How interested is everyone in this? It's all but confirmed at this point

How interested is everyone in this? It's all but confirmed at this point

Yes, it will obviously be downgraded. Yes, it will look prettiest on PC. No need to shitpost the obvious over and over.

Attached: witcher-3-nintendo-switch-box-art-china-666x374.jpg (666x374, 181K)

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Haven't played it but have no desire to play it whatsoever. I assume that goes for most of the Nintendo fanbase as well.

i have already played it extensively on pc, doubt anyone would be intersted in getting it for the switch

>Switch can't handle BotW at 1080p or 60fps
>Somehow it will be able to handle this.

I'm only interested in see how they handle it
It will be curious from a hardware perspective, and shitposting aside I want to see how it turns out

>No need to shitpost the obvious over and over.
You know people will only post to say that the console is shit and then leave

looking forward to months and months of shitposting about how it doesn't look like the 4k 120fps version

How the fuck does that work isn’t it like 60gb on ps4/xbone the audio files alone must be huge.

why the fuck would you even want to play it on the switch at 720p 25fps?
>inb4 muh on the go!!!1

W3 is zoomer waifutrash narrative garbage with shit combat and mandatory Batman vision because the target demographic is too low iq even for skyrim’s compass

The game isn't worth playing at less than HD 60fps. The open world isn't design well around combat, movement, or any kind of gameplay loop. It's only worth exploring if you're seeing the landscape in clarity at all the time, because it's visually beautiful. Sure the quests are good but you need kb+m and mods for the gameplay to be worth anything. Honestly I just cannot imagine enjoying playing this on Switch, even though I enjoyed Odyssey and BotW a lot

I'm interested to see how they'll get it to run on a Switch.

This user pretty much nailed it


Already played it. I really can't imagine it on Switch without it looking as bad as Xenoblade 2 in handheld and running like shit.

Doom also occupies a fuckton(>70gb) in ps4 but the single player campaing was in a cartridge
I'm sure they'll do something like that asking you to download the dlc, it seems companies just love to buy the smallest ones and make you download the rest

My GotY edition only took up 30gb. If you think that's weird, the TLoU remaster took up a whopping 50gb.

I’m afraid it will look like absolute garbage but at the same time I would play it. I never finished my first run and I’ve always regretted it

>playing any Witcher game for the gameplay
You play it for the story and the girls, that’s it. If they manage to make the environment look okayish during gameplay and make the cutscenes/dialogue look good, mission accomplished.
I get what you’re saying, but the game looks and runs bad on consoles already, it’s not like anyone got the impact of the visuals on those.

I thought it wasn’t boring, and putting it on the switch isn’t gonna change that

Can't wait for Novigrad/Beauclair footage on the switch

I think everyone who would have wanted to play TW3 has already played it. What remains of an audience for the port is the core Nintendo audience, who doesnt give a shit about The Witcher, and a bunch of portfags that will buy anything because its " on the go ".

I think they'll do a better job than the ARK developers

I played it through twice on PC and I might get the switch version if it runs well and the resolution is acceptable when playing out of the dock.
I fucking love the game.

Here's your Witcher 3, bro

Attached: hWG9s-D0a-k7ILJg3T5DGdef5hRE6Y6y2thzBgFQdcg.jpg (700x700, 66K)

It may be late, but it's showing thirds are somewhat interested in Nintendo again
Remember when we thought bethesda didn't give a fuck and capcom supported them a lot and it turned out to be the complete opposite

Better than console W3 desu

Witcher 3 on the go!

Attached: 1544876944014.png (1172x1107, 78K)

I can't imagine wanting to see such a beautiful world shrunk down to a 7 inch screen. It'd be like watching LotR on an Ipad. And then there's the battery life.


I didn't say play it for the gameplay. I said that the gameplay and open world are bad, and you need a good PC for high resolution/mods in order to make the gameplay tolerable so that you can enjoy the quests/girls. The switch would make playing the game such a chore that the story and girls wouldn't be enjoyable.

wtf is this shit?

Yeah bro low poly Witcher 3 could be kino.
Better yet, Witcher 3 that looks like Vagrant Story.

>My GotY edition only took up 30gb.
Which platform? I think tlou is sitting around 39gb it was more but I guess they did something to reduce the file size. Either way what’s a switch carts max like 20gb tops?

I love these AAA Switch ports solely so I can laugh at the Digital Foundry videos

Attached: switch wolfenstein.jpg (1280x720, 211K)


Very interested, having a great time :3

Attached: 1527772102773.png (261x263, 75K)

Max 16GB. The 32GB is too expensive for third-parties.

I thought everyone here said tw3 was the goat
Now that there is a possibility of a switch version it turns out to be crap?

Witcher 3 would brick that shitheap

You should play it. its the greatest game ever made

Cope harder

>Witcher 3 that looks like Vagrant Story
Would unironically buy

Yea Forums has been shitting on Witcher 3 for atleast 4 years now.

Attached: 1464446643711.jpg (3790x1072, 1013K)

Like I said how would they even get all the audio on there? A Witcher 2 port would be way better for the switch it would actually fit on the cart.

No idea. Maybe half the game will be a digital download like some of those 2K games.

Witcher 3 has zero replayability. I really don't want to go through the entire 150+ hours again.

Yeah dude it looks fucking fantastic for a PS1 game. The art style is top tier.

I would be completely flabbergasted if this could even run on the portable mode, let alone be playable past 10 fps.
As true as that is, Nintendies learned their lesson with how bad no third party support is after the Wii U. In the end decent third party games would only be a plus, especially with the whole “on the go” thing they have going on.
>acting surprised that Yea Forums is full of memeing retards

>Yea Forums is one person
but seriously some people love The Witcher, I assume for the characters and story, which is fine because the gameplay is ass

what's with nintendo and porting games a generation later?

Doesnt have the best story
Doesnt have the best graphics
Doesnt have the best music
Doesnt have the best combat

cope with what?

Yea Forums is Sonygaf.


>Maybe half the game will be a digital download.

Has 10/10 music and story. 10/10 graphics when it came out, still 9/10 today. Combat is 7/10.

>story is shit
What games has better story and quests? Name one that can match Bloody Baron and Heart of Stone quests.

>Yea Forums is Pcgaf.

Different narrative in their videos though. They will maintain that those graphics are superb because Switch is a handheld and all games are perfect for the Switch.

We gotta petition sony to censor witcher 3

this is one of the most retarded switch port rumors I've heard. At least with P5 there was a PS3 version so it was kinda credible. But there's no fucking way W3 could run on switch, unless you downgrade it so much it almost becomes unplayable

Not interested at all. Bought it on PC and the braindead generic combat made me lose all interest even though I loved 2

It's a better open world game than breath of the wild so it would seem like an upgrade from what Nintendo fans are used to.

Sound compression does wonders

Yeah I just put those cucks on mute. They eat up any garbage.

You people always say it's pretty much confirmed to a lot of things. How is this different

Nope. I see on the PSN store on sale for $20 or lower every month and I refuse to buy it. Witcher is garbage

>unless you downgrade it so much it almost becomes unplayable
That's exactly what happened with MK11.

>combat 7/10
lol. It's 3/10 IF you're a fan. 1/10 if you've played real action games before.

Go read a fucking book and put on some music lmao

Witcher is shit regardless what its on. Strictly for graphics whores

It sure did "wonders" to Dark Souls. Holy shit it sounds so bad.

what's worse?
>stealing games from other clients in a desperate bid to convince others your platform is best
>reviving old forgotten favourites with heavy downgrades so your console seems more relevant despite others doing it better and first

Imagine playing this downgraded shitty port on Nintendo Fischer price gimmick tablet. Lmao what a joke.

And imagine paying 60 dollars for it too

I am a Switch owner and I'm curious to see how ugly and badly the game runs. I won't get it. I don't even like Witcher.

It could work with good enough animations

It's objectively better combat than almost any other story-based action RPG. How come people can talk about Skyrim without everyone bitching about the combat?

If it's happening, it's got to be a port by Panic Button, otherwise no dice.

it's worth playing and a good enough way to pass the time but it isn't anything incredibly special

PB confirmed they aren't working on it. They are focused on Doom Eternal

Already played it on PC, it was mediocre