Is this the most soulful remake of all time?

>Crash and Spyro devs redesign everything to look shittier
>THQ just remakes existing designs into HD models
what went so, so right?

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Other urls found in this thread:



more like soulless

>playing kids games
lmao the state of you

Why this mediocre cashgrab, of all games?
It isnt even a good collect-a-thon

The designs come from the cartoon so there's not really any room to change anything

>new game bad
>old game good

absolute state of moomers.

that's what i wanted from spyro remakes

idk, Patrick looks kinda weird

I mean, they're extremely well established character designs, changing them at all would upset anyone

How would multiplayer even work?

Attached: 1532759072927.png (437x516, 239K)

in this case, its:
>old game good
>new game better

I'm still wondering why Heavy Iron isn't apart of this remake.

>Basedbob Basedpants
It's a no from me dawg

Dunno, sounds pretty based to me

S.oybob S.oypants

Why is Yea Forums so cucked?

There was a guy on YouTube who was already working on this (with the exact name Rehydrated). My guess is THQNordic saw it as a low risk since there was a dedicated fanbase that wanted this topped with Spongebob being incredibly popular, still.

Go on YouTube and search the game's titles. Anything earlier than yesterday and you'll see the work that's already been put into this. He even remade the scrapped boss battles.

They are. Most of the :Purple Lamp guys are from the team that made the original.

>a licensed game is getting remastered before ape escape

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I really wish this was the approach Spyro took. The original game was so beautiful with it's flat gradients and smooth surfaces.

>companies like thq and sega just hiring talented fanboys to make their games now
The future's crazy, man.


Finally for once Yea Forums has found
>soul vs soul

I dunno, sounds like you're just not very based.


>new game in less than 5 hours

Attached: c4fb8f6081cb58a367c804b289db1f0e.png (627x659, 208K)

same man

Attached: spyro proper.jpg (800x400, 156K)

Ahh okay.

>graphics are soul
Yours is the most underage post of the month. Well done.

S󠛡oyboys like you aren't based enough.

t. zoomer pretending to be a boomer

You don't need to say stupid things to defend stupid things.

>hating on alphabob redpillpants
that's pretty left wing of you

>actually adding cut content from the original into the remake.
I don't know about you guys, but I think this is cool and is soulful as fuck.

You must be fucking retarded if you think those hd models look good.

t b h Nordic is on their last legs I don't blame them for doing easy remakes for guarantee'd cash

May as well, everyone else is.

I'm glad you think spongebob is so based.

>Company actually hired that man

>steam page literally says what the mode is
Wow you're stupid

How and why is this game getting this incredible graphics while multi milion dollar making games such as Pokemon have shitty ass graphics?

The developers are different.


I think it looks decent.
I'm propably buy it to co-op it with my 8 year old nephew.

Attached: 1529489334659.gif (500x558, 1.4M)

pokemon is a soulless, dry and withered multi-billion dollar corporate franchise
are you really surprised it has zero effort put into it?


Stupid pedobait fox poster

people don't understand how shitty gamefreak is
it's a miracle sword and shield looks how it is even though it looks like fucking DQ 8 for the ps2

Pokemon graphics took a hit because of hardware limitations.Just another case of console exclusivity ruining games.


They haven't shown gameplay footage yet, don't get too excited.

It'll be like the bad minigames from The Movie Game where they spawn a dozen robots in a flat arena.
Such a shame they aren't doing co-op platforming instead. Even indie games like A Hat in Time have online co-op, even in custom levels. On a budget of 300k.

The people at Gamefreaks are highly incompetent.

>people STILL complaining about Crash and Spyro remasters
It's like you forgot what was happening to those franchises before there was even a hope for remasters.

Thank you for your service.


Bros, let's fucking TALK about the music. You guys think they'll butcher it?

I think the new style could have worked had they stuck closer to the original designs and didnt fuck with lighting/colors.

Why didn't they go for the cell-shaded approach and try to emulate the show's style?

Attached: heckboy.gif (800x600, 3.04M)

This has always been going on to be honest.

THQ can do no wrong because they make SJWs butthurt.

fuck timesplitters

destroy all humans would be better

You don't have to shit on one remake to praise another. N. Sane Trilogy was fucking amazing.
I'm very glad this remake seems to be very faithful and soulful.

cel shading looks cheap

How so?

Because cel shading is ugly as fuck, and I'd rather they emulate Battle For Bikini Bottom's unique design and atmosphere than the show.

Assuming that King Jellyfish screenshot is in-game and not just posed for publicity, does this mean we'll be seeing additional cutscenes and interactions? Cause the only time you confront King Jellyfish you're in a very different looking environment

for what purpose?
when has spongebob ever had hard shadows and black outlines?
A man can dream...

Attached: 1436676356756345.png (386x337, 103K)

I think that's just the sky.
It looks to me like either Jellyfish Fields is set at sunset, or the sky slowly goes from bright day to sunset as you progress through Jellyfish Fields.

N. Sane suffered heavily from its pillboxes
and the soundtrack was garbage and there was no original soundtrack option like spyro did

Attached: crash proper.jpg (919x450, 600K)

>Still 2 more games to announce
Bruh fuck E3 this is the real shit

Ever since they hosted that AMA on double4chan the SJWs start throwing bitchfits whenever they do anything because they're now "LITERAL FUCKING NAZIS" or something

Is THQ even a thing anymore?

This isn't 2005, Anons. The cell-shading of today is not the PS2 ugliness you once knew.

That's Hellboy, not Spongebob.

Crash's design is the best it's been since the original trilogy, and the pillbox is never an issue. I've 100%ed both trilogies, and aside from some tight jumps in 1, I've barely noticed a difference when it came to the hitboxes.
And the new soundtrack is awesome. They heavily improved on most of 1's soundtrack, they made almost all the boss themes much better, and I'd argue that the majority of 2 and 3's soundtracks were improved in the remake.

Seems like a bit of an overreaction

Because they're based and redpilled for trusting this dipshit.

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>Post yfw I'm Dirty Dan

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literally a win win situation and way better than nintendo just telling people to fuck off

It's not out of the question, since there's a Simpsons thing at the E3 coliseum.

nigga what
listen to this shit and tell me again they "improved heavily"

It's not just that though. I was playing that level yesterday and you only interact with King Jellyfish at the top of the mountain without anything in the immediate background. Here they're at the base of the third section of the level.

I'm thinking it's posed since the King Jellyfish fight area is pretty barren, but I'll remain optimistic

>That's Hellboy, not Spongebob.
I know that, But the big question is; why do you want spongebob to look like hellboy?

>there will never be a Hellboy animated show with Mignola's artstyle

This isn't like Spyro or Crash where it had one artstyle and then was remade into something else. The original was trying to recreate an existing 2D cartoon's artstyle using the comparatively primitive tech of the time, and honestly it looks like shit nowadays, like the Ed Edd n Eddy game. Whether those images are the actual models or just promos, they look way better because we can now emulate the cartoon more closely.

We're home bro's

Attached: Home.jpg (1131x627, 569K)

THQ of old is dead, I think some dudes just bought the THQ name and a bunch of licenses and decided to rename themselves.

if anything its handheld exclusivity that ruined this, now that they are on more powerful hardware than a ds they dont know what the fuck to do

You're not exceptionally imaginative, are you?


Because Spongebob is not a cel-shaded cartoon.

sorry, *nigger escape
is that better

>someone posts "Why not emulate the show's style"? and posts an example of cell-shading that emulates the source material of the character depicted
>hurr u want to make SPongebeb look like hellboy????
jesus christ Yea Forums

>caring about anything but Pachinko

The cartoon doesn't look like that though

Porque no los dos

Yes it is.

Attached: 1553604664705.jpg (750x562, 19K)

>one song out of over 80

Attached: 12582920343.jpg (600x600, 30K)

I've started to look forward to seeing this be posted.

>come into thread about spongebob game
>"why not emulate this style?"
>why would spongebob need to look like that?
Then why would you bring it up in a thread where the spongebob is literally the main topic, you tard?


the remakes are closer to how nu-spongebob looks


FUCK you.

I remake bundle of TS2 and FP would be fucking spectacular.

>an example of cell-shading that emulates the source material
Have you literally never seen a single second of Spongebob before?

Attached: hhFmSJv.gif (500x322, 482K)

If this was crash or spyro you faggots would be screaming about how the jellyfish is the wrong colour.


I know, you'd be screaming about it anyway.

>kids games
That's an oxymoron you retard, all video games are for children.

cringe but also based

what about my hentai video """""games"""""

I dunno man, the show doesn't have tons of shading, the original game didn't have it. Personally I think replicating pic related works better for a 3D video game than ending up with some ugly Mis-Edventures looking shit.

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Designed for retarded teenagers, teens are also children.

Spyro wasn’t that bad it was just the cutscenes and voices that ruined it

Are they actually adding cut content?


>t b h Nordic is on their last legs
Must be some strong legs if they still manage to buy tons of companies. THQ Nordic is doing fantastic.

so you admit its shit?

It says so right on the Steam page, specifically citing Robo-Squidward.

Attached: 1559757915585.jpg (500x500, 73K)

Well RIP this project then.

are you retarded?

No, the humdreds of posts mentioning the game adding cut content are just joking.

kids games is not an oxymoron you retard, that's a redundancy

is this what the prequel's gonna look like?
I was kind of worried because TV production CGI usually looks stilted and janky but this looks great

ur a retard, retard

I believe that specific song isn't very good, yes.
However, I greatly prefer all three new Cortex themes, Snow Go, Future Frenzy, Dingodile, N. Tropy, Komodo Bros., N. Brio, Hang Eight, Road to Ruin, Slippery Climb, and a few others in N. Sane Trilogy.
I also thing The Eel Deal's remade version is pretty good, though I prefer the original.

My only fear right now. Hopefully they don't completely butcher the music.
>the guitar solo

Attached: 1558269804546.jpg (583x529, 45K)

Hopefully they'll have an original soundtrack option, just in case.
The music for this game is very versatile, and I can imagine all the songs being redone in several styles. It'd be very nice to see multiple soundtrack options, maybe?

No it isn't. At least not the older episodes. Cel shading is the attempt to make 3d-models look flat and 2d. Spongebob doesn't attempt that. Ni No Kuni for example does that and does so well.

Plus it's important to know that BFBB:R will almost certainly be emulating the original 3 seasons as much as possible.

College kids were watching spongebob in late 90s/early 2000's in addition to kids.

Here's how I see it,

>if they butcher it and there's an option to use the old music
we're good

>If they nail it and there's an option to use the old music
we're good

>If they fuck it up and there's no toggle
PC version mods it is.

>thq nordic
No thanks i don't want to give money to pedo nazis.

That's kinda like saying all cartoons are for kids when there are cartoons like Fritz the Cat that clearly aren't for children.

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back you go, barnaclehead

> crash redesigns
> shit


The Crash redesigns were fucking great, we got god-tier Lex Lang Cortex portraying him actually seriously, and way better boss designs. I think OP is on drugs.

see its shit

why would you unironically respond to bait

Exactly. The original game came out before season 3 even ended so it would make sense to catch the feel of the first seasons rather than the newer ones. Also, Cel shading is over-used in cartoon games so I'm happy they went for a different look. Not that cel shading looks bad, it's just over-used. It doesn't always need to be there when it's a game about cartoon characters.

why dont remasters just let you flip between old and new like the halo remakes

All those were addressed. It's not shit, you just don't like it. I personally love Crash's new design.

>Exactly. The original game came out before season 3 even ended so it would make sense to catch the feel of the first seasons rather than the newer ones.
I've seen people say the remake will be shit because they'll fuck it up with nu-SpongeBob shit, but what they don't seem to realize is this remake isn't being marketed towards new players. You can tell from the Steam description they're clearly marketing towards people with nostalgia for the original. There's no money in "updating" the game to be more aligned with nu-SpongeBob since that's not what the people who will buy this game want.

>hire dedicated fanboy
>he already did his homework on the source material and the game
>has a natural passion for the project (read: soul)
>more willing to work for cheap since this is their breakthrough into the industry
>put him on a project that doesn't require a fuckhuge budget
>maybe even a remake for nostalgia points
>on top of all that the company gets a good public imagery for working with the fans
>if the fanboy proves to be talented you can even hire him for real
>if he sucks nobody will give a shit if you fire his ass and there are no legal repercussions for stealing his work
I am amazed that HIRE THIS MAN isn't used more frequently by companies.

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Are we sure they hired him?

nice pleonasm you got there, retard

Here’s the flaw in your logic that almost all companies will latch onto now: What about the microtransactions?

What about them?

Kill yourself incel

I just learnt a new word today

I'm pretty sure that's just sponge out of water

Check out the box art

Attached: spongebob-rehydrated-boxart-656x384.jpg (656x384, 32K)

Robo sponge is looking a little weird

You're welcome

Attached: Mah boi.gif (303x303, 813K)

Sandy is going to rip off your fucking arm

Attached: IMG_20190606_092856.jpg (79x112, 5K)

I'm loving it, though. SpongeBot looks weirdly ominous.

Im glad they included the others this time

Fuck you, DQ8 for the PS2 still looks amazing. Should've compared it to the 3DS version.

>Crash and Spyro change colors, lighting, and textures
>Spongebob does the exact same thing

They should've kept the old boxart

Spongebob isn't red nor doesn't have broken horns.

Old lighting X nu dragon designs woyld be perfect.

What if the playable Spongebob is modeled after his classic look while the empty robotic husk boss is modeled after his modern look?

>it's exactly like the remaster version except the eyes are white
You people shit yourself retarded over the dumbest things.

>Yea Forums constantly shitting on nintendo saying its for children
>also Yea Forums "wow look at this great kids game"

you are what you eat i guess

>final phase of SpongeBot
>boss music fades out
>instrumental version of Sweet Victory starts playing

Attached: hghghg.jpg (398x398, 30K)

not what people were sperging about...
THQ is not giving Patrick a fucking turbin or giving Mr krabs a suit and monacle
they aren't deviating from the original character designs


>new design has less tentacles


Attached: HOTSAUCE.png (1748x1311, 3.04M)

Based THQ Nordic.

>Yea Forums constantly shitting on nintendo saying its for children
Only Snoy's do that.

holy fuck I laughed at a Yea Forums

>end of credits
>"In memory of Stephen Hillenberg."

Attached: 1457439438.jpg (352x300, 28K)

Let's be real, the only people that care about this are people that played it when they were 6 and kids that are 6 now.

These people saying this is one of the best things to happen to video games this year says a lot about gaming's current state.

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Why does giving the 80 dragons individual designs instead of being five generic models repeated constantly piss you off so much?

I want to play as squidward


Attached: comparison.png (1280x840, 1.18M)

You're implying Yea Forums is one person which is nonsensical.

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what a fucking amazing vocaroo

Based wholesome uncle

it's the teeth

this will sell gazillions on switch

The Crash remakes were hit and miss with the soundtrack (Turtle Woods in particular I feel was weak), but when they hit they hit hard

I think it's moreso the drastically changed enemy designs that chafes people's taints.

>no combat helmet
lost a bit of soul but it's a better cover so whatever


because it's shit

Attached: soul vs soulless.webm (1600x534, 2.89M)


What's the point of remaking something if it's just going to be the same?

well I personally don't care what they did to spyro, I'm just pointing out the key difference between the spyro and spongebob remaster
if they kept the dragons the same, they would have avoided that huge backlash
if they only showed the redesigned set pieces and facades people wouldn't have cried soulless nearly as much
this is what THQ is getting right. they know the buyer expects a remaster not a remake, therefore they are staying faithful to the original game's settings and characters (and also because its Nick's IP)
they can dodge the deviant art autistic scrutiny if they stay faithful to the source material

Attached: 1553294850095.gif (1000x504, 3.36M)

Did they remove the zapping fairy? How could they?

>no army helmet

They're adding a multiplayer mode and cut content from the original

Hitbox fags need to be shot.

1. neat mods for PC players
2. Playin this gem at 4K 60 FPS
3. This remake is adding content that didn’t make it into the final game like robo squidward boss and Patrick’s ice cream dream level

I can't find my old disc
and it'd be 50hz anyways

because there are more back ground legal bullshit, subsidies, government tax write offs, (not really in gaming companies other than va's) unions, employee deals, etc... There is a lot of bullshit no one sees that runs our lives and it is a mad house. The logically answers are usually the last ones ever touched on.

uuuuummmm exuse me why is they removing soul from the original image

It's a documented soul extraction process

Attached: 1553295957213.png (1867x600, 1.15M)



The difference between the two is that Nordic so far seems to know why fans like the original and are seeking to preserve that part of the game while also adding more content that was originally cut, while Toys for Bob did not know what made Spyro good/memorable and stepped all over it, and did not attempt to finish any of the cut content like the Machinists world.

Attached: 1525394218969.jpg (1080x1400, 430K)

nice tumblr filename lol rofl

what game had the best ps2 memory card icon and why was it BFBB/Movie game?

Attached: kino.png (270x312, 24K)

Is Squidward playable?

Take this for example. Notice how all of the mountains bordering the level have been raised up drastically, and the camera was made to be pointing down, this is to hide the fact that they either didn't or couldn't emulate the game's skyboxes in a way that was faithful to the originals, so they instead opted to hiding them as much as possible. Also note how the UI has been downgraded from 3D to 2D static images, and how most of the once smooth and well-formed architecture has been replaced with cobblestone haphazardly slapped together.

Attached: 1531439171737.jpg (2300x4316, 2.03M)

Yes, but he's too overpowered. His only attack is playing shitty music, which causes all robots around him to commit suicide immediately.

Are the spongebob games any good? I only ever had revenge of the flying dutchman

i guess they didnt hire the man.
popped in their discord real quick

Attached: Screenshot_20190606-103831_Discord.jpg (1080x1111, 278K)

Here's a much higher quality version.

Attached: 81S268NilzL._AC_SL1500_.jpg (928x1500, 229K)
>its real

and the different hair
and the different arms
and the different mouth
and the different nose
and the different pants
and the different boots

I played it a year ago for the first time and I'm preordering it as soon as it's available
I'm 25

he thinks because there was an ape escape crossover with mgs3, ape escape is owned by konami. Please be patient

>you share a board faggots that were children when this came out
goodbye Yea Forums, this truly is where i call it quits


after everything THIS is where you call quits?

>they copied a game which im currently also copying

see you tomorrow

that spongebot is pretty lame, hopefully that's not how it actually looks in-game

How can you people cause so much noise by just creating games.

Attached: howcan.png (1690x1242, 2.96M)

Well, shit. I feel bad for him then.

Oh well. Still get it either way.

are we sure these are in game shots and not just promotional images?

This is blue arms autism tier, just lighting on the first one

>"They just copied us", said person whose only work is a copy

Attached: file.png (1203x646, 877K)

>tfw they're going to ruin everything and make the "water" transparent

Attached: watermaloonshop.gif (320x240, 2.28M)

Please just go back to your soul/soulless shit thread.

But king jellyfish was tranparent in the show

I hate this gorm/gormless shit but the crown thing actually rings true


no it doesn't

funniest thing is there's fuck all they can do about it
>dude I can't believe they copied our game which is actually their game we were copying

Attached: 1529079241181.jpg (315x404, 34K)

alright see you in the next thread user

Aren't the levels designed for a particular character? How would co-op even work?

I've never played it, and I'm excited for an enjoyable and innocent gaming experience.

Fuck off

This from someones twitter?

ITT: Manchildren. Honestly worse than Pokemon.

That one sucked. The two that came after it (bfbb and movie game) were gems but everything else is forgettable or bad.

one character passes an obstacle
spongebob/patrick throw a life wheel towards the friend and pulls them in over the obstacle
sandy lassos the friend over the obstacle

>being this insecure

Barnacle heads will complain about anything

Attached: 9813F56C-281F-403B-8E58-E13E0544C022.png (1920x1052, 257K)

Soooo just to clarify.

Manbabies are going to forgive the fact that THQ nordic held an AMA on a pedo/white nationalist website because they're remaking a mediocre PS2 platformer?

Just checking is all.

Attached: zoe.jpg (210x240, 18K)

THQNordic could publicly torture a man to death on live television and I'd still buy this game.

Dude BBFB is great.
If you actually play it you’ll know why people are excited for this.

>Manbabies are going to forgive the fact that THQ nordic held an AMA on a pedo/white nationalist website

Attached: 1524052242477.png (644x644, 936K)

a friend of mine goes there. he said there's no pedo shit from what he's seen

I know this is bait but the depth to which boomers don't understand communal websites like eightchan still floors me

Attached: unknown-2.png (324x234, 109K)

>complaining about associating with pedo/white nationalist
>posting on Yea Forums

Attached: 1486168056479.png (480x487, 107K)

The bait isn't funny when you use opinions that millions of retards actually hold in it. It's jusy sad.

They didn't do anything wrong though, 8an is just a place to discuss anonymously. And there are some deviants among them. Who cares.

Sorry, but the left is peak soullessness

>He says in a thread about Spongebob of all fucking things.

>I know this is bait but
Everytime. If you know it's blatant trolling them don't reply to it you weak willed jellybean.

>implying this is a boomer
Though, your point still stands

>tfw no smelly extremely subby NEET gf

Yeah, but there's a difference between this and the actual series. The game was made with genuine passion, and modeled after the era of SpongeBob that had soul. The show itself has been shit for quite a long time. Even Paul fucking Tibbitt thinks so, and he led the show's production when it was at it's worst.

Sounds like it was his fault

I don't get it

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Cel shading isn't conducive to gameplay, especially platformers


90% of the games discussed here are for children.

What'll be fellas

Anyone have textless? Also wish he had the helmet

>the virgin floyd and lloyd
>the chad dennis the menace

Feed or seed?

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I didn't really buy into the idea of Spyro being soulless but after seeing how excellent this remake looks I kinda agree

Attached: spyro_skello_s_badlands_by_chief680dbfyydv.jpg (3716x2196, 2.94M)

The soul of Yea Forums finally speaks from the dungeon.


Floyd's Gas and Pass

You could argue that the quality of the show going down was definitely helped by Paul, but I think it was Hillenburg's absence that ruined it. He had always wanted to end the series with the movie.
How convenient that a prequel TV series about SpongeBob as a kid hadn't been announced until Hillenberg died. Tibbitt said somewhere, I think it was Reddit, that he was pretty disgusted with the prequel show, and it was a clear cashgrab that Stephen would have hated.

t. Fat American

thing is there.s also a lot of things that make the whole HIRE THIS MAN line of though fall apart
>Can they work with the engine that we use?
>Can they work well with people?
>Can they work with a deadline?
>why bother hiring the man if we already have good developers?

Fuck you, cunt.

Game already leaked, lads.

At least there's tomorrow.

Attached: 1552631865723.png (822x802, 680K)

>How convenient that a prequel TV series about SpongeBob as a kid
fucking why? Spongebob already acts like a kid most of the time.


Attached: 1554910086058.gif (320x240, 846K)

Yeah I already know that none of the upcoming announcements are TimeSplitters, probably not even tomorrow. THQNordic's twitter banner hints at 2 images that don't look like TS. I'm just a bit desperate.

Did they say there's not going to be ANYTHING about it during E3, or just not a playable demo?

Reminder that season 1 was mediocre

Attached: IMG_20190606_100932.jpg (820x975, 259K)

It's already confirmed you're not getting Timesplitters. The original leak said Darksiders Genesis and a new Destroy All Humans, and Geneis was just leaked and proven real, so...

>Pizza Delivery is bad
opinion instantly discarded


congrats, I didn't even know taste could get this bad but you found a way

>Pizza Delivery

>Rock Bottom
Not worth the reply

Attached: 1535021470080.jpg (640x480, 173K)

good desu

destroy all humans is better and deserves a sequel more considering there hasnt been a good game since 2

>Pizza Delivery
>Squeaky Boots
>Sandy's Rocket
>Jellyfish Jam
>MuscleBob BuffPants
>Neptune's Spatula
>Rock Bottom
Fucking terrible taste.

which season was the last one with the og writer?

Leaked gameplay

This is your "beautiful" game

Reminder: These threads get over 200 unique posters a thread, anyone who says shit like "Soulless" or "Who plays a kids game anyways?!" is being contrarian for the (You)'s, simply ignore them and don't give them any attention you autists.

Attached: supersaiyan.png (625x472, 220K)

Too bad modern Spongebob has killed my interest for this or any classic SB stuff.

Would look pretty good without the filter

>implying Texas is bad
>implying Rock Bottom is bad
>implying Neptune's Spatula is bad
>implying Pizza Delivery is bad
>implying Bubble Stand is bad
Fucking wow
Not a single episode on the list dips below good to be quite honest with you

>A fucking filter ruins it all

Attached: 1536327812229.png (504x657, 344K)

That's from the unfinished fangame, you chode.

this, video games have been solely for kids since xbox live

I really don't think this is legit lol

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>SnK pic
Pottery. Go cry on twitter to someone who cares

It isn't. Rehydrated was also the name of a fan remaster, that was being worked on long before the official remaster was announced.
>people falling for the bait

Your both retards learn to do your own research before posting on Yea Forums replying to bait you fucking chodes

People can't get Pokemon anywhere else. They can do whatever they want and people will accept it.

Attached: QUALITY Gamefreak.webm (640x360, 2.48M)

You never played it, you can't say shit.

you don't say

Hell yeah, based

This the fan made project

why do all fangames look like this

only a phone poster can have this bad taste

The only bad episode in that image is I was a Teenage Gary

they should just always include the original game with the remake

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Because they want the game to look like it was made in Next Gen, and because of certain technical limitations, they use the filters and weird hdr shit to hide the technical limitations.
For BFBB it's the fact that levels go on forever on a flat plain to the sky box.

Obvious bait, but for anyone who can't tell Spongebob was geared toward people in their 20s during its first 3 seasons.

Because GameFreak knows that they can be as mindblowingly incompetent as much as they want, because Pokemon prints money

Most developers have to put some effort


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E is for everyone, faggot.

Who will you all be maining?
For me its handsome Squidward

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After season 3 and the movie, Hillenburg and a bunch if notable artists and writers, like CH Greenblatt (who went on to create Chowder) left

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>sponge doesn't have the army helmet

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yeah because who cares get over it

newfags arent gonna get what they're teasing

>geared towards
massive stretch. it's still made for kids


The only spongebob games I played was the Flying Dutchman and creature from the Krusty Krab.

What’s so good about Battle for bikini bottom?

remember that the people angry at nordic think that pic related is pedo

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just to clarify.
you are posting of Yea Forums.

What do you mean last legs? The THQ you’re thinking of is actually dead. Nordic is the new one that bought them out. If anything they’re just building right now.

>if you dislike easy cash grabs banking on nostalgia you're a contrarian
ok retard

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do you think adults give a shit about cartoons?
unironically have sex

Like I said, not even worth the (You).

Wait so they didn't hire him, but the Jellyfish Fields screenshot just so happens to take place during sunset just like in their fangame? And the subtitle is coincidentally the exact same?

Sandy. I'll get so many buffs when fighting enemies who insult Texas, which is like 90% of them.

it's actually funnier as as an adult than as a kid

a hat in time multiplayer is garbage tho, levels don't even sync and it contributes nothing substantial to the game so it only works as youtuber wow so random XD bait


was hoping this was the lithuanian :(

>Massive stretch
Obviously they still wanted children to watch itm but what I said is anything but a massive stretch. It's common knowledge that during the 90s Nick was "gearing" all of their cartoons towards young adults. That's how we got shows like Rugrats, Ren & Stimpy, Rocko and Spongebob. The main target demographic was, for a fact, young adults. They had to hold the writers back a bit when they started making jokes that were too adult all so they could still pass them off as "kid friendly".

This isn't an opinion, it's a fact. Look it up if you want to try and prove me wrong.

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it's too videogamey and childish
remember video games aren't about fun, but sending a message

>The main target demographic was, for a fact, young adults
Debatable with those other shows but Spongebob literally opens with "Are ya ready kids?".

What a pile of shit, thanks for the heads up user

Not that user but Spongebob had a lot of goddamn jokes that would go over the heads of 5 year olds.
Like the entire *DOLPHIN NOISES* episode.

grade A rebuttal

>adding cut content isn't soul
Kill yourself.

>Classic look
Idk looking at the promo art his design seems more like his nu-design

Attached: Spongebob-Bikini-Bottom-Rehydrated-1.jpg (1920x1080, 1.59M)

(not really) fun fact: this image comes from twitter, which explains the shit taste

>>Not that user but Spongebob had a lot of goddamn jokes that would go over the heads of 5 year olds.
5 year olds yeah but a lot of kids 10 and older would have gotten it. There's a difference between being aimed at kids and being aimed at preschoolers.

I'm not arguing any further. At this point you're just baiting. Even the smallest amount of research proves you wrong.
>Opens with are ya ready kids
Completely ignores
>Spongebob Patrick and Squidward all being a young adults
>Every other episode being centered around Spongebob at work
>All of the blue collar work jokes
It's silly enough for children to get a kick out of it and has good jokes that only adults can possibly understand. You clearly don't understand what you're talking about.

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>Jellyfish Jam: Bad
>Pizza Delivery: Bad
>Nature Pants: Good

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Having some jokes that only adults will get doesn't suddenly make it not targeted towards kids.

>the cast is mostly adults that have jobs
>somehow this means the show can't possibly be aimed at kids
>even though spongebob and patrick are extremely childish
This is some fierce retardation on show.

I dunno, it's pretty much the same as the original except his pupils are bigger.

>game with nothing but battles has more detail in battles than game with an actual world to explore and things to do

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you do realize that everyone here also uses twitter?

Oh, so movies are too? Fuck off.

I don’t know what’s worse than a nigger but that’s what you are

This is the soul/soulless thread. The op literally asked if the remake was soulful.

First line should be, "Just think it's another soulless remaster"

>he got mad at that
grow up

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I'm so happy to see Yea Forums so effusively positive about something. Sometimes the negativity here can be overwhelming, this is so nice

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idk if i should replay BFBB or wait for the remake to make it all new again. may just play the movie game instead which isnt as good but still solid

No, it isn't. This is a "jerking off SpongeBob" thread.

movie game sounds like a good idea

they made spongebob look like shit. i fixed him

Attached: fixed spongebob.png (600x674, 1.55M)

>quiet yelling
afraid to wake up your parents user?

definitely an improvement

soul restored

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Nah the soul still isn't there. OG Spongebob (ironically) isn't that square, he's more thin towards the bottom than the top.

He probably doesn't have an army helmet to not piss off the people who might think it's promoting the army or some shit. Current year strikes again.


Confirmed 30 bucks

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well in the og game he was square

Pretty good user, I already thought the new design was good but making the pupils smaller definitely helps.

Yeah well I know I'm going to get shit for it in this thread but the 3D models for the Spongebob characters have always been a bit soulless.


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Oh wow now that I've noticed the freckles aren't red I can't unsee it
The eyes and eyelashes are fine though

“People say, ‘games like dark souls are for real men’. Shut the fuck up. People died in wars”.- Adam Kovic.

lmao theyre undervaluing the game hard
apparently in 2019 if it's not a trillion dollar marketing budget brown and bloom corridor shooter or a third person movie it isn't worth $60


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What was good about Battle for Bikini Bottom? I never played it, but I was a huge Spongebob fan back in the day.

>help wanted: meh

He does sort of sound like Rick.

Decent platforming and tons of fanservice if you watched the show.

was just a good game

nice bait

Really good and soulful collectathon in the vein of Super Mario 64 and Spyro. It's filled to the brim with early SpongeBob humor, and it's got quality on par with first party titles.

needs some work. but the premise is 10/10

Actually laughed. The spongebob jokes in these threads lately have been pretty decent.

I'm enjoying these fun little subtitles that companies are coming up with for their remasters

Meh, he seems kind of stiff and it looks like the dimensions of the top of his head are the same to the bottom of his shorts, like how it is in the newer seasons.
Maybe it's an autistic thing to notice details like that, but idk I guess it's just from years of doodling the little guy the classic way

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>tfw the logical remake name of Timesplitters Rewind is ALSO being used by some shitty fan game
is THQ really gonna btfo them all?

TFW the commercial on how to draw spongebob came on

I don't think you got the reference.

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>that slight backwards leaning pose
So THAT is why it always looked a bit uncanny when I was doodling him, I started with a completely straight rectangle. Thanks, m8!

>N. Sane Trilogy
>Reignited Trilogy
What's next, bros?

This is actually much better, I'm impressed

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>People want a remake of a particular game
>Studio gets bought out and they are told to make a game people actually want

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No game should ever be more than $40, this is totally fair. Anyone have the textless cover?

i was there during the ama and they did a fantastic job of keeping troll/gore/etc. posters out of the thread, good questions were asked and the thq guys clearly had fun. it went rather smoothly for what it is. so go fuck yourself.

There is nothing to forgive. Holding a AMA on a website isn't hurting anyone.

>Pizza Delivery

Attached: kylecringe.gif (192x224, 42K)

>first few seasons of Spongebob
>That writing
>those plot lines
>that sexual innuendo
>that music
Take me back bros


>Teas at the Treedome
>Ripped Pants
>Jellyfish Jam
>Rock bottom
>all meh to awful
Shitest of taste

>that sexual innuendo
that what now?


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>SpongeBob with a perverted face watching anemones on the TV, then hurriedly switching it to sports when Gary comes in the room

>that music

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It looks as soulless as that live action movie where they were superheroes.

Corporations doing what customers want is the ideal of capitalism. Making what you want into a "cash grab" is how things are supposed to work. That's why stuff like privacy as a service exists.



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fucking resetera

The Simpsons Hit & Run: Reinfracted when?


>tells Gary a prison rape joke
>spongebob watches the nature channel with a perverted face
>squidward puts the vacuum on his dick
>The Panty Raid
>that one episode in the end where Patrick and spongebob are naked and Patrick is handing him a dollar

>watch the teaser
>Spongebob's voice actor sounds old and tired
Jesus fuck just retire this show already.

Fun platforming and item collection, fun racing segments like the Kelp Forest or Sandy's Dream.

>The panty raid
That would never get aired today

I am so existentially upset that the only thing I can think of to say to this is "based"

You said it yourself, instead of giving everything cereal box mascot redesigns they just updated the old art.

>that music
I unironically have some songs from Spongebob on my sleep playlist.

This he sounds depressed as fuck, might be a better idea to just use sound clips.

A lot of TV shows from the early and mid 2000s wouldn't. Even that episode where Spongebob and Patrick swear would be pushing the cartoon boundaries nowadays

what teaser

Dear god this is going to be on every single kid under the age of 11's switch, fucking brilliant.

Does he? I haven’t noticed a change

>DQ 8 for the ps2
SS doesnt even ahve half the detail and quality of PS2 DQ8.

its on youtube, but you have to search "thq nordic"
if you search "battle for bikini bottom" you'll just get reaction videos and other shit

>Even that episode where Spongebob and Patrick swear would be pushing the cartoon boundaries nowadays
You serious? They didn't swear a single time in that episode.

Don't forget the whole situation with the Karate episode.

>tfw Nasty Patty used to scare the shit out of me
Fuck I miss this show. I was 12 when it first aired and I watched it thinking it was going to be some Nick JR shit. Boy was I wrong

Aren't the majority of gaymers under the impression all remakes and remasters must be valued less solely on the base that "these games are old"?

>mfw watching e3

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Its implied that they do. Which like I said would push the boundaries for cartoons today. Seriously, shit like Regular Show, old Spongebob, and Ren and Stimpy would never last today.

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It's been 20 years since the first episode. I don't think Tom Kenny sounds "depressed" so much as he's just gotten old


Purple looks better with the sunset.

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...isn't Regular Show a modern cartoon?
Also, old Spongebob isn't nearly as crass as new Spongebob. Old Spongebob was subtle compared to the shit they put in new Spongebob.

>No trailer at E3
So much SOUL. They better have some of these on the game

Unlike Spyro and Crash, SpongeBob has been running for years with no hiatuses and has always kept a relatively consistent art style since S3. So of course there's not much room for shitty reinterprations.

Kinda miss Patrick's lazy eyelids though.

Pic related.

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>oxymoron you retard
It's not an oxymoron. It's a tautology you retard.

The Wii actually had something like this.
The battle of the century: Which one is the better slide music?
Hard mode: You can't choose both

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Yeah but who the hell went into the memory section.

>its a "family entertainment has to either be made for children or for adults" post

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>Unlike Spyro and Crash, SpongeBob has been running for years with no hiatuses
Spongebob CONFIRMED for smash! HE'S IN!! HE IS IIIIINNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!

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>Regular show is considered old now
Fuck man.

Rate my spongebob

Attached: 3.jpg (619x693, 61K)

Movie Game>BfBB
Fight me nerds

Pinhead Larry
Formerly Dan

Death penalty

Looks like ResetEra's gonna be on board after all

>MFW the artist for Yugioh drew fanart for Mignola
>MFW he returned the favor

Attached: pin_it_girl.jpg (700x854, 154K)

It ended in 2017. That poster is just retarded

This is literally, unironically the mindset Valve was founded on. Most of the early staffers they had were people who modded GoldSrc. Turns out if you fucking hire people who MAKE AND PLAY VIDEO GAMES you get amazing video games. Weird isn't it? Not defending what Valve became though.

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To this day, I never understood why they changed the button for the bubble, I think it was, in the movie game.

It looks awful, plays awful and has way too much filler
They fixed the lighting engine on the Xbox version though

>tfw starting work during E3

Attached: 1482364021689.gif (320x240, 1.48M)

What did they mean by this?

>tfw working during E3
>tfw I was able to get the morning shift for the entirety of E3 week

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SpongeBob's a girl?

lucky you. Mine starts at 3pm so I'm missing a fuckton

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Hey is that my remake?

>Kids today will get to experience and have beautiful memories of the GOAT licensed game like we did

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Yep, I think he’s in

Attached: 3BFC806C-C126-4F77-915F-835F60A61154.jpg (480x360, 38K)

It looks and plays exactly the same.

>on vacation when E3 starts
Don't know how to feel about it.

Probably good, actually. I take the beach over hanging out with all of you fags any day, really.

>tfw I'm the OP of that post and I've never played this or watched spongebob aside from the episode where they went to the deep sea.
I wonder if it'll still hold up.

He sounds fine, just older. I think you're over exaggerating a little bit.
You want to hear someone who actually sounds dead inside? Go watch a modern Simpsons clip with Marge in it.

Neither is The Simpsons, yet the 2007 game used toon shaders to replicate the show's style and it still looks great.

Where at user? In Hawaii in an area with spotty internet. Still beats the disappointment that will be E3

Camping in Holland. Not necessarily shitty internet, but I won't have much time to watch any streams.

Why did they make Crash look like he has Down's Syndrome? Diversity?

Ah. Enjoy friend.

wtf you were right
he sounds nothing like spongebob

Thanks, m8. Gonna drink a Radler in your name.

Crash is essentially a clever retard. I wouldn't say they're wrong for making him look that way

this but unironically

God I wish

That's because these characters are based on actual cartoon characters with official designs, redesigning them would make no sense, you actual drooling retard

I mean in regards to visual and level design

What's that big ring shit on her back

>tfw you'll never be as much of an intellectual as spongebob

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Aye, I'll a hoist a Kona Brew for you. Enjoy the camping m80