>overheats and burns your house down
Overheats and burns your house down
Anyone else remember the whole Wii Mini rewards fiasco?
>breaks its parent company's rewards program wide open in its twilight months
I don't even remember this
I made like 5K$ selling codes on ebay and leddit
I bought the latest consoles and a pc and invest 1k$ on Bitcoin
Now i have 500k$ on the bank
What was it?
fuck that was based, I got a bunch of free games for my 3ds
I don't know what you are talking about, my 7 kids really loved their wii minis
yep I get a lot of free games and make some money
Club Nintendo gave rewards for inputting the Wii Mini's barcode or some shit in it. Turns out people figured out the pattern behind that code's generation, so they abused it to obtain free points and games in CN.
I miss the old reward system where you got tangible products shipped to you for free. The 3ds game card cases were so handy, and the gold nunchuck/gold twilight princess statue were awesome rewards for loyal customers
>neo/v/ doesn't remember paleo/v/ hyped the fuck out of this
>register 56 wii minis
>account terminated
guess i was too greedy
Who the fuck hyped this shit? It was a revision that couldn't be hacked.
You could only register 8. The download codes went to your console however, and those weren't exactly a bannable offense.
The console wasn't the hype, the hype was breaking Club Nintendo with it.
Is this real or is Yea Forums just fucking around
Been here since 2007 and I don't remember.
To be fair, Wii mini itself was a woefully irrelevant machine. I love the look but there was no good reason to actually own one.
>tfw got a nice little 3DS case for this
Thank you Yea Forums
My seven kids and I each enjoy having our own separate Wii Mini.
>Club Nintendo ended 4 years ago
>still nothing good given in the replacement system
Feels bad man, they had some really kickass physical rewards.
Fucker couldn't even play GC games.
Got $300
Blew almost all on Vita games
Gradual regret
I think I still have a few of the fans they gave out as rewards somewhere. That and those really nice playing cards they gave away that one year.
Yeah, I remember the threads. I never needed them though because I worked in claims at a toys r us, and would take the coin codes out of returned 3ds games (because retarded parents/grandparents thought they would run on regular DS). I got to plat in only days.
Got a nice 3DS card case out of it that I still use
Hell yeah. I got tons of games from it, DCK returns, kid ikarus, animal crossing and many more, even got NSMB2 for my nephew.
I went for the posters.
It's always amazed me how people can figure this shit out. it seems to complex and out there yet someone always does
if curing cancer was an exploit that gave anons free shit it'd be eradicated within a year desu
Turns out you only had to change the last digit on the serial number. If it didn't worked you just changed another number at random an proceed to test the last digit again. I'm pretty sure everyone on Yea Forums got lots of stuff back in those days. At least everyone who wasn't a moralfag coward
>THIS fucking new
It was only like 3 years ago
What does the new "club" even have?
"Discounts" on games you probably have and stuff for that phone app?
I'm pretty sure it was like 4-5 years ago or more. My parents were still alive
The free WarioWare game was nice.
But aside from that, MyNintendo sucks.
There was a free WarioWare game?