It's out!

It's out!

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But is it good?
I'll buy it later today once my friend stop goofing around in bed, but I worry it'll be like any modern launch: filled with bugs and near unplayable.

>Its out
>yet still in early access


I'm hoping for underwater space station 13, but it's hard to say so far. I like the look of it, the darker lighting also feels pretty chill. It says it's also single player, but I've only ever seen people play it in multiplayer are there AI crew mates or something in single player?

Yeah, but, it's /out/!

It's good, but sometimes you just get actual spergs on your team who will fuck everything up in every unfun way possible.

Yeah, there's AI. Captain is good, but sometimes other AI crew can get wonky.

Hey guys remember 3 years ago or somewhere around those lines, when project zomboid said they were working on Survivor AI. R-Remember Bannerlord. A-any second now, r-right , ha-haha

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wooooahh another shit tier overpriced indie game!! yess!

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It's not just another shit tier overpriced indie game! It's a rock!

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I'm still waiting for saurian and exanima. PLEASE!

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never ever

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>captain AI is good
Every time I hear this I laugh because people don't realize it's just making the AI stand there while it flips on autopilot, you might as well do autopilot yourself and have the captain man a gun instead or something.

Little/no bugs. Very playable. Multiplayer is a major crapshoot, it's flooded with dumb teenagers who learned about the game through ecelebs, won't shut the fuck up on mic and will gang up on and kick anybody who they even slightly suspect of doing something. I've been killed or kicked a dozen times for shit I didn't do. Game is S tier with a group of friends or if you find a group of randoms who can take it seriously and not immediately dive out of the airlock or throw frag grenades into command.

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It's literally the only praise anyone can actually give any of the AI. Just let it go.

Bannerlord isn't early access though?

Until it is!

I wish it was. At least we'd have something.

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I saw it had some sorta meta-game / adventure modr, is that fully playable in co-op?
Would suck if i was forced to play alone on the longer game mode

You can play everything coop.

What are some game modes? Do they have special events?

>What are some game modes?
There's mission, (which is usually a simple objective: retireve an artifact, kill a specific monster, transport explosives etc) sandbox, campaign (which is like single player with a persistent sub across levels you have to resupply with items) and PVP which spawns two subs across the map and lets you fight-- I rarely see anyone play the last one though. There's also a server option to enable traitors, which selects a random person and gives them an objective of killing a specific player.

>Do they have special events?
Not that I know of.

AI is better than it used to be but still needs work - most egregious for me is that they don't ever change/charge the batteries in their comms, so you have to either stun them and change it yourself or track them down and deliver new orders in person.
Right now campaign is single player. No idea if they plan to add a multiplayer mode for it.

>Right now campaign is single player. No idea if they plan to add a multiplayer mode for it
It's been in for years

>just double-checked
Well I'll be damned.

Dead on arrival

Is this game fun?

>£21.50 off-sale
it's just a better looking version of the free game with some new things added. this is a fucking £12 game at most.

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What the fuck were they thinking?

It was a publisher decision, the devs wanted 15-20 dollars

Who chose the publisher? Sounds like it was their fault.

They were probably drying up on funds after a few years of independent development. Delaying it to do freelance/other jobs would only make the game shittier on release and without Q&A, marketing or any of the thousand other things a game needs that can't be done by somebody only doing it in their spare time. I don't like the $30 price either but Regalis is /ourguy/ and I don't think he'd turn into a kike just for kicks, who the fuck would spend years juggling college and gamedev with money as their end goal anyways?

>Be me captain (AKA Secret Admin)
>One person starts inject secretly poison everyone and saboteur
>He say "I done nothing wrong, it was him"
>threw that faggot outside to tiger eat him

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>the game doesn't involve bards
Disgusting font choice

what is ban range?

Bans a wider area so you can't flip your router on and off to duck bans like people do here

thank user


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>Hey guys remember 3 years ago or somewhere around those lines, when project zomboid said they were working on Survivor AI
Nearing a literal decade. Animations are the carrot on a stick they've been leading players around with for five years.

They focus update car and other stuff. Even farm is hardcore stuff.