Playtonic (Yooka-Laylee) is going to reveal their next project tomorrow

Playtonic (Yooka-Laylee) is going to reveal their next project tomorrow

Attached: 2019-06-06 10_37_13-Window.png (592x721, 18K)

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Buck Bumble 2, boys.

Yooka Laylee was ultumately disappointing, but it had great promise and if they learned from Yooka Laylee then it might be great.


delete this thread and remake it tomorrow then


the sound of my boomstick when i kill racists

Can't wait for a remake of this

another mediocrity awesome

Didn't the easter egg in Yooka Laylee get updated to say "progress 98%" recently or something?

Remeber to support them on the inevitable Kickstarter, anons
They did such a great job the last time, didnt they?

Attached: 1557310020160.png (1280x720, 504K)

that blank image...

I literally clapped.

>They ACTUALLY took his voice out two weeks before release

I'm impressed, honestly.

It's a gif, you can see for yourself on their Twitter feed.

Yooka-Beebee confirmed.

I hope they learned from their mistakes

Why is it everyone agrees Yooka-Laylee was mediocre, but none can actually voice their criticisms of the game?

they only call it mediocre because dunkey said so and everyone spouts it despite claiming to love banjo kazooie and YL was just that

Capital Bee Commits Tax Fraud CONFIRMED

...although actually a game where Capital Bee tries to figure out exactly why Yooka Laylee bombed so hard (post release) and WHERE those millions of kick starter dollars went would be based. The villains turn out to be Yooka & Laylee who are blowing it all on some big vacation, while Bee steals it back to fund his own game

Because once they start putting it into words they realize that all the same criticisms apply to Banjo too.

I didn't hate Yooka, but it was completely uninteresting. The levels were just boring, your roll costing stamina mixed with everything being slightly too far apart made it a slog. I never had fun moving around a level. But once you got anywhere things were never actually engaging, so it just didn't feel worth while. You were never actually greeted with good puzzle of set piece. I have no idea why they thought the expansion mechanic was a good idea either, instead of filling the empty boring space they made the maps bigger. But only when you exit, expand it and slowly roll back. I also hated using all the transformations, they controlled like ass. None of the music stood out either, dialogue was completely forgettable as well.

Probably didn't help that Trouser was the only good design. Though the fridge and generic enemies were the only ones that stuck out as incredibly bad. The game's colour schemes were ugly in general, it had a very plastic baby toy look to it.

It's another one with that league of villains mentioned in Yooka-Laylee as the villains

If no one has understood yet, they're trying to build a shared gaming universe

Because there is nothing big to criticize, no glaring flaws that you can point out and say "if they fixed THIS it would be good"

It's just flawed from the ground up. The characters aside form the main cast aren't memorable or likable, the worlds are too big and annoying to navigate, the mine cart levels and arcade games are just plain not fun.

There's nothing to criticize too harshly, but there's nothing to really like either

it's very funny when people like shit games like YL then pout online like everyone who hates it is some conspiracy against them.

>but none can actually voice their criticisms of the game
A retarded chameleon and a tumblr-nosed bat as the characters wasn't a huge red flag?

>i love banjo kazooie, it was my favorite childhood game
>wtf this game plays like banjo kazooie, this is shit

I guess we should have known it was trash straight from the announcement huh
you're so smart, you should become a steam curator user

I should probably get around to playing Yooka when it's on sale, just to see what's up
still don't like the designs for Yooka or Laylee
or that they didn't swap the genders for playable female and snarky sidekick male


YL doesn't play like BK, it plays like an emptier BT

>no glaring flaws that you can point out and say "if they fixed THIS it would be good"
Pretty more. The game isn't broken, it has been made competently enough but why would you actually want to play it? There is no part of the game they really nailed that makes it fun. Even if you weren't a fan of collectathons, the best in the genre are a joy to control. Yooka-Laylee controls fine, I guess. The genre is full of amazing OSTs. Yooka-Laylee has that one rap and I can't remember anything else from it. The genre has weird inventive levels, that were sometimes pushing 3D games forward. Yooka-Laylee's levels work I guess but even if we put it in a time machine the designs wouldn't be pushing boundaries.

Yooka-Laylee is like a 6.5/10 on a real scale. They made a game but I really don't want to play it.

Tooka-Laylee: Now Featuring Berry B. Benson.

Jontron was based when he lived his parents house and actually talked about video games. The move to New York ruined the show, long before all this /pol/ shit made you fags pretend you love him.

hopefully, it isn't a 3d platformer because they already have a tough competitor

Attached: bfbbr.jpg (600x337, 87K)

Nothing feels uniquely crafted but instead build from assets, like amateur using level editor. The difference is playing Mario World to playing Mario Maker levels build in the theme of Mario World. About everything needed more love and care, which is why people call it mediocre.

Be sarcastic all you want, it doesn't change the fact that it was a huge red flag. You know what they say, where there is smoke there is fire.

>announcing their new game when Banjo could be coming back
I bet the rumors pressured them into showing this earlier than they wanted

who cares, YL was a disaster

Game was meh. Hitting enemies doesn’t feel like hitting them. At least the levels being a sandbox area in which you can do tons of shit kind of rulea

Maybe YOUR levels craftlet

Sounds about right.

Yooka-Laylee is the very definition of mediocre. It does nothing badly (except the minigames, fuck those) but by god nothing is memorable or stands out. It's essentially Banjo-Kazooie made by Chinese bootleggers. Somehow Nintendo made a much better Collectathon with Odyssey and it only came out a few months later too.

It sold 2 million on Switch. Stfu Xboxer!

did it really?