Attached: woomy.jpg (500x500, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:



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Any hopes for E3?

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I report all gay and trans pride bullshit in the square. Fuck you faggots, if your only sense of identity is your sexuality then you are an empty and worthless person. Kys

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Post barefoot woomy/veemo screenshots.

Spin off game

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Squids won over octos, but I still prefer these little guys

Attached: veemo.png (1024x618, 394K)

I want to hug a cephalopod so badly

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Remember to cuddle your ceph

Attached: muffin cuddling.jpg (1914x2048, 456K)

The three different splatfests

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GTA but in Squid World

You DID get their figmas, right?

Attached: deluxe figgies.jpg (4032x3024, 3.79M)

fucking auto rotate

>Not Kid vs Squid.
What a waste.

Chicken Nuggies?

can you take off the shoes haha

Boi woomy

Sweet and sour pork with pineapple vs Sweet and sour pork without pineapple

The Japanese are pretty upset by how absurdly lame theirs is.

Pineapple or no in sweet and sour pork

why are japanese splatfests always about food?

Imagine the feeling of that little bottom tooth on your cock it'd probably tickle haha


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put in an order from a third party seller yesterday after seeing that lewd pose an user made with his figmas yesterday

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You mean like this?~
just kidding get dabbed on stupid footfag

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Is Splatoon 1 still active? Or is it dead/overrun with hackers?

I had the itch to play it earlier today when this song started playing, but figured everyone had moved to Splatoon 2 now.

Attached: youre not a kid now.jpg (1088x915, 257K)

oh shit I forgot to spoiler the image and I totally messed up the joke

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It's still active

for now

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>bronies vs reddit
Thanks I hate this.

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fuck you senda


i hate senda


Attached: Happy Veemo.jpg (1024x576, 44K)

Who the hell is Senda?

turn on cnn senda got caught for being a pedo


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senda is a homo

3/4 salmon run senda isnt allowed though

>still having cable tv

I saw quite a few posts on twitter of people preferring that splatfest over having kid vs grown up

Report and ignore
This faggot spams the same shit on /vg/ and now that everyone's learned to ignore him he trues to spam here.

>zoomers vs boomers

Attached: 1549309640319.jpg (2048x1470, 532K)

Neither have been relevant in a decade. Relax.

how about an inkling giving you a footjob?

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I miss the old hub.

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What would you like to see in Splatoon 3?

Callie dating sim.
But in all seriousness, woomy rooms, a better plaza, no twitter, less condensed feeling maps.

Maybe another race, I forgot what race that popular pink singer is, but I would pick that
And I want it released next year, don't put the series on hold and wait for Switch 2 in 3 years

More hair styles. Need long male hair.

A personality option that gives your squid different animations and voice clips.

>popular pink singer
You mean Paruko?
So anemones. Problem is, they don't make ink. Certain aquatic gastropods do though, so maybe Flow's race can be in.

Yeah, I totally forgot about the ink part. That makes it hard to pick another

They didn't have a problem giving Salmonids ink.

Main campaign as good as octo expansion story wise, in an open world inkopolis where you can explore, ink your turf, and go on side question kinda GTA San Andreas.


*Side missions.

That's more like a slime. Besides, it can only ever come in one color.

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Any hope for any content, or at least extension of splatfests announcement at E3, after this leaked dialogue?

Splatfests seem like such little effort to make with this template in place. I won't be happy if it all really ends in July.

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I miss the speakers.

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