Daily reminder that the Yakuza 0 protagonists are officially gay

Daily reminder that the Yakuza 0 protagonists are officially gay.

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you're officially gay too but we don't feel the need to start threads about it

> kazumaji
one is a first name and the other a surname

Yes, and? I'm really happy to finally be getting some real gay representation in Eastern games :^)

It's a series for men, of course he's gay

Fujos need to be stopped

Nobodys gay.

Um excuse you. The Yakuza localizers said Kiryu x Goro is valid so that means they're both gay and in love with eachother. The localizers wrote the characters so I think they have more authority than you do.


>headcanon is canon now
Welp since he can do it, Imma do it. Kiryu and Majima are infact not gay and Goku is there

>the yakuza 0 protagonists
I don't know why but this is the one thing that pisses me off.

I’m uncanoning your head canon. Kiryu and Majima are infact gay, but Goku is still there and he’s gay too

Wrong because they didn't even meet in Yakuza 0


but there's already plenty of gay representation in suicide statistics

male bonding being dubbed as homosexuality is a fucking crime. no wonder men are getting more secluded. fucking faggots not letting mates be mates.

This is as delusional as people who look at Cloud and Tifa raising two children together and deciding he only loves Aerith.

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There is a difference between death of the author and making up some kind of bullshit to further your own delusions.

>I'm really happy to finally be getting some real gay representation in Eastern games
in eastern games there are plenty of lesbians, but gay characters exist too, although they are usually joke characters, like in real life

good one shit dick

seethe more gayboy

>kiryu had yumi, sayama, and that chick from t although he is maybe still a virgin
>majima has makoto and mirei, who he definitely impregnated
>they’re definitely in love with each other because of some gay jokes in Kiwami
Are fujos and faggots literally retarded?

>countries where gays get publicly executed
>guys can kiss each other as a greeting without anyone thinking they're gay

>countries with gay pride parades
>any fictional male character who doesn't have a wife is assumed to be a gay tranny otherkin

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