Have lowered expectations

>have lowered expectations
>game is actually very good
Post games that positively surprised you.

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Dying Light.
I hope it's sequel is good.


Rage 2

Dragon's Dogma has this fate.

>people call it a bad bioshock clone
>check out a video
>its actually a great spiritual sequel to system shock 2
>"Ahhh, people are being retarded again, I always forget about that"

You've got no idea how low my expectations were for this game. With that in mind, it was a pleasant surprise.

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Bioshock is shit compared to Prey2017 anyone who actually believes this is a fucking brain dead sub-80 iq troglodyte retard.

...or hasn't played the game and therefore can only rely on common misconception to build their own shaky opinion, which is also not a smart thing to do.

The Surge. Was expecting it to be a shitty janky Souls clone but it's actually a polished, fluid, and great looking experience. Looking forward to Surge 2 a lot

>people call it a bad bioshock clone
No they don't.

they they do. ive seen people post here a few times calling it a boring bioshock wannabe

People on Yea Forums are mostly shitposters and do not tell the true opinions about the game.

Are the typhon powers fun enough to play the game again? I've only done one run and I never used any since that seemed like it gonna be the way to get the good ending.

I'd say yes. Or try them out in Mooncrash.

I played Prey after beating both System Shocks and thought Prey sucked.

not to mention is the literal same devs behind bioshock 2

psyshock + shotgun is retarded good, wish it was weaker

The evil within 1
Expected it to be worse then the evil within 2 which was 80% horrible, like unstomachable. Was greeted with superb survival horror and great mechanics. Absolute kino

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Fallout 4 after I modded it. Settlement building is actually really enjoyable, shooting feels good. The map is huge and expansive but doesn't feel nearly as empty as skyrim. The story is defiantly the weakest part but can be easily ignored for most of the game. Fallout 4 is fucking excellent, but keep in mind that It took a few hundred mods to get it to that point.

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The map is not huge bro. I can get from one side to the other before I've even finished a wank

yeah, shit's crazy fun. Play on the highest difficulty and explore a lot, you can basically go through most of the map after going to psychotronics, it's fun when you're underpowered

Thanks. Not got mooncrash but I think I'll play it again anyway. I might space the black guy too.
I did it on the highest difficulty to start with but I did miss a few things and the typhon powers will give me a lot more options cheers.

Prey is unironically up there with System Shock 2 and Deus Ex. The game is more deserving of being named aside them than Bioshock. It will forever be a mystery to me how Prey could become a target for such a concentrated shitposting campaign. I wasn't interested in it at release, and Yea Forums calling the game a walking simulator made it seem like I wasn't missing out.

>true opinions
I'll humour your retardation, where do you find """""true""""" opinions on games?

I feel like the game's way too easy and the enemy variety is fucking shit. Even on the hardest difficulty I only died once to the Nightmare cartoon-style shoving himself through a tiny door and curbstomping me dead from full health.
Halfway through the game I was this completely silent murder machine that superspeeded up to something's asshole and blew it away with the shotgun. Maybe a no-upgrade playthrough would be fun.

I hated origins, I think Unity was a step in the right direction but I finally decided to pirate Odyssey and was positively surprised.

They finally made it a nice adventure game without all the tacked on assassin bullshit and the dialogue system is nice because you can just be an asshole to everyone, it's only for flavour tho but sometimes you can just let people get killed which is nice

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>want to buy prey and Death of the outsider
>both havent gone on sale in months
They better be off on the summer sale

>playing a sequel first, ever

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Does this AC have the future storyline shit?

>the assassin stuff in a game called AC is "tacked on"
They should've made a new IP

Buy a key, my man. Prey is 7 eurodollars.

This, boring as shit zombie multiplayer game? No thanks.
>Plays it
Oh damn this is actually fun.
>Sequel has more rpg elements that have consequences actually come from your choices
I just hope they don’t screw it up. If so, it’ll be a great game.

>buying Harvey Smith's shit
Stick with Colantonio's

unless it’s Final fantasy

>The Nightmare is hunting you

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Dying Light was awesome and so was Prey.

Dying light
I mean, the story is shit but what a game. Let's hope 2 is good enough

Arkane is one of the only studios i like
its bad enough dishonored is on hiatus, i just wanna support em
didn't colantonio work on prey and Doto too

Not him, but I think he's suggesting that Yea Forums is hyperbolic and contrarian.

Let's say there's a Witcher 3 thread and I post about how fucking terrible the game is. You might be wondering why I seem to know everything about a 100+ hour game if I hate it. It's simple: I actually thought it was decent overall, but I'm annoyed that everyone else is praising a game I just didn't really get into. Or maybe I never played it because it's not in my area of interest, but I'm an attention whore who feels compelled to comment on things anyway for cheap (You)s.

true, should've just called it "Odyssey" or something
But the "series" gets better the less AC like it gets IMO, they just took all the great things from W3 and put it into their Origins base. I also like that the "default" gameplay mode is exploration which doesn't show the objectives on the map right from the get go.

Tho it's still not difficult the game does guide you a bit but at least now you have to use all the abilities and get more like general direction of where things are
since I've started playing only in the very beginning there is like a 5 minute scene where a woman goes into animus, that's it.
No ingame voice overs from the future people or stuff like that so far