Any games like this?

Any games like this?

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Silent hill 4 The room

Games with bad controls that you can eventually master, maybe

Final Fantasy XIV

Sonic Riders

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

Dragons Dogma?


Rain world

Kingdom Come Deliverance.

i agree 100%

Unironically this.


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Damn, you're right. I remember being pissed that the game was a 3rd person Skyrim when I reached the town but I changed my mind pretty quickly.

What about the inverse?
Shit inside a fake bar of gold inside a fake pile of shit.

Attached: shut your whore mouth.jpg (720x2880, 838K)

How is that not straight gold from the get go?

Attached: Still_Shit.jpg (2382x458, 239K)

I don't get it. Wjy knife suddenly turns into a gold bar?

Harvest Moon A New Beginning

Farcry 5

FU controls like ass, many hitboxes are retarded as fuck, and there's too many faggot monsters hiding in sand or water for half the fight or some bullshit