What can we expect?

What can we expect?

Attached: StadiaDirect.jpg (553x439, 30K)


Destiny 2

hopefully more porn of stadia-chan

hardware better than all next-gen consoles combined, and PC, don't even need to pay for the hardware, only for games.

I'd say, complete total domination

go back to your memeland

Baldur's Gate 3

Persona 5/P5R port

>buying games
no thanks
hardware is less expensive than games

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w...elll I thi.................nk it might work som.....................ething like thi- (Connection Error: Google Servers are temporarily unavailable, the rest of this post cannot be read)

Something between a 0.2 sec and a 1 sec delay

overpriced subscription
ubishit games
30gb an hour streaming

dead on arrival like most jewgle shovelware

s󠀀oy and s󠀀oy󠀀boys

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Literally will not be stable enough for the majority of the U.S. what completely baffles me is that Asia is being completely ignored when it would be atleast plausible with Korean or Japanese internet.

some kind of defects in the presentation that people make fun of for 12 hours

they don't need google to provide them with the mobile games they play

I have some horrible gut feeling that this will be successful for some reason and will start a trend that drags developers into other live stream shit, killing off "owning" your games even more and destroying modding.

nah it costs money for a subscription it's not going anywhere

if it's subscription +the cost of games, it's dead
if it's charge by the gameplay hour it's dead
if the games are on a limited rotating schedule of any kind it's dead

that said they're supposed to working with Sega on a big exclusive. if that game is Gunvalkyrie 2 Stadia is a must buy.

The inability to play fighting games and twitch shooters competitively.

would you pay $20/month?
that includes unlimited hours & all the games

the lack of local simulation will inhibit the attractiveness for any kind of competitive action game even things like assfaggots since the bullshit factor is going to be unavoidable
single player games with precision movement are also not going to be good, so you'll need games to be designed more like multiplayer games so abilities, movement, and environmental hazards all take into the account an expected degree of latency to prevent frustration

Even more of a downturn in competitive shooters and rhythm games than is currently happening, the complete absence of fighting games, and not being able to mod the games.
Might be viable enough for Google because of convenience and ease of entry for normalfags, but shouldn't looked upon positively. Google is a company that is fond of completely abandoning plans on a whim, so I expect this thing to last less than 2 years if it doesn't retain a userbase.

I don't, and I trust my gut more than yours

i wouldn't use it for free except maybe to demo a game

>if that game is Gunvalkyrie 2 Stadia is a must buy.
One can dream...


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who the fuck cares

Hopefully the mods will start deleting these fucking advertisements.

hopefully not until google blows its full wad
if their presentation is xbone tier it could be pretty good

more marketing than product.


Flop. Testing California is not indicative of the rest of the world.