>oh boooo hoo i'm a fuckin millionaire with problems like the rest of humans
Oh boooo hoo i'm a fuckin millionaire with problems like the rest of humans
You sound like a cuck
>Unironically defending cuck lord
Muh monetization
>thinks money gets rid of all problems
It help solve the the problem that most people have tho.
Money would solve most of my problems.
I hope he makes like his friend he convinced to kill himself and..... Kills himself
it literally does, the rest of the problems are caused by being a faggot
What happened, whatd i miss
rich people should be killed and their wealth should be redistributed
change my mind, poltards
Money would definitely solve a lot of problems for me. But maybe that's because I treat people fairly, have good friends and a family I love, and am not a fucking selfish retard who makes videos about pikachu being Sansundertales butt plug in minecraft
Money would legit solve all my problems.
Never having to worry about bills or food is all I want in life. Im simple man.
Billionaires suffering makes me happy
No it won't, you will only solve financial problems
It wouldn't teach poor people how not to be poor
Why is this lad crying about this time around? Pass the video.
a word to live by, thanks user
You don't seem to have a mind if the first place, so it would be rather hard to change it
the vast majority of millionaires are rich because they or their relatives produced something that people were willing to pay for. They wouldn't have the money otherwise.
You didn't do anything, you're a waste of resources and contribute nothing to society just like every other retard with this stupid ass belief. You don't deserve someone's earned money and the reality is that the world would not even blink if you disappeared because you are so insignificant.
>the vast majority
>most people
No. Poor people aren't the majority
>Rich person buys a yacht
>Yacht maker buys a Lexus
>Lexus dealer buys a nice steak dinner
>Chef builds an addon to his house
>Construction worker buys a top quality vidya PC
>PC parts seller buys some groceries
>Grocery store clerk gets paid minimum wage
>Is able to buy 12 hours of nasty gutter fucking from your mother with half a paycheck
Would you really deprive your own mother of an income?
Im an extremely well rounded individual. even 30,000 would solve all my problems
t. underage retard whos never had to worry about money
financial stresses are huge.
>the vast majority of millionaires are rich because they or their relatives produced something
>because they or their relatives produced something
>or their relatives
Wow look, he's actually retarded.
>oh boo hoo im suffering because i have a lot of money, people don't udnerstand my pain
what a faggot, A FAGGOT THEORY
How did FNAF boy fuck up this time
If you do that everyone will get about $150 and 99% of the country will become unemployed
>richest people on the planet killed and wealth redistributed
>donate my share of the cash to the richest non-rich person alive so that they become rich and then get killed, making me have more money
>makes shit videos
>some people call him out
>"why are people attacking me" :(
>mfw youtube dabbing on all these "content creators" and they are literally crying/seething because they have to get a real job
How? You can't live off that for the rest of your life and there's no guarantee you'd even keep your job if you even have one now.
wait did this guy really cry on camera? holy fuck im so glad i don't follow any of these youtube "personalities" besides based pewdiepie
Wow thank G*d I'm not a multimillionaire work at home youtube influencer, dodged a bullet there.
>even 30,000 would solve all my problems
t. fedora wearing high schooler
Thank god indeed. Imagine being an influencer cuck.
means nothing when this fist hits you
Are you sure about that?
Trickle down doesn't work.
On what planet? Cause it ain't the case on Earth
>You don't deserve someone's earned money
it did though. it just took a long ass time
look and laugh at this absolute retard
>buh buhhh
So is schizophrenia and a gigantic host of other things. Money is not the penultimate problem and you're probably underage for getting so angry like that.
>uhh rich people can feel sad too okay
go cry into a pile of money sad rich white boy.
You have access to the internet, so probably atleast get some welfare. So the afriniggers and consider you rich.
or I would just like to pay my home renovations
>real job meme
How is YouTube any less of a job than anything else? Is owning your own business online also not a job?
The only problems i have are financially related except for my loneliness but that would not improve if i was rich.
Money solves everything. You want someone to shut up, sue them. Want to buy whatever you want, use that money. Want a woman? Buy them or if you're attractive, they will come free. Want to travel, money. Best gaming PC and all forms of fun, money. Literally everything can be solved with money.
30000 grand right now for a majority of everyone on earth is lifechanging. It's a huge unforgettable vacation, it's the rest of your car payment, it's way more than a down-payment on a house. Only someone who has no idea how far a dollar goes would think 30k is a pittance that wouldn't change anything
>the world's worst problems are having a gaming PC or someone being mean to you
Holy fucking based underage
>mfw my job doesn't depend on a content distribution platform that can defund me at any second like some kind of unregulated Ancap paradise
Who is this bitch and why is he crying like a woman?
I am in the 1% I never tell anyone that I am rich. I wear the same clothes i did in highschool and college. You would never know that I am rich unless one of my close friends say it. I prefer people to not know about it. You don't want fake people who only like you because of your money. I want to be able to act retarded and a dumbass to my close friends and not be some snobby prick
If you have people flaunting their wealth and they/their parents aren't the creators of anything noteworthy, they aren't rich. There are tons of fake rich people and I hate it. I've met tons of so called rich kids when growing up trying to impress other people with their money. If they bring up they are wealthy or rich during the first couple of times you see them, the chances of them actually being rich are slim.
Sure it does, go check on your mom. Some nut is probably trickling down her face as we speak.
>wagie problems
>Lose 40 hours of your life every week until you're 64 years old and too old to enjoy your remaining years.
>Rich eceleb problems
>Dramtic bullshit that the rest of us dealt with and got over as teenagers
>commiefag problems
>I deserve just as much money as Bill Gates even though he's provided several revolutionary products to millions of people, and I've never had a job in my life. We should just kill and steal instead like a pack of feral niggers.