So. I'm at a point in my life where video games no longer bring me joy...

So. I'm at a point in my life where video games no longer bring me joy. The last game I played that was entertaining was Persona 5 and even then it felt like more of a chore to beat it rather than an experience. I dont get it. Everyone else around me has fun with their game libraries. Played Smash Ultimate with some friends the other night and got so frustrated I threw a controller. I know this is probably the last place I should look for help but if anyone else has experienced this and would care to share that might be enough to get this off my mind. Thanks v

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I've felt the same way a few times. But I always find my way back to the games. I do go through spells where there's only one game in particular that I play for a month or so, then I start getting back into variety. I'm sure it'll blow over with you sooner or later. Patience is a virtue...

we have this thread every goddamn day. You're burned out on games but you've played them so long you don't know what else to do. You have to find new hobbies

Well P5 sucked OP, so that's not really an issue.

Snide remark aside, it is fairly tedious as the gameplay is pretty one note. I dunno if playing a group game will help you out either. Try something new by yourself, explore other things. If you genuinely feel nothing, then perhaps give yourself some time. Being burned out is real. Maybe you should try doing something else.

To be fair, P5 could get pretty fucking tedious. I've had similar feelings before, but eventually you just find a new game that enthralls you and makes you regain faith.

you're a normalfag soiboy, most of the people here are
get over yourself and be a wagie like a good little boy, faggot

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Get treated for depression

Notice how in every single one of those threads OP is never giving any insight as to what kind of games he likes so we can help him. He's not here because he wants to try and enjoy games but just bitching about his depression.

>take these pills because you're burned out on vidya
Fuck off.

>taking "anti"depressants is the only treatment for depression
absolutely based retard


I'll list my top 5 games in recent memory I've played in no order. Ace Combat 7, P5, MGSV, Sekiro, and Destiny 2 (go ahead and laugh at that last one). I didnt realize this thread pops up so often, sorry. I've already picked up running which helps a bit.

I can't help you; I've never been bored of videogames.

You should probably pick shorter games, like indie metroidvanias if that's your thing, or stuff like puzzle games that you can drop and come back to anytime you feel like it.

>Played Smash Ultimate with some friends the other night and got so frustrated I threw a controller
Sounds like you have issues that aren't related to gaming

I recently picked up American Fugitive and Grim Dawn. I can play them for a few hours/missions and when I feel like I'm done I can just stop whenever and still feel like I've made progress. maybe try that

Currently playing through Hollow Knight, and Metroid is one of my favorite franchises. I'll take another crack at it.

You might be onto something here. Thats kinda why I picked up running. At least I know I suck at it and know I can improve.

Sure, but if even those don't cut it, don't be afraid to go for more casual games. Life is all about balance. I played the whole phoenix wright saga once that happened to me, absolutely enjoyed it despite never having touched a non-porn vn in my life, but once I was done with it my hunger for real games was renewed.

find another hobby then when you're bored with that one come back

How fucking dumb are you people who post this? Are video games SERIOUSLY the only thing you do with your free time? Fucking pathetic.
Find another god damn hobby. Pick a board that seems cool like /po/ or /ck/ or /sci/ or Yea Forums if you need to and lurk for a while to learn where to start. Then just give it a shot. If you don't like it, try something else. After a bit you can come back to video games refreshed.

have sex

Same here.
On the one hand I couldnt care less about competitive games since non professionals in them are essentially cannon fodder for pros while modern matchmaking makes sure your win rates hover around 50% no matter your skill so you never really feel any real difference.

Second of all, role playing games have not advanced an inch beyond superficial UI and gfx improvements.
Its always the same theme park world where events are only triggered by the player instead of having a more simulation heavy world where At least parts of the world are alive and things happen even without the player doing anything...
Since rpg games keep doing the exact same thing they have been for the last 20 years without any real change while the writing has only decreased in quality due to the costs of voicing it all(and other issues like 20 year old female writers), linear stories in these games dont really interest me as they used to either.

AAA titles are just shallow crap full of shallow features trying to appeal to as big an audience as possible through lowest common denominator and while indie games can be much more creative they usually rely on one or two creative gimmicks that are inserted into the same generic formulas.
Couple that with this new trend of releasing a game over the span of several years with 5 expansions and I find myself never feeling like playing a game since its always half baked.

do something else then

Here are some other things you can spend your time doing.

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>Persona 5

There's your problem right there. You have shit taste and play garbage games.