Now, I'm not a fag but this nigga is kinda cute

Now, I'm not a fag but this nigga is kinda cute.
SMT thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

he cute

what do I do bros

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Jonathan is HANDSOME

Fuck off, Ryan. This is a Persona board. Dilate to /vg/ immediately.

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Reminder that SMTV is an afterthought since Persona 5 Royal is getting all the focus

I really hope you have a script doing this for you dude.

it's two different studios making those games, though I don't doubt P5R having a higher marketing budget

>Most popular, and financially successful Atlus game to date
>Won't have a high budget
I know you hate Persona 5, Ryan, but you seriously need to cope.

filter yourself off life

where did I say P5R won't have a higher budget?

Fucking retard.

I told you, I don't allow these threads to be on the board. They've begun to slow down anyway, so ive succeeded any who. This is a Persona board, and SMT is an after thought. The only reason it gets mentioned, is because Nocturne is memed so hard. Cope, Ryan.

>ryanfags have to blame everything on a nonexistent boogeyman

Fuck him right in the ass hee-hole

I want to fuck that dude dressed like a weird cop desu

Wait, this is not a woman? I never played this game and I thought it was a woman with a odd hairstyle the entire time.

This. Pokemon Sword and Shield will probably be better than SMT V
Enjoy those Nintendo Shtich graphics

>I told you, I don't allow these threads to be on the board
please kill yourself

This is why we need the world of Yosuga. There's too many useless posts on this board.

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He's a good boy

Nope, cope Ryan. I can't believe you're still fucking seething about Persona 5 being such a major title for Aflus. Get over yourself you elitist SMT chimp.


Holy shit you are so fucking pathetic that you have to invent a boogeyman just to cope with yourself every time a Persona/SMT thread appears.
It's not even funny, it's like you're trying to force a boogeyman that doesn't exist.
Was Ryan the guy that bullied you in discord to such an extent that you have to say that .
I have literally never heard of a Ryan shitting on Persona 5 before this year, so I assumed you just came in here to force this pathetic meme because of actual idiots like Barry.
You are just a pathetic piece of shit.

>This level of seething
Holy cope Batman lmao

how about that shin megami tensei huh

Dead franchise

Ryan actually does exist, though. Him and his discord cabal are hellbent on trying to undermine Persona 5's success, and I've seen them do it multiple times in the past. Who do you think invented the term "P5babby" you seething child? I wouldn't be surprised if he was an SMTfag, either since you fucks are so elitist.

Stop Yosuga posting. At least embrace tbe much superior Shijima posting.

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>Who do you think invented the term "P5babby"
Some random person, adding the word "baby" at the end of a fanbase name isn't uncommon.


>t. Hikawa
I'll post Chiaki until I get bored.

I've only played the first one all the way through because SMTII deleted my save file and I lost motivation. Wanna return to it soon, the series is really fucking cool.

Pascal is the best character.

Except for the fact that there were literal screenshots of people from discord bashing P5 with the term P5babby. You don't even know what you're talking about. This is why I hate SMTfags.

>literal screenshots of people from discord bashing P5 with the term P5babby
>therefore it came from discord
you literally do not know anything

obsessed retard

Currently playing through SMT4, loving it but kinda hate how I got locked on the Law route even though I felt like I agreed with Walter more but whatever, I'll just replay through it again on NG+ or something. How hard is it to go for a neutral ending? It feels like there's no clear cut way into going neutral unless you look up a guide or something.

Why the fuck are you defending P5 haters? Are you one of Ryan's butt buddies as well? What did P5 ever do to you? It's literally one of the most soulful titles they've made in awhile. Stop being a contrarian and hating new things because they're popular. Fucking SMT elitist.
Fuck off, dude. I know you're conspiring about Persona, Ryan.

pretty hard
you need to balance it in such a way you are edging towards one side, then choose the other way when you are to pick the person you're going to follow
The neutral range is between +8 and -8

The Neutral ending in SMT 4 is a very small window to get in. If you want to go for it I recommend looking for the decision guide on the /smtg/ pastebin. Also expect to do a lot of sidequests.

maybe it has to do with you being an arrogant piece of shit
this thread didn't even mention persona until you came along

seek help

Stop trying to turn people gay by saying it's ok to say gay things. You're gay.

user, this thread had no mention of Persona or trying to undermine Persona until you came along spewing bullshit. You're closer to the discordfags you hate so much than you think since all you do is come and shit up a completely peaceful thread with no ill intent towards anything.
Don't you see it, in your fight against Ryan you yourself have turned into Ryan. You're a Ryan now user, you're trying to undermine other threads that want nothing to do with shitting up anything.
You've turned into the enemy you've been fighting for so long...

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Sorry to hear that user. I just completed SMTII the other night, had fun but it's near unplayable without fast forward. Thankfully the games after the snes era are a lot better and nowhere near as slow. If you're looking for more first person dungeon crawling Strange Journey and Soul Hackers are excellent. For 3d Nocturne and the ps2 games in general are all great games.

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Nothing will fix the core flaws of P5 like an absolutely fucked up pacing and garbage combat system.
Even if V is going to be left unfinished at least it won't be a result of an awful development hel.

There's no going back, Ryan. It's too late to make amends. P5 has been wronged by this community for too long. Even if Ryan isn't real, there's still people galore shitting all over the game when it's the JRPG of the decade, right alongside Xenoblade 1. I tried to have peaceful Megaten threads, but the elitists ruined them by bashing Persona. It's not fair, and it's unacceptable. I won't stop until I out every discord cabal member I see mentioning P5 being a trash game. I know they exist, and I know they've come from /vg/ to fuck with us. You need to either cope, or join me.


Anyone got that piece of artwork where the mainline Messiah's are fighting Steven? For reference, it's in this remix video.
I can't find the actual source, or image though.

Are you the Yea Forums version of ACК?

Nigger you outed yourself like two whole threads ago. You admitted to spreading chaos in these threads for no reason. Fuck off already.

This thread is severly lacking DEAD-LOBSTER

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You're literally the only one even mentioning P5 in this thread.
You're an absolute discord-tier faggot. No one here is shitting on Persona.


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I don't fucking care. I'm going to get my point across, and you're going to listen. Even if I didn't mention Persona, or P5, there'd eventually be some goofy fuck bringing it up anyways because that's all SMTfags ever do. Bringing up Persona and acting like little victims when they're always the ones shitflinging. You're the reason why the fandom is so divided. Fucking grow up, dude.

Law a shit
Chaos a shit
Neutral a shit

wurld of jack when

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>grow up
>his idea is to shitpost first before they shitpost

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I'VE The 2003 video game Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne used "Albert" for vocals in its soundtrack.

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Started SMT IV how the fuck do you convince these demons to join your party

you are mentally ill
get help

>people responding to discout ACK
At least ACK actually puts effort into his autistic thread-derailing.

Cope, SMT elitist.

lmao, you're absolutely delusional. Fucking schizo.

By letting them rape you

This is honestly why having multiple SMT threads was a mistake. They were cool at first, but then they started getting a little too frequent, and some of them started with bait OP's. You're actively attracting boogeymen into the fandom. At least make a thread a week, or something. They've lost their charm now, specifically because of shit like this. Calling people random names isn't even a bannable offense, either.

tell that to every single thread on Yea Forums

Just because it's a common occurrence on the board, doesn't mean these threads should pass off either. We had actual threads that discussed the games in a comfy manner, until people continually made them, and some boogeyman sperged like there's no tomorrow. Give them a break.

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>we should just give up because of boogeyman

No one will listen to you and giving up on SMT threads just because some idiot decided to force a boogeyman is fucking stupid.

>Reading comprehension
I never said to stop making them all together, but you need to stop having them daily.

>Fuck individualism
>Society lmao
>Actually, fuck socialism too
Cant believe they actually reused the central theme of P5

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I know this is bait, but P5 is considerably a rehash of Persona 2, and SMT IV was out years before P5 even released

>Persona 2

>some guy doesn't like thing
who cares?
>some guy in a discord doesn't like thing
how deep does the conspiracy go?!

No one fucking gives a shit about "controlling SMT threads" because of autistic shitposters.
This is a fucking dumb idea because a. no one can control it, b. SMT and Persona are popular, and c. weekly threads are the most autistic shit.

So many of you are giving him free (you)'s so I'm ending this once and for all with the truth.

Persona games are fun, SMT games are fun. So lets stop and talk about hopes for SMT 5 and why Reasons were great and need to return

We need a fully realised Yosuga in the vein of Blasted Tokyo

I don't know why you're seething so much. It's the truth. I'd rather we have limited threads with quality, over multiple threads that die before they come anywhere near the bump limit and get shitposted to death.

>Persona is popular

would a new reasonish system end up just rehashing the same reasons from nocturne or actually be creative and do something new

We need to be able to experience the world that we've created, based on the alignment we chose. It can be a small segment like Blasted/Infernal Tokyo.

>I'd rather we have limited threads with quality
you will be disappointed

I won't, since we've had them before. It wasn't until people started pushing them damn daily, did things come apart.

>makes dumb Red Sprite soulja boys and autistnons seethe

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Will SMT V news rejuvenate SMT threads and actually give material as a basis for quality or will it just make them even bigger shitshows?

The main problem is that it happens to any moderately popular game.
Trying to regulate weekly threads becomes a shouting down match because by the very nature of Yea Forums, every series attracts shitposters and it becomes a "muh serket club" where people shout down others for making threads.
The only time it's seen as successful for a long was in threads that didn't have much to do with video games.

I didn't know Kawakami was in SMT

Not as cute as Toki

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wouldn't you rather get fisted by Chiaki's wooden arm?

Not really. If we're talking depraved fetishes, I'd rather toki urinate on my dick.