Fire Emblem Three Houses does have some good cbwracter designs

Fire Emblem Three Houses does have some good cbwracter designs.

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why the fuck did they get a fujo artist for 3houses? Why not anyone else?

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Your design is one of the good ones Manuela. Just calm down.

>Rip off SNK
>Call it a new character
Nice game FEggots

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Too bad the protagonists are trash and that all they will be promoting.

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Why does it look like that?

at least IS didn't sell out to chinks LMAO

Just started Awakening, since I've heard so much acclaim for the 3ds FE's. So far the voice acting and writing is cringey, and the gameplay is meh. Do you have to be a fan of the series to enjoy these?

Hand animation.

i'm sure theres another billion copies if you want to follow that route
i like kula anyway too bad her gameplay isn't my thing

>At least IS didn't sell out to their main demographic
No shit, that's why they need to shill their series with 10 characters in Smash.


>FE fans don't even like this new game
Who's the one coping?


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I hope they reveal Marianne or Leonie tomorrow

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There is nothing wrong with Byleth

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>starting with a bottom 3 FE
everyone but casuals, normalfags and drones hate Awakening

>This is what grandpas actually believe

Where should I start? GBA games? Fates? I've only ever played a little bit of Radiant Dawn at a friend's house once

Because the portfolio offered good designs?

I dont mind it too much, the Monster designs are pretty stellar

Dont listen to him, the FE community is known to hate every game in their franchise.
Awakening is a good start, all of the FE games are good, really, except for the original 3, if only because they were upgraded in remakes.

Awakening is quite medricore tho. Better play Fates or GBA games for the first FE experience

It's guessing it's going to be one of the girls since that'd leave one boy and one girl left for each house. I'm expecting Leonie, but I'm dying to see Marianne.

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Wish they would hurry up and show that blonde girl.

>Outsells your favorite game in the series
Guess that "everyone" was a minority huh?

Start with FE7, it was designed for that
You can try fate : birthright but you'll miss the QoL changes of Fates in every other game
>a game whose highest difficulty requires map resetting because of enemy skils isn't shit

I'm thinking about jumping to 7 based on what user said, Awakening seems so bad though. Does it get better? Is the writing/VA bad all the way through?

>Do you have to be a fan of the series to enjoy these?
Unironically yes. Everyone I know, including myself, who plays FE now started when they were younger, so they could forgive all the problems the games had and focus on the decent points. It's why every FEfag's favorite game in the series is their first, and why there's such a divide between each game.

Overall,all FE games are mediocre at best, with high highs but extremely low lows, but people have fond memories of the games and they desperately hope for new ones to be as good as they think the series is.

If you think Awakening has bad writing, don't expect much from the rest of the series.
It doesnt get much better.

Expecting good writing from Japanese anime games.

The VA is one of the things most people can generally agree Awakening got right. The writing doesn't get better though, but it's honestly no worse than many of the older games, despite what some people may tell you

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during the cutscenes it's aight, I just think the "Huh?" "Yes." "whaaaa?" "hmmmm.." is kind of dumb and eventually grating. Wish you could turn that off without just muting the game audio

Why is white hair + red/pink eyes such a perfect combination?

Why can't real women look like that and have naturally white hair and naturally red eyes?

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Not him but DS titles are all pretty bad user. Awakening is just the most salvageable of them.
1. Emulate FE4: Geneology of the Holy War and move on to Thracia, if you want to experience it in it's classic but still playable form.
2. Play Roy's GBA games.
3. If you can play the Radiant Series on GC/Wii
These are the good ones.

Aight, GBA or Geneology first?

Doesn't have that exposed cleavage in-game. IS is a fuck up.

oh yeah that's fair, I wasn't a fan of that either

FE7 is literally the perfect starting point

Speaking of FE7 and FE4, I want the next remake to be one of those two.

Geneology is for boomers and contrarians, just as SoV. Play FE7