How do I learn to pick up girls Yea Forums?

How do I learn to pick up girls Yea Forums?
I wish I was good looking...

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Why don't you try asking one out?

>Video games

get fit if you are not rich and just try asking one out, unless you act like a retard the worst you can get is a no.

are you white? go to asia or south america
are you black? go to europe
are you asian? neck yourself

You have to make up for your ugliness with other attributes. Lift weights, acquire knowledge and learn valuable skills. Women don't like "men" who spend their time playing video games and arguing on anonymous boards.

i talk to them, i go to their place, i pay, i go away

Trick question.
You are browsing Yea Forums, which is mutually exclusive with having a gf.
Also if you are under 6' you might as well not even try.

Why does everyone on Yea Forums think money is important?

It's not, it's all about looks

Do you really think a woman is gonna date an ugly fat dude just because he's rich?

If you're asian, go to sub-saharan africa

just go up and talk to her bro

Being hot might make it for you until your early 20s. As soon as people get old enough to realize what the world is, they go for the money.

That unibrow

Also this belongs on Yea Forums
Or r/niceguys

as a very good looking guy who still hangs out with his childhood vidya friends, Id like to ask OP and other such uggos like him to just stop
stop asking me
stop asking me "how"
stop asking ne to "help"
for the love of God please fucking stop

you're ugly - its ok
go watch pornos

It's not worth it as of 2019. It's really REALLY NOT.

Trust me. Social media has damaged the female psyche more than possibly anything up to then.

Their egos have been escalated so high.

>Do you really think a woman is gonna date an ugly fat dude just because he's rich?


Watch more rom coms to get some ideas. Focus on the ones that have girls you'd like to be with and then study what the guys do in them.

is this movie any good?

this, 3/10 girls think they hot shit and only wanna date 9/10 10/10 dudes

average looking dudes are left with obese monsters

Women do that all the time.

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