Kojima is building a new genre

Deal with it.

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pretentious movie garbage with zero gameplay but Yea Forums defends it because Kojima

Soulcrushingly boring open world games are nothing new

Reminder that Yea Forums is always wrong.

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Can anyone explain to me why people care about this title/Kojima in general?
I played MGS and MGS2 when i was in my early 20's and they were new, and MGS3 and beyond really disappointed. The fourth was basically a fucking movie.

Isn't that Kojima's legacy? A couple pretty great stealth games 20 years ago and a bunch of movie-game pretentious shit since? Why is it so hyped? Who cares?

No one is going to make Death Stranding clones.

didn't he basically invent the stealth genre?

>Social Strand System
>SS System
Wot did he mean by this?

He's widely credited for inventing the stealth genre in games.
He's been in the industry for a long time, dude's pretty old even though he doesn't look it.

Despite being pretentious and arrogant, Kojima is endowed with god tier sex taste.

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You must connect a broken nation using social strands, in order to create national socialism for all.

Say what you want about MGS5's story but the gameplay is aces.

the story is about megacorporations unstoppable drive for permanent growth destroying the planet beyond repair, what with endless oil spills and global warming and etc.

bridges, as in the corporation, is the villain. the corporation as an entity has evolved into a self-perpetuating entity that spreads its webs of black cables across the planet and ocean floor, stripping it of life to support its perpetual growth. good ending has you destroying the bridge web.

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Thief came out the month after mgs and is an actual stealth game.

More clowns!

But the genre its sold as is Cinematic Adventure

I'm talking about Metal Gear, not MGS.
The game he released in the late 80s/early 90s.

It's actually SSS. Solid Snake Simulation.

You're so wrong, the SSS will blow your mind when you're able to control armies of undead and animals to combat Void Out summoned BTs.
This game will incorporate everything from stealth, horror, gunfights, meele combat, exploration to pokemon battles.

>MGS is the first Metal Gear game

Oh boy, I haven't seen one of these posts in forever!

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And Metal Gear came out in 1987, what’s your point other than being retarded?


>Those Yea Forumstards who will make swastikas and spell nigger with handprints in the mud

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My last name is Strand so I'm in no matter what.

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Kojima sounds like the most narcissistic person you could ever meet that's completely full of himself.

Welcome to 1998, timetravel-chan.

It's incredible just how full of himself he is. So fucking glad Konami put him in his place.

The guy literally does not want to make videogames. If he got offered the chance to start making movies with unlimited budgets like he's had for his games, he would never waste another minute of his life developing games. He just wants to hang out with Hollywood actors and pretend they're his friends and try to fuck models and actresses all the time.

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He did the same shit with Tactical Espionage Action when it was just another stealth game.

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he chose video games over movies dumbass, he's gone on record saying that he saw the potential for them to become much bigger than movies and he was completely right. he literally entered the industry not even really knowing how video games are made.

He did. Before him, the only stealth game was being the hand in Medieval levels.

>The guy literally does not want to make videogames
He literally chose to make games because he preferred them over films.
Now that he works with Sony he probably has the chance to direct films and might do it in the future, but I think he genuinely loves games.

Yeah he sure seems to be struggling now, Komami sure knocked ol’ Kojiggers down a few pegs huh?

You can finally share your crackpot theories in the game.

He sounds like a dad trying to relate to his Zoomer son.


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Then why doesn't he include gameplay? Is tactical ladder deployment what he spends his time thinking about?


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>believing the word of a talentless hack wannabe auteur who couldn't make it as a director because his scripts are too retarded

i kid, of course. I love ol' Kojimbo like anyone else, he's probably the most important jap dev we have currently, and a living link to how videogames used to push all kinds of media boundaries before the industry got ruined.

Hopefully they get banned and start crying about it.

>tfw no BT goth gf

>I want to make games, not movies
>*doesn't make games but instead makes tech demos with 16 hours of cutscenes*

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>I love ol' Kojimbo like anyone else, he's probably the most important jap dev we have currently, and a living link to how videogames used to push all kinds of media boundaries before the industry got ruined.

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Walking simulators are ok when Kojima does it

MHW big success because it caters to the alleged pro gamers of the west where ‘challenge’ is to the west as spice is to white people

We haven't seen the main gimmick of death stranding yet, a lot of people on Yea Forums like to shit on kojima(even me from time to time), but he's not an idiot like anons want to make him out to be.
Just look at what he did with Silent hills, convoluted sure, but you're not gonna see that from anyone else.
He's been hiding a lot, until the trailer most anons were calling DS a walking simulator.
This is the guy who hid raiden's existence in MGS2.
He's definitely doing something similar here.

Walking sims have been a thing for a while.

No one thinks DS will flop. We just think it'll be garbage.

Can't wait for DS to be the only game in that franchise

No but seriously, why not just make it a movie, this will be like The Last of Us, a good story but an awful game, though now that I think about it people praises TLoU as the best game ever so why the fuck no.

MGS2 is still my favorite game of all time. It never ceases to make me happy and feel. It's such a fun game, I love the jargon the series is known for, and it has such a great message at the end too. The first makes me feel the same.

This is probably the case.
Kojima was getting burnt out after decades on MG.
I'd be glad to see him try stuff in other genres.

I'm confused as to what genre he thinks he's created here. He's talking about persistent online worlds where all players can have an affect on the world/gameplay/story as if it has never been done before.

>Implying RPGs like dragon quest don't have 100+ hours of cutscenes
Yeah, nah kojima is even a hack in that way too.

I love the attempt at damage control.
Imagine being such a pretentious douchebag that you decide that you, yourself, are going to claim before your open world adventure game is even released that it’s a new genre, and that you get to decide what that genre is called, and taking a word from the title of said game as the name of that genre

>spice is to white people
You know that white people literally sailed throughout the world looking for spice right? The "wypipo no like spice" meme is so inaccurate and foolish, only someone with no experience with European cuisine would believe this. Even American whites have extreme uses of spice with things like gumbo and other southern food.

Nah everything is ok when kojima does it, he trained his drones perfectly

Considering the product before us, which everyone is scratching their heads over I would say it isn't that big of a stretch. He clearly puts insane work into his games, he's clearly a fucking pioneer and visionary of the medium. Call him whatever you like.

Do you really expect these savages to be aware of history, let alone acclaimed literary works that reinforce it (i.e. 'The spice must flow')?

Is Dark Souls the Death Stranding of video games?

>Implying there's going to be some super cool gimmick that ties everything together.

Just like I was ashamed for my words and deeds when discovering the "truth" about Quiet. Kojidrones, everyone.

Before inventing the FPS genre, the original Wolfenstein games were stealth, and they predate the original Metal Gear by like 6 years

who cares

80% of the shit that comes out of Kojima’s mouth is pure drivel
Have you seen any of his movie reviews on twitter? He just tangentially relates abstract concepts that have very little to do with the movie to some weird arbitrary word that relates to the game he’s currently working on. Kojima sees western words or people or movies and obsesses over them even without fully understanding what they mean or whether or not they’re mundane or not. He’s like that weeaboo kid who gets a tattoo of the kanji for ‘fire’ and thinks it’s super symbolic and deep and connects him to Japanese culture when to then it just looks like you got the word ‘fire’ written plainly on your arm. That’s kojima like 24/7, and his current obsession is ‘strand’. He doesn’t know what it means, I guarantee you.

Is Dark Souls a part of the Social Strand System genre?

pretension levels are off the fucking charts. I dont think Phantom pain was this bad.

How can you guys not see the red flags?


I always wonder if I should give Kojima the benefit of the doubt for the language barrier. Did he really mean to say ‘you will be ashamed of your thoughts and deeds’ all unnecessarily dramatically, or would what he’s trying to say in the original Japanese be less cringey and melodramatic?

MGS 1, 2 and 3 are some of the best games of all time.
Also his old stuff was incredibly innovative for its era, first MG and Snatcher.

He beat thief by a month so I doubt it

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his english is pretty broken, and despite tweeting in english he rarely actually does full on interviews that way.
on one hand I don't think he can talk about complex topics properly, but on the other how does he work with all these english-speaking actors and other staff?

I just hope we get some more footage before it comes out, and not just more trailers. I appreciate the trailers but I'd love for just a 15 minute "here's a traversal delivery, you can pick how you want to go from A to B" kind of showcase. Unlike MGS5 which had ground zeroes to function as that (though it was a total ripoff price wise) we don't have any way to see a real example of the gameplay. We know what it involves but fuck me, they could even make it a tutorial mission that would no doubt have some gigantic red flag for BTs that you could avoid.

Really think Kojima is confusing genres for mechanics.

Diablo 2 confirmed SSS

Well best I can tell you is ashamed in Japanese is the same word as embarrassed. So he could have been just trying to tell people not to embarrass themselves in response to getting mad at a bikini.

Walking simulators aren't new

>He's widely credited for inventing the stealth genre in games.
And Inafune is 'widely credited' as the 'father' of Megaman.

All this means is that the gameplay hinges on a (I assume) unique mechanic that's hard to explain or tricky to avoid completely giving away.

unironically less coherent than op's post

What are you even going on about? The only one driveling on is you. Usually he just posts something and says "I really liked this" and that's how he acts too.

We know it's something to do with Co-Op, but other than that it's speculation

Pretty much. They've shown off BTs, hades, the fact it has guns, the delivery stuff (well we've seen deliveries happening), but we know absolutely zilch about strands, which is the entire multiplayer component which is supposed to be an integral part of the game. I wonder if it's going to be a no man's sky type fuckup or if there's really something there.

Anyone have the pic comparing Kojimas thoughts on Avengers Endgame and Captain Marvel.

MGSV had like an hour or more of straight gameplay footage before it came out though.

You're a moron, monster hunter is so popular is Japan because it's casual multiplayer friendly handheld shit

Reminder that Japan as a country is fucking allergic to both the RTS and arena shooter FPS genres yet moron weebniggers try to pretend they're remotely hardcore or skillful at any game compared to the west

Honestly, that sounds amazing. I love it when I watch a movie, a TV show, or play a game, and I'm honestly baffled and confused. Probably because it so rarely happens.

No Man's Sky was disappointing because it was too simple with nothing to do, I don't think that's a risk for DS. The risk is being overly convoluted or trying too many things at once

>FPS is quality gameplay
Airsoft or bust you analog flicking bitch

We also know you can at least leave items and safe house in the landscape for other players to pick up and use.

There are a few niches where japs are good.
rhythm games for example.
Also armored core, back when that game was popular online the japs were insanely skilled

Why do you guys always talk about Kojima? Why does Hideo receive no credit whatsoever?

He calls everything a masterpiece, if anything he just seems like he's having fun.

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I don't mean in general terms, I mean outright lies about multiplayer, or shoving it off as "yeah we have it". This game is following a similar trajectory, but they haven't said what KIND of multiplayer even. All they'd need to say is "it's asynchronous" or "you can co-operate in real time" or "ghosts exist in a way" or ANYTHING. until they do, as the release date draws nearer I'm more worried there won't be anything at all besides token naming like nms had as it's "multiplayer" at launch.

>All they'd need to say is "it's asynchronous"
That's exactly what they've already said.

not one kojima game has had an insubstantial amount of gameplay

Do you actually think a big studio and AAA big boys behind DS are like the amateurs behind NMS? Don't be silly, right when they said multiplayer, but with infinite world, but not procedurally generated it was obvious.

Who can ever compete with Kajones?? Kajimber is simply visionary and if his game looks like a walking sim movie to you you're simply not smart enough to undrstand it.

>a month
try 11 years

This but unironically

It’s called being a westaboo, user. And yes they’re all retarded.

I think with the bullshit the industry has pushed onto consumers that anything is possible. Especially with kojima, lord of false promises, far far surpassing molyneux.

>mh handheld is casual
>sips on tasteless water
>munches on gluten free bread

MG1 was made in 1987.
But i don't think it was the first stealth game.

anyway, to stay on topic, i just think it's kojima being kojima, saying some big shit when it's little shit in reality.

>guy is set to create a second vidya genre
>you just bitch about games in your parents basement and call him a hack

The threads and posts whining about how much Yea Forums loves Kojima outnumber the ones hyped about the game. A lot of them don't seem genuine, like they're trying to drown out discussion preemptively.

He doesn't even manage the _EN account. His PA translates his Japanese account and posts it there.

You can't create a new vidya genre anymore.
and by looking at the trailer, it look nothing like a new genre but just like a TPS with cinematic elements.

The last time I remember a game developer trying to claim a new genre with their game was the creator of Shenmue, and he called the genre "FREE" (Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment).

>confusing spices with spicy
When people say spicy they refer to the burn of capcacin. The most valued spices to the Europeans were things like black pepper, vanilla, saffron, cinnamon, and nutmeg. None of those are spicy in the parlance people usually use.

>the love for kojima is so widespread that not even concentrated shitposting can smother it
Praise Kojamblies.

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No, he didn’t, but he was one of the pioneers for sure.

play MGSV

Because when MGSV was announced, everyone suddenly became long time fans out of no where.

Happens with everything.

>insubstantial amount of gameplay
now there's a pretty meme

I honestly don't understand how people can be "fans" of one-and-done console games like this.

Assuming you explore 100% of the game and collect every secret, you'll get maybe 15-25 hours out of it. That's two or three days and then you're done with the game forever. And in reality, it's more like 4-8 hours for 99% of people.

Explain to me: how do you call yourself a "fan" of a game like that? What do you even do? Do you sit around thinking fondly about that time you played the game? I call myself a "fan" of Counter Strike or Starcraft because I played (and continue to play) those games for thousands upon thousands of hours. Any time I want, I can start those games up and derive fresh fun from them. So my continued interest in the games is warranted.

What is the reason for the continued interest in 8-hour-long console games? Do you mainly occupy yourself with tertiary content like fan art, fanfiction, etc. instead of playing the game? Do you like the feeling of being included in the social phenomenon of the game's popularity, is that it? Please help me to understand.

You're delusional if you don't think that Yea Forums has done anything but shit on the game.

Mgsv did bring a lot newfags. It kind even more made the series more popular

Kojima is 10 times more popular now than in his MG days, but most of his new fans actually never played any of his games beside maybe V.

>Do you mainly occupy yourself with tertiary content like fan art, fanfiction, etc. instead of playing the game? Do you like the feeling of being included in the social phenomenon of the game's popularity, is that it?
It's exactly this. I see this with every popular game. 90% of overwatch fans just read the ```lore''' and don't play the game or even like shooters. People want to be in on something trendy and hip


I want you all to know that all the shit that Kojimbo is attempting to hype up will eventually lead to nothing. All these things that look real deep and filled with iconography will be completely neglected, much like MGS5. but it doesn't matter, because you all delude yourself into thinking that this game is a fuck you to Konami. Even Sony has no faith in Death Stranding.

This site and obviously the internet at large is falling victim to exactly what Kojima was talking about.

>They stay inside their little ponds leaking whatever "truth" suits them into the growing cesspool of society at large.The different cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh. No one is invalidated, but nobody is right.

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Its 100% a stealth game

You mean Kojima and Fukushima?

True, seen a lot of people on Yea Forums criticising kojima because of Mgsv

Kojima wasn't a prophet. That entire speech was based on trends and behaviors he was observing as far back as 2001, it's not as if it's only just now starting to become reality.

Oh shut the fuck up, you're literally talking right out of your ass. Kojima didn't lie about shit, Molyneux was showing off games making huge promises and the games never came out. People not liking MGSV /=/ he lied.

No one I know plays games that quickly unless they're trying to finish them fast. I put over a hundred hours into most games.

I wasn't trying to say he was a prophet, I said he was talking about this.

>I put over a hundred hours into most games.

Unless you are replaying MGS games 4-5 times getting all the items on each run, there is *literally* no way that's possible. I don't think you know what "over a hundred hours" is and really just play for like 10-20.

>tfw most people want Kojima to "have MG back" when he want to be nowhere near the serie anymore
Heck, guy probably was the guy who said Korekado was now the new producer, he WANTED to stop working on MG and finally achieved that, and now fans want him back? where those guys the same that sended death treats to him and Murata when it was said Murata was going to direct MGS4, forcing Kojima to return because of that?

See typically I'd agree with you but MGSV lasted longer than that for a lot of people and despite its recognition as a disappointment is shakily beloved so for the hopeful, expectations of Kojimbo can be high

Battle Royale as a genre only recently rose up less than 3 years ago. Before that it was survival building and before that was minecraft. People invent new video game genres all the time.

I prefer a high quality gaming experience that is well paced and self contained than skinner box games with "infinite" repetitive gameplay.

>UGh fuCKiNg MOvie gAmE

Some people look for more in a game than how many hours they can sink into a skinner box.

saying the game had features it DID NOT HAVE = lying, get his cock out of your mouth, fag.

MGS2 is easily my most replayed game of all time. I have been replaying it at least yearly but sometimes 3 times a year since it came out.

BR was invented in MGO2 as stealth deathmatch, but in reality Battle royal is just a deathmatch with one life and a map getting smaller and that's kinda it.

>where those guys the same that sended death treats to him and Murata when it was said Murata was going to direct MGS4, forcing Kojima to return because of that?
Nobody even remembers this anymore, user. People are no longer aware of just how badly Kojima wanted to be done with Metal Gear.

What did he lie about retard?

It's the same thing as being a fan of any book, show, game, play, etc, regardless of how long they last. Fans are people that enjoyed the content you maniac.

Shut it, zoomer

Honestly the story is what interests me because he finally doesn't have to write or direct for mgs and you know hes must of had a trove of ideas that he came up with during mgs that he couldn't use.

you're a goddamn fool if you think kojima games are hurrr movie garbage. shitload of cutscenes? yeah sure, but you can always skip them. but gameplay is always there, always crazy gameplay shit.

this isn't like some naughtydog druckmanfag shit where it is movie garbage

Strand Game.

Wow it's like you didn't even watch the trailer. Masterpiece incoming. Deal with it kid.

>dude's pretty old
that's why people are hyped? dude's old? was good many years ago? so.. like george lucas prequels or ridley's new alien movies - gonna be great because 'dude's pretty old'?

>all these newfags who don't know how Kojima became famous by creating incredible innovative games since the 80's
>"wtf why do people like this guy? MGS5 was bad!"

>Some people look for more in a game than playing the game.


such as?

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I feel like I’ve seen this exact same post and replies made a dozen times, why do theif mongoloids never learn

Mandy is a masterpiece though

the thing is, Kojima from before isn't the Kojima from now.

>Reminder that Japan as a country is fucking allergic to both the RTS and arena shooter FPS genres yet moron weebniggers try to pretend they're remotely hardcore or skillful at any game compared to the west
They also thought FFXV was way too hard originally to the point where SE dumbed down an already dumb combat system into something brain dead.

Yeah experience doesn't mean anything lol!


Not really, lol.

its far more interesting than anything western devs have put out. Sequels dont count either because its just more of the same. Western devs are too worried about SJW crap anyways.

>Snatcher and MG weren't innovative for their time
ok, zoomer.


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This. Kojima has always complained about how he was done with Metal Gear since MGS2. I'm very excited to see what he does with Death Stranding. it's not like his non metal gear games were bad either, Boktai and Zone of the enders were fantastic games as well but you barely see anyone mention those games as what he was responsible for either. Not to mention how Kojima was responsible for cult classics like Snatcher and Policenauts. Death Stranding is Kojima finally being given the chance and the high budget to make any game he wants and I'm excited.

Just a bunch of drones that bought into the le hackman and MGSV memes.

can't wait to make swastikas in babby prints

fragile looks like ovaries

>MGS5 was bad!
this is one of the most obnoxious memes to surface in recent years
it wasn't even categorically bad per se, it just failed to meet massively overinflated expectations, at worst it was just the high end of average

I've only played MGS4 and MGS5 but that's enough to tell me that Kojima is a hack and the worst developer on the planet.

This feeling would only be exacerbated had you played MGS1-3

A concise, well paced experience with a defined story with a good balance of gameplay.

can you imagine how fucking hard a movie would bomb directed by this inscrutable gook freak? like the distilled retardation of snowpiercer, captain pikachu(?), okya and other confounding gobbledigook multiplied to bomb 100x harder than final fantasy sprits within

>bu bu but da story


I really enjoyed metal gear rising, but Kojima had nothing to do with why it was good. FUCK YOU TASTELESS SHITS

the gameplay is good but it's wasted on boring and repetitive missions and locations

Never saw the word express on her jacket. Guess she makes more high-octane deliveries.

>muh *pew* *pew* games for hyperactive children xD

Right. But then you finish the game and stop playing it. So what now?

Considering the circumstance where the final year of the development was embroiled in Konami going batshit insane, locking employees up, having guards follow developers around, putting Kojima in a seperate room away from every other employee so that he couldnt communicate with anyone and so on resulted in MGS5 ending as weird as it did at the end.

I really couldnt blame Kojima for the events that happened and the final result of MGS5, despite that though you can see the early parts of MGS5 and Ground Zero being great shows that Kojima still has got it.

so the album st anger is better than ride the lightning? prequels are good? prometheus best alien movie? eminem's a cool rapper huh? coffee pot? ben elton there's a funny writer

so fuck off to a thread about games you like then

MGSV was great but felt unfinished. I don’t understand why they didn’t make any story DLCs.

I'm guessing you're one of those people who is absolutely terrified of having to face another player in a competitive scenario, rather than killing AI enemies designed to lose to you?

Just wait until Yea Forums figures out what it is really about. The shitposting will last months

Play it again and do things I didn't do last time.


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This isn't reddit you mouth breathing retard. Yea Forums is not a site full of echo chambers and there is no way to censor dissent with crowd rule here. Metal Gear Solid is fucking dogshit and you should kill yourself for liking it. Death Stranding will be disappointing garbage.


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MGS4 was phenomenal. I miss it

Jesus, yes people re-play games that they like. Can you really only play games that reward you endlessly for sinking your time into them?

>Xcucks seething yet again

if you're going to pathetically attempt to make that argument like it somehow applies, at least try to offer something more substantial than some all-caps sperg-out about I DON'T LIKE THING


Mandy was pure cagekino.

No Kojima, a third-person shooter is not a new genre

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yeah, if it's weird and then SUDDENLY makes sense - let's say like understanding a big twist in Danganronpa, 999 etc, that's cool

Based retarded boomer

What's the chance that there's a Warcraft 3 custom game with the exact gameplay as Death Stranding?

Konami fired half the staff including Kojima, the CEO hated Kojima and shut the game down ASAP.

>I'm so special and hardcore I play the most popular genre in existance
What was the name of that boring FPS game where all you do is run around and shoot? Oh, wait thats literally every FPS game lol

Fuck off. I expected a fucking semi-coherent story. Not the same cunting mission over and over again and a fake big boss. It was a fantastically put together pile of shit. All Hideous Pyjamas had to do was make a game that slid neatly into MG1 and he’d have had a proper Magnus Opus. But no.

He better not have some bullshit twist at the end. Twists for the sake of shock is Shamalyan-tier.

>Social Strand System
>S3 Plan
Do I have to post my schizo collage again? I don't think I have to.

Just you fucking wait. There will be hacks after the hackmaster's glory.

You? You play multiplayer games. You play against other screeching children like yourself. You think you are better than me because you got a high rank when in reality I could do better if I played but I choose not to. You think there is something wrong with games telling beautiful, powerful stories that move people, or that every game needs to have a way to "win" and "lose" (reward cycle like we are rats.)

Me? I play singleplayer games. I play alone, in solitude, with a quiet air that allows me to reflect and think and genuinely absorb the game. There is no ego in this activity, I recognize other players of the game as my equals and my friends and I love discussing the game with them harmoniously. I can be moved to tears by a good story because, unlike you, I don't suppress my emotions as a man. I don't need a game that lets me twitch and shoot at everything that moves. Most of all, I don't need to "win" all the time.

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Way to instantly popularize a thread of a game you arent even interested in. Bitch, people like YOU on Yea Forums are the most retarded.


"reflect deeply" on the fact that you will never, ever, ever possess 1% of the skill displayed in this video in any game you ever play. You will never know what it feels like to be in The Zone.

why do literal retards assume that anyone who calls out their pointless literal retard posts only want this place to be reddit 2.0 instead of the truth, which is that your retarded tirades about not liking the games without even attempting to substantiate it contribute absolutely nothing

seething fps babbys

>Death Stranding looks bad because there is essentially no gameplay displayed, other than extremely basic third person melee combat, and running around

Nintenlards on suicide watch.

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There's such a thing as replaying a game.

Every fucking time. You only have your own autism to blame.

The gameplay looks just like MGSV, which played great. Now neck yourself.

Generally speaking, the better a game's graphics, the worse it is. Death Stranding will be shit.

shit game knower

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>the better a game's graphics, the worse it is
Nincel logic

It looks like nothing I've ever seen before. That a good enough reason for ya?

>come into thread about game to post retarded opinions about game
>chimp out when you get told to fuck off
Christ you're delicate.

I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the Nintendo 64, and don't foresee myself buying any in the future.


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Weren't you just crying that everyone who dislikes how Death Stranding should leave the thread and stop disrupting your safe space? Talk about delicate, LOL

>*the more realistic a game’s graphics, the worse it is, no matter how good they try to make it look

>Reedus likened it to Dali's "I don't do drugs, I am drugs"

Text on the lower half is unreadable

>Weren't you
No. "Anonymous" isn't just one person.
It's pretty telling that your posts are getting mocked more than his though.

>didn't he basically invent the stealth genre?
Not even fucking close.

>It's pretty telling that your posts are getting mocked more than his though.
1) You know we know it's you, right?
2) You know this "I got more upvotes so I am right!" thing doesn't apply on this site, right?

You can't reshape reality by shitposting, user. Don't embarrass yourself.

You know your problem. You have to get into the story, and yes the story is fucking fantastic, the scenes are fantastic. You will unironically end up liking it if you just earnestly listen and pay attention. They always pay off.

Lurk 4 years before posting in the future. Alternatively, just kill yourself off of my website forever.

Move on to the next one.

Selection for Societal Sanity

Worse than BigRedButton?

yeah he is taking the genre of walking simulator to the next level
mc fucking kill yourself op

Blame the snoy fags. In their retarded mind this is concidered intellecual.

Kill me yourself, you faggot coward.

When a game is a "moviegame" or too cinematic, it means the player has little input on the animations they're seeing. For example, epic situations where the player runs through a spectacle with one control stick, probably also guiding their character along a few ledges with the one stick as well. Hitting enemies a few times to then hit a button and watch as a small video of your character defeating the enemy plays, while the other enemies conveniently watch with you. Not only has this never been the case in Kojima games, but the small amount of gameplay that was teased so far shows it isn't the case.

>that's kinda it
you admit it yourself, stop being a reductionist. you just out yourself as stunted intellectually

Kys third-world nintenspic

Post your work

All you've seen is a buncha cutscenes and some melee gameplay. What is wrong with you retards.

The missions are only repetitive if you go about them the obvious and straight forward way. The game is loaded with different tools to tailor your approach in several different ways, the mission can go sideways out of nowhere at any time or go right in every way you wanted to. The depth is there

She cute

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I play singleplayer games to relax and enjoy myself and fighting games to test myself.

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Didn't he say some parts of the game will be in first person?

as a frenchfag i can't like her because her actress is a fucking bitch for real, saying some shit like "i've started from nothing" when she was clearly helped during all her career.

Disgusting 3/10 bitch like whatever ugly real life 3dpd they were trying to copy and paste into the game

Yeah she is, she looks like someone I know too.

How can someone honestly think this?

he is forced to meet the deadline set up by the publisher just like he was forced to do by konami. what a hack.

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As an Anglo, this is a non-issue for me since an indiscriminate contempt for all French people is part of my DNA. just like bad teeth and thinking British food is good

>saying some shit like "i've started from nothing" when she was clearly helped during all her career.
Every single rich celebrity does this. It's just that you're French, so you have an innate sense of rich people's bullshit. I call it the Guillotine Reflex.

This but sincerely. Kojima probably never wants to make a sequel again and I don't expect he'll ever have to.

genuinely so mediocre looking compared to stylized/anime-style women

i don't know why people want realistic graphics. it's mostly kids and people new to games i guess

By playing it without playing the games it's a sequel to.

Watch matthewmatosis review on it and you will kind of get why, he does a good job explaining it. But the thing is for all it's flaws nobody can deny it truly had some awesome moments with a satisfying ending. I'm happy with the game always leaves me thinking for a few days.

How did this thing not get you interested? That last trailer and this one make the game look like MGSV with ghosts and monsters.

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Eheh, maybe it's that, but she just act like a cunt in general., bitch deserve to be slapped. i hope we will be able to kill her in the game.

I hate Metal Gear but it would seem that there are actual mechanics with some effort put into them in MGSV. Instead of barebones monster maze gameplay with singular setpiece gimmicks like in the rest of the franchise, there are multiple dynamic gameplay features. I wonder if that's why the game ended up not being that popular? MGS fans just weren't used to actually playing a game.

>MGSV with ghosts and monsters.
so metal gear survive?

>I wonder if that's why the game ended up not being that popular?
No because literally nobody criticizes MGSV for its gameplay. People hate on it for Konami killing development halfway through and ruining progression with microtransaction patches.

Oh no you did it user, you win. I will no longer be buying Metal Gear Society: Death Stranding™

Looks like your standard casual console TPS?

>implying he isn't ready to start a new saga with all the experience from mgs

>seething xnigger

Did you really just say you wished she looked like an anime character, and then proceed to call people who prefer real human women children?

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>People hate on it for Konami killing development halfway through because Kojima embezzled half the budget on taking Joosten on fake instagram dates

that's correct

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The person in that image is truly delusional if they think anybody from a board so notoriously shit at fighting games would ever be successful at them. Very egotistical and embarrassing.

Why in the world would I prefer an uglier woman just because she's "realistic"?

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Why do people always say Yea Forums is shit at fighting games?

The only time I wanted real human women over anime women was when I was too young to even realize that much better options exist. So I’d say he’s pretty accurate.

I do like anime, but you let it poison your mind bro.

>Kojima embezzled half the budget on taking Joosten on fake instagram dates
You're delusional if you think that. The development was long and expensive because KojiPro was simultaneously developing a cutting-edge current-gen game engine for Konami. SE would kill to have had a team like KojiPro considering what Luminous + FFXV cost them and how it turned out.

>The only time I wanted real human women over anime women was when I was too young to even realize that much better options exist
But they don't exist. Anime doesn't real.

Because it's true. /vg/ is just as bad, it's the whole website really.

Yeah, I'm sure you are an ardent watcher of JoJo and One Punchu Man, "bro".

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As opposed to letting a disgusting std ridden makeup caked 3dpd whore poison my body?

Tell that to my dick

Anime girls don't exist. Grow up.

Maybe nobody is good at fighting games.

it will be the star citizen of the console world.

Real women are disgusting animals. Grow up.

For some reason I prefer the version where a man resposible for nearly 3 decades of shit games was fired for incompetence

nothing. he's just fucking with everyone

Drue is cringe but also redpilled

Movie game is already a genre Kojimbo.

My favorite anime is probably The Guyver, but please tell me how much better the moe genre is.

Stay seething konami shill

No one talked about sales you idiot, but now that you want to come up with thag for no reason let me tell you a secret.
Death stranding will sell more with only ps4 as a platform than your autistic grindfest with the +90ps4,+40xone and +100M pc potential buyers at least
Now go suck ryozo's cock you bot

>getting upset when the game isn't exactly what you want instead of letting yourself being taken into the universe and experiencing it for what it is
So are these the people who can't stop shitposting and saying "I don't get it!" or something else? Haven't even played the games?

I don't know any fighting game players that browse here by name so it doesn't matter. You also make it sound like someone who just picked up a game today couldn't be great if they wanted to.

There are those that win consistently, so some people are good at them. I just think anonymous websites aren't very accommodating for those more egotistical and only people with a larger sense of self worth are very competitive minded.

Yep, you are exactly, 100% the person I knew you were from your first post: a normalfaggot in denial.

>Epic battleborne heros!
Ok, he convinced me, I'll buy it, a generic weeb vampyre sure looks BADASS™

>pretentious movie garbage with zero gameplay
Explain in at least 200 (two hundred) words how can you know that when the game is not released and probably not even fully finished yet.

This. Anime is sexist and unrealistic, people need to accept that real women might have a few pounds and there is nothing wrong with that. Change your expectations and art

>Konami bad, Kojima good
Yeah right, there is always two sides of the coin, i'm sure that kojima is an arrogant little prick and it's a nightmare to deal with him. Fuck him and fuck his fanboys, And fuck you.

>MGS3 and beyond really disappointed. The fourth was basically a fucking movie.
Because people that like his games actually form their own opinions about them instead of parroting these meme arguments to try and fit in among the contrarian crowd.

>ignoring established facts to speculate yet again on how kojima might possibly be a difficult man to work with
classic Yea Forums

You're right that I don't watch cartoons about cute little girls, and it looks like I was right that you love them. I bet you had to look up what the guyver was.

Konami chink shill seething

The movie meme has always been said by actual fans too..Me and my brother use to joke about it all the time while we played them over and over.

>You're right that I don't watch cartoons about cute little girls, and it looks like I was right that you love them.
Here is Stage I of the normalfag's thought process: "I socially conform better than you do"

>I bet you had to look up what the guyver was.
Here is Stage II: "I am more hip and trendy than you"

Yeah. Real women are overrated. As is having sex. Sex is overrated. You shouldn't have it.

kek this cope

do you genuinely believe "realistic" character designs are more attractive/cuter/more aesthetically pleasing than stylized/anime-style character designs?

real question here: is your penis mutilated?

Unironically believing that the game is a more a movie than a game and memeing about the game being a movie are different things.

You probably have ED from the sheer number of times you've nutted to hentai, but that will probably never be relevant to your life so it's okay.

This. Realistic character designs are better AND better for my conscience. I would much rather marry pic related than any sexist anime girl fantasy

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my cock got hard just from ripping your normalfaggot ass apart in this reply chain so unfortunately you're wrong little buddy. keep signaling normalfag virtue while you wile away hours on a site made by and for otaku

If you keep repeating this mantra maybe your 34 year old used goods roast beef girlfriend will look more appealing tomorrow?

Hip and trendy? So you really don't know how old and forgotten the guyver is?

He asked if you're circumcized and you dodged the question and brought up ED

that's rich

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>He's widely credited for inventing the stealth genre in games.
Kojima deserves a fair bit of credit for the original Metal Gear, but the truth is a bit more nuanced than many believe, and I honestly think it's driven by a console-oriented mentality that ignored home computer games. People are exposed to a genre on console and they assume that game invented it.

In 1981, you had Castle Wolfenstein. It features stealth, disguises, lockpicking, etc.

In 1986, you had The Great Escape, which was quite popular in British home computer circles. This was a year before Metal Gear. And I guess it's probably an example of shared influence since Kojima loves the TGE movie. (As an aside, the character Goodluck in MG Survive is a huge homage to Kojima's love of The Great Escape.)

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sasuga normalfag-kun, you're such a brave otaku for watching jojo and OPM and seasonal shounen

>doesn’t know what gives you ED
>dodged the question and brought her hate of 2d anime girls into the picture
It’s pretty obvious that you’re replying to a 3dpd roastie bros

Adorable. Unfortunately I won't be there to help you when you finally (if ever) find yourself in a situation where you need to get your 5 inches up and keep it up for an extended period.
Stop samefagging. You're embarrassing yourself.

why would they be allowed to divulge any information about the story

I agree with this post - typically everyone who makes fun of me is the same person. He is a mean, mean man.

Guys, there aren't women false flagging in this thread. That's daytime Yea Forums. You have to be able to take the tinfoil hat off sometimes or you'll lose perspective.

I remember playing MGS2 after Thief and Splinter Cell and I was shocked how fucking shit it is. Calling itself tactical something something when enemies can't acknowledge anything aside from a small cone in front of their heads. Rollerblade faggotts and wordswordswords. It was like an arcade game. Then a big skip and played MGSV because Ground Zeroes felt pretty good. And I was shocked again how shit it was. I played it with the patches that reduce grind and it was still a fucking grind holy shit.
Never again.

>being a disgusting ugly impure 3D western whore
Yikes, I hope you get the noose

Wait, is that piece of shit hack insect claiming to be the inventor of the stealth genre?

There's a difference between "I can't tell you" and literally "I don't get it".

The two posts are almost exactly a minute apart you actual fucking brainlet. Wake the fuck up, samefaggot.

>he wants to make games not movies
Also, in the first interview I had ever seen with him, back on Tech TV, he said he always wanted to make movies but got into games because he thought they would be "more popular" and it was an industry he could get into

normalfaggot men regurgitate the talking points supplied to them by bitter, jealous women. it's therefore easy to confuse the two

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didn't he?

Not really. As much as I consider him a hack, he's just saying that the genre hadn't been named at the time he made MGS.

the post timer for Yea Forums is not 60 seconds you retard. LOL

I remember when he invented the new tranfarring system that allowed you to transfer save data.


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if I was asked, I would know I couldn't say much without breaching my contract, so I would say 'I don't know'.
Why would they spend the time to think of a creative way to describe it without giving away anything. That's silly. They're just working and are probably sick of the game by now.

No one given the choice between a "realistic" and stylized character chooses the realistic one for any reason besides politics.

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>implying I want the otaku label
cringe. How badly do you want to take it up the ass and act like a cute girl?

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This guy could actually not make a coherent film. It would be some ‘dark’ garbage thinly veiling a saccharine, “we need eachother” message with a lot of long takes. It would be like undergraduate film student meets Malick.

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If you had a brain, you'd just say "I can't tell you, but it'll make sense" or something along those lines. There's no point in lying and saying you don't get it, if you do get it.

That entire diatribe is so fucking brainlet

Because otherwise real women will feel bad

The truth does hurt

>You can't reshape reality by shitposting, user
summerfags, i swear

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you say that shit and they keep prying
you say you don't get it, they fuck off.
its much easier to just keep saying "nope" and "idk"

Whatever you need to convince yourself of to think this shitty game is going to make sense.

It actually describes current social media platforms and "news" sites though, what are you talking about?

Name 1(one) real woman who wouldn’t fuck and/or have kids with another man if you didn’t exist and chase after her like a retard
Now why shouldn’t they feel bad?

Forgot to mention they have to be not ugly and have good/near perfect genetics

MGS was the first game

>"The focus is on digital content, so we could consider movies, animations, anything," Kojima said. "But first I think people expect games from me. That’s where I want to put my focus. Once we have an established IP in games, something solid that satisfies people, then we can consider movies and videos."
I don't really think him saying "yeah we could possibly maybe do some other shit later why not" is equivalent to him saying he wants to make movies instead of games. He's also said many times that he wants to make games for the rest of his life.

Hmm, nah.

Based retard


>a month

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The entire thing is great though.
>that ts elliot quote

Did that post sting so much that you had to go back and samefag against it 30 minutes later?

I didn't ask for your opine chucklefuck.

I wasn't saying Jojimbits is wrong but it's nowhere near visionary. This shit has happened literally all throughout human history yet you knuckleheads eat it up and suck his tiny jap dick.

"Thief" came out a week after Metal Gear and was 10x the stealth game, it invented all of the real stealth mechanics

cool so hows it play since you obviously have it.

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13 percent of the population commits 50 percent of the crime (NIGGERS)

every game is what you make of it. I didn't find one thing repetitive.

>hobby grade

No one here suggested that he is a visionary for those "predictions" though. You seem to have taken it that way because he just makes you angry.

Guy made 3 good games in the last 20 years I don't get how people can still delude themselves into getting hyped.

>"Thief" came out a week after Metal Gear
Are you retarded user?

If you're wanting to talk about that then you need to take the entire context and presentation of the game into consideration. Also it doesn't matter if it's happened before, or if it's been said before in different ways. Most of art is recycled/built upon ideas, everything is derivative of something. You're wrong anyways, the digital age definitely does take it to the next level. It's a new paradigm these days, society is changing a lot because of it.

>trailer/teaser for new kojima game comes out
>it looked like shit to me, little to no gameplay was displayed, what was shown looked generic and boring and consoley, similar to past kojima games

every time

He's a delusional faggot, I'm sure his sincere.
If he wanted to make games he wouldn't LARP as a movie director have a hard-on for live actors.

God dammit, why don't they just confirm or deny whether a PC version is coming or not. I don't want to buy a PS4 for one game.

They weren't just good user, they were great.

every time

Thief was released just two days after Metal Gear, so I think we can't say Metal Gear invented those stealth mechanics. Thief was a bigger game developed way before

Reminds me of that Akagi screencap where nobody knew what he was doing and the last panel was the sub
>Are you a retard?

Reminds me of that scene in Lost in Translation. That one with the ad director and the interpreter.

couldn't find a way to defend yourself, huh?

Ah, so another FOBs. Gotcha.

Thief was '98
Metal Gear was '87

Its an episode of Kojima thinking he invented the stealth genre.


She looks like one of those dogs/cats that got stung by bees

>implying this is exaggerated

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While Metal Gear did *technically* get released a few hours before Thief, they were essentially released at the same time. So I think it's more intellectually honest to say that the bigger, more culturally influential "Thief" is the true progenitor of the stealth game genre.

This game will get an SSS rank.
Social Strand Simulator

Metal Gear is a far better series than """Thief"""" in every way and it did stealth first, before, actually several years prior to Thief even being thought up.

THAT'S the reason that XV's combat is trash tier?

My only real concern is that this Social Strand System might mean you really need playstation plus.


Metal Gear Solid
Video game
96% liked this video game
Google users
DescriptionMetal Gear Solid is an action-adventure stealth video game developed by Konami Computer Entertainment Japan and released for the PlayStation in 1998. Wikipedia
>Initial release date: September 3, 1998

They're talking about the original Metal Gear, not Metal Gear Solid, you actual fucking clown.

As we can see from the Google, Thief released several months before Metal Gear, so, in all truth, Thief is the real grandfather of the stealth game genre (but precious few know it... sad.)

MGS wasn't the first Metal Gear you retard

So you're saying you know more than Google?


>calls others mongoloids
And what makes you think he's even played the game?

There's already a name for this genre of game, it's called a "walking simulator".

Let me get this straight. You made a wikipedia article about a FAKE metal gear game that didn't really exist, just to push your Kojima fan-boy narrative and hide the fact that Thief was the original stealth game. That's... kind of sad.

>Thief is a stealth video game developed by Eidos Montréal, published by Square Enix, and released in February 2014 for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows video gaming platforms. Feral Interactive brought the game to macOS in November 2015.

get raped

There have been some games with asynchronous multiplayer features that aren't tied to Plus. I doubt Kojima wants a core feature of his game to be exclusive to subscribers, but I also doubt Sony's going to miss out on an opportunity to make some more money out of this shit.

This is falsified - it is known among followers of video games that thief released several years before the idea of a metal gear game had even begun to be drawn up by Koji Ma

pretending to be retarded is retarded

Not appreciating the ableist language.

90% of the posts on Yea Forums praising Thief are for it's level design using a picture of a map from Doom. I am sure most people that say they love Thief haven't played it. Which is a shame. It really is a great game more people should play.

go to bed, you're tiered.


kojima = george lucas

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fuck this thread

I know Kojima is active on twitter but if we ask him there if the online needs plus will he answer?

>no one call this out
fuck off to reddit and fuck you nu/v/

It's said that when japanese game mogul Kojima was formulating the idea for the game that would become "Metal Gear", he kept a copy of "Thief" running in his office at all times, so he could pick up the controller and draw inspiration whenever he wanted.

Yeah God Tiered.

Ive been playing metal gear for 3 fucking decades since i was a child and mgs5 i didnt even bother playing past the first third of it. It was shit

We're infested with redditors user, it's like taking a rock and throwing it into the ocean.

MGSV was garbage, kojima has always needed people to challenge the most retarded of his ideas and the games he's worked on have gotten worse the less he's been challenged by konami

Do you usually fight people, shoot guns and ride bikes in walking simulators?

thanks moot

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If it took you that long to finish Metal Gear no wonder you're considered to be brain damaged.

>Released by Looking Glass Studios in 1998

>The first game, Metal Gear, was released in 1987 for MSX home computers.

But the Metal Gear Solid games have great gameplay. Kojima has long movie cutscenes, but it's wrong to say he doesn't care about gameplay.

Oh wow, he's implying he made the stealth genre? Fuck off

Probably better off asking Sony or one of Kojima's marketing guys who actually answer questions sometimes. Doubt they'll confirm anything until closer to release though.

>If it took you that long to finish Metal Gear
so where did he say that you disingenuous fucking fanboy

Ok... what does that have to do with what I said?

I assumed it because I was giving him the benefit of the doubt that he'd be replaying a game over and over for 30 years.

This... thief was the first stealthgame

>because I was giving him the benefit of the doubt that he'd be replaying a game over and over for 30 years
that is literally the exact opposite of what you implied you sniveling cucks

the "moe" genre as in all non old shonen anime or the actual niche modern moe genre that only appears popular because it sells well within that niche group?
moe is fucking hard to pull off well man

There already is a name for it en.wiktionary.org/wiki/walking_simulator

Where do you think the redditors originally came from? Not all of them are tiny children just now getting on the internet, some of them are from here, then they go to their other shitty sites and bring things back.

>that is literally the exact opposite of what you implied
What was I implying user?


That's what I posted yes. Now what was I implying?

Do you know what that word means? I'll wait for you to check a dictionary.

>Walking simulator

Upon further research and new groundbreaking findings, it was established that the men behind the stealth game "Thief: The Dark Project" were heavily influenced by Hideo Kojimas eccentric take on the video game medium. Many years were spent studying his style, in an effort to try to capture the same lightning. Ken Levine went on to say "Without Kojima-San the stealth genre wouldn't exist, and neither could Thief by that right. We owe it all to him."

>huuuur no i wasn't implying anything i totally didnt suggest he's a retard that couldnt finish metal gear for 30 years
yeah i can see you're going to continue the way you started out, as a disingenuous faggot that will bend over backward to avoid confronting any criticism of you or george luc- i mean kojima and metal gear V

vehicles, guns, fisticuffs, bandits, ghosts, monsters, undead whales, eldritch colossi, the moon and the earth, the mars, the jupiter, so as said

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You seem mixed up. That user was mocking you for liking Kojima not defending it. Learn to read.

>i totally didnt suggest he's a retard
I didn't even suggest it moron, I outright said it clear as fucking day.

Lmao two braincell dumb fucks think their two cents on something they haven't played matters to anybody. "it sucks", Whatever faggot, come back when you get a brain transplant.

I have a better label


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Dumb cat poster.

We've seen like seconds of actual shooting, and a few seconds of melee, both sucked. It's also described as a cinematic adventure by Sony which sounds more like a walking simulator than anything Kojima is describing. Even the boss fight looked generic as hell

>these replies proving how insecure kojimadrones are


Prove that all those replies aren't you user.

>You seem mixed up. That user was mocking you for liking Kojima not defending it. Learn to read.
you dumb fucking faggot he was literally calling a dude a retard for not liking mgsv you learn to read
>I didn't even suggest it moron, I outright said it clear as fucking day.
ok thanks for conceding
>Lmao two braincell dumb fucks think their two cents on something they haven't played matters to anybody. "it sucks", Whatever faggot, come back when you get a brain transplant.
>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE don't criticize kojima! no valid criticism of MGSV is possble at all!

>I didnt go to game school, I played them


>literally calling a dude a retard for not liking mgsv
Wrong again brainlet.

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What kind of a fool must you be to think Death Stranding will have a good story?

am i being baited i must be if so good job

Imagine not being able to parse sentences. Have you had your IQ tested user? If it's lower than 80 you might be eligible for disability pay.

>Even the boss fight looked generic as hell
The fucking killer whale lunging after him on dry land? Now I know you're just shitposting.

yes im sure him disliking mgsv and the other user calling him a retard and skewing that other anons words have NOTHING to do with each other user you're right i must have been mistaken

i wasn't aware kojima drones would go to such lengths to remain deluded holy shit

>make your own fun!

Well the guy did turn out to be retarded didn't he?

No Man's Sky could've been actually really good with enough resources backing it. Like imagine if a triple A sized studio made it.
They are slowly including all the promised features, but it always feels like the main problem is the density of content (right after the constant need to grind with the lack of automation usual for this type of game).
Ruins as example look the same on each planet. those crashed freighters also look the same.
one of the most needed things is literally just more variety.
A lot more types of temples, hell at least one type per race.
more biomes and subbiomes
more unique hand designed enemy types like the sentinels.
In the end, good procedurally generated games are nothing but randomly distributed hand crafted content and you just need enough to keep it fresh. The biggest mistake of procedural games is making everything procedural.

It was generic black goo

the eternal argument of the mgsv defense force
non user the retard is you

>No Man's Sky could've been actually really good with enough resources backing it
Yeah they could have made it into an actual game, ie. game director being a vital resource. As it turned out the game didn't even look good in the trailers.

Shitposting aside. I'm serious about you getting your IQ test btw user. You could be on a treasure trove and not even realise it.

If you had actually watched it with your full attention you'd have seen that it was an orca whale with a dorsal fin, with tentacles pouring out of its face.

shitposting aside. no attempt to redirect and re frame the conversation is ever not going to make mgsv a shitty game or you not be a delusional faggot incapable of confronting any criticism

have a nice day though im out

>has never been in the US south

Go outside and quit consuming nigger culture

>i don't like game therefore you don't like game and are deluded

lol literal autism

>Yea Forums fell for MGSV's ruse cruise
>Yea Forums fall for it yet again
It's like people never learn...

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I've seen black goo a million times, it's boring

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Yeah what about Zelda games?

Am I crazy?


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yes but user you hav to understand Yea Forums is now filled with zoomers and normalfags with a tiny limited frame of reference so they legitimately think this derivative crap looks cool

What is this game even about? Has anyone been able to piece together any kind of plot?

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no u

Look, I don't care how nuanced he's making the recipe for his own farts, I'm just glad there's wacky weeb scifi shit mixed with military intrigue and the supernatural, like old times. Metal Gear was getting to lean too much into the soldierman wankery.

it's kojima of course not lol

So if the boss is pitch black you automatically find it boring?

>in pre-DS Sam is a high ranking officer in the US army, he's married to the Bridget's daughter
>Death Stranding happens and his wife is killed
>Sam loses all hope and lives like a bum
>Bridget is determined to rebuild America
>some time passes and the UCA is formed
>Sam is discovered to be a perpetual being and Bridget convinces him to help her
>Sam travels to the west coast to join Bridges where they fill him in on the situation
>Sam gets a BB and starts working odd jobs for Bridges

Did you put loss in there on purpose? That part with the timefall though, the image you used shows him aging when the rain drop hits him.

lmao. This is proof of why cults still exist in 2019. Weak minds like these. You've probably watched a movie or documentary about cults and said "how could people do that? Never me!" But you're exactly the type of person who'd succumb to it. Even just talking about videogames, I can see it in the way you think.

No way dude, Kojima is too deep for us simpletons!

The image of his hand getting hit by Timefall is when he meets Fragile, the imagine next to it is from the new trailer when he is drowning in goo, but not being affected by Timefall.

Oh I see. I agree he's going to become a Homo Ludens but we still don't really know what that means.

everything will become clear when we are answered this simple question

does this game need an internet connection or not?

‘member Infamous

Probably not but you will be missing out on a large chunk of content like in souls

There just ain't no way this'll be getting a sequel. It'll be a series, sure, but recasting the actors isn't something that will be done. Payment, desire to do other things, schedule conflicts and the like. That's the problem with casting actors to play video game characters.

The black goo is a separate thing from the timefall. Timefall looks like regular rain. Also young Amelie is in that same scene not old Amelie hinting it's the other dimension.

I don't see it, help me I'm retarded.

I've read absolutely nothing, but judging from the trailers the impression I get is:

>Mads is head of some scientific project attempting to solve the riddle of immortality or ressurection using the black cord technology, something goes wrong, and causes the dead to arise as angry restless spirits. Mads loses his fucking mind and becomes obsessed with the strand technology, becoming a futuristic necromancer.
>Reedus is a deliveryman/construction worker kind of guy who is tasked with assisting in rebuilding the world as civilization was mostly destroyed as a result of Mads and his group.
>Troy Baker is a leader of basically a futuristic cult who is choosing to "side" with the dead, against the living.
>Reedus and his funky fetus set out to fix the world, while a now-psychotic scientist Mads and Troy Baker as Troy Baker aim to interfere. Featuring Del Taco and friends as supporting protagonists/antagonists, and Lindsay Wagner as the ghost of Reedus' loved one that keeps him determined and in some way psychologically aids him throughout his journey.

I'm probably wrong, but that's honestly all I get from these trailers.

In case you didn't put it there on purpose, that shot of Sam's abdominal scar has a meme edited into it.

Kojima's said you can play it offline if you want.

Young Amelie is in a lot of scenes, I don't see why she would be bound to the other world.
The goo and timefall are separate things, but in the trailer when he's drowning he is in open rain and his skin doesn't burn or age.

>you don't even get to control your character
Yeah, this is a CGI movie.

We had a name for this genre already. It's a walking simulator.

kojima.. is.. god?... kojima is god! KOJIMA IS GOD!

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What the specific special place where you only control the camera that Kojima was talking about? I bet that's a section where you can only look around as the Bridge Baby on his chest.

Also, I imagine the babies being used is a play on the myth that children and animals can sense the supernatural, hence why Mads was using a baby for his work, and why Reedus and friends use the funky fetus to navigate the land.

Do you have a bigger image of it? I don't see raindrops in it in the collage, though raindrops are small and easily missed.

>he fell for the grind meme in mgsv
You can clear the game with almost no upgrades and any upgrade you need gets done while in a mission or two so there's no wait time either.

It all went to shit when the gaming industry became full of wannabe movie directors, Kojima (self proclaimed movie junkie) is just the pioneer of this retarded trend

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Games that are short and memorable leave more of an impact than games that are bloated.
Plus I've replayed every MGS game 15+ times.

I wouldn't expect a zoomer to understand what makes classic linear video games good, though

7-8 months before release he said it wasn't in the "debugging" stage. So what? Lmao, you can develop an entire game in 7-8months let alone debug an already most complete game. Cope harder faggot.

It's in the asylum for the feeling trailer.
Sam is making a delivery before he gets a BB, he drops a picture and reaches for it, a Timefall raindrop his his hand and burns it.
The other images are at the of the latest trailer, Sam is drowning in black goo in the open rain but there is no sound of indication Timefall is affecting him.

I believe the end of the last trailer and the 1st trailer are part of the same event in which Sam loses his BB and becomes whatever Cliff is.

>any upgrade you need gets done while in a mission or two so there's no wait time either.
>there's no wait time either.
>gets done while in a mission or two

I know right? No way his games would be anywhere near as amazing and genre-defining if he'd just learned game design out of a book.

kojima doesn't make movie games, he makes some of the most incredible interactive experiences in all of gaming.. yes he's a movie obsessed weirdo who probably dreamt of being a director but he's said he doesn't want to make movies, he's good at making games and that's what he'll continue to do, he's dedicated. like mgs2 has the most perfect fucking mechanics ever and it's so polished and tight, and the plot is so perfectly woven with the gameplay that it's clear that koji is talented at game design

So far Mads seems like he's operating on his own, with his hell army, although the part where Higgs talked about his connection to the other side suggested that Cliff is that connection. Also Lindsay Wagner is the young version of the president of jack shit.

Ok went and looked. And yeah while I see nothing on his face the goo definitely has ripples from rain going on.

Higgs has a different connection, he sacrifices special corpses to gain loyalty of BTs that he can summon at will.
With their ability to control soldiers, tanks, airplanes or whatever else they come across Sam and possibly Cliff will eventually have enough firepower to challenge Higgs and fuck his shit up.

Sacrifices? That body that sinks when he attacks Sam and those guys? Got the impression they had prepared the body specifically to prevent it from becoming a BT like that.

Following your own aesthetic is not narcissism.

>Higgs ambushes the corpse disposal team
>Higgs marks the corpse with the golden skull and acquires a summon
>fast forward
>Higgs summons a BT with a golden mask
>The Lion is the only BT with a mask

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that art though. shinkawa is a legend

>Xcucks seething nearly a week later
