
On its first year, people were harking on about how terrible it was and how consoles are dead.
Fast forward to 2019 and amount of quality games that will become classic it has.
It's probably the second best console ever after the PS2.

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 26K)

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Still no gaem

Shhh, Don't wake the Nincels

i really do think the ps4 dominated this gen more than the ps1 and ps2 did in their respective gens

>PS4 dominated so hard that no shitposting could tear it down year after year on Yea Forums

PS4 is the only thing Yea Forums really discusses on a daily basis besides the typical nintendo shit.

resetera lenses are real

these trannies who think movie games are good also think they are women

It's more of a statement about the overall state of Vidya and the even more pathetic outings from the competition, with Nintendo's 2 blunders & Microsoft's skeleton.
The retro pill is the way to go.

I might agree but only because of how badly Microsoft shot themselves in the foot at the beginning. It's hard to ignore that PS2 dominance though.
But at least the OG Xbox had some attempts at exclusives, a lot of which are some pretty well done hidden gems. Also it was a pretty powerful console when taken advantage of the hardware.

ps3 was better by a wide margin

>Fast forward to 2019 and amount of quality games that will become classic it has
name 5

I prefer the library of the PS2 and 3 more, PS4 lacks any weird and creative stuff from AA developers which basically dont exist anymore

>Dominated the gen so badly, that it can take a year off E3 and still be on top


The only reason it's done so well is because the other big companies shot themselves in the foot, the PS4 is a step down from every PS before it. It's got better graphics, that's about it.

Exclusives or multiplats.

I wouldn't go that far but you're mostly right, PS4 feels more like an evolution of the PS1 in various ways. PS5 has the potential to be the real PS2 successor especially once we see BC + SSD take off.

PS3 was absolute garbage so no not really.

I don't own nor have played on a single current generation console and haven't played any of their respective games, and from a semi-clueless outsider's perspective I feel compelled to share my opinion of that the winning console is, in my lackluster opinion, Nintendo

>Fast forward to 2019 and amount of quality games that will become classic it has.

This is not correct English Pajeet, tell your supervisor to correct the marketing material

>In 2016 Sony had multiple exclusives
>In the years that followed most of the exclusives have moved onto PC.

>Fast forward to 2019 and amount of quality games that will become classic it has.
You are delusional and you probably don't even realise it.
I've been a Sonyfag since 1998. The PS4 is an utter disgrace and failure, to this very day - after almost 6 years, it only has a single worthwile game.

>no ape escape 4

I sure loved playing over the shoulder 3rd person cinematic action adventure game with climbing sections

This has been the most mediocre console gen of them all. Consoles might stay but only if they keep slowly morphing into PCs

This is Yea Forums and Yea Forums is always fucking wrong. The default response is to be mad and shit on things you know nothing about because you're a cynical jaded asshole, obviously putting all your eggs in that basket leads to you being wrong a lot. I wish people thought before posting.


Attached: Nigger talking to himself and looking up himself on the archive.jpg (1050x228, 62K)

of course there wont be any Mareeyos and bingbingwahoos on the cinestation

on 2013? you little faggots said that games "didn't matter" and "1080p makes you a better gamer" fast forward to 2019, xbox is winning in quantity of games and has games in true 4k with ultra-high quality graphics compared to PC, ps4 is probably the worst console sony made so far, ps3 beats it by miles

Attached: ----.png (304x302, 235K)

Games have had cutscenes since even the 2d era. Theyre only a "problem" now bc Sony is winning ridiculously hard and you're salty about it.

>It's probably the second best console ever after the PS2.

this is not an accomplishment
nothing will ever dethrone the ps2

consoles are garbage in general.

I enjoyed the PS3 more because the online was free and there was less retarded 20GB patches every time I booted up my console.

>games that will become classic
zero? I mean, do people actually replay uncharted or tlou? I played like 5 minutes of one and got bored. I only use my ps4 to play multiplats that my friends play online. Exclusives this gen are all garbage

even sonyfaggots acknowlegde the lack of gameplay in snoy games

seeting resetera trannie

God of War embarrassed every single Nintendo-made game of the past decade.

lmao yeah right

the PS4 is just as shit as the PS3 was


name 10 PS3 exclusives and 10 PS4 exclusives worth owning

Shoooo Xbox mil grau...


remove that cock from your mouth

seething snoygroid

your consoles are multiplat trash just like the xbox are

Make another petition for Persona 5.

fast forward it's still fucking terrible you retard