How does these thing work?

how does these thing work?

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The same way Earth works

Space magic

Energy pulse that's designed to destroy anything with a central nervous system.

>Summerfags dont know how centrifugal force works

MAybe you should go back tos school?

Can we tweak it to target only jews and niggers?

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Read up on your neuralphysics you lv-5 degenerate.

Can you tweak a toaster to only target poptarts and crumpet?

yes, unironically.


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Alright but can you tweak a toaster to only target wholegrain bread but leave white bread untouched?

They don't work which is why there are none, its way to much energy required to get all the materials into space to build one.

Once its built it will be getting hit with massive amounts of radiation permanently in space making it impossible to live on.

Also random bits of space debris will keep colliding with it and breaking it.

No ignoring 343's autistic fanfiction Humans and forerunners were completely seperate. They were only made reclaimers after being discovered and looking at future projections seeing how shockingly similar human civilization will be to Forerunners.

I think it'd be a matter of the toaster targeting a specific density and consistency. Wholegrain is chunky and shit buy white bread is smooth and soft all the way through. So yes, very easily done.

How the fuck did you form this stupid fucking idea? Was Glasslands your first experience with Halo? Because in the original trilogy its clearly established that humans are forerunner, in all 3 of the games from multiple characters.

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Exactly from what? Guilty Spark? A robot that went insane from 100,000 years of isolation? The Halo 3 terminals? There was zero indication that was ever the case. Sounds like your a 343 Greg Bear nu-trilogy shill.

>Guilty Spark
You are the child of my makers. Inheritor of all they left behind. YOU ARE FORERUNNER, but this ring is mine!
>Your forefathers wisely set aside their compassion, steeled themselves for what needed to be done.
>Child of my enemy why have you come, I offer no salvation. The sins of the father pass on to his son.
And in this book released after Halo 3, written by Joe Staten.
>Sounds like your a 343 Greg Bear nu-trilogy shill.
project more faggot, youre the one spouting off 343 nulore

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You spin me round round baby right round like a record baby right round round round

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MY cock ring bros

Can you tweak a nuclear missile to target a single flea?

Of course you can, fucking idiot. Just dont be near the flee and youre'll be fine.

Of course, just don't be near the weapon that destroys all sentient life in the universe. why didn't the forerunners think of that.

By burying the enemy which you built the rings to destroy on the fucking rings themselves for absolutely no reason so that in a few dozen thousand years other races can find them and start the cycle all over again.

maybe just dont stand...

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>maybe just dont stand.. by the rings

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What I never got is why turn your weapon meant for the destruction of the galaxy into a nice place to live.

Space toasters when?

Because forerunners were going to populate the rings with space jews and then activate them while they tactically retreated from the galaxy

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But why populate them just for them to die?

I think deep down Tartarus knew that what Arbiter was saying was the truth. But rather than face the reality, it was too much for him to bear and he just sort of broke down.

Why populate the nazi death camps if your just going to kill them..?

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>Thinks centrifugal force exists
>tells others to go back to school

Every day I'm shufflin'

It launches a single nano machine at as many planets as it can and the nanomachine quickly turns the entire planet into a copy of itself before deconstructing itself back into the planet, but without the flood leaving an exact copy of the planet. The whole everyone dying thing was taken a bit out of context. It does kill everything in the galaxy, but it leaves an exact copy sans the flood.

It needs multiple rings because there would be blind spots otherwise.


just like the 343fags with their humans=/=forerunner fanfiction. They know its true, but rather than face the reality, they just break down.

The Nazi's weren't trying to wipe out all life though. If that was their mission, they would have put all their money into developing nukes.

*ahem* FUCK space rings

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>implying the holocaust happened

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Free labor. But that does not apply here.

>how does these thing work?
how do*, you fucking non-american speaking cunt

> *,

>not wanting to be space bound

if space is 99% vacuum it would make more sense to engineer oneself to be accustomed to this lifestyle instead.

The only people I want to send to space are transhumanists. No space suit or vessel.

Can be a möbius strip instead of a ring?

Topopolis squad!

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>Trusting humanity to shoot massive quantities of power around in beam-form

by channeling sexual frustration

Nanomachines, magic, whatever.