Classic WOW thread

>Were going home lads.

Post your character and what you want to achieve do/see in your classic experience. Ill start
>Orc/Troll Hunter
>World pvp like a mad dog phases 1-2
>Get to see the inside of Naxx again

Attached: wow_classic_news-1024x735.jpg (1024x735, 138K)

Don't tear me apart for this, lads, but I have to ask.

Isn't this literally a dead game? I don't mean in the sense that no one's playing it (I've even heard its eclipsed the modern version of WoW), but rather that its development cycle is, by definition, completely over. Once you've completed Nax, that's it. You're done. There's no more content and there never will be.

You will never go back.
The game is already solved, every nook and cranny has been explored, every build has been tried. You aren't a carefree teenager anymore.

>tfw I wanna relive my young warlock days but don't wanna have to deal with shards again
priest it is

Attached: 1554517769996.png (900x1042, 90K)

People are probably hoping for either TBC afterwards or something a la OSRS

Gnome Mage. Aiming for at least Rank 10 PVP and clears in all raids. Already in a strong guild thats been raiding on pservers for years, so it should be EZ.

It's going to take a while to actually get to Naxx with how they're releasing content in phases. As others have said, from there Blizz will either make legacy TBC servers or go the OSRS route and start adding new content to classic.

Not true at all. Balence druid was thought to be unuseable in private servers but in classic it one of the best pvp specs

Why post in this thread?

Tauren Hunter.

>Undead Warlock, female of course
>soulshard farming and shadowbolt raid summon slut
>No doubt I will see Naxx as vanilla is babby tier difficulty-wise.

Make sure you follow Asmongold and spam poggers/pepega in chat! xD

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





Human Paladin. Was going to roll a warrior but realized that I would be forced to tank in every dungeon, so I'd rather heal thank tank

A fellow chad, I see. I hate how tauren is the worst race for hunter, because it's my favorite. But my first character ever was a tauren hunter in 2006/7 so that's what I'm gonna stick with.

>some shitty racial that barely even matters and only virgins care about
>being one with mother nature
Pick one and only one.

I can't be arsed learning what talents are good and bad, I'd rather read a guide

Wouldn't re-releasing TBC be going against the spirit of classic WoW? I think they'd need to seriously alter TBC to keep it in the "spirit" of classic WoW (like, say, not raise the level cap and maybe limit the usefulness of Shattrath so the expansion doesn't depopulate the old world)

its more that their hitbox fucks them unless they really like being melee hunters desu
nice ez gank for us ally players anyway

pls stop

Follow Asmongold harder.

does mind controlling people as a priest ever get old? im considering rolling priest just for the trolling potential of mind control alone

i imagine making people jump off boats and cliffs would bring endless joy, yet i never see priests do or talk about it. does the novelty wear off quickly or something?

shadowmeld > MC is the ultimate bm


are paladin's attacks actually just seals, autoattack and judgement or is that just hyperbole?

you do press HoJ, Freedom, cleanse and bubble now and again though
and gives buffs ofc

I can't wait for people to realize how shitty and backstabby vanilla raiding was.

Imagine if you had a guild of exactly 40 people, and none of them would ever leave the guild or miss a raid. MC has 10 bosses, that each drop 2 items - 1 piece of tier 1 and 1 other random epic drop. Now each of those 40 people has 13 gear slots. Let's assume all loot is distributed evenly. Let's not even count the fact that plenty of that gear is going to be vendorstrike, or for the other faction's exclusive class, or a duplicate, or the fact that plenty of tier loot will drop for hunters and druids that there are only 2 or 3 of in the raid, or warriors that there are relatively few of, or that mages, rogues and (in classic especially) warlocks will be massively overrepresented, etc. Just doing the most basic math that's 26 weeks to gear people through MC alone, over half a year spent on big boy RFC. Nobody actually fucking does that. Here's what actually happens - the roles that get geared up quicker, meaning tanks and the healer and DPS friends of whoever's in charge of the guild, eventually get all their gear from their friends and think "hey why am I carrying all these undergeared shitters", and along with the first geared people they know from other guilds, they form a BWL ready guild. This process then repeats with the fewer number of BWL guilds, with the ones who got geared first going to make AQ40 guilds, and then finally Naxx guilds. The reason so few people saw Naxx, the 2 or 3% number Blizzard used to use whenever they tried justifying casualizing the game, is because vanilla raiding is a pyramid scheme. The MC guilds just stay MC guilds, gearing up people and then getting set back when those geared people invariably leave instead of waiting literal months for everyone else to be ready, and the only way to make progress is to progress through the different levels of guild.
Otherwise, you'd be done BWL just in time for TBC.

It breaks virtually every time when you're more than 40 yards apart, which isn't usually close enough for you to drop a player off a cliff.

oh wait shit I forgot weapons slots, there's actually between 15-16 slots depending on whether you use a two hander or dual wield