten by a spider
Sarevok and Tamoko have blood orgies
Misnc owns a bar
Bodhi is a bartender in Minsc's bar
Protagonist fucks Bodhi
Protagonist gets in a fist fight with Irenicus
>Instead of importing a BG2 save BG3 will assume that the canonical story will be that dumb faggot from the novels was the Bhaalspawn all along
It doesn't matter at this point, that even was over a hundred years ago, and the main character of that game dies at the start of the Murder in Baldur's Gate module. There wouldn't be any reason to reference it in this, unless they bring back some of the original party member's who'd still be alive at this point.
How did they even get the license? What is happening to Bioware?
Larian refuses to say for now.
Why are you lying shitstain?
Who are you quoting?
IIRC I wanted Jaheira but might mod Imoen in
So it has nothing to do with Baldurs Gate games, got it
Wizard of the Coast owns the bloody licence, not Bioware.
Is there anything fun Larian can do with Ilithids and Far Realm?
Can they make MC somehow related to them Bhaalspawn-style?
You might be getting something like it, it's not going to be a traditional Baldur's Gate game they said
they better give us option to play as bad guy this time instead of railroading everyone into making good choices
do you have a single fact to back this up?
turn based combat is kind of boring, the only game that i could stomach with turn based combat were classic fallouts
i much prefer real time with pause
>Protagonist gets in a fist fight with Irenicus
Sounds fucking hilarious.
>bring back some of the original party member's who'd still be alive at this point
Elves are longlived in DnD?
Swen is the shit. His house has always been in tune with PC gamers. Probably because literally everyone employed at Larian is one.
Coran will likely make some sort of appearance. He's in both the Murder in Baldur's Gate 5e module and in the Legends of Baldur's Gate comics.
>it's not going to be a traditional Baldur's Gate game they said
and yet they still call it bg 3
the absolute state
Actually beamdog would be happy to just re-release games with minimal improvement that sell decently, as they are obviously incapable of working on a full game. The only people who would be seething right now are the cucks who bought the enhanced editions in the hopes of this contributing to the development of bg 3 (which it didn't).
>not dark alliance 3
Probably the devs laughing their asses off when zoomers will get drown in negative level and stats.
It's a D&D IP you fucking brown child.
You could be a huge asshole in OS2 already so why not.
if memory serves i think the dnd license went to atari at some point so bioware havent had it in ages
probably why dragon age isn't set in the dnd universe despite it basically being a spiritual successor to bg
beamdog enchated version when?
>it's not on stadia
>posts proof
I know now that you failed it in first grade, little zoom zoom.
Speaking of elves - I guess thanks to official 5e lore, elves would be trannies by default?
It has the title, it has "3" in the title, so fools might get tricked into thinking that the game has something in common with the main series (not Dark Alliance), so it's guaranteed to sell to some degree and zoom-zooms will eat that shit up like truffles.
>Jaheira is a ditzy slut
>Sarevok and Tamoko have blood orgies
go on...
>Protagonist gets in a fist fight with Irenicus
but will it have "actually its about ethics in adventuring" and transgender propaganda in it?
Don't tell me they are pulling inspiration from Spelljammer? This is literally impossible, because nobody cares about Spelljammer nowadays.
>jason cuckner
explain steam page
it says BG3 is 100 years after the original, so 100 years after Baldur's Gate, not BG2
Looks fucking rad to me, famicom.
Reminder that D&D is having a major resurgence and everyone is playing again and you should probably go find a group to play as well
There are hints of an illithid conspiracy throughout the BG games
It's 100 years after the original, because 5e takes place 100 years after previous editions. That's the only reason.
because its in Baldur's Gate lmao dip
So the game has nothing to do with the Baldur's Gate games other than being in the same setting, that hundreds of other games have been set in and having the title + 3 in it?
Only pure elves like Viconia and Aerie get to enjoy a lifespan in the hundreds of years. Everyone else should presumably be dead of old age by the time of BG2's conclusion + 100 years.
If you can think of a better way to make a dragon go really fast in the air, I'd like to hear it.
wtf epic bros we got too cocky?
Corellon was fluid gender (before that was ever a term) LONG before current politics. Old D&D lore was weird.
It's enhanced, Pajeet. It has nothing to do with magic
I know, user. That's why it's too good to be true.
yes, if the wotc guy has anything to say about it
But Baldur's Gate 2 wasn't even in Baldur's Gate. So shouldn't this be the real Baldur's Gate 2?
Yes, we definitely know 100% because that cinematic teaser trailer clearly granted us full and unquestionable knowledge of the whole game
Does BG1&2 hold up? Never played them.
>moving goalpost to "I-I never said it's a exclusive..."
kys nigger
it's been like this for a couple years now, i mean critical role blew it the fuck up
I am happy that Larian of all people are doing this, but why do we need a BG3 in the first place? I am pretty sure the ending of ToB was pretty conclusive.
Nothing that hints at a bigger plot worthy of being the backdrop of a sequel, don't be retarded.
>But Baldur's Gate 2 wasn't even in Baldur's Gate
Beamdog games are canon?
Fairly sure the founder of Beamdog said everytime he talked to WotC he'd ask about Baldur's Gate 3 and that the enhanced editions were a way to curry favour with them so that they could get the rights, so Larian getting BG3 is hilarious to me. You're still probably right about them being fine with shoveling out their shit ports though.
Still, current politics were very quick to latch onto that and now Crawford and WotC won't shut the fuck up about it. They even made sex-changing an elven trait.
>stop looking at my forehead
>Protagonist gets in a fist fight with Irenicus
yes i cant wait for epic hamster knights and funny voices
bg 1 is debatable but bg 2 yes
i replayed entire trilogy like a month ago as warrior/mage shit was comfy
people will shit on me for saying this but you probably should start with bg2
Nooooo this can't be happening beamdog bros... It was supposed to be our time
I hate the new system. Pass.
Will she make an appearance?
This is the official BG story, since BG3 is using the novels as canon.
>BG3 in the first place?
It's like humans wearing fins in the water. Helps them move faster and more efficiently.
Yah thats a BIG monkey paw but i woulnd trust NOTHING to larian with their shitty narrative level and le quirky humor.
>turn based
>Larian humour
Dead on release
>since BG3 is using the novels as canon
No, they are not!
>They even made sex-changing an elven trait.
Honestly, that's one of the very few SJW-friendly shit they did that makes 100% sense with prior lore, so I don't see it as an issue.
You'd never see a dwarf do that shit.
bg2 yes absolutly it is the only game i replay once every year BG1 not that much
Yes, they are. Abdel Adrian IS the player character of BG1-2.
Sounds like shitty fanfiction.
Have you seen the fucking teaser? H.R. Giger would've been proud.
I guess Larian's humor became much darker recently.
>As for the story Larian has in mind, it's clear that Mind flayers will have a big part to play in Baldur's Gate 3. Asked why Larian is focusing on the Cthulu-like brain eaters, Vincke says dryly, "They're Mindflayers, they're cool. They also have an element of Spelljammer to them [a 2nd edition campaign setting], which is a personal weakness."
What would sex with Bodhi's fat vampiric booty feel like?
>not NWN3
>probably not in a new setting like Cormyr or Chult
>H.R. Giger
You mean D.Cronenberg
>Abdel Adrian IS the player character of BG1-2
I named my fighter bhaalspawn Abdel anyway
she bites your cock off and you die
Nothing will be stadia exclusive.
Based Swen
Stolen from /tg/:
- Abdel Adrian - Protagonist
- Imoen - Followed Abdel; died against Amelyssan
- Monteraun - Zhentarum agent investigating iron crisis. Found out by Khalid & Jaheira. Escaped, ended up in Amn, where he was killed by Harpers
- Xzar - Zhentarum agent investigating iron crisis. Found out by Khalid & Jaheira. Escaped, ended up in Amn, where he was killed by Harpers.
- Khalid - Harper agent investigating iron crisis. Stuck with Abdel for some time. Killed by Irenicus between BGI and BGII
- Jaheira - Harper agent investigating iron crisis. Stuck with Abdel for some time. Killed in the final battle with Irenicus. NO ROMANCE.
- Minsc - Rashemi warrior-berserker protector of Dynaheir. Stuck with Abdel through BGII, left prior to Throne of Bhaal.
- Dynaheir - Rashemi witch. Stuck with Abdel through BGI. Killed by Irenicus between BGI and BGII
FINAL PARTY: Abdel, Imoen, Khalid, Jaheira, Minsc, Dynaheir
- Abdel Adrian - SEE above; sided with the Shadow Thieves
- Imoen - SEE above
- Minsc - SEE above
- Jaheira - SEE above
- Yoshimo - Secretly an agent for Irenicus, via geas. Was forced to betray Abdel. Didn't want to. Killed by Abdel.
- Aerie - Wingless avariel. Joined with Abdel in Amn, remained with him through it. Left prior to Throne of Bhaal with Minsc. NO ROMANCE
- Korgan - Crazy guy who kind of just started following Abdel around. Survived fight with Irenicus, wandered off in search of more money.
FINAL PARTY: Abdel, Imoen, Minsc, Jaheira, Aerie, Korgan
- Abdel Adrian - SEE above
- Imoen - SEE above
- Sarevok - Former villain brought back from the dead. Somewhat reformed by Abdel and Imoen. Died against Amelyssan.
FINAL PARTY: Abdel, Imoen, Sarevok
nwn sucks, it will never be a part of OG circle of classics like icewind dale or bg
Yes, of course. Super happy! It's not like making BG3 was their plan since the beggining, right Julius?
Beamdog on suicide watch.
>which is a personal weakness
Mine too! THIS IS SO GREAT, user!
Stadia announced it existing.
Everyone knew it was being made a week before.
Stadia has no exclusives. It's a streaming service for PC game.
Can't be more happier. Siege of Dragonspear was so fucking bad. It was like playing a ffxiii hallway sprinkled with muh refugees and muh trannies. And they sacrificed Minsc to make a 4th wall gamergate joke. Fuck those basedboys. DOS2 combat was like watching paint dry but I was drawn into the world and it had comfy exploring and decent characters. Spent about 50 hours on it so thats something I guess.
It doesn't really matter which studio makes it though. I have no high hopes so I'm not setting myself up for dissapointment. BG2 is one of those 'all planets aligned' type legendary games like Brood War, Deus Ex, Chrono Trigger, Planescape, Quake 3 and others. It's impossible to make worthy sequels.
>that makes 100% sense with prior lore
Drow disagree.
Not really familiar with it but it seems cool. I think I've seen spelljammer ships before in the underdark
korgan and kagain were based chad dwarfs
Mindflayers arn't unique to Spelljammer and originate in generic DnD though.
it is the novels are really bad
It's gonna get pc cultured, prepare your anus.
Steam fags that want a monopoly. They hate competition more than console war fags.
But above wiki quote states Abdel and Jaheira were in a relationship.
>will have enviromental interactions
>probably not isometric
>No missing based on dicerolls
What even will this game be?
At this point it could be Dark Messiah 2
Calling the bhaalspawn by his book name is cringe and yikes, I seriously hope you don't do this.
the drow are under Lolth, their prior connection to Correllon doesn't matter anymore
What's this? The novels? Viconia wasn't even in them so it isn't going to be canon?
>finally get to THE baldurs gate in bg1
>realize trespassing through it is a fucking chore and how badly designed it is, then just rush last shitty arc of story to get into bg2
>They also have an element of Spelljammer to them [a 2nd edition campaign setting], which is a personal weakness.
Abdel cheated on his lovers constantly.
Also reminder that WotC is entirely undermined by mentally ill trannies and actively pushing an agenda through their products, destroying anything good that may come from D&D5.
All of this is coupled with a strong sense of corporate censorship and authoritarian attitudes.
Remember how they snipped that guys entire digital set of magic cards?
Yep... great company, really.
I wish TSR was still around
Larian may be shit and have meme writers but at least every single game they've made had romance and waifus so we can expect that at least.
>cucking stutter boi
like clockwork
in the fucking trash where it belongs
No Keldorn or Viconia? What the fuck is this?
Completely agree!
Larian already confirmed they are using the BG novels as canon.
It does in 5e. That's the big retcon. Drow can also change their gender now. Because 2019.
The joke is - Crawford added this ability to inteptly virtue signal, without thinking the details through. That's why Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes is a meme book that nobody takes seriously as a lorebook.
Nothing wrong with diversity and different sexual orientations, go back to your shitty russian rpgs if you cant handle it.
it felt kinda bad to make keldorn a part of your group if you completed his personal quest
You fags aren't weak-willed enough to follow some """canon""" instead of just deciding for yourself, are you?
I wonder if the beamcucks defending SoD and acting like it was innegable canon will know cuck themselves to dead.
Are the Enhanced Editions not good? Was interested in playing these games.
>Larian may be shit and have meme writers
Compared to fucking what?
TSR was run like shit and went bankrupt, lad
What WotC is now is nowhere near as bad as TSR was under Lorraine Williams. You really need to look her up if you think WotC is bad now.
Please tell me this won't have the same kind of isometric gameplay as Baldur's Gate 1-2, Planescape Torment or Pillars of Eternity.
For some reason I can't get into that shit. I love proper tactical games like X-com or Tactics Ogre, I love action RPGs like Gothic 2 and Vampire Bloodlines, I even love the games like Kotor and Xenoblade where you have a party but they're pretty much on autopilot. But this isometric RPG genre is just my fucking kryptonite.
I have never played any baldurs gate games because I am a zoomer
Are the enhanced editions recommended?
Will it have hot elves?
The BG novels directly impact the BG3 main story.
5e is literally the best system yet, and larian is a good developer. Go be angry about nothing somewhere else.
I must've missed that section then, I'll have to look it up later
you seems angered tranny
Fucking BASED. Timmy on suicide watch, bugmen SEETHING
>Drizzt Do'Urden
I am not forgotten.
Drow aren't eladrin.
Already confirmed for GOG.
>reusing baldur's gate name when the iconic game stories were completely over.
shitty cash grab
Is this a Ippo reference?
Not unless you like trannys
Can Drizzt appear again? Is he even alive?
If you waited til now, just wait for the console releases in december. Those were made for your kind in particular.
the quality of life changes are good, no more clicking hidden bodies or chests
new """""content""" they add is fucking bad and super out of place (shitty new companions, thankfully you can ignore them)
it's going to be 3rd person and play like Dragon Age, except with a lot more interactivity with people, objects and environments
Us? Fuck no. But they might. And it sounds like it will be following that. Which means that's what we're getting no matter how much we hate it or how "strong-willed" we are.
You are.
Tieflings are not the cool kids. Nobody gives a shit about the drow any more.
That was Torment: Tides of Numenera
So? Why should that affect how you play the previous games?
Skip BG1 and BG2. Just play Siege of Dragonspear.
everywhere except epic lol
>the absolute fucking state of american "writers"
No wonder every single good game made these days is from russia or EU
>"we want nothing but tolerance!"
>literally start loading this garbage on your plate at any time possible
>also eliminate, deplatform and fire everyone that dares to make as much as a beep against it
Get fucked tranny
They introduced a ton of bugs that fanmodders had fixed years before, stole their work and added modern liberal politics into the game including a character that came out as trans in like the second line of their dialogue. So yeah they're shit, get the original copies of the games and BGT to unify the systems and add a really small cutscene between the games to explain how you ended up in Amn.
That was set in an entirely different setting and was always billed only as a spiritual successor with a different name, never as a true sequel. They never tried to pretend otherwise.
grognards on suicide watch
If the squids are involved we are bound to meet a few drow at least.
Why are you even here? Fuck off, underage.
>wrote Fane
Didn't he only write the backstory and not everything else with him?
dont bait a person willing to give classic a chance
Go cuck yourself, console player.
careful, tranny janny banned me for posting pictures of gog-chan
they are some of the most laughably bad books i have ever read lol and I love the games to bits.
That screen is from Siege of Dragonspear, the beamdog developed "midquel" that you should not touch under any circumstances.
Played the Enhanced Editions. Avoid the new characters(you can tell from their really out of place writing).
>Dark Messiah 2
I fucking wish
>Are the enhanced editions recommended?
As long as you can access all the worthwhile mods and can sidestep Beamdog's cancer content - by all means.
I've preferred the original standalone games (not BGT) with TuTu because that's what I already had installed with all the mods prepared.
Bullshit. They specifically used the Torment title to bank off of the name of the prior game. There are still people to this day who go "isn't this a sequel to Planscape:Torment?"
They need to get fucked.
Honestly? They have minimal mechanical improvements are fine but the OG story content they added are fucking terrible. Writing is too different and bad and the voice acting is worse than the original somehow to the point it really stands out.
As for Planescape and Icewind Dale, Planescape is relatively untouched from what I know but Icewind Dale got butchered, even if it was never a really good game in the first place.
Cutfags BTFO
It's gonna be in their new game so deal with it, even Divinity 2 was diverse and lgbt friendly.
We're talking about BG3, ya simp. Whatever story they go with is going to be the setup for this game most likely.
>didnt sell out to Microsoft
>didnt sell out to Epic
>"We're about 200 people now, internally, working on this," Vincke said, "and we have over 100 people externally and that's only increasing.
It's a very big game."
>"The trailer should tell you a lot about the production values we're going for - it is at a higher level than what we did for DOS2," he added.
>"How high a level I will let you discover when we show the first gameplay footage," which, before you think-ask it, will be shown "when it's ready to be shown".
>"We're going to make this as good as we can until we run out of money and we have to ship it," Vincke said, with a smile.
>"Preferably, we'll get it ready before that time but we're not going to release it if this is not the game we want to play ourselves."
why not? he had decades to try and now suddenly is interested? His kind should just play the most modern version. I forgot to him to play it on a console.
Wait, is that Nautiloid in the end of a trailer?
Larian can do serious. You encounter Magisters executing children in OS2, and the Gareth questline where he buries his parents was quite touching. OS2 was less cheesy than OS1, and BG3 will probs be even less cheesy than OG2.
Divinity OS1&2 are the most X-com-ish of isometric RPGs so this should be similar (but on steroids)
You'd wish this ability was limited to eladrin.
Somehow Dragonlance elves are also connected to Corellon. I have 5e lore.
From the little I read romances were more of an afterthought in D:oS whereas they occupy an optional but central part in character development in BG2, so I'm a little skeptical here. It's not like BG2 had stellar writing or anything, but it made you care about the companions you had beyond what they could offer to the party in terms of abilities.
>when it's ready to be shown
Seems odd to just announce it out of the blue, right before E3, if they aren't going to show anything there.
Probably won't go with that specific look, but yes
Just let me boot orcs off ledges via slip'n'slide ice patches one more time. I need it.
>Larian can do serious. You encounter Magisters executing children in OS2,
They announced it now because of Stadia
The title was Planescape: Torment. Only retards think it was a sequel. They always claimed otherwise. Using the name was because they wanted to create a spiritual successor. They made that very clear.
>There are still people to this day who go "isn't this a sequel to Planscape:Torment?"
Even a passing browse about the game would have told you that it wasn't. It's not their fault if retards were stupid enough to think otherwise.
>Larian studio head Swen Vincke says other easter eggs are there to be found, but does draw our attention to the skies at the end of the trailer. “The big tentacle thing is called a Nautiloid – it’s how the Mind Flayers traverse the astral plane. It was made popular in a [D&D] sub-universe called Spelljammer, but we just thought it was incredibly awesome. This is going to be biggest Nautiloid you’ve ever seen.”
So unfair guys.... so unfair
Still, the romance with Sebille was cute and very Baldur's Gate-y for the lack of a better word.
I really do hope they give us some new, fun companions and cute waifus.
and those retards make a very large portion of people. It was very intentional and misleading.
They can get fucked.
>It was made popular in a [D&D] sub-universe called Spelljammer, but we just thought it was incredibly awesome. This is going to be biggest Nautiloid you’ve ever seen.”
wow they literally dont give a fuck
>Divinity OS1&2 are the most X-com-ish of isometric RPGs
They're not isometric
>Vincke suggests the game will be heavily systems-driven and Larian will be creating its own D&D-inspired ruleset. "We'll stay true to our roots, so we'll give players lots of systems and lots of agency to use these systems and try to accomplish what you need to on your personal adventure and your party's adventure. That's not going to change; that's the core of what we're doing. But then there will be an interpretation of D&D, because if you port the core rules—we tried it!—to a videogame, it doesn't work."
Oh boy, I can hear the gronards already.
I'm sorry you were one of those retards.
The entire story was finished 2 months before release, it was never their focus.
It had good romance too in my opinion.
Hopefully they focus more on serious writing this time since they've nailed the combat every time now and it's not their own universe.
Multiplanar travel is a thing in D&D. Nautiloids showing up in Faerun is nothing really special.
Nope, just someone who actually likes the Planescape setting, and hate that they banked off of it to mislead people into buying their game.
I think that moving game might be stadia exclusive
>if you port the core rules—we tried it!—to a videogame, it doesn't work
It never fucking works. I can't believe it took us this long to figure it out.
>wow they literally dont give a fuck
Is that bad tho? I don't know anything about Spelljammer.
I was invited to play in a group but I mainly play Starfinder and Warhammer TT so I've forgotten what classes are fun in D&D
Are there any mods or anything that remove the inconsistent trash?
worked for bg2 aka the greatest rpg ever made
Is it possible to fuck an illithid?
>a thread about a screenshot of a youtube video with no link in the OP
The state of this board.
>Run custom campaign setting
>One player calls me out for not making every other character a homo
>blocks your path
That's disappointing. It doesn't have to be a perfect port of the rules, but it shouldn't be shy away from it either. NWN games weren't perfect ports, but were close enough to feel like D&D.
I don’t know anything about these games but the teaser looked nice. I thought DnD was more of a LOTR fantasy game and not some intergalactic aliens, WH40K bullshittery.
I never cared about BG but this trailer is fucking KINO
Its one of the neverending disputes written in the book of gronards, how far you can take fantasy before it crosses the line of soft-science fiction or japanese cartoons.
>yfw its gameplay is inspired by Dragon's Dogma
I can't wait for the rage
>Perkins also said another important feature of Baldur’s Gate (the city) is the disparity between rich and poor, the Upper City, Lower City, and Outer City (it’s long outgrown its walls and sprawls outside them), places that thieves and cutthroats run. “It’s a hard-line divide. You can’t get into the Upper City unless you live there or have a token that lets you stay there, and when night falls, then you’re thrown out,” Perkins said on Dragon Talk. Vincke said you’ll see this in the game and while it’s not the focus of the entire storyline, this divide between rich and poor is clearly in it.
N-not c-canon
Yup they mentioned it in one of the interviews
wtf is Bg?
who cares about that franchise?
This is literally the first sentence on steam and GoG.
>Torment: Tides of Numenera is the thematic successor to Planescape: Torment
Seriously. If you or anyone is too stupid to notice that, then you are literally too stupid to purchase video games.
I love the setting too, "Planescape" is nowhere in the title. They never banked on it. It was never mentioned and the Numenera setting is. They went out of their way to tell people it wasn't set in that. Stop making excuses for retards.
You can ignore most of it really, there's just no reason for it to be there in the first place
truly the masterpiece of writing ...
Meh, rich vs poor is pleb tier and not really annoying
D&D has always been sort of weird. One of the earliest modules for it had a crashed UFO and laser weapons (Expedition to the Barrier Peaks)
So drumpf cameo confirmed?
Don't forget Khalid cheating on Jaheira. Never mind the fact he's timid as fuck. Never mind the fact their bio says they love and care for each other deeply. What a shit show.
so? did you play the games? and tried to talked some of the nobles?
I thought Spelljammer is not canon anymore tho
I always thought D&D was about more basic things: Dragons, elves, dwarves, orcs, Gods. Not space-time-plane-traveling spaceships...
Having a wealth divide in a fantasy setting is par for the course since in medieval times there was in fact a wealth divide.
jaheira is a canon slut
>30s teaser that shows less than nothing and still doesn't get its lore right
This is DnD. This has, currently, and will be the very essence of what DnD is.
that's been a theme in games and media since long before current year
Classes with options are fun
Spellcasters always have options
Rogues have options
Battlemaster Fighter has options
>who cares about that franchise?
Everyone older than 18, now fuck off, underage nigger.
aw dude there's lots of different settings in d&d
there's a post-apocalyptic desert world too
5e basically brings all the old settings into a multiverse tied together
just play EE and ignore new npcs, you will know which ones because its obvious
nice 7 languages including polish
unlike russian putinmaker
>One of the earliest modules for it had a crashed UFO and laser weapons (Expedition to the Barrier Peaks)
That's cool as fuck and I wish more games did it. Medieval-meets-science fiction is sorely underutilised.
>Minsc got petrified and sent 100 years into the future
Yeah. Which is why having a wealth divide doesn't bother me.
If we want to get autistic almost no isometric videogame is actually isometric, but dimetric.
meant for
Elminster and Drizzt will appear?
>Don't forget Khalid cheating on Jaheira
Wouldn't be surprised if he had beat the bitch a couple times.
No, they absolutely banked off the name and mislead. It's the only reason they used the title Torment.
They can fuck off, you can make all the excuses all you want. Worst cashgrab in a long time.
It's not worth getting them to begin with. You just need to spend a couple of hours modding the originals to get them to work with none of the extra shit. Check out Spellhold Studios and Gibberlings3 first, then Moddb.
Maybe skip Sword Coast Stratagems if you follow this guide, I'd say it's better for a second run through.
You're thinking Tolkein, and you're thinking the very basic LOTR Tolkien and not the more weird esoteric stuff at the fringes of Tolkein's middle earth.
Wizard made alot of weird stuff in the 80s for DnD, Spelljammer is one of them and it is officially licensed content for DnD.
Based Sven.
this is why i love this guy. Hes basically an Idea guy that did the hard work, became a Developer, worked his ass off making games that never could be what he wanted them to be because of publisher meddling.
And now hes finally there where he can just make his dream "But what if we could do X" games.
Hes what every dreamboy should aspire to.
the backstory.
Aka the main plot of the game.
Seriously Fanes backstory is literaly the games premise.
Realistically speaking, how many of our companions can be still alive?
All elves
All mages, also druids?
Anything else?
The great objective of Beamdog... now in the dust. I kinda feel bad for them. Well, not really.
Stop deflecting, just accept that you're wrong and retarded for calling games isometric despite having a camera you can fully rotate.
tfw you cant tell if this shit is ironic or not
>A modern sequel of a classic series
You only have yourselves to blame.
All games should be only released in English, it would filter retards unable to learn language that's taught for at least 8 years at school and is present virtually everywhere nowadays.
We 40k now
I swear half of those words are made up.
While this is probably going to be a disaster I'm fucking glad Beamdog got cucked to the extreme.
>thinking that people who play 5e know who those are
>Haer'Dalis is a Big Ender
What was intended by this statement?
seething barnacle head
No missing on rolls.
Probably not isometric.
its not gonna be an isometric CRPG i think.
Honestly, part of me hopes its western dragons dogma.
or Baldurs Gate: Dark Messiah
so what are big differences between ruleset bg 2 had and 5e?
Steam page confirms this. Congrats.
don't get your hopes high, especialy when marketing is targeting nostalgia for beloved series and devs had nothing to do with old games
if it's good then cool, if its not just pretend that it doesnt exists
Just proves all different sized humans are cancer races and real chads play other stuff.
How did they bank off it if Planescape isn't in the title and they mention it's set in Numenera? It doesn't have 2 in it. It doesn't have Planescape in it. Most of the people who worked on the original were on this team and they wanted to create a game with a similar theme, not in terms of setting. That was always what they advertised. They said it straight up on their kickstarter. They say it in the very first line describing the game for people who didn't follow the kickstarter development.
Those people are retards. Simple as that.
>lore and length mattering in cinematography
Don't be so quick to declare victory. Jeremy Crawford is at the helm of 5E D&D at this point. And his a flaming faggot that loves that kind of shit.
>is pure unbridled nihilism
post your fucking face and sountrack, lads
It's all dependent on the setting. FR has had Spelljammer ports since its Grey box edition, to the everyman they're likely just seen as wizard shenanigans (they are) if seen at all.
>All games should be only released in
the language of the game developer
>>thinking that people who play 5e know who those are
Why would it be a disaster? DOS2 is one of the best CRPGs in the last decade.
Weird that all the great computer RPGs are getting made overseas at the moment
5e rules you cuck, best version of the game ever. Confirmed for knowing nothing
ToB has the most hype main theme
Not that guy but does a rotatable camera make a game non-isometric? And if so, would fixing the camera at a certain angle make it isometric or would the 3D environment disqualify it?
If Abdel is canon, than he will be still alive in BG3.
It should've been Owlcat
At least they made a crpg already
5e brought a lot of older players back, who hated 3e, and absolutely DESPISED 4e.
It's irrelevant for me since I'm not interest in BG3. I just remembered Beamdog failure.
>Weird that all the great computer RPGs are getting made overseas at the moment
It's not weird at all. US game dev companies are absolute fucking clownshows now thanks to politics.
You're a fag if you don't like Dark Alliance.
this fucking theme
I never ever wanted to feel this hyped for a video juegos ever but .. I just can't help it, I'm gonna cry tears of joy I think.. fugg
He died in the tabletop module and Bhaal was resurrected.
Crawford has actually done decent shit for the game so far, though... other than his insistence on bringing bladsingers back
it really fucking didn't work, BG2's gameplay was bad even for it's era
Is it still based on ADnD or are they updating the rules to accommodate the 5e normies
>Not that guy but does a rotatable camera make a game non-isometric?
Yes because isometric is a 45° view on the map
Beamdog games are not canon, right? Because I really don't want to play them.
It's going to be shit guys.
Kids today dont like d&d and they hate dice rolls.
Be prepared for a very left wing story
Watered down fifth edition rule set
No multi class
Short playthrough
And turn based combat
We should have just got a b1,b2, and icewind dale remake bros
I'm excited. Larian has never made a bad game. Flawed games yes, but they were all fun.
It's not. They do it for a lot of media. There's one like this for Undertale, Pathfinder, Dragon Ball Z, Final Fantasy VI.
kill yourself bahroo you lost gearbox is for fags
looks like I'm reinstalling
Give me a fun class to play.
>Genre: Real-time Fantasy
>No missing on rolls.
How does that even work?
>He died in the tabletop module and Bhaal was resurrected.
Yes, but BG3 happens 20 years before that module
Anyone have that webm of the dude with the skid mark on his face reacting to the new star wars trailer... yeah, that person is me right now
wild mage with no save scumming
Everything is fucking canon in current D&D lore.
I feel sorry for Larian trying to make sense of it.
That website became obscure after VanOrd and the tranny left.
>dragon commander has dialogue dealing with women getting paid less than men
Maybe its a perfect match.
Ok, it’s time to give these games a try. The enhanced edition is the definitive way to play, isn’t it?
It wont be like the good ol' days.
>Larian actually originally pitched for Baldur's Gate 3 back when Divinity: Original Sin 1 was in development, but Dungeons & Dragons owner Wizards of the Coast thought the Belgium studio too green, too inexperienced, Vincke said. Funny to hear that now, given the enormous success of the Original Sin series - and evidently Wizards soon cottoned on to what Larian could do. "During DOS2, they reached out to us and said, 'Do you still want to do it?'" Vincke said, to which the obvious answer was: "Yes - of course."
Wasn't the whole point of Beamdog doing all these EE for them to be able to make III? Did SoD fuck them up that badly or something?
>20 years before that module
wait, where did you get that? not same user, but I thought this was set in the current timeline (that module was slightly before the current timeline)
Fuck off console nigger
You mean just like Divinity OS? There's a reason they got the IP.
At least they aren't political. So don't expect a bunch of Beamdog/Bioware style cuck shit.
Hell, Divinity 2 could be hilarious at times. I remember the magic well who asks you riddles, and as you get them right the well fucking orgasms.
Trying a bit too hard there newfag.
>The enhanced edition is the definitive way to play, isn’t it?
Yeah, if you want the dialogue to be rewritten by bugmen and bluehairs.
>turn based combat
I like that though.
>Beamdog releases Baldur's Gate 3 Enhanced Edition
2019 Yea Forums BTFO
Read the fucking thread, it's been asked like 5 times already. If you don't have the patience for that, you don't have the patience to play the first 20 minutes of any BG game
Kevin VanOrd left journalism to become a vidya writer and is LITERALLY one of the writers for BG3, working for Larian.
based waffles
Of course it will be 5e. I doubt they would give out the license to make a game in a previous edition. Seems like a bad business decision to advertise your new product.
Icewind Dale 3 when?
But WotC themselves are political. So you will get your trannies in BG 3 whether you want to or not.
Divinity is zoomer xcom tier and yes its shit.
Just let the Dragon Commander writers work on the romances and we're all good.
muh monopolyfags BTFO
BG2 - 1369 DR
BG3 - 1469 DR (100 years after)
Module - 1479 DR
I didn't give much of a shit about romances or waifus as a kid, but I unorinically picked Viconia in 2 just for this music.
how can one man be this fucking based? like come on now mate?!
holy fucking shit if anyone can pull it off it's larian please pull it off please pull it off
>gender fuckery
>gender issues
>turn based
>silly dialogue
>space ships
What else can expect?
>scrolling through pages and pages of comments until you finally find some other autistic retard that proves your autistic retarded point
have sex
>Kickstarted OS1
>Did so well they were able to make OS2
>Now have a spinoff of OS being worked on
>Wizards actually approached them to see if they wanted to make BG3
>Still have another big game hidden that hasn't been shown
I think Larian and their games are doing alright
nothing is rewritten though, it only adds couple of awful npcs as far as new content goes
qualify of life improvements are good but dont give beamdog shekels and borrow it from internet instead
>best version of the game ever
That's not AD&D.
Or 4E.
WHat the fuck WotC, a studio with 20 years of history is too green, but you let Beamdog, a bunch of modder nobodies fuck with your IP? This doesn't make a lick of sense.
>Larian is just another soulless AAA dev
fucking lol larian is literally indie
>even their shitty rts had romances
we will be able to romance everyone right?
>Bodhi is a bartender in Minsc's bar
You have to love/ hate Hasbro.
>gender fuckery
>gender issues
This isn't Beamdog.
>turn based
Would be a good thing.
>silly dialogue
Was also in BG1 and BG2.
>the good guys won
What a wholesome story.
He is even a fan of Spelljammer.
Larian are okay they are not beamdog so far they did keep leftsits fagotory on minimum and i kinda doubt that they will try to ruin bg3 with it
This. They're alright in my book. I had a lot of fun with OS 1 and so far 2 is fantastic (apart from the 4 AP thing. Fuck that.)
I don't think Larian will pull gender politics into it.
Die leise Klinge schneidet am besten.
Good. Fuck them.
>beamdog will live past 2025
Mein neger. Wild Mage is the most fun I've ever had with 2e
The way its phrased in the interview it sounds like they offered to put it on Epic alongside the other storefronts but it didn't happen, wonder what pissed off Sweeney
>At least they aren't political.
you cannot be a writer for an rpg and NOT be political in this day and age. that's just impossible.
Yes lmao
WotC will force leftist shit on them. They feel very strongly about it.
Stop speaking nazi
>That sister backstory that bothered some trannies replaying it
Let's hope they let Larian do the writing. The last thing we need is WoTC forcing shit in to appeal to Critical Role faggots.
They did in dragon commander so why not?
>space ships
Fuck you. Spelljammer is rad.
Beamdog had the correct and righteous people working there.
well we will see
Honestly those four points would be my ideal sequel. Based.
Fuck yeah.
As long as I get to have a zombie gf everything’s cool
we got too cocky chinkbros
it isnt fair....
Oh, you based it off the "100 years after" thing. I seriously doubt that an exact number for the year.
Turns out beggars can't be choosers. And they at some point realized they were broke in vidya department.
Why Baldur's Gate? The setting is completely generic, what made the games was the execution. A sequel by a different team means nothing.
Only after Spelljammer game
>gender fuckery
It's not Beamdog.
>gender issues
Same. Possible, but I doubt it.
>turn based
So was BG? Isn't this a good thing?
>silly dialogue
A concern. But take off the rose-tinted glasses and replay BG. I did, and it was a bit of a shock from when I played it as a kid. It gets pretty silly there too.
>space ships
Not gonna lie, not a fan of Spelljammer and it doesn't really fit BG. I hope not.
>“They may become political as societal norms change, but I believe it’s possible to do apolitical games. I also don’t condone developers who want to do political games or make a statement – I think a game is served better by asking a question, provide a range of perspectives on the question, but then leaving the answer to the player. I try to frame any politics in the parameters of the world, the lore, and the franchise.
>“The reason I take this approach is because I view games as entertainment. If you’re purposely pushing an agenda or point of view in your game – especially a real-world one that’s clearly divorced from the game world – and you’re dictating that perspective as correct vs. asking a question or examining the perspective more broadly, then it’s left the gaming realm and the ‘game’ has become a pulpit.”
Chris Avellone seems to disagree.
I'll bite, what the awful leftist influence in Dragon Commander.
Isn't there some party banter about CHARNAME and whoever they're romancing being loud during sex and keeping other party members up at night? Not to mention the whole bit where Aerie is the one who first tries to initiate sex, even if you have to turn her down the first time, and literally gives birth to CHARNAME's first child while adventuring.
OS 1 and 2 had a couple of token gay characters but apart from that there wasn't really anything political. In fact, I'm pretty sure that Dragon Commander allowed you to outlaw homosexuality and tell the girl complaining about gender pay gaps to shut up and fuck off. It's rare you see that kind of ballsy-ness.
>The setting is completely generic
How many fantasy settings have spaceships in it?
But you can impregnate her twice.
Might not even follow the story. Throne of Bhaal kind of wrapped it up. But the name brings in attention and sales.
What a time we live in
>DLC and ripping customers off at an all time high
>quick cash grab games are the norm
>70% of games feel unfinished and rushed
>yearly iterations of games are the best selling shit ever, killing any and all originality
But then, there we are. We're gonna get to experience Baldur's FUCKING Gate 3. In 2020-something.
Holy fucking shit
Star Ocean. It's Sci-Fantasy, but still. That being said it isn't generic.
Nah not canon. Aaerie is asexual.
they also aren't trannies, they're obviously just making shit up.
Forgotten Realms and Spelljammer are 2 different settings, aren't they? Even if connected by WotC or whatever. Then again, I'm not up to date on 5e.
Women getting paid less than men
The original games are silly as fuck, the read like a fantasy young adult novel. Even middle-aged battle-hardened warriors talk like angsty teenage girls, especially in the first game.
I'm not a fan of Avellone, but I can respect that.
>Chris Avellone
I hope he is on board for BG3
They are fucking dogshit, just make a fighter mage and play again.
You do realize those "sexualities" are being attached to the characters just so tumblr can feel better about themselves and have no co-relation with character's actual sexuality?
>5E grognards
Grognards hate 5E for the same reaosn.
its shallow and constraining and lacks options and agency.
Grognards want it to be 3.5 or BECMI or some shit...
I'd like a dwarf wife desu
The gameplay looks really promising
The old Might&Magic games even have laser weapons in them lol
romancable illithids when
I don't wanna wait that long. Have two studios develop those at the same time.