Celeste music


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I want to be best friends with Lena!

inb4 tranny discord vs pol false flag posters


She's from Sweden. She's a coal burner that think all white men are pigs.

Why don't you have a GF, Yea Forums?

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I heard this game cures depression

made for incel cock

GRIS music is better.
actually, GRIS is much better game than celeste in every way possible.

Show me a girl first.

I'm proud of the extensive tranny-vision I've developed solely from being on Yea Forums

Do anyone here interacted with a trannie? I feel like Yea Forums keeps jerking about how hot trannies are but never even had a conversation with one

have sex

Those are males, faggot

Midi trash without any pedal modulation. Zero skill.

She cute.

>xir voice

Why trannies put all that effort into looking like girls but not into sounding like one?


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I know two.
One MtF who is an annoying cunt and one FtM who is pretty chill.

They're fetishists

They look like they fuck black guys.

No homo.

You're gay. You are unironically gay.

This, same for me.
Had a friend at my university that I didn't even know initially that he was a FtM until I added him on Facebook. He was pretty cool and we played some vidya together. Just looked like a twinky guy, and his voice was pretty convincing.

>trannies and midi chiptune
What goes more hand in hand?

post the one with her hips

trannies and suicide

Pokemon and Autism.

Because i am the gf

Yes I am happy. But not a homo.

trannies and anime

Well, he is cute.

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Someone post the image. The 3-bars one.

>a guy says


Yea Forums and thinly veiled trannylust

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I'm friends with two mtf and one ftm, no idea how I ended up surrended by this kinda people since I'm both religious and hetero. One mtf is a great person damaged and betrayed by assholes during her youth, the other mtf is crazy but fun, and the ftm is also a nice person but deeply delusional about what makes one happy and what doesn't. I love them all honestly, try to help out where I canm even if it's with their own mindset. You know, ALL my life problems come from the fact that I'm not X, if only I was X everything would be great!
This same logic haunts a lot of anons here too, who think if they were chads/rich/smart/white/female/etc EVERYTHIG would be great and sunshine and rainbows.

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and just like that people voted hitler into power for no reason at al

is that a man

trannies and programming
trannies and lain

Shit wording but true to a degree and very situational. Depends on the kind of anime, like if a boy plays with barbie dolls instead of action man figures there's a potential onset of gender dysphoria. So, same can be said for men who constantly engage in moe anime than anything else. It's definitely more complex than that, but this thread could 404 soon, as much as I want to go into details.

fuck, why are trannies so into lain? I miss the mid 2000s

trannies love cunny

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I dunno about you guys, but I'd fuck these girls (male)

trannies aren't human

I think you do know that we all would.