Metroid thread

>Samus is retconned into a machine built by the chozo to be the ultimate warrior to exterminate the metroids, and the space pirates are just really dedicated bad guys who want to rule/destroy the universe
>all that cringeworthy garbage about her being a human with feelings and emotions and a stupid emotional backstory stops existing
>Prime 4 is about a three way biological arms race between the feds, the pirates, and Sylux

Would you look at that! I just fixed Metroid, AND gave us a cool idea for what Prime 4 could be about.

Attached: Species.png (1094x998, 1.25M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Metroid Prime 4 opens with Ridley attending a summit at the federation, he volunteers to investigate an anomaly in a far off system to clear his name, Samus is later enlisted to investigate after the federation loses contact two months later.

Don't reply to ACfag

Sounds boring and retard like everything related to primeshit, gamecube cucks should choke on a wind waker disk

Samus Returns already did it right.
Just don't have a story beyond the bare minimum required for the premise to work. You don't need to turn Samus into a fucking robot.

Then what would you recommend? I'm open to suggestions for a good game.

I'd like a game where ridley is actually shown leading the space pirates instead of just austistically screaming


Judging by Nintendo past behavior with other IPs, that sadly will never happen.

>You don't need to turn Samus into a fucking robot.
After a certain game, we need a drastic measure taken to save the series. It might be a bit of a shock, but it would ultimately be for the best.

The only thing Samus Returns (the latest entry) carried over from Other M was the counter move, the stories could not be more different. As for Prime, it's essentially distinct from mainline and has little to no Sakamoto involvement. And Metroid 5 has a high likelihood of being developed by MercurySteam.

The problem is Metroid's representation outside of its series, which has all too often influenced the games themselves. If you looked at Smash Brothers, you wouldn't see anything but the zero suit being given front and center attention. That negatively affected the series thanks to Brawl and Zero Mission, and in 2010 led to a certain horrible game. It took 7 years just to recover from that.

Metroidfags don't want drastic measures they want a modernized version of super

s*ge for acfag thread

So you're suggesting they just give up, make a new story, but keep the name?

Samus Reurns was great though and if it didn;t sell then I guess Metroid was just never a good series to begin with

>Replying to ACfag

Samus doesn't need any personality or character or dialogue or whatever. The sense of isolation was done almost perfectly in the older games through the environment. Her loneliness was told in Super Metroid through the actions she took keeping the baby metroid. That's how you accomplish narrative, not through fucking whiny tiresome exposition.

No, putting her into 'tormented action heroine' shit is not how you reboot Metroid, it ruins everything that is good about the series. You want an idea on how to reboot it? Make the surrounding universe explorable & reactive. Boom there you go.

>Metroid 5 has a high likelihood of being developed by MercurySteam
This is actually questionable now, it's been in development at the same time as Samus Returns.

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She took the infant Metroid and immediately tossed it to some scientists so they could study it. She has no attachment to the damn thing and only went after it to prevent Ridley from restarting the Space Pirate's ultimate weapon research.

>Changing Samus into a fucking robot
Yeah, no. She's my sci fi waifu next to Ellen Ripley. Any change to her can fuck off. And no, Zero Suit and the like I don't give a rats ass about either. Metroid Prime 1 ending Samus was goat.

Attached: Perfectsuit.jpg (1238x928, 333K)


This can't be AC, this post talk about plot, a shity one, but plot still.

For AC, the intro of Super Metroid is cringy enough to almost ruin the whole game. He would never compromise to a minimun shity plot, the first line of dialogue would be to much for him.

Don't worry to much for Samus Returns sells, it did well in reviews which is good enough for Nintendo (hence why they are publishing a third Bayonetta game), and they seem to be fine with how much it sell (let's not forget, very few entries in the franchise have really any noteworthy sells, they usually are just good enough).

Besides, by the time SR came out, the 3DS was already on it's way out, even Fire Emblem, which sells went up from on entry to the next in 3DS, have a high decress of sales with Shadows of Valentia, and every game that has follow Samus Returns since, even Mario games have faced similar luck.

>she's my waifu

stopped reading there.

I like her being a stoic human chozo hybrid.

Robots are fucking boring

I'd gladly take a robot over Metroid: Other M, which is what happens when you attempt to "humanize" a character.

I like how you think. If it's done badly once, completely destroy and throw it away and never touch it again. We should apply this mindset to everything: technology, agriculture, raising kids,.

I'd rather have a good human character. It's not Samuses fault that other m was written like absolute trash

Once? ONCE? Have you seen the industry lately? There are enough visual novels, movie shit, and cinematic experiences all around you to tell you that it's a bad idea. How many games and IPs must be destroyed before people stop trying to turn everything into serious business and drama and "HUMAN CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT", like my video games about shooting bad guys with lasers now suddenly needs a soap opera shoved into it.

Who is samus

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Other M was made because Nintendo couldn't just have a cool female character. She had to constanttly be sexy and be deep and have emotions and feelings. She needed to be a mother and obsess over her child and have daddy issues. True, this all didn't start in Other M, but it's where it all culminated.

The worst part is that it's a cancer that has spread to every single thing Nintendo has touched. Nintendo officially no longer has a single female character that isn't a constantly slutty bimbo in lingerie or skimpy outfits. It encompasses their entire personality. From Bayonetta, to Twintelle, to Pyra and Mythra, to Lucina, every single one is some stupid slut who needs to show off their asses. Samus isn't allowed to just be cool and capable, no she has to be a slut too.

i hate how much attention the chozo have had post super, especially them being the creators of metroids. They should just remain in the background, as a civilation that left a wide mark like Greece or Rome or something.

Other M doesnt exist.

ACfag, enough already. We've had several Metroid games after MOM that ignored it and kept Samus silent and badass, you can give it a fucking rest.

We've had ONE Metroid game after Other M, and it took 7 years and a horrific spinoff to happen. Even then, it's been completely forgotten because Samus wasn't "human enough" and she didn't show off her tits enough. Heaven forbid we have a good game and not have it be softcore porn.

It was made because Sakamoto was off his medication and decided to turn Samus from stoic to emotional. That's not a fault of her being human, because she's been human this whole time and it was never a problem until then

It's always been a problem, but it didn't manifest at first. It was a horrific beast kept at bay only because the games were stellar and it was kept as an extremely small element of the story. However, that wasn't good enough, and now it had to overtake the games and become the focal point. It was the most important part of Metroid in any third party game, from Smash Brothers onward. Look into any smash thread and see how many people actaually like Metroid compared to the amount that only like it because muh titties.

OTher M is just the result of nobody putting down this disease before it became terminal.

Why do you keep screaming your lies nonstop constantly? Are you that desperate for validation that you ignore reality?

Explain doomguy

ACfag is incredibly autistic, he hates women, he hates all emotions, and he hates these things in video games:

Sound effects
Title Screens
Voice acting
Options screens
Results screens
Ending screens

and a whole bunch of other things.

The Zero Suit is not the focal point of anything, you cock-munching retard. If it was her Super Metroid sling bikini or her sports bra and shorts from Fusion would you be shitting yourself this hard over them?

Find me a Metroid thread where people aren't jerking off the zero suit as the best thing ever. I'd love to see it.

Does anyone actually play Doom for the story?

For starters, this one that you made, you blind retarded stain on humanity.

>You wouldn't see anything but the zero suit being given front and center attention
>Has a version of Samus with the zero suit
>Has a version of Samus with the varia suit
>Varia suit version even has an echo
What are you talking about? Anyway, what's so wrong with the zero suit? Samus has always been sexualized, and when it is utilized correctly (like in Zero Mission), it's interesting. Also, keep in mind that zero suit samus has only appeared prominently in 2 games, Zero Mission and Other M. It really hasn't fucked over the series much at all, especially since the game where the zero suit was done right is universally enjoyed and the one where the zero suit was done wrong is universally hated

You do know people don't play games ONLY for the story, right? Or are you that brain-damaged from one game made nine fucking years ago?

Maybe the "zero suit" isn't the best term, since her stupid sports bra and shorts are just as bad. I hate fanservice in general, and throughout the years I've seen it directly destroy Metroid by turning it into softcore porn and nothing more. That's why she should just become a robot. Get rid of the filth, so the games have to be good and can't hide behind a flimsy gimmick.

What's wrong with hating all of those things? Metroid is a relatively minor series compared to Mario or Pokemon or Zelda. We don't need billions of dollars in graphics and celebrity voice actors. Heaven forbid Super Metroid ever be made today without people complaining about how there's not enough story. It already has too much because of that stupid intro screen, which thankfully is easily modded out.

Do you really think Metroid would benefit from a production budget that would rival a Disney movie?

Oops, now you did it, he's going to scream that the entire world loves Other M and he's the only person alive who hates it.

It's amazing, how utterly retarded, hyperbolic, overblown, and stupid the things you type are.

Samus is best in the suit you retard
>not fucking robot pussy that intakes sperm and injects it into her pussy using a dildo.
>not fucking the blaster arm onahole

>For starters, this one that you made, you blind retarded stain on humanity.
That's because I'm trying to keep it on topic and not have it be a porn dump. You're welcome, by the way.

>You do know people don't play games ONLY for the story, right?
I know a majority of the industry doesn't play games for the actual GAME part. You would be surprised how many want to skip the gameplay and experience the story (Celeste, Sekiro, Gone Home, etc).

>Anyway, what's so wrong with the zero suit?
It has taken over the series. Nobody plays Metroid anymore, except for the porn and the zero suit. Look at Smash bros, people hate power suit Samus and ignore Dark Samus AND Ridley. They just play it to jerk off to ZSS and her fancy sexy high heels. Shoot, when asked what my favorite metroid was in a smash thread, I said Prime was my favorite, and I got called a retard for, and I quote, "liking a piece of shit gaijin FPS". So that kind of tells me that nobody likes Metroid for the game part of it. I'd love to believe that it was just a small coincidence, maybe just a one off person, but I sure didn't see anyone call him out. That's for sure.

But back to the main issue, if Zero Suit was removed, and Samus was retconned entirely, it would get rid of the fake fans who only care about the sex appeal. The series would finally be cleansed of the impure ones. Imagine that, a series returning to its prime (heh) without any of the taint that led to its downfall.

Really? So if I post in another metroid thread that I wasn't a fan of the zero suit, I won't get attacked left and right by rabid fanboys?

To be fair her opinion probably changed once it saved her.

Exact same shit every single time, you likely copy-paste this nonsense.

I dread the day they get a bigger in-game role. Probably Metroid 5

Would you like to go into the archives and back up that claim? i don't like copypasting my posts. I'd rather have them nice and fresh out of the oven every time. It just happens that, on some issues, I don't budge, so sometimes I say similar things.

Alright now you're just baiting

Really? Look at this thread And tell me that people actually care about Metroid. The OP even admits that he started off by posting zero suit just to attract people to it. No gameplay discussion though, just porn and shitposting.

>getting thsi upset over what Yea Forumsirgins on Yea Forums think

We are having a pretty confy thread about Metroid over there, so I don't know what's your point. You are just twisting reality at your liking, as usual.

Half the posts are zero suit images with no dicussion in them. The other half is shitposting. I'm in there trying to actually discuss the games, in particular my disappointment of Prime 4, and I get called a troll. Should I post softcore porn with my posts so people will stop attacking me?

Jesus ACfag, how many times am I going to have to dab on you today?

Welp, here we go again. Prepare yourself.

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Aaaaand dabbed on.

Remember kids, always use sage when posting in ACfag threads.

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ACfag, I've tried to level with you before. We reached a common ground with our mutual love and respect for the series. You admitted to being melodramatic. I admitted that no one, even if they disagree with you, could say that your divisive and extreme ideas for the series aren't at the very least borne of love and fear of love lost. However, I'd like to reach out to you with another point. Bear with me because I need to sleep and won't see your response, but consider the following:

I think your threads and posts damage the reputation of the series. People here can identify you. Most of us know you. Almost all despise you. I can't hate you because we share the same adoration, but, as I think I said last time, your melodrama only serves to garner negative attention, and you would do better for the series to let its discussion remain hidden in the underground. Check for late night genuine Metroid threads. Grit your teeth and give a glance through ZSS threads to see if discussion might be trying to survive there. Fly to a different forum if you must. Metroid discussion is alive but humble, and what little there is on Yea Forums will be forever hampered as long as the boogieman ACfag exists.

>r*ddit memes

Now that is epic, though a bit cringeworthy.

user, I'm gonna level with you, every time I've ignored a Metroid thread, it always devolved into a porn dump. Always. And these are the people that Nintendo pander to. For a company about good gameplay, that used to be known for high quality, they care only to show off waifushit these days. We can't ever have a Metroid game without it being a veritable bloodbath of tittties and asses, and almost out of spite they buried the one game that actually dared to be a metroid game instead of softcore porn (Samus Returns). They let it die on the 3DS.

If people hate me, that's fine. I don't expect to get along with the majority of Yea Forums. But what I can't tolerate is someone wanting to turn metroid into a pornographic visual novel without gameplay, all because they want to get to the tits faster.

So anyway, I’ve been going on a bit of a Metroid marathon lately. Just finished pic related. I enjoyed the game overall but it kind of took me out of the Metroid flow with its change of pace. Did Nintendo ever express why Fusion was so different? Calling the game “Metroid 4” is honestly a big deal considering it’s huge change of structure coming off of Super Metroid.

I’m thinking about playing Samus Returns next.

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>pretending to care about the game for any reason other than the zero-suit
fuck off

Play Metroid Prime Trilogy with mouse and keyboard user

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>We can't ever have a Metroid game without it being a veritable bloodbath of tittties and asses
What the fuck kind of bait is this? I must have been playing the wrong Metroid games because there’s been a severe lack of both tit and ass in all of them.

Fusion was one of their first attempts ata more story heavy metroid, and as you can see the gameplay suffered as a result. It's one of the worse innovations made.

This on the other hand, is pure bliss. It takes one of the issues with the prime series and absolutely fixes it. As a KBM user, I love it.

user, I see you in every Metroid thread. Why do you pick this shitty bait? It doesn’t work. Samus rarely appears in her Zero Suit in these games. Don’t you get tired of doing this?

Other M was the last major Metroid, and it was nothing but story and titties. Samus Returns was good, but because it lacked both heavy story focus and titties, it got buried and forgotten.

It’s so funny that Other M exists after the negative reception Fusion received.

Yeah but nobody is ever talking about Other M when you show up with that nonsense. Fuck off.

And ret-coning it, attempting to divorce yourself from Samus beign a woman, won't change that impression. I am a big fan of the series and I like Zero Suit Samus a lot in Zero Mission and Smash Bros.
Like, gee, it's not like Samus being a woman wasn't an integral part of her character since Game 1, as her taking her armor off was the literal incentive to git gud at Metroid on the NES.

>threads about wanting Samus to be a submissive mommy milf, followed by tons of zero suit porn
>this totally has nothing to do with Other M, which also portrayed her as a submissive waifu

You don't say?

See, the reason why I recommended the retcon is your post.

>I love metroid dude
>why? The titties of course!

Talk to the people who are posting that shit if you hate it so much. Not someone talking about the games.

I'm the only one actually talking about the games. The guy posting softcore porn gets a pass, but if I try talking about what I want to see from Metroid Prime 4, everyone looks at me like I'm diseased.

I posted and you responded with What sense did that make? Instead of posting more diarrhea in this thread, why don’t you just tell us what you hope to see from MP4?

Why can't I like the badass bounty hunter, exploring alone desloate, hostile planet armed only by a power armor and whatever upgrades she can get (or just need in low% runs) AND the tiddy I get to see after I beat M:ZM with just the minimum requirements, 2 missile expansions and an energy tank.

Like they're the same series, the same characters, not mutually exclusive at all. It might come to a surprise to you but Metroid has a Manga that ties in greatly with Zero Mission and Fusion and it clearly shows that Samus is a person. She's just not the person you want her to be, and YOU need to make amends with that.

For the record, wasn't me. I do apologize for not clarifying that earlier. My post wasI think Fusions' worst trait was trying to be more story oriented, and that directly resulted in forced linearity.

>it always devolved into a porn dump
You think women in burkas = "porn", just shut your fucking mouth and die already.

>Why can't I like the badass bounty hunter, exploring alone desloate, hostile planet armed only by a power armor and whatever upgrades she can get (or just need in low% runs) AND the tiddy I get to see after I beat M:ZM with just the minimum requirements, 2 missile expansions and an energy tank.
Because that always, ALWAYS leads to threads where people just want to skip the game part and get right to the porn. People stop respecting Metroid as a game and see it only as a means to get their fix of titties and skintight outfits.

Fusion was fine, you little bitch.

I really liked Fusion. For one, it's the only metroid game I'd genuinely felt fear due to its atmosphere. I felt the plot twists were great.
Thing is that it was released at the same time as Prime, both games could connect with each other and all. Prime was the one vanguarding the classic metroid feel in TREE DEE, while Fusions was the experimental one, toying with the pre-established formula. If you had both games it felt pretty natural, actually, but in hindsight Fusions is indeed a ball out of the left field.

Ah, I understand.
With as much praise as Super Metroid got I can’t believe they would go in the opposite direction. I want to say I respect them for trying something new but they literally went directly against part of what made Super such a great game. I think Metroid Prime 4’s story will have prevalence throughout the game because Retro was already moving in that direction but I doubt they’ll be too heavy handed because we’ve seen more than once that it just doesn’t work with Metroid.

Maybe I don't want spam of Samus sucking off a banana in her underwear, and perhaps I don't see that as beneficial to metroid discussion.

Except for them gutting all sense of exploration for the sake of a linear plot.

Fusion had it's problems but embracing it's obvious plagarised Alien premise and going straight up horror was honestly one of the best ideas the series ever had.

I hope a future game revisits the idea.

What can you do? A lot of the people who do porn dumps don't even play metroid or even smash, they just dump and save fanart that they like. This is a thing with many other series, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Mario princesses, etc.

Nobody has ever stopped respecting the metroid series at all, in all the almost 10 years or so I've been browsing this place HOLY SHIT, IT'S BEEN OVER 10 YEARS NOW. Like I said liking tiddy and liking the series is not mutually exclusive. Hell to this day Super Metroid is the fucking face of speedrunning. Probably the one thing in GDQs that remains sacred and not tranny infested.

If anybody ever disrispected the series is Nintendo for allowing the series to go nearly an entire decade with the taste of Other M in our mouths as the last metroid thing released.

>What can you do?
Simple: destroy the gimmick that lures in false fans: aka the fanservice.

>Nobody has ever stopped respecting the metroid series at all,
And you can say that a straight face, especially when faced with hundreds of thousands of porn dumps dedicated solely to emasculating samus and making her out to be an airheaded slutty bimbo?

>Destory the fanservice
You can't. I honestly doubt you can possibly ever release any game in the current gaming climate that can top the Prime Series, M: Zero Mission or Super Metroid. Let alone Zero Suit Samus in smash as she's not only a fan favorite but a staple of the series by now.

Even if you were to reboot the series, it's always gonna go back to the classics and right now the best 2D metroid is Metroid Zero: Mission. Fucking cleanly. THE Zero Suit Samus game. You are absolutely never gonna escape the god-tier remake of the NES original.

Say what you want, but those porn dumps and fan art are done for the most part out of adoration and love to the series.That's doing Metroid a lot more than your resentfulnes over superficial aspects of the games.

>I honestly doubt you can possibly ever release any game in the current gaming climate that can top the Prime Series, M: Zero Mission or Super Metroid.
Indie devs already have, follwing the exact philosophies that I set out, funny enough. A RObot Named Fight, environmental station Alpha, and Hollow Knight. They all demonstrate how much better Metroid can be if you take out the weak human element with feelings and emotions. Also, their low budgets mean free DLC, so you don't have to lock difficulty modes behind amiibos.

>those porn dumps and fan art are done for the most part out of adoration and love to the series.
When 90% of the porn is Samus being raped or abused by Adam, or being told that she needs a man, I really wouldn't call that adoration. I'd call it sick in the head.

Who fucking cares, this is an image board, people post images. It's hilarious how much you shitpost about other people waifuing Samus while you treat her as your own eprsonal waifu who must be white-knighted constantly.

I think samus can be a good character as long as her character's core points are is female and is emo.
I think her personality should be more about strength, confidence, and being an introvert.

typo "as long as her character's core points arent"*

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This image board is also a blue board. So logically it shouldn't just be a dumping ground for porn. Shoudln't discussion also be allowed?

As great of an idea as that is, I genuinely don't think Nintendo can pull it off. They cannot write a female character to save their lives, so they hide it behind titties and skimpy outfits.

Again, you think the Zero Suit itself = porn because your brain is so assblasted by one game form nine years ago. It's obvious you only post here for attention.

Holy crap man. Are you genuinely implying shit like Hollow fucking Knight or Enviormental boredom Alpha comes close to 2D Metroid in its teehee prime.

>The weak human element with feelings and emotions
You mean what? 2 or 3 still images in Zero Mission where Samus reminices her past? The few lines of dialogue that Samus actually speaks at all in very neutral way (The Adam AI shows a lot more emotion than Samus herself)
The Manga you probably haven't read and which canonicity is completely up in the air (according to it, many Chozo still live and Samus has 2 friends). Or Other M the black sheep not even the hardcore fans want and lives in it's own isolated bubble in whatever canon it's supposed to belong?

And I cannot believe people call you an Armored Core fag, when the Armored Core series is full of emotional dialogue and has a lot more depth in characters and story in the entirety of For Answer than in the entire metroid series, Prime included.

ACfag hates emotions, he's that autistic. He probably punches real women in the face whenever they try to talk to him.

How are they any different? They represent the downfall of the metroid all the same.

>Holy crap man. Are you genuinely implying shit like Hollow fucking Knight or Enviormental boredom Alpha comes close to 2D Metroid in its teehee prime.
Yes, I am implying that. At no point does the vessel ever break down and cry and talk about his feelings. at no point am I forced through a giant unskippable intro cutscene talking about his feelings. Infact, the entire point of the game is that feelings and emotions are what made the previous hollow knight a failed loser who couldn't contain the radiance. It was one of the few times I'd consider a video game story to be kino. As much as I love super Metroid, the story was one of the worst parts.

>metroid: omg I'm gonna save my mommy because I saw her once on Sr388, where's my oscar for good story telling?

>You mean what?
All those times mentioned were unnecessary and served only to weaken my experience. I'm not here to cry about Samus' past or her parents. I'm here to shoot bad guys in the face with pew pew lasers. This isn't a spanish opera.

>And I cannot believe people call you an Armored Core fag, when the Armored Core series is full of emotional dialogue
Yes, the games that went downhill and focused more on story instead of gameplay performance. What a shock.

Every single word here I've seen in so many of your past posts. If you're not a bot you're an incredibly lazy person as well as retarded.

Does that disprove any of what I've said?

Your personal opinions are disproved every single moment of every single day.

Considering Yea Forums literally can't have a decent metroid thread unless I intervene and actually talk about the games, should be sufficient evidence to the contrary.

And I barely even consider Hollow Knight a Metroidvania. It was a lot more trying to be plaforming Dark Souls. Also guess what: The game you're complaining isn't a Metroidvania either. It's not even a platformer. So much for that.
>Super Metroid
What in the actual fuck am I reading?

Look, you have your magnus opus, ok. Can't you just go shit their threads and leave metroid alone. It's clear by now you don't actually like Metroid.

Fuck off, For Answer is the best Armored Core game, you bloody casual. Even if fucking AC your taste is garbage.


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>And I barely even consider Hollow Knight a Metroidvania. It was a lot more trying to be plaforming Dark Souls
Maybe that's what metroidvanias should be.
>Look, you have your magnus opus, ok. Can't you just go shit their threads and leave metroid alone. It's clear by now you don't actually like Metroid.
I love Metroid. I've played just about every single game in the series, and I have nothing but respect for the tight gameplay and fun pacing and boss fights and cool powerups. What I can't stand is the story and sex appeal being given center focus.

>Fuck off, For Answer is the best Armored Core game, you bloody casual. Even if fucking AC your taste is garbage.
You'll have to pardon me if I don't like mindless boostshit. Last Raven was the peak of all AC.

]If you think Platforming Dark Souls is the pinnacle of Metroidvania, maybe you just don't actually like Metridvania.

Honestly if you think the "absolute unit" Metroid in Super Metroid having a character arc that compromises of a few lines of skippable dialogue in the beggining of the game and a small scene at the end being "the center focus" of the game, you're gonna have a fucking Siezure if you even touch the Castlevania side of "Metroidvania".

What I enjoy in a Metroidvania is plenty of exploration, boss fights, combat, the progression of upgrades and power, and so much more. Hollow Knight gives me all of that.

>Honestly if you think the "absolute unit" Metroid in Super Metroid having a character arc
Looking at the progression of the series, you can tell that it's taken over entirely.

You mean how in the latest game, the biggest story was a red image, representing a plot twist that isn't actually explained anywhere?

Or are you going to argue Samus finding the egg and having the little metroid function as a glorified wall breaker to be the central focus of the game now?

>You mean how in the latest game, the biggest story was a red image, representing a plot twist that isn't actually explained anywhere?
See user, that's the first time in almost 10 years that Metroid went back to being proper, without titties and story being the focus. I like Samus Returns because of it, but Nintendo completely ignored it because it's not "in their vision". Their vision of Metroid involves Other M and Fed Force. Why do you think Zero Suit Samus gets all the focus in Smash Bros, while Samus Returns got thrown onto the 3DS to die?

>without titties
you're so cute.

Nintendo ignored it because a game released this deep into the 3DS life was mostly pirated, sales took a big hit.

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So why not release it on the Switch then?

oh right, because that might taint their image of an incompetent Samus who needs to be saved by a man every 5 seconds.

>ACfag is even using my beloved ESA and HK for shitposting now
How do I deal with this Metroidbros?

Because, my nigga, the game was
>a) not developed by a nintendo first part company
>b) Switch barely in the market, development team didn't had experience with console as opposed to previous experience with the 3DS
>c) wanted to stay true to the series original in the gameboy and was released on the handheld 3DS (game was developed by the guys who made Castlevania Lords of Shadows, in case you didn't know)
>d) by the time the game was still in development the Switch was still a gamble and it's success didn't soldify until 2018.

Like, at this point you're working purely on headcanons and baseless conjectures. You're being, very ironically, extremely passionate and irrationally emotional about your perception of this series. From the fanbase to the very developers. In other words: Obssessed.

>not developed by a Nitnendo first party
That didn't stop Xenoblade from being given preferential treatment. And I believe this was before Nitnendo completely bought Monolith Soft.

>Switch barely in the market
Wasn't this after Zelda came out, and made the Switch skyrocket in sales? That wasn't enough incentive?

>>c) wanted to stay true to the series original in the gameboy and was released on the handheld 3DS
And the Switch was advertised as a handheld hybrid, so it would've been perfect to showcase that.

>d) by the time the game was still in development the Switch was still a gamble and it's success didn't soldify until 2018.
Then why didn't they port it to the Switch AFTER it was proven to be a success? Better yet, why wasn't it a multiplat? They have every opportunity now, don't they? What are they waiting for?

>in other words, obsessed
You'd be obsessed too if something you loved was MURDERED infront of you, and people did nothing but cheer.

Xenoblade didn't be developed on the 3DS as it is a console title first and foremost and nintendo advetrized the Switch with XB2, as it's a large console RPG.

Zelda sold because it was Zelda, and they even took the liberty to make the Wii U version run at lower fps deliberately. Games still were in the horizon and momentum hadn't picked up. XB2 you mentioned wasn't released even.

>Why wasn't in the multiplat
3DS was chosen for the 2 screen gimmick actually. Can't do that on the switch.
>GR: Why did the team opt to bring the game to 3DS rather than the Nintendo Switch?
>One of the themes we chose to stick with this time was utilizing both 3D visuals and a dual screen setup. In fact, I’d been interested in creating a Metroid title that allowed you display the map constantly on a second screen and interact with the elements of the UI by touching them since the time of the original DS. The 3DS made the 3D visuals possible of course, and the more powerful hardware allows for a higher fidelity experience—both are reasons we felt this was the right choice

The things Smash has done with Samus and Zero Suit Samus keep me fucking ALIVE. I am so sorry you cannot enjoy simple things in life, and instead are as triggered as a tumblr landwhale by said simple things in life, like a small bit of story, a brief emotional moment on an otherwise emotionless character or about 20 solid lbs of tits and ass.

Well, if it were up to me, I'd make Metroid V have hand drawn visuals. I think we've been long due for a TRULY kino 2d Metroid.

Samus Returns was aight, AM2R did it better though. It really blows my mind how much Nintendo just doesn't "get it".

>TRULY kino 2d Metroid
Vaporwave Metroid fucking when?

Despite the obvious bait, I'm instead posting Hollow Knight in a "Metroid" thread
Would Samus take care of a terrarium full of magical bugs without losing it to Space Pirate faggotry?

Attached: Samus finds the Knight.jpg (2000x1500, 206K)

>Xenoblade didn't be developed on the 3DS
And yet it got ported onto the 3DS afterward? Why can't the reverse happen?

Momentum has been built up NOW, so what's stopping them? Why not release it now that the Switch is a number one seller?

>3DS was chosen for the 2 screen gimmick actually. Can't do that on the switch.
Then maybe they should try and adapt it to be like every other Metroid that didn't have two screens. Relegate the second screen to a menu if necessary.

>One of the themes we chose to stick with this time was utilizing both 3D visuals and a dual screen setup. In fact,
So the game is literally impossible to play on any other system unless it has touch screen and 3D? 3DS emulators would beg to differ.

>The things Smash has done with Samus and Zero Suit Samus keep me fucking ALIVE.
You call Metroid: Other M being alive? THat is how you want to preserve Metroid, by turning it into a damn visual novel for porn?