Yea Forums will defend this

>Yea Forums will defend this

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your mom defended you from abortion even though the doctors told her you lacked a brain 9 months into pregnancy

Did you even try?

y'know there is a general that could really do with you shitposting cringy shit daily right?

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Sooooo how many of you saved Marie?

>Yea Forums will defend this

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Yeah it's a shit game. What else is new.

Life is strange that way, sometimes you don't get much of a choice.

imagine actually liking this garbage. what a fucking embarrassment

It's about the journey, not the destination.

>sacrifice Chloe
But how am I supposed to get laid now if I kill her? Arcadia bay has like two lesbians tops.


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How about hooking up with the soiboi?

>dad walks in

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blue hair was a cunt. dropped that shit without hesitation

it's literally a game about fate, retard

Not a lesbian. Soiboi is the diet coke of Lesbians, close but not good enough.

>Dude my game is full of choices but it's about non choice lmao!!!1

Not only is this a tired subject matter, Life is Strange isn't even a real game like Planescape Torment for example which addressed this issue without cringe lesbians for sexless nerds

tfw the best Telltale game isn't even by Telltale Games

That's exactly why I uninstalled it and decided to never touch it or another game in the series ever again OP. Game fucking sucks.

Ya winning son?


>Telltale can make fun movies
>David cage makes your choices actually matter
>LiS can't accomplish any of these tasks

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Who cares? It's one hell of a ride.

Fuck that town full of faggots, i'm gonna make the blue hair moan like a bitch in heat,

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LiS has the endearing and memorable characters

Why are LIS fans genuinely - GENUINELY - so cringe?

To deranged faggots, sure

Max a cute

Everyone in that game is an cunt and you get to spend most of the game with the biggest cunt of town. The only character i liked was that weird-ass janitor

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>mfw got physically obsessed with Max for weeks
>mfw deranged faggot

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Pretty funny and cute.

Unironically, and I mean it, unironically have sex.

lmao here we go

pretty cringe

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>tfw no straight romance
>tfw no good ending with Warren

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the ultimate cringe

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Warren got what he deserved, either a slow, painful death or eternal cucking by Victoria's hand

>make a game about player choice
>imply that fate is a real, metaphysical force in the setting
"Why do people hate my game?"

>that part when warren gets hulk mode

I really can't see the appeal of these infantile movie games. To me they're predictable and pretentious, while eschewing gameplay and being proud of it.

It's weird because in every genre I can find at least one game that I enjoy on some level, but these games, if you can even call them that, are nothing but an excercise in dragging out a 5 minute short story into a full game.

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I usually just play them because they're comfy, the free gamerscore and because most of the time the characters are pretty nice and engaging, but yeah they're not really the peak of gaming, just have their merits

Does anyone here like LiS2?
Everyone hates it and I cant be bothered to finish episode 2

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>Yea Forums defends Nier:A's plot railroading but hate's Life is Strange's railroading

it's fine when japan does it once again

I just wanted teenage millennial angst, not mexicans and drumpf

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I really like it, episode 1 can be a slog and 2 either makes it or breaks it for you, episode 3 was pretty based though.
Sean and Daniel do feel like a worthy enough replacement for Max and Chloe and I honestly find Daniel acting all sith lord more interesting than Max eating paint chips

lmao that's why I play JRPGs with shitty turn based combat and hour long cinematics

Girls for daddy issues are made for pleasuring.

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Who is Marie?

Still haven't played this game, even though my deepest desire is to be a lesbian teenager girl.
How's the actual gameplay, aside from cutscenes?

Not many games where you can roleplay as a dumb emo.

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>Yea Forums will defend this
BASED Yea Forums.

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Warren is a loser like us, why would he get the girl?

Have sex, but ironically. Don't genuinely and sincerely have sex, just ironically and as a joke have sex, ironically.

The game is bad but this and "tumblr" aren't the reason why

That's a funny way of saying stiff, poorly-written caricatures
Only in how bad they are

The only reason
The ONLY reason anyone (on Yea Forums) likes LiS is because they get to pretend they're a teenage lesbian
That's literally it

you can mess around with time powers and use them to fuck around the place, pull groundhog days on people and warp reality, she also fucking STOPS TIME but only as a one time thing

Its strange how a boring game can get away with anything, as long as it baits obsessed weebs into waifufagging.
Ultimately it is the reason Overwatch drew players away from Team Fortress 2. Don't try to argue, either, I remember all the threads at the height of its popularity, it was 90%+ waifufags.

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all characters in LIS are one dimensional cliches from dumb movies for teens

Overwatch has zero waifus though. Only old hags.

Some of us actually like melodrama. They're supposed to be caricatures, you're not supposed to take the setting serious.

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The illusion of free choice...

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>The ONLY reason anyone (on Yea Forums) likes LiS is because they get to pretend they're a teenage lesbian
I wasn't playing it as a lesbian and really enjoyed it.
I'm pretty much a 30 y.o. boomer and this game brought lots of nostalgia and feels to me.
On one had teenage memories are cringe and dumb sometimes, but there's something bittersweet about that years too. Everything felt so real back then.

yeah i love emos. The lesbian porn and the ability to neg beta orbiters is just the cherry on top

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>Sean and Daniel's father arrives on the scene AFTER the cop
>cop pulls a gun on HIM
>localized burst of pressure causes significant damage within a specific area, which would certainly appear in the cop's autopsy
>obviously the reasonable suspicion for this incredible scenario is that a couple of fucking kids did it
The entire inciting incident for this game is so fucking stupid

It really doesn't take much effort to make this scene competent, but I guess effort is too much to ask from Dontnod

I guess the real choice was the game we played along the way

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I hope they at least make it they are hunted by the police to be handed over to MiB, as 100% its so out of place that a small earthquake happened and was captured on dashcam (in the trailer for LiS2) can be attributed to a 16 & 7 year old

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Wishful thinking, my friend
At this rate I'm starting to doubt any hopes of a resolution for pretty much any of the plot threads

Exactly why I hated this game. Aside from the cringey teen soap opera shit.

>cringey teen soap opera shit
Well, that's what the whole game is about

Chloe gave me a fetish for hair dye.
Too bad most girls who use it are sluts.

>coco sexy child steam.jpg

I won't.
Why would anyone choose to save the town?

Imagine being naive enough to think a game that invests heavily in scripted cutscenes, especially in its endings, would ever have enough time or money to invest in enough options to correlate to every other decision made in the game.

Imagine being so retarded as to think that the entire game, and the choices made then, doesn't matter just because you're given a limited options at the end, even though the rest of the game will contextualize and inform your decision at the end.

That said, the reason LiS' ending is garbage is because everyone guessed that would be the ending, the most cliched possible thing, as soon as the game started. And shit got really retarded in the last two episodes with one timeline being that everything worked out for everyone, except Max and Chloe forgot about the storm and Chloe gets hit by it while Max is in New York. Plus, there's clearly a "correct" option as one ending is much shorter than the other and reuses music from somewhere else in the game, while the "correct" choice is super long, unique music, and actual closure and resonance with the rest of the game's story.

Chloe is the worst character in the entire game

You don't find ghost lolis sexy?

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You get to bang her though, the town is full of assholes anyway.
In fact, the town dying is the main reason why you should choose to save Chloe, the pussy is just the cherry on top.

>he actually read this visual novel to begin with
yikes and oofpilled.

>no cute lesbians
>no comfy small town
There is no reason for this to exist.

>one minor forgettable moment in an RPG with hundreds of hours of content is defining of the entire game.
based autistic incel who keeps spamming this exact webm over and over in off-topic threads.

I didn't even play this non-game lol.

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