Pyra thread again

>Was it really necessary for Jin to kill Haze
I'm sure Rex and the gang could of figure something out to save her

>Jin sees the opprtunity to do something about Haze
>She's unguarded, away from Indol
>Kills her rather than trying to talk to her because he's so far gone, probably thinks it's useless
It was sad.
>Tries talking to her
>Calls her Haze
>She freaks out
>Mythra joins in, tries to jog her memory
>They realize that Mythra can restore her memories from her Aegis backup, plus a core crystal to repair hers
>Haze is back to her old self
>She realizes what happened to her
>Screaming, nearly has a breakdown
>Calls for Jin, her closest friend there
>Jin rushes to her and comforts her without even thinking
>He gets flashbacks of Lora
>Later, everyone talks
>Rex and co. learn about the stuff that Amalthus has been doing
>At Haze's request, they join forces with Torna
>Morag has reservations, can't accept the revelation
>Jin and Haze want to topple Indol, stop the titan extinction
>Rex and co. still want to reach Elysium

It's an interesting thought. Wonder how things could have gone differently.

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Other urls found in this thread:"the cabal"/

Typed this up for the other thread, but it got deleted before I could post. What the fuck is going on? Why are the mods/jannies deleting threads en masse? It's annoying, stop it.

it was probably to lead up to the events of Pneuma.

If Jin hadn't done what he did, the events leading up to Pyra goin with him and Rex learning about the 3rd blade wouldn't have happened.

Could they have done it differently? Sure, I mean they could have made it so Amalthus was the one to take Pyra/Mythra so Pneuma awakening happens.

Either way, the story of the main game is a bit disappointing and written willy nilly. They did a lot better with the Torna expansion not only in gameplay, but in story as well.

I told you that Pyra threads always get deleted. Mythra threads hit bump limit

pyra thread are great

Never forget that the world would have been truly fucked if Nia was fully committed to Torna

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im only here for blade boobs

I have to disagree on the gameplay
I think the main game's combat is better due to the orbs being better there than torna, also I didn't like Torna's way of doing driver combos

I fucking love the orb system combining elements. No idea why it's hated in favor of Torna's bland version

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My guess people like it for how stupidly easy you can get an orb in Torna while I personally get turned off by it

The orbs have value because you have to work for them. I like coming up with combos on the fly based on which blades I see my party using. I've used every combo here and continue to use most with regularity

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i watched a video where pyra wanted me to fuck a pillow

Mythra > Pyra

Pneuma should technically be the best but she's barely around. Though actually so is Mythra.

Also delicious brown blades are best aside from them and KOS-MOS.

As the other user said, it's easier. Getting off a full combo of orb breaks is something only possible for very long fights in the base game, while in Torna you can do it within a few rounds of specials.

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That's true about the orbs, but actually having the Blades fight as well instead of just awkwardly standing behind (despite lore-wise them being much more capable than the drivers if they fight with their driver instead of just pumping their powers into them) and the swapping itself adds a new layer to the combat made it more enjoyable for me.

and as I said before. Full bursts never fail to satisfy me because you always have to work for them

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Jin killing Haze instead of explaining to Mythra what Amalthus had done is retarded and edgy.
Especially when you learn that she was his sister in law in Torna.

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Please stop posting this
Her missing core crystal ruins this picture

"Edgy and retarded" IS Torna. Their whole plan is to kill the whole world out of spite. Might as well just off her now as a mercy.

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Dynamax Pyra.

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Well she did say she would rather die than be a blade for someone like Amalthus.

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I'm glad xenoblade 2 artists are still around

Do you even check twitter? Every day = new art.

Mythra has a better mecha than "Proto-Mythra", she should have been added to SRW T ibsteqd of her.

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Which Zeke recolor compliments well with blue Pandoria

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Reminds me of Spider-man.

How fucking bad are the new Pokemon games going to be?

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That's probably intentional

I'm very fucking biased so I'm gonna say, they don't look bad at all aside from Dynamax

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In any case, the sheep is adorable.

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>Garbage animations
>Likely no postgame to speak of again
>Major mechanics from last game likely abandoned with no intention to expand upon them again

I've already given up hope

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>Everyone too scared to post because they don't want to get invested in a thread the fatass mod might delete no matter how on-topic it is because Pyra is in the OP.

Gonna have to start a thread in the PM again

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I am not afraid, unlike Nia. Look how she hides under her bed, she thinks lewd noises are going to eat her.

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I will whisper sweet nothings in her ear all night to drown out the lewd noises

Yeah, the mod "working" in the morning deletes or move these threads
The PM mod doesn't seem to care

He seems to be triggered by image dumps on an imageboard for some reason

They might. You can never be too careful.

No, she just has really sensitive ears

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If Torna had BoC from the start it would have been better

I don't know how anyone can find BoC fun. It's difficulty for difficulty's sake. I can play a game while being strung upside down but that doesn't inherently equal more fun

pyra paizuri

Go on...

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I like it for the challenge. You need to really squeeze every bit of efficiency out of the gameplay to win.

It's basically that thing where, in an easy game, you could coast by and beat it while ignoring half of the mechanics. A difficulty spike forces you to engage wtih the mechanics, learn it, and minmax your efficiency, if that makes sense.

Angela is a bitch.

I find it to be the opposite. The way BoC changes the difficulty needlessly centralizes the combat by demanding a reliance on very specific mechanics. The base combat is built around setting up combos and chains but BoC nerfs them into uselessness, eliminating a big chunk of the game's depth. Not to mention it renders base game blades completely useless in favor of DLC blades designed around BoC difficulty

I dissagree on tornas story. It was tame and it also hurt that I knew the events technically basically ruining how it unfolded.
Also torna had a shit load of boring quest padding that made it even harder to give a damn about what I already knew was going to happen.
Also for the most part none of the characters were as fun except for mythra and malos.

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Poppi QT is a bonafide case of middle child syndrome

>Poppi a is the loli tank who can eat just about anything
>Poppi QTpi is the sex machine who can fuck the game sideways
>Poppi QT is the strict meido fetish that you kinda hope Tora doesn't switch to very often

Yet she got a good doujin, except for the inverted nipples.

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>Mods finally step in the stop the cabal's bullshit
You guys are fucking pathetic.

>Yet she got a good doujin
That's even more bizarre

>except for the inverted nipples.
Yeah, I don't know what nip fascination is with them

>Poppi QT is the strict meido fetish that you kinda hope Tora doesn't switch to very often
Hey, I have Tora putting her to good use

>Jin killing Haze instead of explaining to Mythra what Amalthus had done is retarded and edgy.
Edgy, yes, retarded no.
Jin's going to destroy the world anyways. Haze's power is a massive threat to every member of his organization and has been an obstacle in their path before, and she's a twisted mockery of the person he once knew. Wasting time and taking a huge risk by trying to 'save' her so she can just die later on would be stupid. His actions in Temperantia are in line with what he said to Rex when he stabbed him way back in chapter 1 - it's what he sees as "mercy", giving her a quick death now and sparing her what will come later on.

Janny, not jannies. It's this one anti-waifu Janny who hate waifu. He is literally crazy and will do whatever it take to destroy them, despite a lot of games having them.

>muh boogeyman

Good. Waifufag threads are shit and you're getting what you deserve.

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why didnt amalthus just tell malos to chill lol

Based redpilled XC2fag going against the narrative to fight the cabal.
I'll spare you when the time comes.

They might be better than gen 6 or 7 but at this point the games just introduce a bland battle gimmick that they forget the next generation. They are going to be boring and thats the worst.

But what if I enjoy posting my waifu and discussing her in the context of gamepay and story

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How is that a boogeyman when he is fucking real? I have seen it do it to my threads more than once.

>He say that when the game character was created by a hentai artist.

That's fine.

Will the suffering ever come to an end?

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>Kora's dumb girl power bullshit
>Gorg sperging about desserts
>helping that one fujo write her porn
I love how poorly Theosoir's music fits with all the dumb sidequest shit you can do there.

I'm a Niafag because her story genuinely touched my heart. I was completely apathetic to everything going on, then I got to this line ( and was like "This is one of the most heartwarming fucking things I've ever seen

I really hate how the botched love confession overshadows it all but I understand its purpose. It's more heat of the moment than people seem to think

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>I have seen it do it to my threads more than once.
Have you considered that rather than it being one person with a grudge, you're just a fucking idiot who makes terrible threads that deserve to be deleted?

It is Homura you reddit dub fag

Yeah it really wasn't that bad at all. She basically said it out of nowhere in the middle of battle, and Rex totally misunderstands it (or not actually), which she laughs about. She does have a thing for him but it's nowhere near the level of Melia or anything as people were making it out to be.

Seeth more weeb.
Pyra and mythra are the better names.

And it's part of the moment with her just blurting out whatever is on her mind at that moment. It's not something she really dwells on constantly

I think he just doesn't share the same feelings, so he's just honnest with her

If the inner fears sequence was any indication he is definitely aware, but like Shulk his sexuality revolves around one girl.

Most likely he figured it out once the fight was over and then began to secretly feel bad about it. I refuse to believe that "I love you and all you guys" could have ever come from someone who understood what she was saying in that moment.

I wish we could've recruited Lora in the main game. Yeah she's missing her heart, but if Rex using half of Pyra's core crystal as a replacement heart is keeping him alive, and Mik and Amalthus being still alive 500 years after the Aegis War because of a core crystal, why not use a core crystal and Nia's OP powers to revive Lora?

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>Yeah she's missing her heart
She's dead. Nia can't revive the truly dead

>Xenofags spam their waifu threads 24/7 since the game came out 2 years ago
>One ONE 1 ONE single thread is deleted

Which attacks will the Siren even have though?

XC2 players are literally the most oppressed group on Yea Forums

I doubt a normal core crystal could replace an entire heart in the same way as an Aegis core. Rex only had a stab wound, Lora's missing the whole thing.
They freak out every time, even when the OP is some dumb bullshit like "I want to lick Pyra's feet!" that's obviously going to get deleted. It's hilarious.

Niall was dead too, otherwise Aegaeon wouldn't have returned to his core. If Jin froze Lora immediately after her death, I could see it being possible, but it's more likely a Vandham situation where enough time passed between her dying and Jin freezing her that Nia couldn't do anything.

Nia said there was still time. There are instances of people being briefly declared dead and then returning to life. Lora's been dead for 500 years.

You guys really need to copulate

It was also stated by Malos that it worked because an Aegis core contains the code for all life

>People scared to post waifus
>Thread is a ghost town
Imagine that.

Do you want a Pyra gf or a Pyra mommy?

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Mythra mommy and Nia gf

enemies should've been able to use chain attacks, and enemy drivers and blades should've been able to use blade combos

That would require actual effort, this was just a cashgrab

Simple: besides the laser beams it already does, it should fight like mythra does in Torna, light sword and all.

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How would that be kept track of by the player? Would the AI randomly freeze the game?

What’s so great about Pyra?

Baby's first waifu

Pyra gf, I make her a mommy myself

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I can't find a video of it because it almost never happens, but certain enemies that fight as groups in Xenoblade 1 (like Tirkin or the High Entia assassins) could actually chain attack you. It freezes the game briefly to show them attacking, but it only takes like 10 seconds or so.
It'd probably work the same in XB2.

useful for making nia jealous

But chain attacks are far more complex in 2

Then why is Pyra the one inviting her in?

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not threatened by her since rex still lives between her boobs no matter what

Nia is still happy as long as Rex can spare a finger for her ears and/or chin

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What rule do generals fall under?

Just made it over 500 hours. A lot of it is my bad habit of leaving the game on while shitposting but still.

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>You proved someone posted a common webm

I never knew Nia joins in as well because I never stare at that screen for too long.

Do you mean to tell me that this kid not only has 2 busty babes but a fucking cat girl he can fuck as well? Wow, that's every horny boy's dream come true.

It's only after you beat NG+

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Under: fuck you.

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I only save pictures of Morag with her girlfriend in them

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OP wanted a Pyra thread but I really have everyone but Pyra

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The only thing BoC nerfs is chain attacks which is a good thing

Morag is for Zeke. Sorry pandy cucks

Chain attacks are the most fun thing about the combat so to me it becomes unplayable

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yeah man
remember when zeke...uh, talked to morag that one time? very romantic

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Sorry she wants that tantalian D

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I like my blades thick

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The only people that had a semblance of a romance in this game are rex and pyra and zeke and pandy desu.
Everyone else just feels paired off by the fanbase because why not.

>Everyone else just feels paired off by the fanbase because why not.
Nia is the only character to say "I love you" to anyone

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Right. That scene was....romantic.

How much more romantic do you get than a love confession?

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>need to get community level to 4 to continue with the story
Please tell me this is the last time i am forced to do these shitty sidequests. I wouldn't mind so much if the sidequests is as good as the base game but most of them are boring fetch quest. Almost as bad as XC1 trash sidequest but at least you're not forced to do them.

I dropped Torna when it asked me to get to level 2. Why am I going to invest myself in characters who are all about to die?

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he's talking about romances
those typically involve a reciprocation of feelings. nia has feelings for rex, no one's denying that, but nothing about their relationship in the main game is a romance
if you're in auresco, yes, that's the last time
though you have shit taste, torna's sidequests were leaps and bounds above what the main game had to offer, what with all its merc mission and field skill crap interrupting them every five seconds

Is the girl on the right perchance a dancer?

They talked politics!
Very kinky.

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Something about Zeke and Pandoria as a couple feels off. They feel more like family to me

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That's just Takahashi's mommy fetish showing.

god i wish that were me

To make you feel worse when it happens. To make you hope that despite everything telling you it'll happen, it's still avoidable. It also feels more rewarding the more you do since quests all start feeding into each other into one final Community Spirit quest where tons of characters you have helped multiple times all work together to help a little girl get better.

And then you learn that she's staying in the shelter instead of the evacuation ship and therefore dies with everyone else there during the final battle.

Pandoria doesn't feel like a mom. It kind of feels like the strong, non-romantic connection Link usually was with Princess Zelda in most Zelda games

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Yeah but the side quests are so fucking boring....

I get what they're going for but I like my actions to feel meaningful

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That's not a guaranteed death, not everyone died when Siren attacked Auresco.
Hell, Mikhail and Milton were outside on the street for some retarded reason and Mikhail managed to make it out alive. If she actually stayed in the shelter her chances are a lot better than theirs.

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I still think pyra and mothra can fusion dance into phnuma.
Just without the reality shifting.

But what purpose would that serve?

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They get better the more you come to know the characters. It almost feels like a big soap opera. At first you don't particularly care about any of the characters you're just meeting, but when they start to factor into subsequent quests and you watch their stories unfold and their relationships to one another expand, it becomes hard not to care. There are some gameplay benefits like quest rewards, and trying to complete Mythra's Affinity Chart (required if you want to reach S or higher Trust) requires hitting 88 Community members which itself leads to things like defeating every unique monster. If you manage to get the hidden 89th member through defeating the four superbosses, you even get a little bonus picture of the entire community together. I also think Minoth gets one of his last scripts from the Community Spirit quest, and it's one of the best pouch items in the game.

I'm already lvl 3 dude.
If I don't care at this point I just don't care.
The actions of the quest its self are boring and tedious.
For fug

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Looks real cool.

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But wouldn't Pyra and Mythra separately make for better fug?

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Yeah but sometimes you want some green.

Because he didn't actually want him to chill.

Not in that artstyle it won't
Also, Mythras crystal is inverted.


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Are artists allergic to using references from the game or something? How do you even fuck that up?

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Let's be honest most Pyra and Driver Nia fags didn't play the game.

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There's no major separation between Driver Nia and Blade Nia fans. It's not like there was ever some big attempt to keep that spoiler secret, she was getting posted all over the place from pretty early on.

It's hard to talk about Nia's character without bringing up her true self that she's afraid of revealing.

I think there is. Just look at these results
I personally did not care about the character all that much before the blade reveal after which she became an all time favorite video game character for me up there with the likes of Link in Wind Waker and Miles Edgeworth

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Why did the last thread get deleted, while this one, pretty much the same exact waifuposting garbage, stays up?

Now the key difference is that Niall was dead for like three minutes. Lora was dead for centuries.

My wife Pyra is so perfect.

Why is there so much art of their tits touching and them acting like it's the most natural thing ever? They'd never do that.

>They'd never do that.
Are you sure?

How do you know that?

Outside of your incel fantasies they wouldn't.
And if they ever would, it would make them embarrassed and say B-Baka or some other cliche retarded anime shit like everything else from this game.

When did Pyra go "B-Baka" about anything?

>And if they ever would, it would make them embarrassed and say B-Baka or some other cliche retarded anime shit like everything else from this game.
>he didn't play the game

>Almost 200 posts
>39 IPs
/vg/ was created for a reason.

Nigga, even Eric would know that, because it literally happens in THAT scene.

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I dunno, I didn't see the last one

I'm gonna do some more save editing though so it's nice to have a place to post my findings. I want to try the alternate Obronas, Perdido, Cressidus, and Sever where they're enemies and supposedly use Pyra's art.

Mods will just delete the general.

That's at the start of the game. She's done with that shit by the end

That was a guy on girl though.
And the person said "them" as in plural.

See, you're acting like Yea Forums threads are just a place to come and go discussing things related to a specific game whenever you want, Yea Forums threads aren't like that, generals are, and that's why /vg/ was created.

>Moving the goalpost

>related to a specific game whenever you want
Do you go to the other repost threads and spew your gospel too, or are you the one making them?

How is it moving? They aren't two seperate people until the end of the game. What happened in chapter 4 is irrelevant

Yes, because doing lewd shit with a girl is somehow less embarrassing for the B-Baka anime sluts that dress like cheap whores but still act terrified of sex.

I used to visit the general but Xenoblade 2 is in this weird place right now where it's not popular enough to get a general that will stay up for an extended period of time. I don't make these threads and I'll typically wait until one shows up because it's my current fixation, but I do think it would be unfair to ban threads on Yea Forums as it's the only board where they'll survive.

Why can’t Pyra be my mommy? REEEEEEEEE

People were making fanart of them together before the writer made it canon with that asspull of an ending.

The OP actually has some effort put into it and isn't just 'Pyra thread' with a picture like the other one was. I guess that's considered good enough.
If you want to revive the Xeno general, go do it. I've tried, and nobody here cares.

Welcome to anime. Girl on girl is fine is a common trope. Mythra didn't go apeshit over Nia saying nice bod. She would if Rex or some other guy said it on the other hand.

No, fuck you.
You guys don't get to be special snowflakes and have threads for games not popular enough to have generals, you don't get special treatment.
Literally no other place on the internet bends over backwards for you assholes like this, Yea Forums is the only place shitty enough to let you guys go.

>with that asspull of an ending.

The problem with the ending is that it was the opposite of an asspull. It was so well established and foreshadowed that the characters look retarded for being remotely clueless or surprised

They'll be average until Pokemon becomes what it was always meant to be

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Report the thread then, you imbecile.

Calling out retards for being retarded isn't "spewing my gospel"

Finally, someone with a brain.

>asspull of an ending
For retards maybe.

I'll see you in the persona thread in a few minutes then.

>Writer literally says he brought back both of them instead of implying one survived because of fanservice
>You're still trying to argue it wasn't an asspull

You guys are so retarded you don't even beleive in your lord and savior "based" Takahashi's words.

Getting a compliment is different from pushing your bodies together in a sexual manner.

Explain how it's not an asspull then.

You must be new to anime.

I think bringing only one back would've been more confusing because people would be asking what happened to the other.

They'll be great, fuck you.

That'll do jackshit and you know it.

He just did.

Why don't you stick to those places then?

It was established that an aegis can survive without a core briefly and it was obvious that Rex would still be able to resonate with that core

So does complaining.

Why does the cabal keep trying to shoehorn Xenoblade 2 into Pokemon? I honestly don't understand how it helps the narrative.

Dynamaxing looks like the dumbest shit they've ever done and the region looks as bland as ever
Its only usefulness is the inspiration of new Nia art

Attached: 1551810185124.jpg (1119x1640, 91K)"the cabal"/
You need therapy.

Because Yea Forums is only place to discuss video game news and culture, and it's nice to talk about games before they come out, and after.
But I don't complain when threads get moved to /vg/ after a year like they should, I'd just go over to /vg/ in that case, it may shock you, but some people don't just stick to one board on Yea Forums, I go to Yea Forums sometimes, I go to Yea Forums sometimes.

Honesly, it looks decent compared to (U)S/(U)M and OR/AS.

It was obviously a pokefag who made this, just like the dumbass BOTW pokemon pic
I'm honestly tired of people posting those two pics because it's never going to happen

Yeah, if only there was some combination of the two that would solve both plotholes.

Not quite. The charterers had no way to know if Pyra/Mythra would get their memories deleted or not. And the game points out multiple times that memories are what defines you. As far as Rex is concerned, Pyra/Mythra losing the precious memories they made together with Rex during their journey would be the same as death

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Pneuma died in the explosion and is probably the reason why Pyra and Mythra could finally split.

Don't pick a fight with the cabal, they hate any JRPGs on the Switch because they see them as competition, I dread the days SMTV comes out.

This is one of the funniest posts I've ever read

>Not quite. The charterers had no way to know if Pyra/Mythra would get their memories deleted or not.
And the game makes it vague anyway.

The asspul the other guy was talking about was how they came back as two separate person, not how they came back in the first place.

Nah, complaining reliefs the stress of seeing this shit everywhere instead of just bottling it in.

Also Yea Forums will never get better if you don't complain, there's literal drones here that only think what the majority thinks, if you complain, you'll letting that person know they're allowed to go against the hivemind, that's why ResetEra is so shit, you're not allowed to say anything bad about anyone.

I interpreted that as Rex's desire being reflected in the resonation.

Majority of those have nothing to do with Xenoblade.

>mfw Trainer Nia actually made it in

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Man Rex and Mythra were fucking like animals.

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Nice headcanon.
I should believe you over the man that said he did it for literal fanservice and openly admitted he forgot important details about the characters and story.

>No core crystal
Another one for the trash

>no core crystal

The game was pretty clear about the Aegis collecting data and other blades memory one way or another. Same thing probably happens the Aegis too, having their data and memory uploaded somewhere.

Eh, they'll be better than gen 4 and 5 for sure. Whether they can top any of the good generations is another question.

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>m-muh cabal
People wanting world design similar to that in the Xenoblade games in Pokemon isn't something that only shows up on Yea Forums.
They're not literally saying "I want a Pokemon game that plays like Xenoblade", it's just another example of people wanting a Pokemon game on the scale of BOTW or Xenoblade 2 instead of yet another tiny iteration on the same old formula.

More headcanon.

>Nice headcanon.
I never stated it as fact. I said probably. Pneuma is effectively dead though, since she is the combination of Mythra and Pyra who both are split up now. Or rather, Mythra and Pyra combined were Pneuma.

The game was indeed overly desperate for a happy ending.

This has to be fucking bait

It's not headcanon that his deepest wish was shown to be a peaceful life with both of them

The game literally shows you he wants to live with both of them separated.

Nobody but the cabal wants a Pokemon game that plays like Xenoblade, XC2's battle system isn't like Pokemon just because you collect waifubait instead of Pokemon, Pokemon didn't even invent the monster catching genre in the first place, there's a millions things Pokemon needs to be, and Xenoblade isn't one of them.

Based DSbabby.

>The game was indeed overly desperate for a happy ending
And I don't understand why, it's not like the game was grimdark, it's the most lighthearted Xeno to date.

>thorna mc is a 27 years old hag
Fucking dropped.

>I dread the day SMTV comes out
It's a good thing it's not coming out then.

Not the guy, but just because it was lighthearted, killing of the main girls might have felt weird to some people.
Although, I don't agree it was lighthearted. It touched some dark themes like prostitution, or at least photos, with blades and such.

I've been playing since gen 1, but you're not going to tell me that 6 and 7 are better than 4 and 5

This is why love stories should not be the focal point of video games. It restricts what devs can do creatively without pissing people off. I know exactly how I would have and ended the game and it would have had neckbeards smashing their switches

So you're saying only games below a specific threshold of popularity are allowed on Yea Forums, but it doesn't match the threshold for threads on /vg/, and everything stuck between these thresholds should be banned from Yea Forums.

All while we have 30 simultaneous Smash threads, Twitter screencaps, Wojak and Pepe shitposting, LOL threads, politics, and who knows what else. A single active Xenoblade 2 thread that doesn't get another thread for anywhere between 4 and 16 hours is apparently too much.

Please stop talking to Xfag. You can't reason someone out of an autistic crusade.

>still taking Takahashi to the word
>forgetting the (laugh)
>forgetting the context from back-then about his green-one comment, when her basically not having an acknowledged name nor art was like a meme in nip twitter, same as here actually

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I have some gameplay questions. Can I make Nia a full on attacker, or Morag a healer? Some rare blades get stuck on someone not normally used to the role.

Why does XC2 attract such an autistic hatebase?
And don't say "because it's waifu anime shit" because the most famous Xeno- girl is a literal waifubot powered by Mary's soul.

I thought when cores reformed they take some from the user.
So when both pyra and mythra came back I just assumed it was because that's how rex perceived them.

Yes, although until chapter 8 they're stuck with their main Blade so they'll be at least 1/3 healy/tanky.

Whenever anyone asks the question the answer is always the game in question is a console exclusive

>Mythra and Pyra have literally the ideal female body
>Artists further exaggerate their proportions
fucking WHY

>you don't get special treatment.
This coming from someone who's apparently allowed to repeatedly flamewar, make off-topic posts, and announce reports and never get banned for it.

>The game was pretty clear about the Aegis collecting data and other blades memory one way or another. Same thing probably happens the Aegis too.
Sure. But take into account that "somewhere" being the Elysium, because that's the only place that makes sense for storing such data, processing them, and be interpreted by Klaus. Now remember what happened to it at the end? It got nuked. When you nuke your HDD, you don't retrieve shit. The characters had every right to think she would be dead.

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Yes, that's correct

>Can I make Nia a full on attacker
Yes, but she has in general awful animations, so she won't do as much dps as the others.
>Morag a healer
Yes, and she is decent at it.
You can use overdrive protocol to move a blade to another character. They are rare, but in NG+ you can buy them for EXP or you can send home a maxed out 4* blade.

Didn't the datamine have 2 separate text logs for the final scene which made it clear that they planned to have a normal ending and a true ending which was obviously scrapped because of time restraints because Nintendo took a shit load of devs off Monolith so they could finish breath of the wild on time.

It means that at some point they might have considered something like that. Every game is full of unused stuff.

>But take into account that "somewhere" being the Elysium, because that's the only place that makes sense for storing such data, processing them, and be interpreted by Klaus.
We don't know how their universe works. It could be some cloud service which just exist in the universe, just like how Alvis became the law of the universe in his world.
The game is in general a fantasy game with mechs. Blades are mostly explained as magical beings as larvas prior to becoming titans etc. A lot of shit aren't explained, like how Malos survived Torna.

Finally someone with a fucking brain.

>clear that they planned to have a normal ending and a true ending
Yes, but there could be multiple reasons to why they dropped it.

>So when both pyra and mythra came back I just assumed it was because that's how rex perceived them.
Fairly sure this was the case too.


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Not him, but the game gives the impression that the Aegises ARE where that Blade data is sent to. It's stated that they contain the data of all Blades and Titans.
Considering that, I don't see why their data wouldn't just stay in their crystal when they return to it. Why would they upload it anywhere? They're not designed to collect data and send it in for processing like normal blades.
Yes, there are two different subtitles for the line Pyra/Mythra say at the end.
With all this talk about the interview where Takahashi talked about their plans for the ending, I always though it was pretty interesting that he didn't mention that part of it at all.

What it told me was that they planned a more definitive conclusion but did not want to offend anybody. I've sworn by it in past thread and will say it now again, the way the game should have ended was Pneuma dies for real and Rex gets with Nia. A major theme in the game was relationships, both what it means to have and lose them. Much of the game's conflict was driven by the inability of characters to move on from the people they lost. Pneuma dying and Rex moving onto Nia would have solidified the message that even when you lose the person you love more than anyone else, you have to be willing able to find someone new because there is always someone else out there to pick you up.

Shit on me all you like. You know this is objectively better from a writing perspective

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>like how Malos survived Torna.
Isn't that because Amalthus was still alive to send him ether, that boss fight after rescuing Nia on Gormott explained that blades are immortal and can recover from any injury.

My perfect wives.

Which is quite dumb, in and of itself. Why even give the player the choice to choose between Mythra/Pyra, if it doesn't affect anything major? They should have at least had one or the other appear in the ending, based on the name you picked to define Pneuma.

If Rex is supposed to perceive them as separate girls and that's why they came back like that, why does the game have a scene where he explicitly says he sees them as the same person?

Except when their cores are damaged

Injury, yes. Broken core, the game was extremely vague about that considering Amalthus didn't have a piece of Malos's core.

>A lot of shit aren't explained, like how Malos survived Torna.
Aegises can survive core damage that would kill other Blades. Mythra's attack fucked him up big time, but not enough to kill him, so he just regenerated. What more do you need?

You really should tag spoilers, especially in the Op you dingus

>move a blade to another character
Oh thank god. Been playing for a month now and I gotta say the game is a blast. But the blade awakening thing keeps me form considering it a 100% nice game. I leave some quests unfinished because I can't roll for a blade that has the field skill required to advance. Or some characters have too many blades that clash from their main role. So the only way I can fix this is wait until chapter 8 or farm core crystals and roll until I get the skills.
This game has some pretty tight gameplay and it is so fucking fun, but in my opinion the blade awakening mechanic weakens it a liitle.

>why give a choice.
It was just a name your fault for thinking it was a huge deal when it was just for a name.

>Aegises can survive core damage that would kill other Blades.
I don't recall the game ever stating this other than Malos just happen to survive.

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>It's just a name dude
That's not even remotely a good enough answer.

My mommy Pyra and my wife Mythra

>people is triggered because a "happy ending"
Fuck this world.

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Torna exists for a reason, but I guess that's not enough for some people

A happy ending doesn't have to be perfect but XBC2's tries to be

I don't like Torna either

Once again you are trying to over complicate something that's not complicated

>Why even give the player the choice to choose between Mythra/Pyra
The very same thought I had for multiple things in Life is Strange. So many possibilities for different outcomes, but ultimately ends up with only two choices.

Fuck Rex, honestly. Out of all the Xenoprotags he got the best deal.

>How he's still alive with his Crystal in that state...Seriously, it's not normal.
>The Aegis is the Master Blade. The first Blade the Architect forged.
>Malos can do things we can only dream of.
I don't see how the implication is anything other than it just being something the Aegises can do because they're Aegises. This comes shortly after the part where Malos first mentions that it's possible for Aegises to survive for a bit without any core at all, too, and his explanation for that is literally just "don't ask me how, it's just how it is".

Why Mythra have to suffer so much?.
I almost cry when she have that Rex visión.

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>What should I call you?
>I don't care, it's just a name dude.
You need to actually start listening to people.

You do realize that you can have a happy ending without bringing back both girls, right? Even then though, I find Pneuma's whole sacrifice pretty meh in terms of execution.

No, fuck you and the ones with your retarded logic. I bet you think TTGL's bullshit ending is a "masterpiece" even though everyone, Branpresto included, shit on it.

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Not really. I just wish it had more impact since they put focus on it.

Because Addam wasn't a proper driver for the Aegis

No, without bringing them back it would be TTGL again: a fucking "bittersweet" ending.

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Never watched TTGL, not very much into anime, but I'll present to you Zelda WInd Waker as my favorite ending in a video game

>Wake up to this
>The minge isn't shaven
What do you do?

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Someone's mad as hell.

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Shave the minge. Fuck your memes

Why the fuck are you retards talking about anime? Shit anime at that?

But that is a happy ending.

Which was my original point to the one I replied to saying how Mythra and Pyra probably managed to retain their memory at the end is because of some cloud memory bank.
And because they are Aegises.

I want Pandy for myself

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it's the same faggot phoneposter who always does this shit

keep it how you like babe

Their proportions are completely fine


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But it's not a perfect ending. Hyrule and the icons associated with it are gone. It's happy because the game keeps the focus on what remains.

>Sperging out this hard
This wasn't said, whatsoever. You need to start listening, user. I just wanted it to influence more than being a simple naming choice, when they intentionally gave it focus. It'd have been nice if either one, or the other appeared in the end based off that choice, based on who you favor more. There's nothing wrong with that, and the ending still would have been wholesome.

Kick that bitch out of my bed and look for an actual good girl

Hyrule was an empty wasteland anyway.

>no core crystals

>based on who you favor more
Please link the part of the game where you make that choice.

Yes, which is why destroying it was the right thing to do but there's still a nostalgic appeal to it. Don't forget your partner, the King, dies as well

It does have sub tracks for a "bad" and a "true" ending. But it doesn't matter anyway, it's a useless gimmick that is only useful in games like VNs featuring multiple branches and have the game built around it. Having something like pic related is useless, it just comes to checking some easy to do list to get it.

If there are 2 endings, it means the ending we got in XC2 was always planned from the get go and was always intended to be the true ending. Removing the bad one doesn't change shit. That's why I always laugh when some retards can't think to save their life and say muh Takahashi is a hax for shoehorning a happy end, when it was always meant to be that way.

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Have you ever thought that maybe the artist didn't put core on purpose? Specially considering they are wearing real life clothes?

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The game.jever made you attached to hyrule or there icons

I think he is talking about the when you pick which name to refer to Pneuma when you fall into Morytha with Mythra.

They're the same people. How is not bringing both back the equivalent of TTGL's bittersweet ending? Why the fuck are people mentioning random anime, anyway? These comparisons are trash.

>If there are 2 endings, it means the ending we got in XC2 was always planned from the get go and was always intended to be the true ending.
But he literally told us what the original ending was. It was going to end on a shot of their core crystal glowing in Rex's hand, nothing more.

If you'd have played the game, you would know. It's literally a mandatory choice that happens in Morythra when you're with Pneuma.

But the series did. That's the appeal of larger franchises over a string of new ips. XB2 used this to its advantage as well it gave the game arguably its very best moment

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Have I missed an interview or something?

Wait, are you of the opinion they shouldn't have come back at all or that just pneuma should have come back?

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If you had paid even the slightest bit of attention, you'd know that you just pick a name there. There is absolutely nothing about "favour" implied anywhere in that scene.

I felt more why fucking fi left.
I felt no attachment to the king

The unused tracks are evidences that go against whatever bullshit he loves to say in interviews though.

I don't give a fuck about the King, he was lame and FAT.

>At the end of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Pyra and Mythra sacrifice themselves to save Rex, only to appear alive later on. Can you tell us what happened and what happens to them following the ending?
>Takahashi: [Laughter] Originally we envisioned the ending sort of in an Inception-style where you would see a cutscene with Rex’s core crystal glowing, and that would be the end of the game. But, while making the final scenes of the game, I really thought we should give players a clearer sense of closure, and I really started to come around to the feeling of ending the game on a happier note. The players have been through this incredibly long, trying the experience of completing the game, so why not give them a happier note to finish on? So we thought, "Well, okay, we'll bring back Pyra or Mythra, which one should we use? Or maybe we'll bring back—what's her name? The green-haired one." In any case, we thought about ending the game with one of these female characters joining Rex again, but I decided to roll with the feeling of a happy ending of sorts and thought as a bonus why not bring both Pyra and Mythra back as a bonus for the player at the end of the game?

>Is that third character Pneuma?
>NOA Representative: There's no official name for the character, but we'll get back to you on that.

>Because people want him in but I don’t want the stupid sexualized characters in bad he can’t be unique without them or something.
Why are some people like this?

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I suppose happiness is an emotion since I can't imagine feeling anything else when Fi left.

All Rex asks is "What should I call you in the new form?" and Mythra's all like "pick whatever and let's go".

I was fine with her coming back. I just felt like either Pyra, or Mythra should have appeared instead of both. Pneuma returning would have been cool too, honestly.

That's not a choice of who you favor more though.
That's just a name choice

Can you link the whole thing? And I like the idea of a vague ending. Would have spawned a lot more discussions.


You aren't of the group that bitch that none shouldn't have come back at all?

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Rex and pyra is like my number 1 choice fuck that guy

No, fuck you, vague endings are SHIT. For starters, we wouldn't have as much fanart as now because people don't know if they returned at all.

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imagine having taste this shit

Uh.. no? I wish Pneuma's sacrifice had been executed differently if they were planning on her return moments later, but I didn't mind her return.

Both results has their ups and downs.

>For starters, we wouldn't have as much fanart as now because people don't know if they returned at all.
Who cares? I'd take higher quality discussion over fanart any day.

Then we shouldn't be enemies at all. My enemies are the faggots screaming "muh shitty sad ending is realistic! How dare them to have a happy ending!".

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Once again, I just thought it would have been nice if the name influenced more. Depending on who you favor more, one or the other appears in the ending. That's literally it, but this got blown out of proportion.

Bro, I'm not even the same person you were arguing with. I was just off put by the TTGL mention and decided to comment.

The game is deliberately vague about it. But one thing we know for sure, is the data goes to Klaus. That's why he set up the Blade system in the first place. The only way such a system works, is if it literally works like your phone provider: Blades (your phone) connects to a Big Aegises Blades (the antenna relays) and then the data gets sent to the Switching Center (to the Elysium, to Klaus). The memories are sent up there in space one way or another, otherwise Klaus couldn't supervise shit and his Blade system would serve nothing.

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Klaus is also a god. So his very being probably functions as a databank for their world just like the Aegises.

I could care less

As cute as a button

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That's because you got pissy when someone told you it's just a name when you asked why they gave you the choice rather than saying " I would have liked that choice yo have more meaning."

Not really, I just disagreed.

Why have people been mentioning the mods so much? I didn't know more than one thread got deleted in recent times. To be fair though, naming them "Pyra threads" feels unnecessary. Why not continue to name them Xeno threads, or just not base threads around specific characters at all?

>not nearly a good enough answer

>my enemies
Please remain calm, user.

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I need to breed this blade.

Sure, Klaus gets the data, but what I'm trying to say is that I don't think that means the Aegises lose it like a normal Blade would. They have no reason to get rid of what they have - a regular Blade could potentially be held back from developing a bond with their new Driver and doing their job properly if their old memories are holding them back, but the job of the processors is to interpret the data from the Blades and then send back 'evolutionary code'. I don't see how losing data would be anything more of a hindrance for them.
And when Pneuma and Malos talk about their interaction with Blade data, it comes across as them containing that data, not just tapping into information that is stored somewhere else.
>Inside my core, I have all the data of all Blades and Titans.
>The Master Blade possesses the data of all Blade cores.
They might upload it to the 'cloud' for Klaus's purposes, but they still have it in their cores.

Post Crossette to calm me down.

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they're terrified of having to put anything more than the bare minimum of effort into making a thread

Klaus died and the trinity processor was destroyed after Pnuma sacrificed herself so core crystals shouldn't have worked at all, my theory is that after Klaus saw the bond Rex had forged with Prya/Mythra he felt that he no longer needed to supervise the blade system so his dying "gift" was to make every single core crystal autonomous so it no longer had to send the data it collected to the trinity processor and would be allowed to naturally evolve based solely on the data it collected for itself which would also explain the end scene.

>so core crystals shouldn't have worked at all,
The only thing that shouldn't work is the reality hacks of the Aegis. Core Crystals are their own thing

That and also fusing xbc1 and xbc2 worlds together.

Really interesting takes on how the ending and the whole system can be perceived

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But is that a sign that it was well established or poorly established?

you missed the point entirely

he kills her because she confessed she would hate being the blade of amalthus, thanks to blade memory wipe she was already "dead" to him, besides her power was way too dangerous for their plans and so he did the thing,hence the "you are no slave, be free now"

Well, I think parts of the ending being left up to interpretation was partially the point - even though in the end Takahashi didn't make the end as vague as he originally planned, all the silent dialogue in the last few chapters really shows that he still wanted to leave certain things open.

Here's your daily reminder that Nia was most likely on sale at a blade sex slave auction

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>ambient occlusion tits

see this is why monolith is based