Filename thread

Filename thread

Attached: Skyrim with mods.jpg (1024x768, 73K)

that's copper, right?
what did OP mean by this?

It's a literal, highly polished turd.

>can't polish a t-

Attached: 13545467551843.png (636x440, 115K)



they're full of shit

Attached: Randomised Teams.png (536x628, 89K)

just like OP
skyrim is amazing with mods

Attached: critic review vs user review.jpg (960x924, 189K)

Attached: Tali'Zorah becomes a Warcraft unit.jpg (1025x1025, 123K)

What the fuck war was that?

sure you can, the saying is "you can polish a turd but it's still a turd"

Attached: hl2 speedrun.webm (1280x720, 2.46M)


good one

Attached: 1535422068197.png (518x355, 310K)

Attached: AAA vs indie budget.jpg (857x557, 109K)

more like coprolite

Attached: JRPG endings.jpg (1285x577, 436K)

It's called work. When you work with your hands they get worn and hardened. You should try it some time.

Attached: luka saves the village.jpg (442x669, 77K)

he has the same haircut as my neighbor
I am worried

Attached: smurfing.png (691x721, 459K)

Attached: Doing sidequests in a JRPG.gif (1080x812, 377K)

Attached: sidequests.jpg (800x1199, 213K)

Attached: GTA_IV.webm (192x352, 387K)

Attached: And it turns out, lil Metroid fella.png (715x400, 677K)

Attached: character creator sliders set to maximum.webm (852x480, 1.93M)

nigerian civil war


Attached: THAT'S RIGHT COCKSUCKA, GO BACK TO NEW JERSEY!.png (1920x1080, 1.1M)

Attached: internalized mahogany.jpg (1920x1080, 193K)


Poor guy, but it is true

Attached: Posting a VLC screenshot.webm (1280x800, 2.99M)

As if you would know.

Attached: darksydephil.jpg (768x359, 121K)

Attached: I have to go now. My planet needs me..gif (450x251, 2.02M)

Attached: Anon browses his webm folder.jpg (1620x1080, 543K)


Is that Sseth??

Attached: Kirov reporting.webm (640x360, 1.45M)

Attached: WikiHow to tell if you did the right thing.png (697x471, 335K)

Whoa what happened?

Attached: needsaname.webm (1920x1080, 2.44M)

can you even call that a haircut?

Attached: Michael J Fox torrents a PS4 game.gif (400x300, 3.89M)

Attached: Mass Effect 5 romance options.webm (1280x720, 1.35M)

Attached: havels_set.webm (360x640, 2.69M)

Saying "VLC" outright is a bit too explicit, it basically stops being a joke. I think you should call it "posting anime screenshots".

She was infected by a strange parasite thing in Africa and became a blob woman.

Attached: Dark Souls II boss drives a car.gif (480x360, 2.89M)

they're white

Attached: hey hey people.png (586x487, 521K)

That is terrifying.

Attached: Gamefaqs guides.webm (286x500, 497K)

No it's a Wonderball

took me a few watches to realize what the joke was

Attached: RULES OF NATURE.gif (500x280, 515K)

Attached: Achievement hunters.jpg (564x675, 143K)

Attached: JRPG STR builds.jpg (720x524, 47K)

Attached: Slowpoke-Alola.png (618x538, 164K)

>willingly becoming a wagie

Attached: 1551701439226.png (258x196, 148K)

Attached: Team Fortress 2.png (347x262, 47K)

Attached: Competitive DBFZ.png (720x739, 472K)

Attached: Character customization.jpg (500x376, 44K)

Attached: Judgement has been rendered.... The verdict of history is....gif (250x188, 2.94M)

Attached: Attacking a high level enemy.webm (600x338, 2.93M)

Is this real?
Because it's fucking S U R R E A L.

Please don't tell me the blimp is a drone too

Attached: Dobson's Undertale fanart.gif (245x184, 829K)

Attached: playing with aim assist.webm (480x472, 1.73M)

Attached: Failing intimidation check.jpg (600x600, 41K)

>never watched mythbusters
Fucking zoomers

Attached: Premium member enters server.gif (261x171, 1.86M)

You can be productive and not be a wagie.
Some people enjoy carpentry and woodworking, and other shit that you use your hands.
I know if I had a shop or had access to one nearby, I'd be making all sorts of stuff for fun.

Attached: The Polito form is dead, human.webm (640x359, 2.98M)

What movie?

>Israel on both sides

kek. Makes me want to download dota 2 on an alt

What movie?

I'll be honest. I just saw the word work and got triggered.

Attached: Toriel fight.gif (371x209, 1.09M)

Attached: Undertale.jpg (638x960, 48K)


Aww that's nice.
I know if I were a kid on the other team I'd have been pissed because I was a little shit back then, but it's still nice.

Doom Patrol S 01 E 01, according to the title

Attached: Dragonball VN, Bad End.gif (500x281, 1.59M)

Doom Patrol series on DC's streaming service. Episode 1.

Attached: Your sins will have no absolution.png (960x540, 1.12M)

Attached: Competitive Melee.jpg (850x586, 76K)

It's all good user, we're all having fun here.

Attached: Games journalism.jpg (600x337, 33K)

Attached: Bowser's Big Blast.webm (960x720, 2.94M)

Attached: Gracias Doctor.jpg (471x463, 37K)


Attached: H-he's fast!.webm (1920x1080, 904K)

The kid's an absolute unit, but whoever let the disabled kid on the team is a dick.

>if it wasn't for those damn yanks we could have kept the war going for another 10 years
what a fucking legend

Attached: Your video games broke the computer.webm (1280x720, 1.06M)

Attached: You can all stop staring now.jpg (1000x746, 132K)

Attached: Japan Localizes Fable 2.jpg (800x600, 172K)

>If it wasn't for those damn Yanks, we could have kept the war going for another 10 years.
What an absolute fucking beast
Dude lived to kill

Attached: x has joined your party.webm (1920x1080, 239K)

Attached: Call of Duty villain devises his master plan.webm (480x360, 761K)

Attached: VITfags.gif (374x308, 2M)

please delete this post. There's a white tick box in the upper left corner. If you click that, then go down to the bottom of the thread, look on the right side. There's a delete bottom. Please delete this entire post.

Attached: v goes on a date.gif (300x168, 2.1M)

Attached: Warcraft Icons.jpg (2048x1536, 656K)

Attached: Eggman in city escape.gif (400x400, 1.98M)

lmao, thanks doc

Attached: The Arisen gets pulled over.jpg (986x605, 109K)

i dont get it

Attached: Physics interaction glitch.gif (160x120, 235K)

Attached: Denuvo.jpg (45x45, 3K)

>if it wasn't for those damn yanks we could have kept the war going for another 10 years
holy fuck

Attached: Forbidden Knowledge.jpg (2592x1944, 2.06M)

Attached: Mount and Blade Warband.jpg (640x389, 117K)

Attached: Nobody here but us trees.jpg (2832x1890, 753K)


Attached: Dragons Dogma character creator.webm (320x180, 202K)

what a fucking alpha