From the makers of Destiny Child
From the makers of Destiny Child
Other urls found in this thread:
what's this?
that ain't NIKKE
is that code vein?
Its more than likely some mobile gacha "game" with the most shallow and thoughtless gameplay.
small white penis spotted
>mobile shit
die fagget
Soulless cashgrab to get incel money
Destiny Child was good, until whichever publisher owned it at the time took its soul
Stop think about other people dicks.
ran out of NIKKE, so have some DC
then stop waggling your small dick in this thread and I will
Have sex.
Dead or Alive event going on right now.
win elections
you're right
finally. i gacha game specifically made for only me.
>gacha shit
But, I'm talking about KR, which has a bit more foresight than global
>she looks better like this over the dead looking Kasumi from her actual game.
It seems you're unfamiliar with Destiny Child
forgot pic
Tell me about Destiny Child, fellow user. I'm all ears.
Literally the perfect belly
what game dis
a picture is a thousand words
holy fuck i need this in my life
That is Project Eve
from the looks of the trailer, it's going to be a Nier:Automata - themed MMO
The virgin to normal human ratio in this thread is reaching critical levels.
it doesn't look like Nier at all though, it's generic jap post apocalypse fiction.
1:20 seems pretty good to me.
>generic jap post apocalypse fiction
with a booty and mechanic/mutant horrors
...which is Nier
Lord. The temptations
They...they dont have ayane or momiji do they?
It's not. Their press conference or whatever the fuck they revealed it at said it was not going to be a mmo.
And it was going to have the most revolutionary thing ever.
A fucking ending.
good lord, the switch to AO gachagames is already happening, they knew it was coming and are already switching their audience.
Why do Japanese anime girls look so tame and innocent compared to Korean drawn ones
That one is a mod
This one isn't
It still shares the same artist with Destiny Child
>Nier started post apoc shit
Ayane, yes
but pretty disappointing, so I'm not going to bother showing
It's been a thing, it's how Taimanin Asagi has remained relevant.
>Ass and thigh jiggles
generic jap post apocalypse fiction
with a booty and mechanic/mutant horrors
...which is Nier
Legit spent like 300 dollars for honoka and Marie. Didn't get anything. Wew..
>2D DOA fightan with this character design
But jiggly assess and anime girls
Keep in mind that the EN version is censored if your planing on downloading it
Fucking korea has the hottest gacha girls. Japan really needs to step up their game. especially in the ass/thigh department.
So hows the actual game though
boobs, don't forget boobs
fucking dropped before picking up, i aint giving these cuckolds money
Takes no less than 5 minutes to fix.
is it true that destiny child has nipples?
I like bush.
Why would you censor this game? Its not like any normalfags or SJWs are going to go anywhere near it. The game is literally T&A fap bait.
>Keep in mind that the EN version is censored if your planing on downloading it
Keep in mind uncensored patch was available before the EN was even released
telling people to go KR before global even came
they practically give away the newest Childs every patch
That bad huh
it has the best music and gameplay of any gacha ive ever played, you're experience may be different
Why would I play this when there are actual hentai games, anime, and manga where there is vaginal penetration?
gay nigger.
>jiggly assess
It's gacha, what do you think?
What child was this? Been playing awhile. A costume.?
>best music
did you know?
DC's composer = Ragnarok Online's composer
I've got it running on auto-battle right now because it's that mindless
Getting childs does seem to be easy, which is why they have you uncap and evolve for the "challenge"
why isnt there a good game with cute anime girls shooting guns yet
Are we finally getting Girls Frontline competitors now? Not KC but with guns, but a full on rival game?
How old are you
>that """"""animation"""""
Dickbrained shiteaters. At least support jiggle that isn't shitty tweening.
Can be surprisingly complex if you're optimizing and playing manual.
This guy spends 34 mins going over different team builds for the latest Raid Race (KR only)
95% play auto, and that gets dull
Also one of the best healers
So more of a reason to get her. Though havent yet. Got legit all the other meta shit like change dana mars etc.
Because guntakus, fps/tps players, and game designers seem to have no overlap.
Name another generic jap post apocalypse fiction with a booty that's in-your-face fighting mechanic/mutant horrors
damn shame
Because the kind of guys who make cute anime girl games are either shit at making good games or don't give a damn because the people who buy the games don't give a damn. Hell Compile Heart fills both types which is a shame because Omega Quintet, Fairy Fencer and Dark Rose Valkyrie were filled with good ideas bogged down by terrible pointless systems, bloated and redundant mechanics and flat out bad, janky game design
Wedding Hildr
Only KR and JP have her atm
It will be a long time before global gets her
Are there any nude mods/edits out there?
Granted there are some, but they're not good. Maybe they'll get better at it.
Instead I would recommend Lost Planet 2 and just play as the femme fatales.
a fuck ton
>tfw honoka with rumble arena gems
>tfw kasumi my favorite is free
Got awhile to get marie but ive gone through that 6 cycle like fucking 3 times so far.
no way that comes global
>korean shills are back again
Fucking hell
Any chance you could upload your folder? I have nothing of value to you except maybe audio porn, but I can upload it if you want. How exactly do I get nude mods for the game anyway?
they'll either censor or be so desperate that they'll let the uncensored through
Just go to one of the DC discords and they'll point you in the right direction
This looks so dumb, why can't those girls have great proportions like the one in OP!?
Destiny Child has all kinds
Link? p-please
Can't be spoonfeeding you everything
He's a good artist
>touch of leg veins
god bless
BlazBlue collab next
or so the rumor goes
Looks like the bush flash game and time crisis for whatever reason.
wow never noticed the leg veins
By the looks of it i think its 'chink trash'.
I'm not seeing honoka in the pvp shop.
I can't wait that much longer Bros.
When is it gonna get released.
I fucking hate pop music
>that face
Is Kim developing alzheimers?
Screw the girl, what kind of monster is that? That looks fucking cool.
NIKKE? They just started recruiting for a team
So, it's late next year at the earliest
Oh nevermind.
I thought this was Code Vein.
Take your gatcha trash and suck it. Nerds.
>Screw the girl
I'd say rumor.
It's not like you have to choose one or the other lmao
I've been trying to get into destiny child. But man, I just don't know what I'm doing. If feels like all I have to do is click on their abilities when they're available and insta win. Maybe it gets harder the further I go on, but there's nothing to drive me to do so. Collecting cute girls isn't enough.
I just want a fun mobile game
story mode is just that: click and win
interesting parts are pvp or an event raid comes up
then, it's about preparation, team building, and strategy
I don't like global, however. Takes too long to get anywhere. Childs are too weak to make any good strategies out of them
>I don't like global
How behind is it?
You don't actually 'play' these mobile game. In fact, the most efficient way to 'play' them is to let the game play itself at Full Auto, x3 speed.
The only fun part comes from collecting ass and titties from gacha, and watching your team deal 1.5-2 million damage during raids
honestly, this shit is crazy. imagine the kind of shit we're going to see in the next 10 years.
Global has done 2 out of 12 KR raids.
But they're also doing JP's unique raids. And Dead or Alive event has been rushed waaay early for them.
Is there anything to do with the ass and titties or is the same experience as looking at the images and webms in this thread? I know that DOA one has poses and shit.
>You don't actually 'play' these mobile game.
>guy spending 34 minutes over raid strategies
>a whole channel about DC strategies
yeah, okay
the dead or alive is probably becaue scarlet is coming soon
Who the fuck are you trying to fool you miserable piece of shit
>or is the same experience as looking at the images and webms in this thread?
not even posting 10% of what the game has to offer
see how I never run out of content to post?
me on the right
lol this shit game is dead everywhere even on DMM
I thought Korea was cracking down on this type of game. Did something change recently?
I agree
Sure, there's synergy and timing for abilities to deal the most damage during raids, but it's still not worth your time and trouble to manually play these mobage, when they incentivize you grinding the same raids 20-30 times a day, each raid lasting 2-3 minutes even if you autoplay at x3 speed
Just look at the picture, this game is shallow as horse shit, don't believe the fag fanboy
>single player korean game
is that even legal?
Obscured gacha shit for horny weeaboo, who care. Seriously though, this game is unpopular as fuck
literally what do you know about this?
you actually think you have any knowledge superiority over me on this game?
you sound global
>late next year
well fuck. I was interested in actually playing it. i might not even remember it exists by then
> we are some no name mobile game maker and inspired by nier and dark soul and whatever jap games here and there
Is there a way to preview the nudity mod with Live2D? All I'm finding is a preview for the uncensored patch.
popularity = good
go play fortn-
no, go play facebook bejeweled
Marie a cute!
No thank, if i want jiggly tits i will just play a bunch of hentai gacha on DMM, with full on nudity options too
>preview the nudity mod with Live2D
some modders will just provide you a webm preview of their work
otherwise, the Destiny Child Tool, an app made by a group of devs can preview official Live2D. It can probably preview mods.
There’s mobage with nipples?
>ecchi gacha shit
>b-b-b-ut we don't care about popularity
>its a passion weeaboo project
yeah hilarious
and if I want jiggly tits, I wouldn't even play a gacha
your strawman is weak
How much for one girl though? People tend to gravitate to their favorites so I'm wondering how much you get for each, rather than how many there are to collect.
DMM has 18+ stuff
Welp, guess I'm trying this whole boipussi meme.
In KR, the new Child is given away through whatever event.
In global...yeah, I don't recommend global
since this thread is up, what are some good android lewd games?
Ass 2 big pls no monkeybait for me
Where can I get the uncensored mod? seems like everything I googled is out of date but I don't know for sure
discord > google
I get that. I'm trying to get you to tell me if there's more to do with the girls than oogle at them in gallery mode? All these mods and yet you'll ignore them because of auto-battle.
what discord
>that tiny shit
>implying a one of copy of a unit is useful at all sans a couple of very specific units
level up
outfit change
skin change
bathe them
gift them
equip them
the focus is team building and ways to increase their stats
The Childs that need multiple copies the most are DOT dps.
Attackers and Healers also greatly benefit from multiple copies.
Other than that, units basically function the same multiple copies or not.
For an example, Tanks like Dana are extremely tanky, even at one copy.
I only have 1 Dana so I'm glad to hear that
Pick one. Also android from space with great ass.
She just wants to steal your semen, thats all.
So they're copying gfl now?
>from the maker of the no name mobage destiny child, we're inspired by nier automata and dark soul and whatever popular jap games here and there
LMAO this shit will be a fucking mess
I hope they manage to finish it soon, looking at their website seems like they're recruiting people for help, probably will take a look at this after it's done.
they're recruiting and they have very little to show right now
makes me think this isn't going to be done anytime soon
When is this game releasing?
>get to play this AND Girls Frontline
/k/ is the bone of my sword
Where are the lolis?
Is this Girls Frontline but stolen by the Korean?
they won't forget you
>that tummy
I mean the gameplay's pretty different if we're looking from the trailers alone. So far it shows a cover mechanic and the ability to switch from 2 other characters, so you have 3 characters in total on a mission that involves shooting from a cover against robots.
Probably be fully released next year or so.
the fact that you can legit miss event characters because of the bullshit gacha mechanics and never have a chance to get them again in the future is why nobody should support this bullshit "game"
sorry, meant Destiny Child, no clue what OP is.
>when everything has already been done so you just go full out all the way out there
What were they thinking
Lord of Dust from Metal Gear Survive
That's the porn game category, dummy.
Well shit, time to go get some senrans
Seriously wtf, I heard nothing but bad things about that one.
Where's Fate?
>War Thunder
What the fuck?
>He doesn't know
Fate? FGO isn't on DMM.
you can try Arma 3 with female mods(ENFORCER) to kinda give you that experiece
dear god
>rank 20
What are you trying to say? and that shit is even deader on mobile too
Fuck off retard
>Just some tiny nipple
game gives you stronger versions of event characters later
literally mad because you don't know any shit
Is DC good?
Too bad this "game" is absolute dogshit
I gave up on DC unfortunately after about two months of dedicated grinding
Gameplay is just too fucking boring
Play FGO
>playing this for the brain-dead gameplay
how retarded can you be?
who's that qt
Reminds me of the pic with a bunch of anime military girls climbing up a metal spiral catwalk staircase in a post apocalyptic setting. Anyone have that picture?